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Autumn Anime 2015 |OT| Like leaves on a tree… we’re falling one by one.

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Gintama - 292

Hilarious as always.


Best ultimate move is clearly Evil Holy Sword Let's Dancing All Night Rising Special Ultra Miracle Super Mario Brothers Second Edition Luigi's Counterattack Director's Cut!

Russ T

Sakurako-san no Ashimoto - 01

Liked this episode quite a bit! It felt calm and easygoing. Sakurako steals the show with her unorthodox ways and odd but likable personality.
At first I thought this was some typical high school show but with bones. So I was pleasantly surprised when it turned into a, what seems to be, well researched forensics mystery solving!

Neat, I was on the fence about whether or not I was even going to give this a shot. Sounds like it's right up my alley. Hope I like it, too!


Kekkai Sensen 12

Not bad but mostly was talking, lol. They reused the action sequence that started the show wholesale in the last ep so the only new one was with Klaus. The conclusion works but considering White and Black's stuff was only in the last 2-3 eps, it felt a little rushed. It'd be nice to see some more of the show in the future but more substantial than this.


Maturity, bitches.
Peeping Life


Eh. There's was like one okayish joke in the whole thing. If you want improv just watch old episodes of 'Whose line is it anyway?'. If you want weird CGI Tatsunoko characters doing a dance, I've provided that with the above gif thus saving you a lot of time.

But since it stars Black Jack I suppose I should recommend it to AquaWateria.

Russ T

Kekkai Sensen 12

Not bad but mostly was talking, lol. They reused the action sequence that started the show wholesale in the last ep so the only new one was with Klaus. The conclusion works but considering White and Black's stuff was only in the last 2-3 eps, it felt a little rushed. It'd be nice to see some more of the show in the future but more substantial than this.

I still haven't seen it (Funimation?! c'mon?!), but Kekkai Sensen would have been far, far better if Black just didn't exist. White was fine, I liked her. But Black can go straight to heck! Everything about the show besides their dumb story arc is really great.
Witch Hunter Robin 9

A somewhat uninteresting episode. The whole twin plot didn't keep my interest. We do get a flame mirror match though it ended abruptly before it could get good.

Witch Hunter Robin 10

The bartender gets his own episode. And he has a son too.
Who dies as soon as he's introduced,
The bartender gets some needed depth so overall, not a bad episode.


HOLY SHIT THE ED IS SO MUCH BETTER THAN THE OP!!! I WANT ALL THISE FIGHTS ANIMATED ALREADY!!! Stop teasing us so much you stupid gorilla. ;__; Episode was funny but had some poor animation. It's not an important episode so I guess it's fine. Fans of Street Fighter should love it. Not a fan of the new OP at all besides the new look Shinpachi got. Gonna go listen to the ED all day now. Kagura was so cute this episode.
My apologies if this has been answered previously in the thread, but does anyone know the status of Blood Blockade Battlefront's final episode?

This indicates that it actually aired this past Saturday, but I haven't heard anything. To be fair, I haven't been looking too hard as I'm trying to avoid spoilers. I did not want to start the show only to get to the penultimate episode and have to wait, so here I am.

On a related note, it's worth watching, right...?

Russ T

My apologies if this has been answered previously in the thread, but does anyone know the status of Blood Blockade Battlefront's final episode?

This indicates that it actually aired this past Saturday, but I haven't heard anything. To be fair, I haven't been looking too hard as I'm trying to avoid spoilers. I did not want to start the show only to get to the penultimate episode and have to wait, so here I am.

It's out, and available, apparently. Various posters have mentioned watching it. (Most people here refer to it as Kekkai Sensen, it seems.) Someone told me Daisuki, but I don't see it there. Might only be available outside the US on Daisuki, since Funimation has it here. They don't have it up, yet. \:

On a related note, it's worth watching, right...?

Depends on if you can tolerate an utterly lackluster Big Plot for an awesome world and sense of style with fun, dynamic characters.


Wow, I didn't hear about this show at all and it turned out to be one of the best new episodes of the season! It's not that original a story so far but Sakurako's personality was great. I wish she wasn't stuck with the straight man shit teen but maybe he'll get better. The show looks amazing. Very excited to watch more.


Working!!! wherever I left off-9

Yamada, laying down truthbombs.

Good writing so far, but it's not actually getting anywhere. At least everyone else knows about their crushes, so it shouldn't take much longer. I want da deetz.


Okay, finished the first Danganronpa game in 3 days after like 25-30 hours. I am thinking of watching the anime (watched the first 3 episodes back when it aired, but decided to play the game instead of spoiling me) just to see if it actually a somewhat good adaption. Which I doubt. But eh, maybe?
Sölf;180997342 said:
Okay, finished the first Danganronpa game in 3 days after like 25-30 hours. I am thinking of watching the anime (watched the first 3 episodes back when it aired, but decided to play the game instead of spoiling me) just to see if it actually a somewhat good adaption. Which I doubt. But eh, maybe?

