I know nothing about it outside of the brief synopsis on MAL, but for some reason I have really high hopes for it. When I was browsing through the list of stuff for this season in the Summer this stood out.
same with me
I know nothing about it outside of the brief synopsis on MAL, but for some reason I have really high hopes for it. When I was browsing through the list of stuff for this season in the Summer this stood out.
You'll soon see that there is a main couple, despite the group dynamics. lolHatsukoi Limited ep.4-6
Yeah know, I kinda dig the tone and themes of this anime. The scenerios and actions are fun to watch and the emotions are realistic. I'm surprised how much I'm liking it as a school time romance/comedy since it is pretty tame, but they make the episodic approach really work for all the characters.
You'll soon see that there is a main couple, despite the group dynamics. lol
A very bad show. Maybe one of the worst this season. There is just no focus to the show. It sets up certain concepts but conveys none of the things an opening episode needs. Who is the main character? How does he know the female lead? The story has no direction after this first episode, which is maybe the most condemning thing imaginable. Instead hints of some larger story are tucked away throughout the episode without any examination, context, or elaboration. Lines like "Come to think of it there is one thing I forgot to mention. When I'm with Sakurako-san...somehow we always seem to find human remains." So why does the story start here? Everything that happens is almost shrugged off as uneventful, and none of the subplots are connected with any lines. The two leads have no rapport, and the main character has less screen presence than some of the skeletons.
Indeed!Gotta be Kappa face and the blond chick after that Christmas episode.
The most trustworthy face I know
You are not mistaken, there is no DRRR thread. Probably too late to start one.
I cannot choose between Senjougahara and Hanekawa. It's impossible.
This too keeps me up at night. It's hard indeed. Now the question to you is: short or long hair?
It took me one episode to get used to it, but after that adjustment period I actually prefered the short hair on them all as well, specially those two.Both are good for each, I like all the hair switches besides long twintails Kanbaru
This too keeps me up at night. It's hard indeed. Now the question to you is: short or long hair?
Both are good for each, I like all the hair switches besides long twintails Kanbaru
Looking forward to Tri, were any of the Digimon series after Tamers good?
Digimon Adventure 02 and The Young Hunters Who Leapt Through Time have been the only bad Digimon series ever. I used to think Frontier was bad, but my current rewatch has been quite illuminating so far. I was wrong.
Although Tri will be joining them when it starts.
How can you be so sure Tri will be bad? Don't get me wrong I wasn't exactly happy with the news and I am not that excited for it but at the same time you are so certain it's going to be bad that I want to know why.
Also,Frontier is crap.
For the longest time I thought that .gif was from Agents of SHIELD. (Haven't watched either.)If I reviewed anime as I do western TV shows then not only would no anime ever beat any of the top western dramas, but no comedy would ever reach the highs of western comedy. Also Arrow would be part of The List.
I can be sure it's bad because they're knifing the original cast in the back.
It will be, at least for me, be unwatchable because of them hiring a bunch of third-rate impostors to try and pretend to be the original characters. I'm sure it will be fine for people with no positive memories or connections with the original, though. But it's absolutely not being made for anyone who liked Adventure.
Show does look nice for something from this era.
The real strength of Green Jacket (both Osumi and A-Pro episodes) is that nearly every expression that characters make has a certain unique charm. Yasuo Otsuka was a constant, so detailed machines are a given.
Despite being 8 years older Lupin looks better then Mobile Suit Gundam which is the oldest show I've ever finished. Of course, 2 episodes in. I believe Part II aired around the same timeframe as MSG, that will be interesting.
Trigger's new show announcement leaked(via PASH magazine cover)
Writer is...Okada Mari.
Sakurako-san no Ashimoto ni wa Shitai ga Umatteiru 01
A very bad show. Maybe one of the worst this season. There is just no focus to the show. It sets up certain concepts but conveys none of the things an opening episode needs. Who is the main character? How does he know the female lead? The story has no direction after this first episode, which is maybe the most condemning thing imaginable. Instead hints of some larger story are tucked away throughout the episode without any examination, context, or elaboration. Lines like "Come to think of it there is one thing I forgot to mention. When I'm with Sakurako-san...somehow we always seem to find human remains." So why does the story start here? Everything that happens is almost shrugged off as uneventful, and none of the subplots are connected with any lines. The two leads have no rapport, and the main character has less screen presence than some of the skeletons.
This is Troyca's first solo project and frankly it's mostly hideous to look at. Lousy perspective and character scaling against the backgrounds. Rough CG work that stands out as a fuzzy and blurred mess when the show chooses to enter some kind of first person mode that shines a light on just how low detail the CG can be. Really not fond of the color work, character design, or the overbearing filter/reflection CG work. Trash can tier show.
Trigger's new show announcement leaked(via PASH magazine cover)
Writer is...Okada Mari.
OP is good, but probably won't be one of the ones I watch every episode.
Trigger's new show announcement leaked(via PASH magazine cover)
Writer is...Okada Mari.
Because they adapt chapter 2 of volume 1 and skip chapter 1.