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Autumn Anime 2015 |OT| Like leaves on a tree… we’re falling one by one.

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Look what you guys have done, making me interested in Concrete Revolution and Comet Lucifer when I don't have the time. ;_;
One Punch Man - 01

The repair bill for these fights must be insane. When I saw that footprint I just laughed.
I enjoyed this a lot. It had its funny moments, the art style works well and the animation was great. I'll definitely watch more of this, I expect some amazing fights!
Today has been a good day.

One Punch Man 01

OP - I love it.
ED - Just average

Still the first episode but...goddamn, it is hard not to be enthusiastic on this going forward after that. Just top fucking notch animation quality and style. So far this is the best case solution in work for an OPM adaptation at work. I love the shitty d tier sentai villains.

G-Tekketsu 01

OP - Not Database-tier
Are you fucking kidding me THERE IS A CHARACTER NAMED AINA IN THIS YOU ALREADY USED THAT ONE IN 08TH MS TEAM. Now we have Aila, Aida, Aina...and another Aina. Goddammit.

First episode already going hard on the typical "KIDS ROOL ADULTS DROOL" I see a lot of people saying how much better this is then G Reco already but...the first episode jumps around so much to establish 4 different groups and overloaded with terminology. I hope this can at least keep all that on the down low because it's already getting annoying and there's essentially zero chance it will be as bad as G Reco.

The mechanical design I like, though. The mock battle with the paint rounds and the first real fight was good, it has a more down-to-earth battle and war feeling then most Gundam shows. Except the part where no one wears shirts. They must have learned from Black Jack. I do like the groups dynamic, though the princess reminds me of Turn A a lot. I have not even seen Turn A.

It may seem like I don't like it, and right now I don't, really, but it's the first episode and has a lot of room to improve.


Nekomonogatari:Kuro 1-4

I'm kind of surprised that the full story of this incident exists and it's an arc, as during the Tsubasa Cat arc, all the important points were explained. It was nice seeing more of Oshino now that he's gone though. The final battle was kinda cool, I noticed that all of the final battles are quite bloody and they end with Araragi missing limbs and organs. Overall, this arc was something I could do without, I don't really like Hanekawa that much, but it was fun I guess and Neko is a charming character. At least, the conclusion of this arc is that Araragi doesn't love Hanekawa. Senjougahara continues to be the one. :)


Completely forgot, we also watched Shirobako 01 in our weekly stream.

Well, seems I have to watch the rest now.
Shingeki! Kyojin Chuugakkou - 01

So this is what you produce when you're creatively bankrupt. Not a single remotely fun joke or clever use of the established setting. Jesus fuck what is this shit.


On top of that, the frequent shifts between past/present (or present/future, depending on how you look at it) with no apparent transitions or visual differentiation made some scenes difficult to comprehend on the first watch.

I've seen this criticism a couple times, and I honestly don't understand it. The mood was completely different in the flashforwards. It was grey and raining in all of the scenes, while all of the year 41 scenes were bright and sunny. Additionally, Jiro's outfit was completely different, most noticeably the red scarf. I disagree that there were no visual clues, they were definitely there.

I understand the confusion in the first flashforward, but when that scene finished and stated it was in the year 46 (when previously it had established the cafe scene was year 41), I thought it became pretty clear what they were going for,



What i like about OPM is how the rest of the cast slowly realize how outmatched they truly are. The side-characters really make it for me so i can't wait until they're introduced. It's the reactions from other people to Saitama's power that i enjoy most.
Nice to hear how involved Murata and ONE are to make the project work.

Also the OP gives me LIFE.
Comet Lucifer 01

Nah. Not feeling it. Obviosly this is supposed to be like E7 which I have not seen and have no connection to so if that's the reason I'm supposed to be liking it then I will get nothing from this.

Concrete Revolution 01

Not super into this either. If I were to watch these two shows that would put me at 5 on Sunday alone, and fuck that.

That being said, neither are bad. If they get very positive buzz I will reconsider.


Comet Lucifer 01

Nah. Not feeling it. Obviosly this is supposed to be like E7 which I have not seen and have no connection to so if that's the reason I'm supposed to be liking it then I will get nothing from this.

It's really not like E7. Xam'd seems to be closer and even then I'm not sure.


