I'm all for sequels and whatnot. But if you are gonna do it, do it right. True Detective, I'm looking at you. Yes, I'm still salty.
When I saw that other poster the other day I thought the show was more targeted at the bishounen peeps, but now I'm not so sure. Character design looks slick. But it's Trigger so idk lol.
More often then not sequels are easy money grabs. "We did well with the first piece, so for sure the fans of that first one will be watching the second one too". I feel like this makes the production be more laid back, they have something established already vs breaking in the market with something new. We've had good sequels though, but shitty ones pop up more often then I'd like.You don't want sequels when you're talking about modern Sunrise (The guys who make Gundam, and many other mecha shows).
The probability of those guys making a good sequel is about the same as stumbling across a Shiny Pokemon in the wild.
Gundam SEED Destiny stars what people say is the worst protagonist in the franchise.
Gundam 00 S2 starts off awesome but spirals downward really fast as sub-plots go nowhere and the show ends up having no idea what it's doing.
Gundam Build Fighters TRY was a lesson on how great the original Build Fighters was whereas instead of creating characters with hearts and well-thought out story-arcs, they created characters with barely any heart that won their battles because of protagonist rights.
Ore ga Ojou-sama Gakkou ni Shomin Sample Toshite Gets Sareta Ken - 01
Nice thigh service. Even has my favorite type, the long stockings with a glimpse of freedom. Is it a coincidence best girl Reiko has them? I think not. If only there was actual ohohoho's!
And uh.. nice OP? [NSFW?]
I watched one episode. Not for me. Black Jack is a doctor so their joke was that, I guess
Hey, I watched it, but you'd only know that if you actually read my posts which you never do... cheeky. It wasn't great comedy. It was OK but it didn't get a titter out of me, I just could observe/ where it was trying to be humourous.
Also, ask AquaWateria if you want to learn more about Black Jack.
It's basically anime Seinfeld, so yeah. lol
As for Black Jack, I just assume it's a long running shounen like Detective Conan.
key visual for Taniguchi Goro's new anime 'Active Raid'
From Anime News Network said:Set in a part of Tokyo that has descended into a quagmire, the story follows Unit 8 of the 5th Special Public Security Section's 3rd Mobile Assault Division — popularly called "The Eighth" — who don powered armor "Willware" exoskeletons to counter the rise in crime.
This picture makes me think this is going to be the mecha and magical girl team up I've always wanted.
However it's plot description says otherwise:
Hmm, a Sunrise anime about a police force that fights crime with giant robots.
Gee, does THAT. SOUND. FAMILIAR?!?!?!?
Active Raid isn't Sunrise. It's being produced by Production IMS and Orange.
What who said Sunrise was making this? It's being animated by Production IMS of Date-a-Live II game lol. With CG by Orange. Chances are it'll look terrible going by IMS's track record.This picture makes me think this is going to be the mecha and magical girl combinationi I've always wanted.
However its plot description says otherwise:
Hmm, a Sunrise anime about a police force that fights crime with giant robots.
Gee, does THAT. SOUND. FAMILIAR?!?!?!?
What who said Sunrise was making this? It's being animated by Production IMS of Date-a-Live II game lol. With CG by Orange. Chances are it'll look terrible going by IMS's track record.
Hackadoll the Animation Episode 2 Please Let Us Be Idols!
That dancing was awesome.
No I agree I've also found that Sunrise have a habit of rehashing their old works and like to bring back similar production teams to make their "new versions".I assumed it was Sunrise because Sunrise nowadays has a bad habit of re-hashing the stories of their old Gundam shows into that of the newer ones, and even some shows that have nothing to do with Gundam.
So I read the plot description to that, see how similar to Patlabor it seems, and then I think Sunrise found a new target to re-hash for the modern age.
fuck those creepy things
7taizai is such an odd series to get as an exclusive for the service and to pay a rumored "alot" of money for.
