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Autumn Anime 2015 |OT| Like leaves on a tree… we’re falling one by one.

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Owarimonogatari 11
The dialogue between Kanbaru and Shinobu was awesome, I really don't get why Kanbaru wanted Shinobu to meet the first so much. I mean, sure, it's better to end any unfinished business, but still... I wonder how the duel will go.

I think she's projecting. She sympathizes with the first because she was in a similar circumstance wherein she was Senjougaha's "first", until it turned out Senjou never really loved her that way and later formed a more powerful emotional bond with Araragi instead. At the end of Suruga Monkey Senjou took matters into her own hands and confronted Kanbaru to end matters once and for all, and I imagine that's exactly what she's thinking of when she tells Shinobu to do the same.
there was no baiting in euriphonium

World Trigger Episode 58

They did good this episode with Yuuma going all out, up to five or was that six even
unforgivable to use a fake Replica

Also love whenever Yuuma has that face and says Xeno-sama.


So with 2015 winding down, I'm curious.

What do you guys think was the worst show you watched all year?

For me, I actually don't even have to think about it.

There's literally nothing good about Chaos Dragon.

Nothing about it is even remotely close to good.

It's like the creators actively tried to make as bad a show as they could.
But then again, I'm not sure if anyone involved with Chaos Dragon tried.
Triage X was pretty terrible, dropped it after the first episode.
XEBEC fan service still GOAT though


I think she's projecting. She sympathizes with the first because she was in a similar circumstance wherein she was Senjougaha's "first", until it turned out Senjou never really loved her that way and later formed a more powerful emotional bond with Araragi instead. At the end of Suruga Monkey Senjou took matters into her own hands and confronted Kanbaru to end matters once and for all, and I imagine that's exactly what she's thinking of when she tells Shinobu to do the same.

That makes sense, wow.


Asterix ep.11
Pretty good episode to set up next week's battle with the sisters. It's interesting how the Gambino guy had that girl predict
the sisters were going to win the battle though
there's no way that's true unless that's the reason why they had Claudia
invite Ayoto to that other tournament


Okay, so I finished Symphogear GX.

That's a good finale, Hibiki indeed has the determination to fist. The final song being sung to the same tune as the Climax Song was really good too. Too bad Crunchyroll are shits and randomly decide what songs to sub/not sub and so Carol's song in episode 12 wasn't subbed.

It's a complete travesty they don't do that when the songs give you insights to the characters and what they're feeling at the time. :/ Also Symphogear Carol > loli Carol


Clannad: After Story 22 END

First, I feel like this episode would have worked better if it were connected directly to the end of the last episode. Taking a break between the two episodes made it weirder.

Second, I like how "Dango Daikazoku" was used in various ways over the course of this episode. It's a pretty song, and they arranged it in good ways that made it feel like the show had come to the end of a journey.

Thirdly, this episode was bullshit, this show was bullshit, and everything good about the last season has now retroactively become bullshit, which is a real shame.

Look, I really don't want to be unfair. I had preconceptions about this going in, and I don't want to feel like I'm biased. On a basic level, the ending feels good. It's nice to watch it happen. Everyone is happy! Yaaaaaay!


Canon yuri?

On a larger thematic level,
the last two episodes undo everything Tomoya's development was building towards over the course of the entire series. He was learning to accept the bad things that had happened in his life, to recognize the blessings that surrounded him in the form of friends and family, to acknowledge his own self-worth and ability to change things around him for the better. And he was learning that his time with Nagisa was well worthwhile, despite the hardship they both had to endure.

This theme goes back to the very, very beginning of the series, to some of the first words Nagisa says. "Do you like this school? I really, really love it. But nothing can stay unchanged. Fun things... happy things... they can't all possibly stay unchanged. Even so, can you keep on loving this place?" It's a common theme in Japanese culture: good things can't last, and that's what makes them worth caring about. Tomoya's character development, up until the final 15 minutes of the series, could be charted through the move from his former self (who responds to her question with, "Then just find another fun, happy thing.") to someone who can keep loving Nagisa and the city despite the pain he endures because of them.


There were some surprising effects used in this episode. Crazy to think that there's real world reference that matches those locations so closely.

Then, Clannad uses the ambiguous bullshit of Kotomi's parents' research and the ambiguous bullshit of the other-world parallel plot to negate the one moment in the series that truly mattered, eliminating Nagisa's death, five years of time, and some of the most pivotal events in Tomoya's life through the supernatural power of... resolving character arcs? Happy feelings? Whatever it was, just as Tomoya finally realizes that he was right to live with Nagisa, even though she died before her time, he no longer has to ask himself the question because nothing bad happened. The disease that had dogged her for her entire life that nobody understood disappears as conveniently as it appears.

