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Autumn Anime 2015 |OT| Like leaves on a tree… we’re falling one by one.

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Mazinger Z 6

Hoping this is a turning point where Kouji begins to understand what Mazinger is actually capable of rather than just sort of flailing around like he had been so far.


A cute winter-themed episode on the right time of the year that delivered more comfyness. Loved the cute moments between Koyko and Akari since they rarely get any. Their flashback was so sweet. A new OTP has been born!
I can see that, but given that's how he is with Hachikuji it seems more than that.

Gahara may be the traditional romantic love (as weird as that sounds) but there's clearly a closeness and love for Hanekawa. Not just as an ideal but as a person.

Araragi said it himself, he loves Gahara more than Hanekawa.

Araragi says a lot of shit. He said he was going to marry Hachikuji too. Sometimes the stuff he says as a joke like he's going to marry Hachikuji or the only thing he feels about a catgirl in lingerie is lust I think double as a joke and what he actually thinks



Mayo Chiki
Trinity Seven
Hagure Yuusha no Estetica (lewd)
Mangaka-san to Assistsnt-san
Those are some ecchi comedies I enjoyed.

I'll have to look these up later, ty

That's Tonari no Seki-kun, which is quite a lot of fun.
You are thinking of Tonari no Seki-kun.

Yeah, those were pretty good fun.

It's a full length show with a lot of dirty humor about a teacher and three of his students. I feel like I should know what you're describing, but it's something else.

I'll have to look it up as well, ty.


Speaking of Deltora, I really need to watch it. I meant to back when it was airing but it was hard to keep up on because of lack of raws. Then I moved to Japan.


Mazinger Z 7

Ep feels much more high stakes with the populace rebelling against the Photon Light Institute for attracting Dr. Hell's minions, Sayaka's father being hospitalized by an unruly mob, and Baron Ashura being behind it all. This is a far cry from, say, Koji being a moron that can't control Mazinger, the goofy Boss rivalry early on, and Dr. Hell saying fuck it I'm out in one of the first episodes because he's sure he can't win.
Deltora Quest episode 1

So CR just got this and the art-style looked interesting so I tried it.

The voice acting is very cheesy but the show as something that I like! I'll keep on watching it.

Hmm, Oriental Light and Magic and Mitsuru Hongo? Might be worth checking out. Is the version up on CR dubbed in English?


It still amuses me that Deltora Quest got an anime instead of a western cartoon. The books were my shit when I was a kid so I might check it out at some stage.


How long is Owari? We are 10 episodes in and I heard that Shinobu Mail is as long as Karen Bee, and there's arcs after that.
Shinobu Mail will have 6 episodes. They're only adapting 2 out of 3 Owarimonogatari volumes this time around, so it will end at Shinobu Mail for the time being, and we'll get the remaining stories later on.


I'm surprised they managed to milk meduka so much. The power of fanfictions and fanservice, uh?

Humour is subjective and all but I dare say you would enjoy it. It has cute girls being cute in spades !

Revolutionary Girl Utena 29-30

Utena's obliviousness knows no bounds huh ?

Not sure if this is the end of Jury's recurring plot thread but that twist at the end probably made it my favourite storyline so far.

I adore the second ED.

You are now starting the best arc of all times.
I'm surprised they managed to milk meduka so much. The power of fanfictions and fanservice, uh?

When you sell as much as Madoka did, no producer is going to pass up continuing the franchise in some format. It seems to be vaguely following the Evangelion model - movies with an alternative ending, and a boatload of spinoff manga - only Madoka's premise makes it even easier than Eva to do varied spinoffs.
Shinobu Mail will have 6 episodes. They're only adapting 2 out of 3 Owarimonogatari volumes this time around, so it will end at Shinobu Mail for the time being, and we'll get the remaining stories later on.

So is the next season going to be "The Story of the End... Second Season. Note: Not actually the End of the story"

this series
I'd be lying if I said that I remember every single episode of the Monogatari series. I've watched them all, but after this many seasons for this long I've kinda lost track and certain things showing up now just go waaaay over my head. Still love watching though.


Huh? What did I say? Did I screw up again? :(

I don't post in this thread often enough so I didn't notice until now but I'm really digging Narag's (newest) avatar.

