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Autumn Anime 2015 |OT| Like leaves on a tree… we’re falling one by one.

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Concrete Revolutio 07 - 10

One thing I wonder about if the fact that somehow this team is able to function when each one of them has their own goal in mind and in some cases they all act to the opposite of the reason their organization exist or opposite to the goals of the other members.

The team doesn't really function and it doesn't need to function, it only needs to appear to be functioning. Most of it is clearly a sham, and some members are more aware of it than others. In the end, everyone is just using the "team" out of convenience for their own ends, regardless of the actual results from each "mission". It's clear from the start that every mission has pretty much been a failure from one perspective or another, but as long as they can keep the charade up, it keeps rolling. It's also clear from the beginning that a few years in the future, the charade is up.


ZZ Gundam 25


Great mechanical animation in this one capped off with the various impact frames used for the transforming Zeta.


Oh wow. They made a Last Exile sequel?! I'll watch that. I have basically no memory of the series but I loved it back in the day.


Hajime no Ippo - 15


It's been years since I last watched Ippo, I forgot how insanely hype it is. I don't really find myself getting that involved with most sports anime but here I don't think you can help getting engrossed in Ippo's development and matches. Not sure what made me go back to this but I intend to re-watch it all and finally get to New Challengers which I haven't seen. The music is so good



AO took everything what fans love about Eureka 7 and lay a big steamy pile of shit on it. They cast the most illogical voice actor for Renton.


Gundam Iron-Blooded Orphans Episode 11

Great as always. Was expecting something stupid to hapen when Akihiro found out about his brother, but the show just keeps surprising me pleasantly. Charachters actually behave rationally and like real people. Also like that Gundams are not ridiculously OP like in the past shows,since it makes batlles longer and more intense.
Is that a word of warning about its quality?
Visually wise it was ok.

Story wise, holy shit if you like first one's story the second's will disappoint the hell out of you because it is a whole lot of fucking nothing for insanely long stretches of time and some of it doesn't even fucking make sense.

Characters are hit or miss. Fam is ehhhh but her sidekick Giselle was pretty interesting.


ZZ Gundam 26
Even when the show seriouses up, it's still so ZZ. Visuals in general are on point though as the action has been great recently. I don't remember the OG show or Zeta looking so good but it's been a while. Figure it's a function of working on a property so long that you get great at it.

Russ T

You're not good though :(

Seriously, it's a difficult show, so not everyone is going to like it. I enjoyed how challenging it was, but that's just me. The puzzle isn't so much the mystery itself, but what everything in the show represents.

I don't think it's particularly difficult, to be honest (lack of inherent Japanese knowledge notwithstanding). I found it shallow and repetitive for a significant portion of the series. It had a very strong theme, and I was actually super interested in it at first, until it was the same thing every episode. And then near the end it just went off the wall. Sure, it meandered a bit in the early episodes, and it wasn't exactly clear what was it was going to be about until it all clicked together, and once it did click, that was kind of satisfying. But... it never moved beyond that. The series could've easily been condensed to half its length and it would've been better for it.

Also the ending...

What makes you say so?

What I said above, but besides that:

That CLAMP art is really just god awful. I can't get over the tiny heads on all those dudes. They're so tall, so lanky, and their heads are the size of their fists oh god it's just weird and not good.

Some of the more important characters were just stereotypes not really used all that effectively or interestingly. The obsessive girl. The guy who knows everything. The war veteran detective.

Some of this is barely spoilery (themes rather than events). It wouldn't bother me, but I know some people it would bother, so I'll just spoiler tag it just in case:
It was all over the place. None of it ever came together into anything cohesive besides the one overbearing theme that there's a monster inside us all should we let it out of its box, but keeping everything contained in that box limits our freedom. A strong theme, to be sure, but not one I felt was explored to any meaningful fashion. Just beaten over my head repeatedly.

I like a slow, talky anime, but I prefer it when they don't just talk in circles the whole time.


All that said, it is entirely possible that the subs I had just were complete rubbish. Maybe there's a better translation out there that would save the whole thing. I don't know. I'd like to hope so because eurgh.