It's stupid. Maintain the parallel with Akio begging for Nagisa's life if you must by saving Ushio, but undoing six episodes of the series to create some contrived happy ending is stupid, and ruins everything that I had liked about the episodes following Tomoya's graduation, back when the world was real and things had consequences. I was really enjoying watching him grow, and now that it was all undone, I feel like I had wasted my time.

If Clannad is typical of what Key represents, they have a very simple formula for how to draw tears from their fans.

  1. Introduce the male protagonist to some cute, quirky girl.
  2. Have them spend a bunch of time together doing random things to try to build attachment with the audience.
  3. Something terrible happens to them!
  4. Then a miracle occurs...
  5. Everyone is crying and happy.

Every arc in the series can be represented this way (maybe not the dorm lady, though there are very similar beats), from Fuuko, who gets five minutes of the last episode, all the way to Ushio and Nagisa. The writing doggedly strives to hit these points no matter how many hoops it has to jump through or random circumstances it has to contrive. In the end, the stories feel hollow. They don't care about cause and effect. Even when I felt like After Story had finally constructed something meaningful, it sacrifices it all to be a vehicle for "feels". It would have been better if it ended at episode 18.


I repeat. The denouement, the last five minutes of this series are all Fuuko. Why. Why. Why.

When discussing the series with my friend, he felt like the anime series suffered in its adaptation from the visual novel, in that it had to compress all the routes into a single continuity, whereas the VN could make their events the basis for a lasting relationship, as well as set up the parallel-world stuff which is so central to the show's conclusion. That makes a lot of sense to me, especially now. As strong as Kyoto Animation's production values are here, I would assume the visual novel would be a much better choice to experience this story, if that's what you're into.

Personally, I want nothing to do with Key ever again. If I want to destroy my soul with melodrama, I still have Kaguyahime on Blu-ray, which is a more human and effective work.


Haikyuu S2 11

Holy shit I was in tears when they did the circle thing with those faces oh my god

Funniest thing i've seen in a long while

Looks like we're finally done with the training arc, hyped to see what's next
Okay, so I finished Symphogear GX.

That's a good finale, Hibiki indeed has the determination to fist. The final song being sung to the same tune as the Climax Song was really good too. Too bad Crunchyroll are shits and randomly decide what songs to sub/not sub and so Carol's song in episode 12 wasn't subbed.

It's a complete travesty they don't do that when the songs give you insights to the characters and what they're feeling at the time. :/ Also Symphogear Carol > loli Carol

Man I want the fourth season of Symphogear already just to see how ridiculous the power levels go especially if Elfnein is on their team and she can do the same shit Carol could. Carol's phonic gain being 7 billion times stronger then a swan song is some DBZ shit and it also makes red hair look like a total scrub, which obviously means she will be way powered up when she magically comes back


Man I want the fourth season of Symphogear already just to see how ridiculous the power levels go especially if Elfnein is on their team and she can do the same shit Carol could. Carol's phonic gain being 7 billion times stronger then a swan song is some DBZ shit and it also makes red hair look like a total scrub, which obviously means she will be way powered up when she magically comes back
I was waiting for the heel turn where Carol just reveals she was Fine, but that didn't happen.

Need to find out what's on JosephGintokiDr. Ver's thumb drive.

Probably a video of him screaming "I DID IT I'M A HERO"


That's a matter of individual viewer attitudes, which I can respect but don't share. I would argue seeing Lelouch and Suzaku again, especially in a way that's reasonably compatible with later events, should have already been satisfactory (and seems to have been fairly well-received). Their purpose was to play a significant secondary role during the third episode, in order to trigger a chain of events, but that was all. Just enough for a guest appearance in a story that isn't about either of them. I think it's relatively easy to wrap up their presence. As for C.C. it was directly implied she would only be in a flashback (based on a next episode preview plus an ED sequence still included among a bunch of past event cards), which is exactly what ultimately happened. Nothing too surprising.

I think this is the worst kind of fanservice though. It's writing which shows a lack of confidence for actually trying something completely new in an established setting. There is really little to no reason for characters like Lelouch, Suzaku, and CC to be involved in any way with a story of this sort. They existed only to give nudge nudge wink wink cameos to fans who for some reason might enjoy the work less if their favorite characters don't show up in everything. If the intention of Akito is to expand the Geass world to make it more detailed and feel larger, stuff like this has the opposite effect - it makes the world feel smaller because a few key characters the audience is familiar with somehow pops up everywhere and is involved with every major event that takes place. It's one of my pet peeves.
Brave Beats Episode 9

Quarraling friends to teamwork, great episode, even some funny moments. Im glad they did the switcheroo as it was a fun thought experiment.