I swear to god I won't stock you so don't report me :(




Madoka is an average magic girl show bolstered by incredible visuals and amazing music. Even if you like it for the 'edge' there are plenty of magic girl shows that go into more unsettling territory.

On the other hand Eva is the perfect series, pre-rebuilds anyway.

Madoka is an average magic girl show bolstered by incredible visuals and amazing music. Even if you like it for the 'edge' there are plenty of magic girl shows that go into more unsettling territory.

On the other hand Eva is the perfect series, pre-rebuilds anyway.

Yeah, but Madoka has a villain. Eva has faceless, devoid of personality angels whose only purpose is to serve as a plot device. Anime as a genre has a lot of fantastic and complex villains, but Eva just has angels who attack for the sake of moving the plot forward. Eva is probably the most overrated anime of all time and it's the exact kind of shit I'm usually a sucker for. A solid 9/10 right there with Madoka.

That's criteria for what show is better?

And SEELE/Gendo are essentially the villains.

Not entirely, but it's my biggest complaint with the series. The Eva budget issues were legendary. There are plenty of areas where whole scenes are devoid of any motion whatsoever. Following that, Shinji's inability to really take action makes it hard to empathize with him. Most of the other characters suffer a similar fate with Misato being the only one I really could get on board with. Maybe that was the point of the whole thing though, but I personally feel that the last 8 episodes would have been even more emotionally punishing if I actually gave a shit. Evangelion is an anime with some very, very good moments interspersed with some very, very dull periods. It has amazing aspects to it and it has less than stellar aspects. It is not perfect. Madoka is very similar in terms of quality and I feel that they both very firmly sit in the same "tier".


Yeah, but Madoka has a villain. Eva has faceless, devoid of personality angels whose only purpose is to serve as a plot device. Anime as a genre has a lot of fantastic and complex villains, but Eva just has angels who attack for the sake of moving the plot forward. Eva is probably the most overrated anime of all time and it's the exact kind of shit I'm usually a sucker for. A solid 9/10 right there with Madoka.

This is an amazing misunderstanding of Eva. Humanity in general is the villain, if you must have one. Gendo is probably the most prominent antagonist.

You can feel it's undeserving of the praise it gets, but spare us the half-baked justifications.
Eva is better than Madoka, even though I haven't seen it, because Eva has giant mechas in it.

I'd choose a mech over a little girl any day. Kappa

Also, in a semi serious reply, I have to say, it seems weird to compare Eva and Madoka. Sure they're both dark and psychological, but do they really have anything in common other than that?


Yeah, but Madoka has a villain. Eva has faceless, devoid of personality angels whose only purpose is to serve as a plot device. Anime as a genre has a lot of fantastic and complex villains, but Eva just has angels who attack for the sake of moving the plot forward. Eva is probably the most overrated anime of all time and it's the exact kind of shit I'm usually a sucker for. A solid 9/10 right there with Madoka.

Wait the villain in Madoka is also a faceless witch that never talks and you only see it 2 or 3 times. And is literally just a plot device too.

And then Rebellion...well you can make a case that there are no heroes or villains in that.
Eva is better than Madoka, even though I haven't seen it, because Eva has giant mechas in it.

I'd choose a mech over a little girl any day. Kappa

Also, in a semi serious reply, I have to say, it seems weird to compare Eva and Madoka. Sure they're both dark and psychological, but do they really have anything in common other than that?

Obviously they are both deconstructions.

And then Rebellion...well you can make a case that there are no heroes or villains in that.
Not a good case.


Also, in a semi serious reply, I have to say, it seems weird to compare Eva and Madoka. Sure they're both dark and psychological, but do they really have anything in common other than that?

Not really. They're both deconstructions of prominent genres that go to some dark places en route, with a lot of elaborate if largely unnecessary symbolism to manufacture a sense of depth. Past that, in terms of themes, characterization, and plot...they are really quite different in what they set out to do and I think as stories they're not that comparable. Eva is better in terms of accomplishing what I think Anno set out to do than Madoka was...putting aside the Rebuild films and the supposedly unfinished Madoka epilogue...I think ironically given Eva's much more open-ended conclusion(s). But that's my subjective opinion, rooted mostly in that I think Eva tells a story that holds some artistic meaning in documenting Anno's own struggles with depression; whereas Madoka never really did much more than elaborate on "be careful what you wish for," which is so overdone that Madoka executing on it well is, in my book, only a minor success.