The anime is a terrible adaptation that isn't worth watching.


Sölf;180997342 said:
Okay, finished the first Danganronpa game in 3 days after like 25-30 hours. I am thinking of watching the anime (watched the first 3 episodes back when it aired, but decided to play the game instead of spoiling me) just to see if it actually a somewhat good adaption. Which I doubt. But eh, maybe?

Don't watch the anime. The game is much better in every single way, the adaptation isn't very good at all. Play DR2 instead of wasting your time on the anime


Sölf;180997342 said:
Okay, finished the first Danganronpa game in 3 days after like 25-30 hours. I am thinking of watching the anime (watched the first 3 episodes back when it aired, but decided to play the game instead of spoiling me) just to see if it actually a somewhat good adaption. Which I doubt. But eh, maybe?
Maybe see some clips on YouTube? It's just the same story rushed to 12 episodes which sounds bad.
I'm going to really show my ignorance here, but you'll have to forgive me as I've been out of the loop recently...

Any news on new Haruhi-related material? I know we got The Disappearance of Nagato Yuki-chan this year, and the return of the original voice actors really got my hopes up.

What are the chances we see more? Whether it's in the Haruhi-verse or the Nagato-verse.
I'm going to really show my ignorance here, but you'll have to forgive me as I've been out of the loop recently...

Any news on new Haruhi-related material? I know we got The Disappearance of Nagato Yuki-chan this year, and the return of the original voice actors really got my hopes up.

What are the chances we see more? Whether it's in the Haruhi-verse or the Nagato-verse.

The mainline series is dead. Yuki-chan got an adaptation because there was a manga to promote while new Haruhi novels aren't being made anymore.


I'm going to really show my ignorance here, but you'll have to forgive me as I've been out of the loop recently...

Any news on new Haruhi-related material? I know we got The Disappearance of Nagato Yuki-chan this year, and the return of the original voice actors really got my hopes up.

What are the chances we see more? Whether it's in the Haruhi-verse or the Nagato-verse.
The writer of Haruhi stopped writing it for a shitty reason plus the books are dead so you can't promote them with an anime anymore. So it probably isn't happening.
Sakurako-san 1

I found both main characters to be really obnoxious, the boy more so. The show also looks overproduced visually. As a result a lot of scenes look messy and have a strong digital look, obfuscating some nice backgrounds. Dropped.


Junkers Come Here is a beautiful, gentle and heartfelt film about a young girl living in a world that is suddenly changing before her very eyes. We all become content with the routine of life itself, adamant that things will never change, but the reality is that the world does change and any alteration to our lives is not only hard to adjust to but even harder to come to terms with. We cling onto those things that we’re most comfortable with, often satisfied with our current situations and so we try to deny those around us the chance to change too as we struggle to keep all the pieces that make up our lives together as they ultimately drift away. Junkers Come Here is a relatable story and a film that resonates with people of all ages, both young and old alike.

Directed by Junichi Sato and released back in the summer of 1994, this 1 hour 40 minute motion picture tells the story of a girl named Hiromi. Hiromi’s family are pretty well off and she’s both peppy and energetic. From the outside you’d assume that she is a very joyful and well-loved kid, with parents that coddle her and spoil her each and every day; however her relationship with her parents is a distant and complicated one. Both of her parents work, her father a director he works abroad commuting from place to place rarely finding the time to come home and her mother a businesswoman who comes home to see her daughter whenever she gets the chance, usually late in the night and usually too tired to truly interact and bond with her child. On the outside Hiromi is a resilient and mature individual however it is clear that her detached relationship with her parents upsets her greatly. Even so she is surrounded by people who care about her, but due to her reserved nature people don’t consider looking closer at her true feelings. On the outside she is a happy child, but on the inside her heart aches as she deals with this disconnected relationship that she finds herself in with the very people that should be there for her the most.

Junkers is ultimately a story about a family that is falling apart and how it affects this young girl’s life. Junkers is so beautiful in its depiction that anybody who has been in the middle of a divorce will be able to relate to this film and its characters. It goes without saying that people who haven’t will still be able to relate to the story and the predicament young Hiromi finds herself in. Hiromi is young and like most young people, their fates are often left in the hands of their parents, and although parents try to understand their children it becomes tough due to the way in which we function. We’re taught, indirectly or otherwise when growing up to conceal our emotions, that crying is for kids and so Hiromi no matter how much she’s hurting acts mature and grown up throughout the whole ordeal. Because of this, her parents assume that she’s okay with every revelation they throw at her. She doesn’t complain and tries to get on with her studies but take one glance at her declining grades and it’s obvious that this is affecting her and more importantly it’s hurting her and she’s left tearing herself apart.

