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Autumn Anime 2015 |OT| Like leaves on a tree… we’re falling one by one.

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Watched the fourth part of Akito the Exiled. I guess in the context of the OVA series itself, the narrative makes sense. What I don't get is why there are these weird ties to the Code Geass series which make it feel kinda implausible. I'm not sure if any of it can really be properly explained in the final episode either. One thing that really bothers me is how the story tries to up the stakes with the political stuff by suggesting major upheavals in motion, but since this is an inbetweenquel we already know that certain plans will undoubtedly fail. That's a really odd narrative decision especially since the core story is a more personal one involving new original characters which would work fine on their own. It just feels like they tried to expand a simpler story into a more complex one along the way and some parts feel half baked. Oh well, the CG action is superb at least! :p

I'd say it's probably the other way around: too much initial ambition and too little running time. I think the main issue is director Kazuki Akane already came up with a lot of new setting material for Akito the Exiled that he wants to include in the production, one way or another, which given his rather deliberate use of pacing would admittedly be better suited for a full-length TV series rather than an OVA. Going by an interview with Akane from earlier this year, it seems he realizes that too, but the man suggests the puzzle will fit together in the end, even if people don't initially understand his work (after accepting that connecting stuff to R2 in particular was a challenge). It's definitely required to rewatch the whole thing, of course, since the huge delays between chapters tend to favor forgetting a lot of details in the process. Presumably the "media mix" materials that are only available in Japanese would also help fill in some of the blanks.

To a greater or lesser extent, connecting the dots is still technically possible because the original story didn't really do anything important with Europe, certainly nothing that would present an obstacle to minor retconning, so Akito the Exiled has had a lot of room to play around within that context and create continental upheavals there. As long as the end result is a weakened E.U. that isn't powerful enough to survive a full assault from Britannia, the overall timeline shouldn't change.

Personally, I don't think it's wrong to have villains with plans that are already known to fail. See Gundam Unicorn with Full Frontal and his Co-Prosperity Sphere, for instance, or 08th MS Team with Ginias and his desire to have Apsalus be completed to help the cause of Zeon. I know there are various criticisms to be made about Unicorn, but this isn't really one of them in my opinion. Honestly, almost every other Gundam side story would also qualify. Similarly speaking, we already know that Europe will fall, which is comparable to how Zeon's defeat is also already predetermined in any new Universal Century production. Nothing in Gundam Thunderbolt or whatever else is going to change the course of the One Year War. Even Gundam The Origin, which is a full retelling with lots of little changes in its original manga form, will not suddenly leave the Zabi family in power or anything.

On a character level, the only thing that's directly relevant to the rest of Code Geass so far is what happens to
Lelouch and Suzaku
, which should be easy enough to resolve in the final episode.
After Shin's inevitable defeat, they'll either be freed or escape and return to Britannia where the Emperor will re-brainwash Lelouch as a student since he's not particularly useful/stable as a military puppet.
Admittedly, there have been some shortcuts taken with certain developments for the rest of the cast, but nothing strikes me as being internally inconsistent either. It's unfortunate that there hasn't been more time to properly present absolutely everything though, so I think it's clear they haven't exactly resorted to the best planning and scheduling practices. I am enjoying the OVAs myself, for the record, and have rewatched the previous episodes twice so their big picture makes sense to me, but I don't pretend they are perfect. Finally, it seems that they're setting up some aditional mystical mumbo-jumbo to open the way towards further Code Geass productions. Not too surprising given that Akane himself likes to include high concept magical elements even in his own works, from Escaflowne to Noein to Birdy the Mighty Decode S2. I figure it'll eventually help Sunrise sidestep the elephant in the room, so to speak, in terms of how to expand the property in this day and age.
Young Black Jack 11

A smokescreen in his leg and a swiss knife in his eye, It's like I'm watching Inspector Gadget at this point.

Monster Strike 11


He's actually aware of the fact that girls like him? Ren truly is the protagonist above all the others. All it took was just a bit self awareness and the ability to break the fourth wall.
Seraph of the End S2 - 10

Sasuga Funi. Looks like they made the mistake of putting out the version they're using for their dub, resulting in no character voice audio.
I can find some interest in the struggling of Mika (although it went on for a bit too long for my taste), but other than that I found this episode rather dull. The 'long awaited' reunion didn't do much for me, and it didn't help that it was basically the whole episode.
I don't mind them taking things slow, but no Shinoa = no fun

Backgrounds album
The latest episode of Seraph of the End has no voice acting on Funimation, I suppose it's using the audio track used for dubbing. Well done Funi!


Did you finish the last couple episodes? I know you were having comp. issues.