I'll also acknowledge that I maybe lack some of the knowledge of Japanese history to fully grasp certain things (e.g., Unit 731), but that very rarely poses a problem for my enjoyment of an anime series, and usually if I really don't understand something I'll look it up and learn about it. Such is the case here, but it didn't help.
Iron Blooded Orphans 11
In where we predicted that one of the pilots is his brother. Oh well.
On the other side though, I fucking hate how the pirate kids react to "pedro"(or something else) death. It always come to "I'll kill them for killing X!", what THE FUCK DUDE YOU JUST TRIED KILLING SOMEONE ELSE, OF COURSE ONE OR MORE OF YOU ARE GOING TO GET KILLED AS WELL YOU PIECE OF SHIT.
Oh, and cool barbatos shot:


Some of this is barely spoilery (themes rather than events). It wouldn't bother me, but I know some people it would bother, so I'll just spoiler tag it just in case:
It was all over the place. None of it ever came together into anything cohesive besides the one overbearing theme that there's a monster inside us all should we let it out of its box, but keeping everything contained in that box limits our freedom. A strong theme, to be sure, but not one I felt was explored to any meaningful fashion. Just beaten over my head repeatedly.

I like a slow, talky anime, but I prefer it when they don't just talk in circles the whole time.

It's interesting, because I didn't take that theme from the series at all. I mean, I can see how you arrived there, but for me it was much more about
obsession than freedom or inherent human darkness. Mouryou, after all, are spirits. When I was watching the series I wrote out what I thought they represented, if you're interested.

Anyway, I feel like it's difficult because if you don't pay close attention to the spiritual and symbolic level of the series, the plot can come across as a bit of a waste of time. Difficulty isn't a virtue in itself (and the show certainly has other weaknesses beyond that), but that's what made it unique for me, and why it's stuck with me so strongly.
Concrete Revolution Episode 11

They used a version of the ED in the episode, nice, and the different version of the instrumental OP was fantastic
future queen of the demon realm reveal

Who is Claude truly, next episode when :(
please be future jiro
Concrete Revolutio 11[/b

Urobutcher is writing an episode.

I imagine Season 2 will have more viewers.

Trying to figure out my Top 10 for this year. I know Gatchaman, Kekkai Sensen, Concrete Revolutio, Owari, and Non Non Biyori are in. Just no clue on the order or the rest.
Mouryou no Hako is the best CLAMP designs have ever looked in animation. Better than X, better than xxxHolic, better than Code Geass, better than Blood-C. The designs as adapted have more true-to-life proportions than you typically see with CLAMP. Overall the series is quite attractive, as you'd expect from Ryosuke Nakamura, and the storyboarding is strong. The digital composite could be better, but it isn't too bad.

As for your other complaints, I will refrain from commenting too much until I have seen the entire series, but what I have seen has had excellent character portrayals and evocative writing.

Russ T

It's interesting, because I didn't take that theme from the series at all. I mean, I can see how you arrived there, but for me it was much more about
obsession than freedom or inherent human darkness. Mouryou, after all, are spirits. When I was watching the series I wrote out what I thought they represented, if you're interested.

Anyway, I feel like it's difficult because if you don't pay close attention to the spiritual and symbolic level of the series, the plot can come across as a bit of a waste of time. Difficulty isn't a virtue in itself (and the show certainly has other weaknesses beyond that), but that's what made it unique for me, and why it's stuck with me so strongly.

spoiler vomit woo

Are the mouryou literal spirits, or are they just symbolic language? 'Cause I definitely took it as the latter! Although it was ambiguous whether or not the characters themselves actually believed in such spirits.

I mean, I suppose it doesn't matter either way. It really just matters more what they represent. I can see how you arrived where you did, too, although I'd argue that the obsession is inherently linked to the human darkness. At least that's how I saw it. The obsessive girl, for example and in particular, wanted to always be with the other girl, and she let that desire take her to dark places. That is, her obsession to be free led to darkness. Though you could certainly argue that obsession isn't a form of freedom - it is, in fact, the opposite, in a lot of ways. But it felt to me like a lot of the characters wanted the freedom to chase their desires, no matter the cost.

I didn't mean to belittle the series when I said it wasn't difficult (although obviously I didn't feel that way). What doesn't work for me obviously worked for you! I'd certainly agree that the plot came across as waste of time, but I'm capable of ignoring superfluous plot if I at least find the themes interesting. Maybe it's because I (possibly incorrectly?) dug out the theme early on and it never seemed to evolve from there, I don't know.


