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Autumn Anime 2016 |OT| The seasons change, but we're still Falling for Euri

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Sound! Euphonium S2 - Episode 02

Previous S2 Eupho review(s):
Episode 01

I ended up making a blog as a unified location for all these Eupho writeups (cause it's hard to keep track of 13 posts for many people), so if you want a single place to check for these posts, or an easy way to refer people to them, they're at https://thoraxes.wordpress.com/
Also a link to the neogaf post with the URLs for all 13 Season 1 episodes is here.


- It's interesting seeing Hashimoto stay near Taki while delegating advice during rehearsal. I'd imagine he's much more hands-on during sectionals and practice, but usually section-dependent instructors stay near the sections they work with, in my experience. Still, neat.

- The way their personalities are portrayed in the legs and feet during this train scene is cool. And Kumiko's hope is just hilarious.

- These swimsuits = A+

- Asuka without her glasses is pretty good too! Look at those eyes.


- MY STAPLE FOOD IS LOVE is a good shirt. I prefer her usual hairstyle over these twintails, but this will do.

- CEMENT ADDICTION is good too, though it's more a mystery than cute saying like Yuuko's, haha.


- I'm glad Kumiko defended herself to Nozomi here. That was awesome. The Kumiko from the beginning of the first season would've backed down. The following conversation is good too. Asuka was right telling Nozomi what she did.

- Damn, that's a nice looking facility for the camp.

- Taki ;_;

- I love the reflection of Kumiko's face coming off her instrument. The way the contour of the instrument distorts her reflection properly is a really nice bit of detailing.


- Satomi seems pretty cool. The way these kids are reading the room wrong through their teasing is hilarious. Reina too, haha. Having a dedicated instructor for each family-type is a really good move, and will benefit the ensemble greatly.

- Satomi uses a baton compared to Taki who uses his hands. It was neat in the long range shot how you could see the ictus properly, and her cutoff lift to snap was good too. It's clear they watched real conductors.

- RIP Reina.


- Nozomi being in a former position of power in her old school makes her motivations and the way she came to her own answers in high school band instantly understandable. Being a band president and running an efficient ensemble even from the student's seat of power brings with a certain type of attitude and sense of responsibility you don't really lose even when you become a small fry again. I now really understand just how serious Nozomi is and where she's coming from by filling in the blanks with my own experiences.

- Natsuki didn't do much wrong. I understand where she gets her burden from.


- Have I mentioned how much I like Mizore? Besides being haunted by the memories of that piece, i'll bet orchestral excerpt practicing made her even more sick of it. For the main orchestra wind instruments (horn, oboe, flute, clarinet, bassoon/fagotti), we have lots of orchestral excerpt books that we practice from because the more serious players will end up performing those pieces. I probably bought six or seven of the books when I was in undergrad, and they consumed most of my practice time. They're also just staples of excellent orchestration for those instruments and encourage good performance techniques too, which is why they're so important.


- Reina being this insecure is too cute. Haha.

More character focused episode, and it really got to the heart of the band drama from the past by incorporating the new characters into the fold much more. Mizore seems really cool, and I can't wait to see where this all ends up, and if they can all fully work together despite how much things are changing.
Maybe I`m just retarded but Occultic;Nine is hella confusing and I have no idea what`s going on.

I`ll probably gonna have to re watch the last 2 episodes again. I love the animation, op and ed though.
I understood everything, but the 1st episode was indeed absurdly fast. Apparently the second episode was actually enjoyable according to folks on here and outside. Still haven't had the chance to watch for myself, but will be doing so today. The show has something cool going on, it just needs to slow the fuck down. Also, they need to deflate the balloons under the girl's shirt.


Kuromukuro - Episode 25-26 (End)

That was amazing. The best mecha series in ages. Perfect ending. Best thing Okamura directed since Wolf's Rain.

