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Autumn Anime 2015 |OT| Like leaves on a tree… we’re falling one by one.

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Michiko & Hatchin 22 END

So I've said it quite a lot but it bares repeating that I am a general fan of the episodic/story of the week series when done correctly. Michiko and Hatchin was always on my list but I never really gave it any priority until I heard it was coming to Toonami and I was like "Eh, sure I'll probably never watch it otherwise." Dub was really good. All that said... I didn't enjoy Michiko & Hatchin as much as I thought I would.

There are a lot of things to like about the show - the setting is one of the stronger points. Setting it in solely South America in an unnamed country that is a mix of Mexico and Brazil was a pretty great decision for an episodic show, giving it a certain flair and vibe that you won't really find anywhere else anime wise. The OP, soundtrack, character designs and general art style of the show really contribute to that and its the area where I feel like the show succeeds the most. Of course, the show focuses more on the brutal aspects of the region like the gang wars and the way children are treated. A thing I really liked was the way some things just ended rather anti-climacticly, but not in a bad way. I'm speaking about the death of Satoshi in particular, who just gets taken out in a back alley by a bunch of nobodies, which is a pretty fitting end for his character who I liked. No glory, no martyrdom, no one to even watch him die.

I can appreciate the effort that went into the rather different way the characters are presented. I've read that Watanabe opted to hire on screen actors as opposed to seiyuu for the show. This kind of ties back to Satoshi's anti-climactic death and the entire Hiroshi thing of him just being a huge fuckboy all along, which is obvious from the start that thats how it would have ended up. Everything is presented no bullshit and rather realistic. The problem I have is that I never really bought Michiko and Hatchin liked each other at all. They are supposed to have a sort of surrogate mother/daughter relationship but they never stopped fighting until about two episodes from the ending. Everytime they would make up, next episode it would be reset and they would be back to the same 'ol shit. I swear that most of the moments that showed how close they were was stuff like a picture of them smiling that we never saw them take or a flashback to them being happy that we never saw either. I also feel like there were either too many plotlines or names to keep track of a lot of the time. I'm still not sure what the point of Atsuko was since she didn't do much.

There were episodes I liked though. The ones I liked the best were episode 9 (carnival) episode 14 (three assassins) and the Mushroom Samba-like one where Michiko has the drug trip, I forget the episode. Along with that, I have to mention that the episode names are really great. Here are some choice ones -

Black Noise and a Dope Game
The Fool's Ballistic Samba
Starting Line Downpour
The Daredevil Explosive Runner

All in all, M&H is a 7/10 for me through and through. The things is does well you would be hard pressed to find in any other show but its downsides even as a fan of the episodic style are detrimental.


I was gonna keep the fact that I was watching Smile Precure a secret until I finished it, but after that episode I can't not talk about it.

Seriously, they paid homage to freaking GaoGaiGar in that episode.

And then they decided to add in a TTGL reference for good measure.

Top it off with the OP being played as an insert song, Miyuki's finisher being a rocket punch,and Smile Precure successfully demonstrates how it has more super tobot spirit than any other mecha anime in the past four years when it aired.
I think the part that got me the most was when Miyuki freaked out over losing her hand. Definitely one of the highlights of Smile's wackiness. Too bad Glitter Force is probably going to cut it.


Are the Wolf's Rain recap episodes all fine to skip?

Or rather, do they have anything of value in them?

The only value is the perspective of the character the recap episode it's focused on. I believe I skipped two of them and watched the guy chasing them and someone else, so it was the 3rd or 4th recap, IIRC.


here's two summaries for whomevers making the next thread. needs some grammar fixup but w/e

Dagashi Kashi

Summer, sweets, air conditioning. The lives of Hotaru and Kokonotsu intertwine through an endless march of expectations, dollar store candy, & the ever crushing chains of hopes and dreams binding us all from our destiny of running a run-down Dagashi.


Oshiete! Gyaruko-chan

Hyouka is dead, but three girls of clans Gal, Otaku, & Oujo persevere through this bleak hell seeking the answers to life’s most mundane and self-centred mysteries.



I need to start something new. I finished up Durararararara X2: The Second Arc and then watched School Live, which ended up being super goddamn depressing. Now I need something new, and maybe a little bit more upbeat and positive.