One Punch Man Episode 1:

I am not familiar with the source material so I do not know how well this was adapted but this is fighting for the best debut episode of the season, I am not ready to put it or the series above Lupin 2015 yet but god damn that was good and no stupid fanserivce either. I like the spin on the boring invincible hero and the sheer ennui that would come from such a mantle. It is another reason why I always despised Goku back in the day. Yes, keeping a strong eye on this one.


One Punch Man 01

I think this covered exactly the 3 or 4 chapters that made me first drop the manga. lol

Fortunately the better stuff begins from now on. I'll withhold my judgement on the quality of animation (great so far) till a few eps pass. PV's and first episodes are always a lie !


Considering an object in the opening
tanks a nuke
I think objects already have.

The only thing they haven't surpassed is design. Didn't liked the mecha design so far.

By the end season I expect Retired Snake to go up on REX and destroy every single one of them.


From what little I know of E7 it seemed pretty similar. I have no clue what Xam'd is even about, lol

Well I would say it's closer to Xam'd in that Sogo isn't really dissatisfied with his life in town while Renton hated where he was. I expect Sogo is going to be forced out, similar to Akiyuki (Xamd's MC), and have to go on an adventure as a result of it. Not to mention Comet Lucifer doesn't seemingly have a Gekkostate/Zanbani equivalent, as the traveling party looks to be of the four classmates. The relationship between the four looks to be something akin to Xam'd's love triangle.

I'm also getting Heroman vibes due to the mascot character transforming into the Guardian mech. Of course non-pilotable mechs weren't created by Heroman but I feel that's closer than something like Giant Robo.

Honestly though I feel it's different enough that it doesn't look to be remaking either E7 or Xam'd.


I've watched a bunch of stuff from the current season already (Lupin, OPM, and Gundam all have great opening episodes), but there's an impressions post I need to write.

Clannad After Story 9-11

Are we beyond arcs? That would be amazing.

Nagisa's poorly-defined illness returns to the plot in a major way. I don't think the turn that happens in episode 9 is necessarily unfair or bad as a way of complicating her relationship with Tomoya, but it's strange how her disease has been presented overall. It just seems like sometimes she gets so feverish that she can't leave her house for long periods of time, and then outside of those episodes she's perfectly healthy. While that isn't necessarily unrealistic, leaving the identity and mechanics of her illness completely open-ended makes it feel like the writer can do whatever he wants whenever he wants, because there aren't any rules. I'd feel better if I had something to go on.


Continuity error. The wall is cracked in this shot, yet it's repaired in the shot immediately following it. I get that all these scenes aren't shot the same day, but it's a sloppy oversight by the director and crew.

Anyway, I really like this move into the adult world so far. From a personal perspective, it's nice to see the show be about something that's relevant to where I am in my life. We can see the consequences of how he put off thinking about the future, and how the friendships he made are helping him get by. It's a great way of continuing this premise past where it normally ends.

However, I'm also struck by how little intimacy there seems to be between Tomoya and Nagisa. Even before work started to get in the way, they're pretty much never close to each other. Have they kissed yet, even? They don't act that much differently to how they did before they declared their intentions. I'd say it feels like they're still in high school, but that wouldn't be fair to actual high school kids.


I get the sense that this is an intentional choice. It feels like there's always space left between them in every shot.

Whatever. I'd like to get back on track with this, but it'll be tough. There's the new season, and I'm also reminded that I need to finish VOTOMS at some point this year.


Gave me Euerka Seven vibes but with CG mechs and crystals. Seems decent so far.
The sound design was superb though as it gave each scene the proper amount of attention.


I've watched a bunch of stuff from the current season already (Lupin, OPM, and Gundam all have great opening episodes), but there's an impressions post I need to write.

Clannad After Story 9-11

Anyway, I really like this move into the adult world so far. From a personal perspective, it's nice to see the show be about something that's relevant to where I am in my life. We can see the consequences of how he put off thinking about the future, and how the friendships he made are helping him get by. It's a great way of continuing this premise past where it normally ends.