Yep, loved the ending and the final two episodes totally sold me on how much of a great series this was. The show refrained from pulling out any silly twists or prolonging any plot point or battle longer than it needed to to leave us with a tight and well made series, the surprise of the season for me.


fleurs n'est pas britannique
*cntrl F "occult"

Does my heart good to see something so deserving, so under appreciated, so.... cult finally getting the recognition it deserves!

Occult Academy
So yeah, I binged through an old 2006 2010 series that I recall enjoying back when it first aired and boy oh boy. was it okay. Not great, not terrible. Mostly mediocre with some fun ideas.
Occult Academy revolves around this girl Maya returning to an infamous academy that studies the occult run by her father. She is vehement in her belief the occult does not exist, despite knowing a terrifying amount about it. There she meets a mysterious man Fumiaki from the fuuuuuuutuuuuuuuure of 2012. He was sent back to save the world from being destroyed. Together(with a few very fun side characters) they go around solving mysteries. Both leads are usually a lot of fun, especially in the early half. Maya is a fountain of amazing reaction shots and Fumiaki is great in how useless to the story he actually is.
But jeeeeeez I have never seen a better example of how bad pacing can ruin a show. I'd actually really recommend a watch to get a better understanding of what people mean by 'bad pacing.' The show lulls at in the latter half with generic slice of life nonsense but with an occult flavor. And that's not to say the early episodes are safe either, they sometimes spend too much time on stuff thats neither funny nor interesting. Luckily at the end it jump straight to 11 in the craziness scale(like "lets go on a date at a klan rally" kind of crazy).
What was probably the weirdest thing in retrospect was how well animated this show was though. Seriously, it can be a looker a lot of the time. The characters are usually super expressive and the action is more solid than the show deserves.

This show is such a great 6/10 show. Never amazing but fun enough I don't regret spending half a day looking at Maya gifs.

Going through such an old anime was weirdly fun, and I forgot a lot about this. This was back in time from when I first started getting into anime, and I think I'm going to keep exploring some old 6/10 stuff on memory lane. Next up, the intergalactic pretty boy and Star Driver.
Yep, loved the ending and the final two episodes totally sold me on how much of a great series this was. The show refrained from pulling out any silly twists or prolonging any plot point or battle longer than it needed to to leave us with a tight and well made series, the surprise of the season for me.

I just finished the series with my Wife. We're generally pretty happy with it, but I dunno that I think the ending is as tight as it could be.
Firstly, in the final episodes it does the "surprise resurrection" super robot trope. While I'm generally okay with that, I do agree with my Wife that it undermines the power of the death earlier in penultimate big battle.
There's also, in the closing shots, a quick explanation for
Why we can be so sure Oma is still alive which feels a tad shoe-horned in.
It's little things like that that kept it from feeling like a super tight ending. I did like how the ending reminded me a lot of
Getter Robo: Armageddon's ending though, the whole heroes running off to battle the ultimate foe in a seemingly never ending battle.

Overall though I do think it is easily the best New Mecha property in the last five years. I might even be willing to say it's better than Gundam IBO depending upon how its second season goes.


I'm sure customer service has limited information, especially when it comes to international rights, but apparently multiple people have contacted Amazon US and been told that they will not be streaming The Great Passage because they do not have a license for it.

Well now I am confused about the Noitamina/Amazon deal. I thought it was a 1 year worldwide exclusive on all noitamina content.


Erin: Brotherhood #25

That's a big sword. Where was he hiding it?

This show loves flashbacks, I wish they would have inserted the flashback about the brothers a couple of times into the story before, like this the episode felt more like AND NOW FOR SOMETHING COMPLETELY DIFFERENT.

Next episode looks EWWWW.


*cntrl F "occult"

Does my heart good to see something so deserving, so under appreciated, so.... cult finally getting the recognition it deserves!

Occult Academy
So yeah, I binged through an old 2006 series that I recall enjoying back when it first aired and boy oh boy.