I fixed the computer issues, but I started playing video games and stuff instead for a while. I'd like to finish it by the end of the weekend.

Clannad: After Story 21

This melodramatic turn reminds me of everything I dislike about Nagisa's illness, condensed into an even tighter package. I like a lot of the storyboarding in this episode, like them preparing to head outside, or particular moments at the episode's climax, but I keep feeling like the writing goes out of its way to manipulate me, and that feeling keeps me at a distance. That might have bothered me less if this episode's events were given a few more episodes to breathe.

Jesus Christ there's a hospital right there and they don't even try visiting it once.
I liked today's episode of Seraph! I really like Yu and Mika relationship and that tease for next week gets me excited for more!

Silly greedy humans they cause their own death in everything!
Shingeki Chuugakkou Episode 11

This is why I love high school stories, they are so funny with festivals and everyone doing their own thing. Cheehamburg revenge driven Eren will be my favorite thing about him in this.


Cavalry 11 vs Asterisk 11

For me this week clear winner is Asterisk.

Neither of them had any battles this week, and instead we got some development while we wait for the big battles that will hapen next episode in both.
The whole trial and prison scenes in Cavalry were just strange and didn't make sense to me, including the new introduced evil charachter. Didn't like it.
While in Asterisk we got some background story and some hints for the future, there was not much action but it was a great episode.


Owarimonogatari 11

Throughout this arc the one question in my mind was why Gaen was so adamant about having Kanbaru tag along while all this shit is going down. I suppose this episode answered my question.

First part of the episode was pretty cool, and, erm,
Episode and Gaen having some spotlight was fun as well
Seraph of the End Episode 22

The outstanding soundtrack (no vocalist songs oddly), and the voice acting made this highly anticipated moment even more stunning than I could have even imagined. Even little things like position of Mika, and the lines, and facial expressions made it one of the most beautiful moments in anime in 2015.

It is so awesome when an anticipated manga gets a definitive anime experience.


Cavalry 11

This episode felt weird to me. I know that big dude is evil and such, but was the entire basis for Ikki's incarceration (in the public eye at least) and all that suffering because he got caught dating Stella? I know she's a princess, but to treat Ikki like he murdered an entire nation was a bit much. It just felt out of place to me. Also lol at the student body giving Stella shit for what exactly, being in a committed relationship. Also annoyed that they still call him the worst one even after all he's demonstrated in the tournament. Oh and his father is an ass.

Asterisk 11

I liked this episode better than Calvary to be honest. We get some setup for the next match and learn more about best girl Claudia.

Owarimonogatari 11

The first servant is voiced by Kamiya right? If so then it was cool seeing me basically talk to himself. Also nice to see Episode and Gaen (yup still oddly attracted to her) this episode.


Asterisk 11
Typical setup for the last battle of the season. More Claudia is awesome tho

Cavalry 11
The imagery they do for this show is really interesting. I wonder if this is how the author actually imagined his LN.

Cavalry 11

This episode felt weird to me. I know that big dude is evil and such, but was the entire basis for Ikki's incarceration (in the public eye at least) and all that suffering because he got caught dating Stella? I know she's a princess, but to treat Ikki like he murdered an entire nation was a bit much. It just felt out of place to me. Also lol at the student body giving Stella shit for what exactly, being in a committed relationship. Also annoyed that they still call him the worst one even after all he's demonstrated in the tournament. Oh and his father is an ass.
Remember the Kurogane family is very high-up and they basically hate/ignore Ikki cause he sucks. Him suddenly being in the spotlight for dating a princess is a huge negative for their family.

Andrew J.

Personally, I don't think it's wrong to have villains with plans that are already known to fail. See Gundam Unicorn with Full Frontal and his Co-Prosperity Sphere, for instance, or 08th MS Team with Ginias and his desire to have Apsalus be completed to help the cause of Zeon.

I wouldn't exactly say we know the Space Co-Prosperity Sphere failed. At least, it's the best explanation I've ever heard for why Earth is such a backwater in Turn A and G-Reco.


The Misfortunes of Haku 11

Being Haku is suffering. This man can never catch a break. Well judging from the preview next week he might....nah.


Owarimonogatari 11

So, this is the first time we see three males on screen? lol

The dialogue between Kanbaru and Shinobu was awesome, I really don't get why Kanbaru wanted Shinobu to meet the first so much. I mean, sure, it's better to end any unfinished business, but still... I wonder how the duel will go.


Seraph of the End Episode 22

The outstanding soundtrack (no vocalist songs oddly), and the voice acting made this highly anticipated moment even more stunning than I could have even imagined. Even little things like position of Mika, and the lines, and facial expressions made it one of the most beautiful moments in anime in 2015.