However, I'm also struck by how little intimacy there seems to be between Tomoya and Nagisa. Even before work started to get in the way, they're pretty much never close to each other. Have they kissed yet, even? They don't act that much differently to how they did before they declared their intentions. I'd say it feels like they're still in high school, but that wouldn't be fair to actual high school kids.

This is why it is amazing. No unneeded fanservice really awkward HS "romance" moments . You're right other cusp of a ton more character and relationship development in the adult world thar will answer a ton of these questions and expand their relationship. It's much more focused from here on out.
Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans 01

Pretty alright, aside from the massive amount of exposition. It's a shift away from G-Reco's complete lack of exposition, but there has to be a better middle ground (like in other Gundam series). It is kind of interesting to be watching this alongside Victory, with Uso being a regular child freaking out over death and war, and this having child soldiers who treat it as normal.

Comet Lucifer 01

Comfy first half. I really liked the music when Sogo was speeding through town. Second half seemed a bit contrived, in that they happened to drop there at the exact time the military broke through, also while being the exact person who caught the stone earlier. Just a nitpick. The mech fight looked pretty decent for CG; looked it up and it turns out to be Orange (again), so that makes sense.

One-Punch Man 01

It was good, but there are very high chances I'll drop it. Hard to keep attention of something I've read.


Was told that I didn't need to see the previous show to enjoy this so I jumped in and was pleasantly surprised. The star of the show is obviously Kuon and her cute antics with Haku. It's great to see a different style of show wth most of it being filled with high school magic shit. Kuon's so cute!


Comet Lucifer Episode 1:

Yea, I can see where the Eureka Seven vibes are coming from, though I am hoping this mech series doesn't end up making me hate life. I am on the record as utterly hating Eureka Seven and its overrated everything and that is a viewpoint that is not changing. Anyway, yea, this was the best debut episode for a mech show of the season, mainly becuase I was never confused or bored at the establishing stuff; in fact, I am actually looking forward to the next episode. Also, note to 8 Bit, if you are going to try and set up some sort of love triangle, try not to make the winner blooming obvious.
So I decided to wait until tonight to check Cavalry out. I watched Asterisk yesterday, and I saw everyone's comments about how samey they feel. I also got Gundam. Not a big fan of Mechs and I never watched a Gundam before but I'm curious enough to try it. Lastly I have OPM as per everyone's recommendation and Comet Lucifer since it looks pretty and interesting enough on paper. Tons to see today. Wonder if any will be added to my weekly list.
Comet Lucifer 1

I liked this, gave E7 vibes. The city/ world had a really nice design and the cast seems likable so far. Though I do wonder how they survived that fall into the cavern?
The cg mechs were pretty good with fitting texturing and nice velocity while moving. In other shows cg mechs often feel weightless which makes them stick out like a sore thumb, but her they nailed this aspect.

Concrete Revolutio 1

This did nothing for me. Most of the stuff that happened was pretty random without being funny. Can't say I cared for any of it. Visually I found it a bit garish, especially the design of the heroine. Unless impressions are really positive down the line this is dropped.

One Punch Man 1

This on the other hand was the right way of random. A lot energy and great action cuts, the protag is also pretty likable. It's difficult to say where exactly this is heading (not familiar with the manga) but I'll keep watching for now.

Gundam Okada 1

Pretty good. It started of surprisingly gritty but not in a 'lol so edgy' kinda way (not yet at least). The main crew has decent chemistry and character and mech designs are mostly good. As an introductory episode it was a bit messy, throwing a lot factions and terminology at the viewer but that seems to be par for the course for Gundam shows. I'm hopeful the setting will be cleared up a bit in the following episodes.
Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans 1

Yeah, that's a Gundam opening scene right there.

Gotta be honest here, you're probably not gonna do well in any Gundam universe if your name is Biscuit. Why don't you name yourself nameless Zaku pilot while you're at it?

I see child labor laws are lax in this universe, as they should be. I believe children should have the right to work, especially in intensive labor.

Nothing sounds quite so villainous as a character named Coral.

Wow, that handshake scene was the most Gundam scene I've ever seen.

Wait, Biscuit, do you have some sort of magical power to detect reactors?

Okay that was a pretty good episode. Good fight, good characters. Could be a great series.
One Punch Man - 01

I can't say that the story hooks and world have me interested at all so far but the fighting was fun...I suppose.