That can't be right,it can't be this long ago*googles* no it's from 2010. Still 6 years. I remember watching it and it was fun.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
What kind of toy is the heybot anyway? Do you really collect screws you screw into the heybot to make it say stuff?
Occultic;Nine - 02
So as I said, if they slowed down they could have something cool. And here it is. Definitely something to keep an eye on. Helps that aside from the intriguing plot the visuals and animation is quite something too.


Dragon Ball Super 62

Can't believe that they are going to use the Mafuba (the technique that was used to seal Demon King Piccolo) to beat Black and Zamasu, but they're immortal so it makes sense.

Master Roshi is the key to all this.

Poor Piccolo, lost the spotlight. I got a kick out of Vegeta just tossing Goku on the ground like a sack of rice.

Erin: Brotherhood #25

That's a big sword. Where was he hiding it?

This show loves flashbacks, I wish they would have inserted the flashback about the brothers a couple of times into the story before, like this the episode felt more like AND NOW FOR SOMETHING COMPLETELY DIFFERENT.

Next episode looks EWWWW.

Stretching that budget.

Oddly enough I sometimes found the flashbacks in Erin to work in the shows favour when it would beat me over the head with a sadness stick.
Shigatsu - 02
Now this week I definetely saw the Shaft-ism in this aha. I mean what we got this week was good, but it was the complete opposite of last week in terms of delivery. The quiet and up to visual interpretation nature of the direction last week is completely gone, and we are instead treated to inner monologues explaining everything to us. Which is fine. I'm enjoying this quite a lot.


Girlish Number 2

Things seem like an absolute mess behind the scenes of making an anime. I imagine that's broadly true, though I wouldn't know the details. Chitose is great. Wonderful commentary and facial expressions, but she's smart enough to keep her cynicism in check on the outside on order to work well with others.
Gundam IBO S2 - 03

So hyped seeing these kids using battle tactics against a pirate fleet that vastly outnumbers theirs. Oh and screw Sunrise for these goddamn cliffhangers on the very climax of a pivotal scene. Ugh, gotta wait a week.


Occultic;Nine ep.2
Much better than the first episode, but still a little confusing as they jump from character to character and introduced different stories. The material itself is interesting, the art is good, the ED & OP are excellent, but the story is very scattered still.


Hyrbrid x Heart 7-8

okay, I need to ask, what is the rule about discussing hentai? Because lets just admit it now, this is hentai in anime clothing.

Seriously, this is (though, interestingly censored) porn. There was literally a threesome where all the characters take off their cloths (that is NOT a joke either) and just start rubbing and licking each other. Lets not forget in episode 7 where he literally starts eating out a girl. The pacing is hentai, the sexual and action scenes are that of an action hentai's (not that i would know...<_< ... >_>...). Like seriously, we may joke about stuff like DxD or some other ecchi show is like softcore porn, but this is literally porn! like, LITERALLY. If it walks like a hentai, talks like a hentai, and looks like a hentai....

Like, to put it in persepctive, Hundred is the slightly worse version of Infinite Stratos, but this... This is the porn parody of Infinite stratos.... but it aired on normal networks at normal anime times (12:00am iirc)

I really don't blame TVQ Kyushu Broadcasting for dropping it from its broadcasting back in july. Seriously, I would not be surprised in the slightest if the uncensored version of this ends up on a bunch of porn streaming sites in a few months.


Drifters ep.2
Well, that was bloody, bloody, bloody and more bloody with heads flying all over the place!

The action content was actually pretty good, but the conedy was terrible...

@mailbox, yoi haven't hit it's lowest low yet, which is where I dropped it...
Hyrbrid x Heart 7-8

okay, I need to ask, what is the rule about discussing hentai? Because lets just admit it now, this is hentai in anime clothing.

Seriously, this is (though, interestingly censored) porn. There was literally a threesome where all the characters take off their cloths (that is NOT a joke either) and just start rubbing and licking each other. Lets not forget in episode 7 where he literally starts eating out a girl. The pacing is hentai, the sexual and action scenes are that of an action hentai's (not that i would know...<_< ... >_>...). Like seriously, we may joke about stuff like DxD or some other ecchi show is like softcore porn, but this is literally porn! like, LITERALLY. If it walks like a hentai, talks like a hentai, and looks like a hentai....