It is so awesome when an anticipated manga gets a definitive anime experience.

I dropped this a bazilions of years ago after the abyssal season 1 but looks like I'll have to check this episode.

The anime may be garbage, but sacrifices must be made. For science.
Owarimonogatari 11


Episode was brought back for 2 minutes just so this gag could be made. Bravo.

Okay, so Episode doesn't have anything against Araragi despite him being linked to Kiss-Shot. Ok. Now I'm really curious about Kizu. Is he part of Gaen's group though?

Leave it to Kanbaru to convince Shinobu of something after she's made up her mind.

Valkyrie Drive: Mermaid 10

Episode about best girl Kasumi aka should be the protag cuz Mirei and Tokonome suck almost made it worth it to watch this to the end but she didn't kick anything so hard her pantyhose rip so what was the point in the end

So with 2015 winding down, I'm curious.

What do you guys think was the worst show you watched all year?

That I finished, Aldnoah Zero.

Does anyone still keep up with Code Geass Akito the Exiled? I watched the third one earlier and I feel massively confused. Part of it is that I don't really remember some of the details from the first two, but the timeline of the entire story feels really off compared to what happened in Code Geass and Code Geass R2. Help. :(

Watched the fourth part of Akito the Exiled. I guess in the context of the OVA series itself, the narrative makes sense. What I don't get is why there are these weird ties to the Code Geass series which make it feel kinda implausible. I'm not sure if any of it can really be properly explained in the final episode either. One thing that really bothers me is how the story tries to up the stakes with the political stuff by suggesting major upheavals in motion, but since this is an inbetweenquel we already know that certain plans will undoubtedly fail. That's a really odd narrative decision especially since the core story is a more personal one involving new original characters which would work fine on their own. It just feels like they tried to expand a simpler story into a more complex one along the way and some parts feel half baked. Oh well, the CG action is superb at least! :p

Even as someone who watched all the episodes within the last year, I still struggle to remember what it is about because nothing interesting happens. And yes, a big problem is that the setting makes it so nothing important can happen. They keep throwing in Lelouch and Suzaku for 2 minutes each and teasing C.C. but I don't think anything satisfactory will come of that. If they wanted to do something in between R1 and R2 it should have been about Kallen, Suzaku or C.C and not a bunch of nobodies. The decision to make a more grounded military series with the Code Geass name, characters and art style is baffling. Yeah Code Geass had lots of tactic shit but it also had massive amounts of keikaku!


Finally handed in my Neural Networks and Fuzzy Systems coursework so I'm done for the semester, maybe I can finally watch something! I think I fell asleep for 15 hours last night lmao, first time I've slept in a long time.

Anyways, I doubt anyone cares about that so here's something more on topic:

Anime Limited to release the original Fullmetal Alchemist series on Blu-ray and DVD in the UK (blog.alltheanime)

We’ve had some great announcements over the past week but we have one more to share with you that we’re super excited tell you about. Today we are delighted to announce that we (Anime Limited) are bringing the original Fullmetal Alchemist TV series to the UK on DVD and for the first time on Blu-ray.

“The original Fullmetal Alchemist has a strong place in all of our hearts here at Anime Limited” says Andrew Partridge, President of Anime Limited. “It’s a show that for many people in the UK was a gateway into anime, and after being out-of-print for a long time what better way to celebrate it having been a decade since the series received it’s first release in the UK, yes it has been that long, than being able to bring the series out on DVD and for the first time on Blu-ray. Well there is one way we can think of; an Ultimate Edition Blu-ray set.”

The original Fullmetal Alchemist series will be coming to Blu-ray and DVD in 2016. More details will be forthcoming so please tuned accordingly for those.
Jerome Mazandarani:
In regards to BD Minimum Ordering Quantity:
BD print runs no longer an issue. MOQ is 500 units now.
In regards to no Free release:
There's no Free release because Crunchyroll licensed it to a company in the US that didn't author Blu-ray.
It's been on CR for so long now, what's the point in investing the £7,000 in authoring, mastering, BBFC and inventory on it?
Same with Kancolle and Arpegio, which somehow went onto fucking Netflix as well!!!!
In regards to a Sailor Moon UK License:
Sigh! #SailorMoon We'd love to distribute it in the UK. Maybe one day. When the creator needs a new refit on her kitchen.
(Note: Jerome once tweeted that he'd rather "slam his testicles in a drawer than release Sailor Moon.")
I've been asking you all these questions because I am budgeting and scheduling for Manga and Animatsu's 2016 releases.
Have u guys noticed that anime fans can't agree on god damn thing. U r all so fucking fragmented. It completely does my head in.
The Collected Works of Hayao Miyazaki (Amazon Exclusive) [Blu-ray] ($165.00
List Price: $249.99

Haikyuu!! Second Season Episode 11

Fantastic end to the training and then jumping right into the representative qualifiers. Tsuki Akashi moment was one I was waiting for and it delivered. Same for Bokuto.