Comet Lucifer ep.11
Damn, that episode was dope. Like one of the best anime episodes this season for anything. The emotion was right, the battles good and the music amazing. So much good in this one episode and I can't wait until next week.

Oh and another shout out to Breadmilf, she was awesome.
Concrete Revolutio Episode 11

Nooo, my ship. ;_;

So we've basically know for a while that Kikko was more than just a witch, and then BOOM.

She's a queen? Of demons?

Man, it's all coming together. Also, I wouldn't be surprised if Claude was
involved in the construction of that awful submarine.

His power would allow for easy construction I think.



Also, I'm glad more people are watching Concrete Revolutio, because duckroll needs people smarter than me to discuss it with.
Heavy Object is top 3 shows of the season.

Calvary 9

Maaaaaaaaaaaan I really like this show for what it is but this episode threw in a snowball of tropes that I literally detest so much it almost made me stop watching the episode and fly to Japan to scream at people in English.

Your girlfriend is totally and completely down to fuck and your fucking hero goes "No no, we can't have sex as mutually attracted consenting individuals who are in a stage of life where we're constantly horny that would be against glorious Nippon's public morals" and worse he does it in such a stupid fucking way that makes her look like a horny, slut-piece of shit.

"Sorry I can't fuck, I want to tell everyone proudly that we're going out"

...there is literally nothing preventing you from telling everyone you are going out. What the fuck is with Japan and secret relationships? Just fucking go out and people will know and NOTHING WILL HAPPEN. Holy fucking shit. Proudly? You can't tell people you're proud of your relationship if you have fucking sex? You gotta wife her first for it to have any value or be seen as worthwhile and not HORRIBLY IMMORAL in front of everyone? Like are you a real person (spoilers: he isn't he's a cartoon character)? Are you fucking high? What is this shit?

"But if I'm in that kind of relationship with you (IE a normal, healthy one) then I don't think I can be proud in front of your parents or my family."

Oh my god, why do you fucking care? Japan and it's idolizing of family and parent worship is absolutely vomit-inducing sometimes, especially in anime where parents are forgiven no matter what they do for being shitbags like HIS OWN FUCKING FAMILY. Why do you care what your family thinks of you, the one that exiled you and treats you like garbage and you have literally no reason to be beholden to besides Japan's public morals shit? This is so infuriating, you're in a relationship for each other not for your fucking families.

And what makes it so much worse is because of her wanting to, after knowing in her heart it's what she wants to do because she loves and trusts him that much and saying it despite how obviously hard she has it trying to be intimate and get over her shyness, he throws it back in her face like "Sorry but I have MORALS!!!" making it seem like she's a fucking slut for wanting to have sex with someone she truly loves. And Japan CONSTANTLY does this where they set it up so that the woman is the one who wants to fuck and has to be held back by the dude who stands up for the right and proper way to do things like a man must do, making all these sluts perfectly acceptable marriage candidates.

I'm getting way too worked up over a random 7/10 show but it was such a pleasant surprise to have a requited couple occur over the course of the show and then they pull this horseshit and I just howl at the moon. I have such an enormous problem with the way Japan often presents itself publicly in it's media and it's shit like this that makes me cringe until I collapse in on myself like a black hole, sucking in all matter around me until the Earth is destroyed and nothing is left in it's place.

Edit: Shomin Sample is...an alright adaptation? I feel like it got way less funny and way more creepy with what they decided to focus on. Some of the jokes were still in there though and his thigh fetish is played so fucking well for laughs.

You are quite mad lol. But watch the latest episode and it will make sense. You'll actually be thankful that he didn't do it.
Concrete Revolutio 11

Not entirely surprised Kikko is more than she seems as that was told to us already, certainly wasn't expecting her to be the big deal of a person she has turned out to be though.
One Punch Savior of Anime 11

Show is only bringing further to light how great superhero media can save a medium. JUAN PUNCH MAN SAVE ME.

Now we only need superhero physical books to save them from being irrelevant.