Like, to put it in persepctive, Hundred is the slightly worse version of Infinite Stratos, but this... This is the porn parody of Infinite stratos.... but it aired on normal networks at normal anime times (12:00am iirc)

I really don't blame TVQ Kyushu Broadcasting for dropping it from its broadcasting back in july. Seriously, I would not be surprised in the slightest if the uncensored version of this ends up on a bunch of porn streaming sites in a few months.

It's not Hentai if you believe it's still wholesome ~.o

(And I think it already is lol my Wife keeps stumbling upon it on Tumblr lol)


It's not Hentai if you believe it's still wholesome ~.o

(And I think it already is lol my Wife keeps stumbling upon it on Tumblr lol)

A part of me wants to post some images from episodes 7 and 8, but i'm literally afraid that I'll be banned for posting porn. You'll just have to take my word for it, but this show sure as hell ain't wholesome.

Thank god I'm watching the censored version.
A part of me wants to post some images from episodes 7 and 8, but i'm literally afraid that I'll be banned for posting porn. You'll just have to take my word for it, but this show sure as hell ain't wholesome.

Thank god I'm watching the censored version.

Lol I've seen uncensored gifs, my Wife doesn't just find them without making sure I get an eye full of wtf too lol.


You should do it. No one's ever been banned for that in the past.

I don't trust you Narag.

Though I may go with some censored screenshots later
Lol I've seen uncensored gifs, my Wife doesn't just find them without making sure I get an eye full of wtf too lol.

Yeah, I searched it on tumblr to see how far the spread is (didn't expect uncensored tbh).
Its way worse than those gifs though.
oh boi...
March Comes In Like A Lion 1

Not sure what to make of this. Some of the scenes are really moody and pretty but then there are random slapstick mood whiplashes throughout. Not a fan of the artstyle, the wide mouths make them look like frogs. Doesnt help the MC just frowns all the time.

Www.working 1

Eh. What happened to the old cast? This episode was ok.
it's not like the old show had a plot, but every character interaction and relationship that had a 'plot' was resolved. So might as well introduce new characters and new ships for fans to scream at when they don't get resolved.

I don't see how people can say no to more working, it's still enjoyable as far as slice of life shows go.


it's not like the old show had a plot, but every character interaction and relationship that had a 'plot' was resolved. So might as well introduce new characters and new ships for fans to scream at when they don't get resolved.

I don't see how people can say no to more working, it's still enjoyable as far as slice of life shows go.

Seems like a pretty amusing sitcom to me. For some reason I never watched Working...will have to go back once this is over. Of course I also said that whilst watching Servant x Service.


www Working is older than Working and a prototype of sorts. It's a separate series, much like Servant x Service is also by the same author and set in the same place but with an entirely different cast. No reason to not watch it if it's your type of humor.

Working!! Web-ban is a web comic Takatsu Karino published in irregular intervals on her personal website, "Uronna Page" (&#12358;&#12429;&#12435;&#12394;&#12506;&#12540;&#12472;), since 2002. It was officially published in a tankoubon format by Square Enix in 2015.


Heads up to anyone having the fuzzy subtitle issue on CR, it seems to be an issue with windows 10 :/

Download Canary or using the windows crunchyroll app seemed to fix the problem.
Did you watch the last season and OVA? It wrapped up their story nicely.

Ah ok. I waited forever for that 1 hour special but then I totally forgot about it. Looks like its on CR now, sweet.

Gonna miss Popura :(

www Working is older than Working and a prototype of sorts. It's a separate series, much like Servant x Service is also by the same author and set in the same place but with an entirely different cast. No reason to not watch it if it's your type of humor.

Oh interesting. I'll let these new characters grow on me.
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