Tsuritama Tsuritama Tsuritama Tsuritama



Shomin Sample 1-10

Didn't find this as bad as i was expecting it to be. It did a few things I actually quite enjoyed.
It pulls all the same punches you expect out of an anime like this, but has ever so slight twists and edges to it that made it different from the boring monotony that I expected given the genre and trope-set. This anime really reminds me of Outbreak Company, which I also rather enjoyed even if it was flawed.

My only real gripe that isn't a nitpick is that the loli really shouldn't be naked, ever. It was annoying and pointless in Elementalers and its annoying and pointless here.

When I first started this, I got this strong "Amish experiencing the world for the first time" type feel or something of an outsider entering a cult against his will type feel and I really wished they would have pushed that feeling a bit more ever so slightly. But of what we do have, it was fine. I'll be watching this, and finishing it without pain, which is more than I can say of a specific series (grumbles)


Look up Trava: Fist Planet, by the same staff as Redline.

Also Hells Angels is kind of similar, but not exactly the same style.

I guess for something more popular, if you haven't seen Mind Game you might like it. Not really like Redline art-wise but it has some funky colorful vibes in it as well.
Nice, I'll look these up.

Someone else had mentioned Gurren Lagen, and yes I've seen it already.


So what are peoples opinion on Heavy Object?

I'm kinda debating on droping it, but am indecisive, since i alredy watched 10 ep of it, and don't really like droping series that i alredy invested a lot of time into. I originaly planed to just watch it till the end, but i since noticed it's actually 24ep instead of 12 i originaly thought, which made me second guess.
While i don't think the series is really bad, i don't consider it good , the main charachters are just not that exciting, and strange at times, and the series kinda lacks an overal story, that is not just object of the week.

Since this is based on an LN, does the story get more exciting later on, and is it worth sticking with the series?


So when are we supposed to get new Yamato news?
I'd suggest keeping always an eye around, each mid-months, for Cosmo DNA's ubiquitous news report. This month's one should be out very soon with juicy bits from the YAMATO CREW Premium Fan Club Magazine Vol.12, the latest issue, which featured the second part of producer Shōji Nishizaki interview that served in July as announcement for this upcoming second series.

Does it really matter? It'll probably follow the format of the first series, which means it won't be relevant to us for another year or two at the very least. :p
They leave us little options, yeah. And to think there was a time when Bandai Channel wasn't so strict with geo-blocking and impervious content DRM... I'd even be blasphemous and say poor PQ wasn't truly a problem with it!
So what are peoples opinion on Heavy Object?

I'm kinda debating on droping it, but am indecisive, since i alredy watched 10 ep of it, and don't really like droping series that i alredy invested a lot of time into. I originaly planed to just watch it till the end, but i since noticed it's actually 24ep instead of 12 i originaly thought, which made me second guess.
While i don't think the series is really bad, i don't consider it good , the main charachters are just not that exciting, and strange at times, and the series kinda lacks an overal story, that is not just object of the week.

Since this is based on an LN, does the story get more exciting later on, and is it worth sticking with the series?

The story is how to stop and prevent war.

Heavy Object is 2nd or 3rd best anime of the season. Havia and Qwenthur are perfect together, hime gets things done, and Froylatya is a good commander. I love this team and their missions. The technology is pretty epic too. Easily up there with kawaharas and tsutomus definitive LN writing.
Michiko & Hatchin 22 END

Yeh I liked quite a few aspects of this show and it felt rather unique, too. But the relationship between the two mains got more and more wishy washy so I was uncertain what to make of them. Sometimes the comedy was also too jarring for what seemed to be yet another darker story and when the characters just slapsticked their way through everything that just felt weak.

So I just sorta lost interest roughly halfway through.


Iron-Blooded Orphans 11

I like how the show has given time to both sides so far. Learning more about Gjallarhorn was nice and it looks like Fareed has a blue haired loli fiancé. Looks like we're in for a battle next episode and I'm hoping Masahiro and company turn their backs on those assclowns.


So what are peoples opinion on Heavy Object?

I'm kinda debating on droping it, but am indecisive, since i alredy watched 10 ep of it, and don't really like droping series that i alredy invested a lot of time into. I originaly planed to just watch it till the end, but i since noticed it's actually 24ep instead of 12 i originaly thought, which made me second guess.
While i don't think the series is really bad, i don't consider it good , the main charachters are just not that exciting, and strange at times, and the series kinda lacks an overal story, that is not just object of the week.