Dance and music was good, I hope for more songs, not really in love with these songs like I was with TriCool.
When discussing the series with my friend, he felt like the anime series suffered in its adaptation from the visual novel, in that it had to compress all the routes into a single continuity, whereas the VN could make their events the basis for a lasting relationship, as well as set up the parallel-world stuff which is so central to the show's conclusion. That makes a lot of sense to me, especially now. As strong as Kyoto Animation's production values are here, I would assume the visual novel would be a much better choice to experience this story, if that's what you're into.

I have only played the VN and seen snippets of the anime, but that rings true. The Clannad VN is simply not suited for adaptation into anime form, not only because of its structure but also because the two best school life routes, Tomoyo's and Kyou/Ryou's, are so romance focused that they cannot be properly included in a linear narrative where Tomoya has to ultimately pair up with Nagisa. (Those two routes also do not follow the formula you lay out, and stay focused on human drama without any supernatural elements.) The true ending of After Story is still total BS, but it's a little more tolerable as something which takes advantage of the VN format, sort of similar to Ever17 in that regard, and it's also more easily ignorable.

Personally, I want nothing to do with Key ever again. If I want to destroy my soul with melodrama, I still have Kaguyahime on Blu-ray, which is a more human and effective work.

While Kaguyahime is a tragedy, I wouldn't call it melodrama. Takahata's direction is too understated for that. If you want good anime melodrama, you won't find anything better than Dezaki's Oniisama e.
Cavalry 11

Cool effects used this episode. This show actually turned out to be a lot better tan I expected it to be, both in its story and its visuals/direction. This show is pretty damn solid if you can look past the occasional fan service moment. I don't regret dropping Asterisk one bit since this show does everything the other one does a lot better and in a much more interesting way.

Btw, Ikki's father is the biggest son of a bitch. How can you say that to your own son. Hope he eats his own words in the finale.


Clannad: After Story 22 END

Personally, I want nothing to do with Key ever again. If I want to destroy my soul with melodrama, I still have Kaguyahime on Blu-ray, which is a more human and effective work.

Gooooooood! Use your aggressive feelings. Let the Key hate flow through you.


So I guess you hated Clannad then, huh... unfortunate, lol.
It really is. I think the ending works, but I can certainly see why other people would hate it.
Revolutionary Girl Utena 23

Maybe I am just stupid but this just got a whole lot more confusing. Again. I'm beginning to think Anthy is just acting and knows far, far more then she lets on.
If you have any questions about the arc, now is a good time to ask.
If you have any questions about the arc, now is a good time to ask.

Without spoiling anything in the future -

So Mikage was desperately clinging to a memory that happened long ago and the Black Roses work by by using the memory of something the Black Rose Duelist wishes they could have changed or prevented? That's just what I'm thinking right now.
Utawarerumono 11

Man, Haku had it rough last week and it seems like this week it's much of the same. Sure the guy is as lazy as one could be but I can't help but feel bad for him lol. I did not know that he could fight.

Also I just took this in after this many episodes. Oshutoru
does NOT have a beard. So if he is Ukon, does that mean that the beard is stick-on?!
This is just to let sonicmj1 that I have restarted watching Mouryou no Hako, from episode 1 again since it has been so long since the last episode I watched. This time I will definitely finish it!


This is just to let sonicmj1 that I have restarted watching Mouryou no Hako, from episode 1 again since it has been so long since the last episode I watched. This time I will definitely finish it!

Hey, I rememer that series! It was an interesting mystery with lots of dialogue and little action at times, but then again I like that kind of thing.
I started watching Shokugeki no Soma.

Now I can't stop watching it.

Soma was such a great show. Can't wait for more too!

Owarimonogatari 11

Kanbarus2savage4me. How in the world can you even fight back a being such as Shinobu with no fear. The confrontation between the two of them was super tense, but it seems like Shinobu got schooled by someone that is 581 years younger than her.


This is just to let sonicmj1 that I have restarted watching Mouryou no Hako, from episode 1 again since it has been so long since the last episode I watched. This time I will definitely finish it!


Concrete Revolutio 2-5

So duckroll's impressions inspired me to get back into it, and I wound up watching all of episode 3 before realizing I hadn't seen episode 2. It's a pretty disjointed series.

Concrete Revolutio's non-linear presentation within each episode, with their dual timelines, tends to dull the emotional impact of a lot of what goes on. Everything happens a little too quickly. Still, I find the show fascinating because it's a fundamentally different sort of anime product than most of what gets produced. It's deeply entwined with Japanese history, using real historical events from the 60s and 70s and reimagining them in this alternate superhero world as a way of commenting on Japan's modernization, on the changes the country went through in its transition from post-war devastation to economic superpower.

The characters are going through a lot, and it's not easy to make sense of all of it at this early stage, but it's an interesting enough cultural product that I'm willing to stay patient and see that stuff through.
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