Since people are always praising the art in the OPM manga I was actually fairly disappointed as the character design doesn't hit it off with me. Wonder if it just doesn't translate well from the manga or if I'd think similar about that. Quality and level of detail may still be rather high but yeh, not a fan of the character design.

When the animation got more abstract during some of the fighting instances I enjoyed it the most.

Now I'm curious if there'll actually be a worthwhile story and characters to follow.
Comet Lucifer 1(from here on called Not Gurren Lagann)

In Not Gurren Lagann we have a main character whose hobby/job consists of digging through earth on dark caves, and because Not Gurren Lagann can't make it too obvious that inspiration came from it the MC instead of having Simon's goggles he has 1/2 of Simon's goggles that is actually a flash light and he wears it on his hair in what could easily be the silliest most impractical anime headwear. Also there's mechs.

Besides that, show was entertaining enough where I'll keep watching for now.
I've seen this criticism a couple times, and I honestly don't understand it. The mood was completely different in the flashforwards. It was grey and raining in all of the scenes, while all of the year 41 scenes were bright and sunny. Additionally, Jiro's outfit was completely different, most noticeably the red scarf. I disagree that there were no visual clues, they were definitely there.

I eventually picked up on this, and I realized that there was something different about Jiro's outfit, but it didn't fully hit me until the second watch. However, I was more referring to the absence of things like filters or a special transitions - just general things that tend to be associated with significant shifts in the time period of a story (like the black borders that tend to surround flashbacks in manga). I'm not against the use of tone and minor costume changes (calling Jiro's present/future costume "completely different" is a bit of a stretch), and the story isn't impenetrable because of these choices by any means, but in a introductory episode that's clearly trying to convey a lot of information at a pretty brisk pace, I think a more explicit indication of a flash forward/backward would have been beneficial.

I understand the confusion in the first flashforward, but when that scene finished and stated it was in the year 46 (when previously it had established the cafe scene was year 41), I thought it became pretty clear what they were going for,

I was still a bit unsure during the flashforward introducing
Present/Future Grosse Augen
because of it's abruptness and because I initially thought it was following up on the scene that came immediately prior (
Kikko upset with Jiro for "attacking" Grosse Augen
). It became clear by the end, though.


Concrete Revolutio Episode 1:

I may just end up watching this one for the visuals because it is Studio BONES and honestly this looks the secodn coming of Space Dandy pushed through the filter of Web Animation and Gatchaman CROWDS. Anyway, didn't really have a problem with following the narrative but I may end up dropping this show because I am already hating magical girl Kikko and really didn't care for Jiro until the end there where he actually proved to be a hero.


Maturity, bitches.
I feel like they did that with Young Black Jack in order to be a throwback to the original character designs of Black Jack from Tezuka.

I can see why some may find it weird but for me it's nostalgic.

I got that since the ED makes that obvious. The problem is they've half arsed it. Either go one way, with completely reimagined designs or the other, stick to the original looks, don't do this silly mix and match style they've got going on.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Concrete Revolutio 01
Beyond awful. An incoherent color pallete scrawled over mismatched backgrounds and hideous character design work. Incapable of conveying a meaningful story in either timeline, and its split almost spoke as a lack of confidence in the storyline about the girl becoming a member of the superhuman bureau.

One Punch Man 01
Just boring for me. Concept is fine but this sort of slow set up that solely revolves around a single character is just really dull when the inside of his mind and internal dialogue is so simplistic. The action was engaging at points but it doesn't service much of anything on this episode. There was no snap to the characters or dialogue, so the pacing felt really flat outside of the action sequences.


Symphogear 10

So if the Dr. is Fine and she wanted Chris to kidnap Hibiki why didn't she just do it herself when she was all alone with Hibiki after she activated the relic they were transporting? Also like how everyone completely blows off Hibiki saying she does have magic powers and defended her after they say she had no combat training. I'm sure the next 3 episodes are going to be dumb and nuts and totally what I wanted after the bombastic first episode but still. :lol
Concrete Revolutio 1

So will they continue this Pulp Fiction timeline of jumping between the past and future? Seems like the MC is his own man so at least I appreciate that. Also seems like romance will play a big part in the show too. Will keep watching.
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