But she's not even a milf.
The M stands for Mead
But she's not even a milf.
bread bakes well below the melting point of steel
Just spent an hour to put my entire anime collection on the link below. Give me a good idea of how much anime I have or going to have soon from the one I just bought. many anime...
That lady sure got a powerful grip, ripping off all that bread in one smooth motion.
You guys made me watch Concrete Revolutio.
...what the actual fuck am I doing with my life. This is the greatest comedy of the season.
Speaking of Comet Lucifer...
Comet Lucifer - 11
I keep thinking about how better this show would have been if it was 24 episodes. Yep, it's another one of THOSE shows.
Nothing in this show was given enough development for what happened in this episode to have any real impact. This entire show feels like a rough draft.
It sucks, because I really want to feel hyped for the upcoming final battle next week. But I can't.
This would usually be the part where I post a link to a music from some awesome sounding OST to indicate my hype. But since I am not hyped, I'm just going to link to this music instead.
Every time I see duckroll he's always sad, but now I see him happy.
I'll get to what this Concrete Revolutio craze is after Sunday Night Football.
I know Kiritobread is hiding.(busy with work)
Oblivion Island
It's an overall pretty entertaining movie, some nice moments here and there. The blending of 2D and 3D is surprisingly well done in my opinion.
Is it okay to watch the rest of concrete revolutio after its done airing?
I've only watched episode 1 so far and I have a final in a couple of days :/
I should stop watching anime for a few days :/
you mean the revolutio
Is it okay to watch the rest of concrete revolutio after its done airing?
I've only watched episode 1 so far and I have a final in a couple of days :/
I should stop watching anime for a few days :/
Yamada-kun & The Seven Witches (End)
There's some unwritten rule that, isn't there. Kind of a cop-out. Fun show, though.if the two main characters get together, they aren't allowed to have a decent kiss
Lol, they did kiss though... One of my favs from this year. It was a lot of fun each week.
Yamada-kun & The Seven Witches (End)
There's some unwritten rule that, isn't there. Kind of a cop-out. Fun show, though.if the two main characters get together, they aren't allowed to have a decent kiss
Really hope Jarmel comes back. Whoever hacked his account is a loser and a piece of shit. Do these people not have anything better to do? Anyway...
One Punch Man 11
This episode was incredible. I can't even imagine how epic the last boss batlle for Saitama and the guys down bellow will be. I'm gonna miss this show.
You really can't. If they get it right it will legit be the coolest thing in anime, not even joking
Yay! Can't wait for best girl Megumi!
You really can't. If they get it right it will legit be the coolest thing in anime, not even joking
the fight against the underground people holds that spot.
For now.
There is one scene in the Boros arc that has the potential to be the scene of the show. If you already read it, you probably already know what I mean.
Sorry, duckroll, I have to wait until I get my power back.
I'll start watching tomorrow or something.
Phone dying...