Since this is based on an LN, does the story get more exciting later on, and is it worth sticking with the series?

It's really just a fun show to watch. It doesn't take itself too seriously and the characters are interesting and fun.
Heavy Object is top 3 shows of the season.

Calvary 9

Maaaaaaaaaaaan I really like this show for what it is but this episode threw in a snowball of tropes that I literally detest so much it almost made me stop watching the episode and fly to Japan to scream at people in English.

Your girlfriend is totally and completely down to fuck and your fucking hero goes "No no, we can't have sex as mutually attracted consenting individuals who are in a stage of life where we're constantly horny that would be against glorious Nippon's public morals" and worse he does it in such a stupid fucking way that makes her look like a horny, slut-piece of shit.

"Sorry I can't fuck, I want to tell everyone proudly that we're going out"

...there is literally nothing preventing you from telling everyone you are going out. What the fuck is with Japan and secret relationships? Just fucking go out and people will know and NOTHING WILL HAPPEN. Holy fucking shit. Proudly? You can't tell people you're proud of your relationship if you have fucking sex? You gotta wife her first for it to have any value or be seen as worthwhile and not HORRIBLY IMMORAL in front of everyone? Like are you a real person (spoilers: he isn't he's a cartoon character)? Are you fucking high? What is this shit?

"But if I'm in that kind of relationship with you (IE a normal, healthy one) then I don't think I can be proud in front of your parents or my family."

Oh my god, why do you fucking care? Japan and it's idolizing of family and parent worship is absolutely vomit-inducing sometimes, especially in anime where parents are forgiven no matter what they do for being shitbags like HIS OWN FUCKING FAMILY. Why do you care what your family thinks of you, the one that exiled you and treats you like garbage and you have literally no reason to be beholden to besides Japan's public morals shit? This is so infuriating, you're in a relationship for each other not for your fucking families.

And what makes it so much worse is because of her wanting to, after knowing in her heart it's what she wants to do because she loves and trusts him that much and saying it despite how obviously hard she has it trying to be intimate and get over her shyness, he throws it back in her face like "Sorry but I have MORALS!!!" making it seem like she's a fucking slut for wanting to have sex with someone she truly loves. And Japan CONSTANTLY does this where they set it up so that the woman is the one who wants to fuck and has to be held back by the dude who stands up for the right and proper way to do things like a man must do, making all these sluts perfectly acceptable marriage candidates.

I'm getting way too worked up over a random 7/10 show but it was such a pleasant surprise to have a requited couple occur over the course of the show and then they pull this horseshit and I just howl at the moon. I have such an enormous problem with the way Japan often presents itself publicly in it's media and it's shit like this that makes me cringe until I collapse in on myself like a black hole, sucking in all matter around me until the Earth is destroyed and nothing is left in it's place.

Edit: Shomin Sample is...an alright adaptation? I feel like it got way less funny and way more creepy with what they decided to focus on. Some of the jokes were still in there though and his thigh fetish is played so fucking well for laughs.


Heavy Object is top 3 shows of the season.

Calvary 9

Maaaaaaaaaaaan I really like this show for what it is but this episode threw in a snowball of tropes that I literally detest so much it almost made me stop watching the episode and fly to Japan to scream at people in English.

Your girlfriend is totally and completely down to fuck and your fucking hero goes "No no, we can't have sex as mutually attracted consenting individuals who are in a stage of life where we're constantly horny that would be against glorious Nippon's public morals" and worse he does it in such a stupid fucking way that makes her look like a horny, slut-piece of shit.

"Sorry I can't fuck, I want to tell everyone proudly that we're going out"

...there is literally nothing preventing you from telling everyone you are going out. What the fuck is with Japan and secret relationships? Just fucking go out and people will know and NOTHING WILL HAPPEN. Holy fucking shit. Proudly? You can't tell people you're proud of your relationship if you have fucking sex? You gotta wife her first for it to have any value or be seen as worthwhile and not HORRIBLY IMMORAL in front of everyone? Like are you a real person (spoilers: he isn't he's a cartoon character)? Are you fucking high? What is this shit?