So a camrip of the Madoka concept film thing is floating around now and Mami's all like

Also I don't like Eva too much. The first half is solid outside of a couple of stinker episodes and the synchronized dance episode is one of my favorite individual episodes of anime from the 90s, but the second half has weird pacing issues and has a problem where the show stops being about characters with issues and starts being about mental issues shaped like characters. A lot of the situations that arise feel contrived to keep Shinji down because his character was developing too quickly, and Anno's admitted as such in interviews. But then they ended up going too far in the other direction, so all of Shinji's final character development occurs in the last 90 seconds of the show.

The manga version fixes these issues somewhat. Developments are foreshadowed better, some events are changed around to be paced more evenly, and Kaworu shows up earlier which is a huge plus. But the ending somehow manages to be even more purposefully confusing and weird than the anime.
Also, in a semi serious reply, I have to say, it seems weird to compare Eva and Madoka. Sure they're both dark and psychological, but do they really have anything in common other than that?

Although I was just comparing them from an overall standpoint, the general premise of each is vaguely similar. Eva focuses on the evil of humanity whereas Madoka is a retelling of Goeth's Faust in a Magical Girl skin. Both have a character that is the "mastermind" behind the main characters sorrow, and both have tragic endings (Eva more so). Both follow the same general flow in terms of pacing and narrative, with Eva being more dark at the beginning and Madoka starting off in the exact opposite and quickly transitioning to a darker tone in one abrupt shift. In each series, a key aspect of the shows are the corruption of youth as each features middle school age characters being forced into situations that adults would have trouble dealing with.

Of course, I've only seen the original TV series of NGE and Madoka Magicka and none of the movies or remastered versions so I might be missing out. It's also been a more than a few years since I've seen either of them.

Wait, what kind of person watches all of Eva and thinks the angels are the villains by the end?

Even as a willful misreading it's difficult to put forth that interpretation seriously.

Obviously humanity, Gendo, and SEELE are the thematic villains. But for all that imagery and symbolism, how interesting is that as far as actually watching the show goes? The motivation behind the fights - which provide the majority of the action within the show - comes from fighting a generic faceless enemy. The angels control the pacing and flow of the show. Until the angels are defeated, none of the horrors inflicted on and by these 14 year olds can end. That said, all the brutality and cruelty of humanity doesn't make some of the scenes of Shinji whining for the 100th time any less dull. As I said above, a solid 9/10.


Wait, what kind of person watches all of Eva and thinks the angels are the villains by the end?

Even as a willful misreading it's difficult to put forth that interpretation seriously.
"It's not that good really. Still, I rate it 9/10!"

Really can't stand those kind of statements. 9/10 is pretty obviously a damn good score so unless you feel it's great, you wouldn't rate it as such.

The other things you say seem to indicate that you really do not think highly of it, so rate it appropriately. Give it a 7/10 or sth. if you still feel like it got its strengths, even if the overall product is rather lacking. Currently it sounds like you rate it high for little other reason than Eva being generally considered critical acclaimed.


"It's not that good really. Still, I rate it 9/10!"

Really can't stand those kind of statements. 9/10 is pretty obviously a damn good score so unless you feel it's great, you wouldn't rate it as such.

Thats videogame score scale like.

That kind of mixed opinion is why I have so many 6s in my MAL.


I took about 3 weeks off anime and gaming and other stuff to do final projects and whatnot.

I only have 1 final left which is over a week away :D

I'm gonna spend tonight and tomorrow catching up on what I missed.


EVA fucking sucks shit. Why is this doo-doo such a phenomenon that carried across decades... I'd rather Gurren Lagann and Madoka than this THING with no likable people and vague nonsense.


Euphonium ep.1-3
Well, the color and animation sure are pretty, but Yumiko is right, they suck, like bad.. The relationships between everyone are just started to grow a little bit, but it should be interesting to see where they go from here.

Yes, you finally got onboard this Greatest of KyoAni. Can't wait for the movie and hopefully a second season!


EVA fucking sucks shit. Why is this doo-doo such a phenomenon that carried across decades... I'd rather Gurren Lagann and Madoka than this THING with no likable people.


You've been visited by le fedora of euphoria! Copy and paste this if you're one of the few real nice guys left tips fedora
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