Kei and Akiteru finally making up and smiling was sweet.

I wonder how long the manga will last, two of the powerhouse teams have not even been mentioned beyond that in the manga


Haikyuu S2 11

Really liked that they lost no time between the ending of this arc and the beginning of the next. I feel like this next arc will last until the end of the season, much like season 1. Hyped.

OP should be changing soon as well, if S1 is anything to go by.


Easily the best part of this arc with an intense debate between Kanbaru and Shinobu. Don't think I've seen Bat beaten in a word battle like this before. She hasn't looked this dejected since Bake. I feel bad for her but Monkey was right in this situation. Not a fan of this Samurai guy so hopefully he gets beaten next week. Glad this little joke made it to easy the tension.


I wouldn't exactly say we know the Space Co-Prosperity Sphere failed. At least, it's the best explanation I've ever heard for why Earth is such a backwater in Turn A and G-Reco.

Well, at that point we're stuck in full speculation territory until a relevant Gundam animated project gives us new information. The only objective result is that at least Full Frontal never had a chance to implement his idea. Beyond that, the remains of Zeon's Side 3 were still scheduled to lose their independence shortly after the end of the Unicorn story. which would presumably make the plan a thing of the past.

Even as someone who watched all the episodes within the last year, I still struggle to remember what it is about because nothing interesting happens. And yes, a big problem is that the setting makes it so nothing important can happen. They keep throwing in Lelouch and Suzaku for 2 minutes each and teasing C.C. but I don't think anything satisfactory will come of that. If they wanted to do something in between R1 and R2 it should have been about Kallen, Suzaku or C.C and not a bunch of nobodies. The decision to make a more grounded military series with the Code Geass name, characters and art style is baffling. Yeah Code Geass had lots of tactic shit but it also had massive amounts of keikaku!

That's a matter of individual viewer attitudes, which I can respect but don't share. I would argue seeing Lelouch and Suzaku again, especially in a way that's reasonably compatible with later events, should have already been satisfactory (and seems to have been fairly well-received). Their purpose was to play a significant secondary role during the third episode, in order to trigger a chain of events, but that was all. Just enough for a guest appearance in a story that isn't about either of them. I think it's relatively easy to wrap up their presence. As for C.C. it was directly implied she would only be in a flashback (based on a next episode preview plus an ED sequence still included among a bunch of past event cards), which is exactly what ultimately happened. Nothing too surprising.

Rather than just make something between seasons in the exact same style, Sunrise wants to start introducing new elements. Otherwise, there would be no point in asking such a different director like Kazuki Akane to work on this. My personal view is that there can never be anything truly new without taking any risks. I am glad they did that and certainly don't share your indifference for everyone (PS: Klaus is the secret best character). I am sure you could probably make a fun one-off TV special about Kallen and C.C. messing around or Suzaku defeating random enemies but that sort of premise is rather limited in both scope and appeal. There might well be an extra dose of "keikaku" in whatever the eventual tenth anniversary project happens to be (yes, S1 is getting that old), but I'll be more receptive if we get something mostly unlike the TV series and also distinct from Akito.

It's the same basic reason why I can appreciate that Taniguchi has been making stuff like Maria and Active Raid lately instead of repeating himself.
Haikyuu S2 11

Really liked that they lost no time between the ending of this arc and the beginning of the next. I feel like this next arc will last until the end of the season, much like season 1. Hyped.

OP should be changing soon as well, if S1 is anything to go by.

Of course. The new singer for the op was revealed (Burnout Syndrome)


Glad the training arc is finally over. It's honestly taken far too long for my taste but you at least feel that the team has worked hard to improve. The BBQ sevens had lots of laughs with Yachi taking the spotlight like she usually does. I'm surprised that the tournament is happening so quickly but it's good to keep the pace up. Poor Yachi~


Euphonium ep.4-6
Ok, Sensei is the best character here as he doesn't waiver from what the band kids choose to do by aiming for nationals. And yes, the gaze that trumpet girl gave Kimiko at the end of episode 4, then Kimiko gave her right before their performance in 5, that's yuri hinting, not baiting, and not yuri, just a glare... kinda longingly, lol.

Please continue, Kiritobread, ufufufu~
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