"But if I'm in that kind of relationship with you (IE a normal, healthy one) then I don't think I can be proud in front of your parents or my family."

Oh my god, why do you fucking care? Japan and it's idolizing of family and parent worship is absolutely vomit-inducing sometimes, especially in anime where parents are forgiven no matter what they do for being shitbags like HIS OWN FUCKING FAMILY. Why do you care what your family thinks of you, the one that exiled you and treats you like garbage and you have literally no reason to be beholden to besides Japan's public morals shit? This is so infuriating, you're in a relationship for each other not for your fucking families.

And what makes it so much worse is because of her wanting to, after knowing in her heart it's what she wants to do because she loves and trusts him that much and saying it despite how obviously hard she has it trying to be intimate and get over her shyness, he throws it back in her face like "Sorry but I have MORALS!!!" making it seem like she's a fucking slut for wanting to have sex with someone she truly loves. And Japan CONSTANTLY does this where they set it up so that the woman is the one who wants to fuck and has to be held back by the dude who stands up for the right and proper way to do things like a man must do, making all these sluts perfectly acceptable marriage candidates.

I'm getting way too worked up over a random 7/10 show but it was such a pleasant surprise to have a requited couple occur over the course of the show and then they pull this horseshit and I just howl at the moon. I have such an enormous problem with the way Japan often presents itself publicly in it's media and it's shit like this that makes me cringe until I collapse in on myself like a black hole, sucking in all matter around me until the Earth is destroyed and nothing is left in it's place.

It's funny you mention this. Watch a couple more episodes. It'll explain why it has to be a secret.
Heavy Object is top 3 shows of the season.

Calvary 9


Just read those SAO "fanfictions" by the actual writer but replace Kirito with the name of whatever generic LN protagonist is in this show. It's probably going to be the same thing, maybe the writing is even better in those stories



Concrete Revolutio - Episode 11

itshappening.jpg itshappening.jpg itshappening.jpg itshappening.jpg itshappening.jpg

The fight between Shiba and Claude was really cool, and in general this episode a lot more dynamic than usual. It feels like various plot threads throughout the series are finally coming together for the season finale. Whatever happens in the next two episodes will no doubt reveal the truth behind Jiro's origins and it looks like that'll be the final trigger to make him split for good.

Hopefully we find out more about how much Japan really knows about America's plans, what Master Ultima really wants, and if those extra-dimensional beings running Japan are playing or sides of if someone is actually playing them. I don't want to wait until next season to find out! Also.... dat Hoshino reveal. They've been laying it a bit thick since the Earth-chan episode, but it's still nice to see them play it out for real. Season 2 is going to be realllllllllly "interesting"... :)


Any thoughts on Seven Deadly Sins? I see it's listed as exclusive to Netflix. Worth checking out?

I liked it, think it's above average. But it has a very different artstyle than most stuff today, so one might need to ge used to, and the main charachter is very pervy, other than that it has great action. Try the first episode, and see if you like it.


Good fights this episode that revealed a cliche twist but we'll see how they resolve it. Poor kid that got injuries but it looks like he'll be fine. Other then that we had a cute moment with Macky and his arraigned wife. She's so cute.
Concrete Revolutio 07 - 10

One thing I wonder about if the fact that somehow this team is able to function when each one of them has their own goal in mind and in some cases they all act to the opposite of the reason their organization exist or opposite to the goals of the other members.


Check out One punch man if you haven't alredy.
I have! Caught up with it on Hulu and it's kind of got me wanting to watch another new show or two. Apple TV makes it so easy..didn't want to have to deal with going through much effort.

In terms of recent shows, I've watched Kids on the Slope, Attack on Titan, Space Dandy, One Punch Man, Mushishi..maybe one or two others. Kind of interested in checking out the new Gundam show perhaps.

I really would like to watch Monster since it was one of my favorite manga, but I didn't see it online. Shame.


Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans Episode 11:

So a good reason why this IBO series is a cut above the usual fare is they are for example allowing this new threat of Space Pirates to have some chracter development. While it doesn't work in all cases because this series still has that bad habit of having over the top obviously evil antagonists that stick out like a sore thumb among the much more nuanced crew, I can still appreciate this series for not treating this threat as just a mere roadblock of jobbers like so many other shows would have.
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