Her parents rarely have an honest conversation with their child and never truly get to know her feelings on the matter. In fact it seems as if her mother has already made her child’s mind up for her. In order to make the film more entertaining for the younger audience, Hiromi shares her screen time with her pet Junkers, a miniature Schnauzer. If you know this breed, you know that they’re pretty fun to look at, however what makes Junkers every more fun is the fact that this dog talks. This is the plot device that is used in order to get Hiromi to open up and discuss her feelings as she converses with Junkers. Junkers is a fundamental element that makes up the success of this film, balancing both the comedy and drama elegantly in order to keep the audience engaged throughout. Young’uns will become fascinated by the talking dog while also finding themselves relatable to Hiromi, her loneliness and her efforts to juggle her school work, the emotional turmoil that comes with divorce and the fleeting moments of love that she finds within her heart as she matures and goes through puberty while the parents watching will also be able to resonate with these same themes while also finding themselves relating to the two parents in the film as well as finding young Hiromi’s erratic behavior to mimic their own child’s. The film works in order to become relatable to people of all ages as the stories here are both very human and presented delicately.

It’d be doing this film a monumental disservice to go on without mentioning the beautiful artwork and animation that makes up this film. The aesthetics remind me a lot of the Isao Takahata directed Only Yesterday which came out a few years prior to Junkers. Junkers is very pastel-like in its appearance, with everything having a warm and homely look to it. This helps foster an aesthetic that is both welcoming and appealing to the eyes. Some scenes have faded out edges, very similar to the flashback scenes in Only Yesterday. The movie as a whole is very bright with lots of whites being used especially indoors, particularly the walls that populate the house but at the same time the backgrounds look realistic and lived-in, with rooms cluttered with random utensils and adorned with decorations. Of course this goes a long way in immersing the audience and making this house feel like a real home and not just a movie set. Hiromi has grown up in this house and has accumulated all sorts of memories which work together in order to construct a sentimental feeling that encapsulates the whole film and rubs off onto the watching audience. Junkers looks handmade in its visuals and approachable because of this, both warm and endearing.

Although characters are realistically proportioned, each one still stands out due to unique features and mannerisms not unlike people in the real world. This is further supported by the fact that the cast is very tightly knit together. Characters are designed here by the late and very talented Kazuo Komatsubara. It goes without saying that the characters in Junkers are a lot less exuberant and boisterous than the ones in his other works such as his collaborations with Leiji Matsumoto. The character designs here yet again remind me of Only Yesterday. The characters are both charismatic in their depictions as well as in their vocals and mannerisms while still feeling grounded in reality and neither overly exaggerated nor too cartoony. They’re not photo-realistic and remind me a lot of the characters that make up the work of the late Yoshifumi Kondo. Their realistic nature is brought to life through their mannerisms as well as the great script. Like many of the Takahata works, Junkers spend time on the mundane, allowing for the world and its inhabitants to breathe freely as the film develops naturally.

While the animation is amazing, the music and audio is also well directed. The cast does a fantastic job in breathing life into each and every character and the music works in harmony with the visuals. The voice acting accompanied by the great script goes hand in hand in nurturing the correct emotional response from the viewers. It’s not laugh out loud funny but charming it is.

Shinya Ohira contributed to the original character designs however again these are not as exaggerated as his other works. Both he and Mitsuo Iso contributed to key animation and it is evident. The animation is smooth and detailed and the motions of the characters are nuanced. Junkers boarders on the fantastical with many magical elements littered throughout, none of which I will go into detail with however it still manages to stay grounded and realistic. Although I don’t want to spoil anything when it comes to this film, the last act in Junkers Come Here blew me away from an audio and visual standpoint with a scene that reminded me of the animated short The Snowman which may come across as a strange parallel to make, but an appropriate one nonetheless.

Junkers is unwavering in its depictions of a girl growing up in a fractured home, it’s a beautiful film that had me laughing at its subtle humor that relies on the mannerisms of the characters instead of slapstick and it also had me crying at the honesty of it all. It’s genuine, beautiful and evokes emotions that I rarely feel from anime today. Both nostalgic and at times gut-wrenching it is a film that I’d recommend to anybody no matter the age. Junkers contains everything that I look for in an animated film; it entertains but at the same never holds back with the emotional punches. The Japanese voice track is outstanding, the music is fantastic and emotionally charged while also whimsical and the animation is sublime. Junkers is both insightful and meaningful and a film that everybody should watch.
Bones the Animation 01

This wasn't really super interesting for me but I am totally on board with a teasing older nee-san who likes paleontology and plays unfitting music in her car. Someone back me up. CheapJuice?
Sakurako-san 01

Cool, it looks really nice and the execution of the forensics/crime solving is neat.