Can Trigger make Cross Ange S2, pls?
It's a 36 volume manga being condensed into 39 episodes (one of which only told a 1 chapter story) even with all the cuts, it's still going to be tricky to squeeze the important stuff inUshio to Tora - 15
Eh, while there was plenty of exciting stuff happening, it felt to me like they were cramming in too much into this episode, and as a result it ended up hampering my overall enjoyment.
I like the unsettling monster art and stills they've got going though.
Be glad they skipped the 20 or so chapters of monster of the week shenanigans before episode 14 then (though I'm actually a bit disappointed, since even monster of the week stories had a great payoff in this series)People act like everything Trigger has made outside of LWA hasn't been shit. But Pepperidge Woof remembers.
Ushio and Tora 15
Decent episode as always. But man I want him to reach his destination and begin a new arc already
VIZ licensed and will be releasing Hunter x Hunter (2011). Dubbing it too.
So I read the plot description to that, see how similar to Patlabor it seems, and then I think Sunrise found a new target to re-hash for the modern age.
VIZ licensed and will be releasing Hunter x Hunter (2011). Dubbing it too.
Eureka 7 1-13
I was getting ready to lambast this show for a glacial pacing but as things seem to have moved a bit during the whole Coralian conundrum, I suppose now a more accurate thing to say is that the pace of this show is just very leisurely. And consequently, nothing of noooote happens for looong stretches of time. Even with this much screentime, the setting is still not very fleshed out and basically boils down to evil military dictatorship (if even that, it's never elaborated on)headed by bunch of of Seele ripoffs and Gekkostate, supposedly rebels but who however chill down in cities and get printed in broadly available magazines as if they were law abiding citizens. Renton's decision to join them feels pretty weird considering his father is hailed as a hero by even the ruling system. Speaking of Renton, I think I've read plenty of complains about him but as far as I'm concerned he's pretty okay. Bits of his romance and especially the ever present monologues/narration do grind my gears though.
Generally, I'm rather distinctly underwhelmed so far but I hope it will pick up after this prologue.
VIZ licensed and will be releasing Hunter x Hunter (2011). Dubbing it too.
So it's time for the official Viz Media release fuck up pool.
Which of the following things does everyone think that Hunter x Hunter (2011)'s release will contain? Bragging rights for the winner:
Replaced music
Edited version sold as uncut
Music changed even in the Japanese version
New openings and endings with the original versions only available as special features
Release abruptly stops 2/3rds of the way through the series with no official statement ever forthcoming
Random name changes that exist even in the subs
One of the endings replaced with a different ending from later in the series for no discernible reason
Viz Media releases are always such an adventure.
People act like everything Trigger has made outside of LWA hasn't been shit. But Pepperidge Woof remembers.
Hey, at least Hunter x Hunter was produced in HD from the start, so we don't have to worry about them giving it the Sailor Moon treatment.
That's something, I guess.
Hey, at least Hunter x Hunter was produced in HD from the start, so we don't have to worry about them giving it the Sailor Moon treatment.
That's something, I guess.
LOL, sounds about right. I'm up to around e. 39 now and it takes until about into the teens before things really start amping up and making more sense.
Oh and it's not the Renton is bad but when he gets into his childish whiny bits, you really want to smack him one...
They'll find someway to fuck it up.
So it's time for the official Viz Media release fuck up pool.
Which of the following things does everyone think that Hunter x Hunter (2011)'s release will contain? Bragging rights for the winner:
Replaced music
Edited version sold as uncut
Music changed even in the Japanese version
New openings and endings with the original versions only available as special features
Release abruptly stops 2/3rds of the way through the series with no official statement ever forthcoming
Random name changes that exist even in the subs
One of the endings replaced with a different ending from later in the series for no discernible reason
All the original music there for the first 30 episodes, until they suddenly start replacing music for no reason
Dub produced by Blue Water
Viz Media releases are always such an adventure.