ZZ Gundam 26

Even when the show seriouses up, it's still so ZZ. Visuals in general are on point though as the action has been great recently. I don't remember the OG show or Zeta looking so good but it's been a while. Figure it's a function of working on a property so long that you get great at it.

what the fuck is going on with the bottom right image lol. Is that an arm or a leg


Gundam Iron Blooded Orphans 11

Decent overall. Akihiro and Takaki luck out this time. Of course the pirates are going to look like that. Though Tekkadan may have found some new recruits. Kudelia is going to be like this until they reach Earth. Gjallarhorn gets some development as well, with Macky and Gaelio wanting to get rid of people like Coral. I expect this show to start picking up once they reach Earth.
Anyone have any screenshots of Kikko's foreshadowing? I have a vague recollection of it but I can't recall any concrete episode numbers in which she brought it up. With the density of information in all these episodes it's kinda turning into one big mishmash for me.

I kinda recall the mandragora looking root she snacked on in this episode being brought up as well previously (maybe the Earth-chan episode?). Not super sure though.


You are quite mad lol. But watch the latest episode and it will make sense. You'll actually be thankful that he didn't do it.
It is explained in the last episode, but dunno if it makes sense, lol. The whole second part of the last episode was such bullshit ,what kind of society is that.
Where you go to prison if you date the wrong person.
He might actually get even more upset, since he said he didn't like or don't understand societies that have very diferent view on relationships..

Russ T

Yeah it really is incredible.

I'll tell you what though I'm super stoked for Mob Psycho 100, it's even better than One Punch Man. Not that it makes OPM worse, it's still good, but it makes OPM ending much easier to handle.
Comet Lucifer 11
This show really doesn't know what the hell it is doing with its antagonists. The ones the show has spent the most time on conveniently switch sides and and are we supposed to care when stock villain B kills stock villain A when they are both nobodies giving silly over the top speeches?


One Punch Man 01-11 + OVA1
So I caught up with this on a whim earlier today. It's pretty decent but I expected it to be so.

I think I'll watch Gundam IBO next for this season's catchup but is there something else that's ended up worthwhile? Also open for backlog suggestions.
(priority given to things in progress or that can be finished quickly but everything is considered)
Kizumonogatari part 1 is 60 minutes, if no one posted that.

Murata says he will "Work hard to make OPM Season 2 happen"

This probably means he will speed up his process.


One Punch Man 11

There were some cool animation setpieces and S rank moments but not a lot to say about this episode. The humor was on point though, the OK was beyond perfect

If the Boros finale is amazing then this might be a 10/10 for me. Definite AOTY anyway

G Tekketsu 11

Tank top/dog collar/piercings guy is a really bad character design goddamn that guy is ugly. Pig dude who looks like a fat orc is pretty gross too.

Ugh. I sighed so hard when Akihiro met his brother. They mention him last episode at the end and he's already here? C'mon. Corny as fuck.
So I'm guessing the majority of Concrete Revolutio second half will take place in the "future" where Jiro is....plotting something.

And maybe we'll get some more flashbacks to the past.

Also here is some cool art of the show. Not sure if it's fan art or actual story material.

I might be hella late to the party on this one but is anyone in here watching Seraph of the End? How do you guys feel about it?

It's a pretty solid show.

The production has been really solid. The action is good. And the directing is decent.

That said, if you didn't like the first half at all, this won't change your mind.


I might be hella late to the party on this one but is anyone in here watching Seraph of the End? How do you guys feel about it?
It's fun, would be bether if the main charachter wouldn't be an idiot at times with his decisions, and not be so hard to work with. Also the animation are inconsistent at times. I like the setting.
So I'm guessing the majority of Concrete Revolutio second half will take place in the "future" where Jiro is....plotting something.

And maybe we'll get some more flashbacks to the past.

Also here is some cool art of the show. Not sure if it's fan art or actual story material.

Wow those are amazing! I do hope we go in the future next season because future Jiro is best Jiro.
Murata=GOD. :D

And Kizu seems short. Expected I guess, as they cut the original film in 3 films. Hopefully it will still go good though and not like Hobbit...

60 x 3 is long for one movie. If it was three movie length movies thatd be over one season of content for one book which would be terrible. Even then 180 min is like, 8 episodes. I'm not sure how long Kizu is compared to Karen Bee or Shinobu Mail which are longer arcs but I bet they will probably add some stuff since they were originally going to do it after Bake and they have all this other content done
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