It's interesting that YBJ, Soma and now this show all have this premise based "science/real stuff" and try to create unique situations with that. Compared to YBJ I liked how Sakurako nailed the detective stuff. It looked snappy and the music was on point, while YBJ doesn't really try to enhance the "operating scenes".

That aside, this is good, although the main male character feels out of place, rather "anime" for lack of a better word.

I'll keep watching this because of it's many strong points, airing on a Wednesday also helps.
Sakurako Episode 1

Kind of mixed on it. I like mystery but shes is just bones obssessed and in my past experience BONES (tv) was that good. Character design is alright but why does he have to be weak and such all the time, it is kind of odd in the context of the show.

Will keep following since i like mystery, but its a far step down from storytelling mystery mastery that other shows have unleashed.
Sakurako-san no Ashimoto ni wa Shitai ga Umatteiru - 01

Ehh, this is a very average series, bordering on the mediocre. We've seen dozens of things like this. Couple of woman and man, where one of the two is the genius with anti-social tendencies/weird personality that can solve a crime in seconds through great powers of observation (unlike the police which is never shown as capable or skilled, of course) and the other is the "straight man" that complements her.

A female Sherlock Holmes only not as exaggerated mystery solving powers and with a specialty in bones/forensics.

The guy in particular is a totally empty character, with a very bland design and that feels like it's only there to be the role the viewer will use to view the series, through his eyes.

The good point, as you will agree, the visuals.
Sakurako-san no Ashimoto ni wa Shitai ga Umatteiru - 01

Ehh, this is a very average series, bordering on the mediocre. We've seen dozens of things like this. Couple of woman and man, where one of the two is the genius with anti-social tendencies/weird personality that can solve a crime in seconds through great powers of observation (unlike the police which is never shown as capable or skilled, of course) and the other is the "straight man" that complements her.

A female Sherlock Holmes only not as exaggerated mystery solving powers and with a specialty in bones/forensics.

The guy in particular is a totally empty character, with a very bland design and that feels like it's only there to be the role the viewer will use to view the series, through his eyes.

The good point, as you will agree, the visuals.

Wait? There are better detective anime with that setting?

First episode was a nice setup episode but if there are even better shows out there which went under my radar I would love to know them.


Monogatari Series Second Season 17-20

After an amazing and surprising arc with a great twist, another twist in this arc. I can't say that it was as surprising, but still it was executed well. Quite an emotional episode, but Mayoi is my least favourite character so I can't really say that I care that much about her disappearance. Also, this episode was a lolifest, this ruined it a bit.

The most interesting aspect of the arc was definitely the "darkness", that apparently is Ougi. Seems like it's essentially God, or more likely God's Wraith. But the definition of God isn't something standard in this series.

Anyway, I'm missing Senjougahara, hopefully the next arc will deliver. It should be the one with the godly OP.


Monogatari Series Second Season 17-20

After an amazing and surprising arc with a great twist, another twist in this arc. I can't say that it was as surprising, but still it was executed well. Quite an emotional episode, but Mayoi is my least favourite character so I can't really say that I care that much about her disappearance. Also, this episode was a lolifest, this ruined it a bit.

The most interesting aspect of the arc was definitely the "darkness", that apparently is Ougi. Seems like it's essentially God, or more likely God's Wraith. But the definition of God isn't something standard in this series.

Anyway, I'm missing Senjougahara, hopefully the next arc will deliver. It should be the one with the godly OP.

I really liked the Hachikuji arc because it dealt with mortality in a very interesting way, both with Shinobu's flashback and Hachikuji's decission. The way the show revealed how the darkness worked, and that it was after Hachikuji because she just kept helping people find things through the series (both literally and figuratively), going entirely against what she was supposed to embody as an apparition. Her deciding to go away for good and the show not giving Araragi a convoluted way to avoid that definitely was a tear-jerking scene for me.

And yes, you'd better prepare yourself for the awesomeness that is Hitagi End.


I really liked the Hachikuji arc because it dealt with mortality in a very interesting way, both with Shinobu's flashback and Hachikuji's decission. The way the show revealed how the darkness worked, and that it was after Hachikuji because she just kept helping people find things through the series (both literally and figuratively), going entirely against what she was supposed to embody as an apparition. Her deciding to go away for good and the show not giving Araragi a convoluted way to avoid that definitely was a tear-jerking scene for me.

And yes, you'd better prepare yourself for the awesomeness that is Hitagi End.

Yeah, the reveal and the scenes that followed it were great but I feel that only the last episode was worth it though. Shinobu's story didn't touch me, the jokes during the arc weren't that fun and the chasing darkness scenes were a bit dull, as they never actually fought it. It's a good arc, but I feel its only saving grace was the last episode, maybe Yotsugi too. It's my least favourite from S2 but I guess it doesn't say a lot as I enjoyed every other arc a lot.
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