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Karin is not that bad, just a tad annoying
She's got a gross Sasuke obsession. The way she got all wet when the dude bit her for healing was hilarious though.
She is literally not characterized beyond her vague victimization by Orochimaru and her obsession with getting Sasuke's D. Karin is almost nothing but a caricature of Sakura, who is already pretty bad.
I knew I wasn't the only person that saw this. You just state it better.
She is literally not characterized beyond her vague victimization by Orochimaru and her obsession with getting Sasuke's D. Karin is almost nothing but a caricature of Sakura, who is already pretty bad.

But she doesn't get nearly as much screen time as Sakura, so she ain't as bad by default
But she doesn't get nearly as much screen time as Sakura, so she ain't as bad by default
That's the only reason why I don't bitch about her endlessly. She's not really plot relevant so I let her slide a little bit. I've vented about her, but never on the same level that I've thrown down with Sakura.
Please binge watch, atleast up until you get to the Sakura moment. The sooner I get to your reaction to that, the better.

Jaded is going to be burning Sakura effigies in the middle of NYC when he gets to that moment

If the Naruto Moment wasn't bad enough, then we get this LOL

Should be fun

She is literally not characterized beyond her vague victimization by Orochimaru and her obsession with getting Sasuke's D. Karin is almost nothing but a caricature of Sakura, who is already pretty bad.

her heritage
places it in a peculiar light though where it kinda makes sense



If the Naruto Moment wasn't bad enough, then we get this LOL

Should be fun

her heritage
places it in a peculiar light though where it kinda makes sense



Dude I'm still pissed about Hinata not knocking that bitch off her man, I'm equally pissed about Naruto not taking Hinata out to go get some food after that shit.
What if Korra is a Mary Sue, guise?
But she's not, Korra's quite imperfect.
Answer not surprising. New question, is Veelk a Gary Stu? I finally took a quick read about what you posted and yeah I can see that Korra is a little bit of a Mary Su because she has such a huge impact on that universe, but at the same time not everything revolves around her. She's not a shit level Bella Swan at least. Unalaq's problems with his brother doesn't have a single thing to do with Korra. A lot of that cast has a life and Korra has nothing to do with Lin's relationship with her family either unless you want to be really specific and say, "but she was also Aang in a previous life" and even that wouldn't have too much of an influence with Lin's family being in bad shape.


Okay, so here is what I remember from my Naruto rewrite. It's all jumbled, half forgotten, and way more amateur than what I would do now, but it's better than what ended up happening.

The greatest powers of the Naruto world are the tailed beasts, who are the remnants of an age long past. Before, chakra wasn't something had to train to exhale, but it's something you lived and breathed. You didn't need handsigns or anything, you could simply will fire, and there it would be, in the palm of your hand. People lived for centuries, and there was no fighting among the nations, because there were no nations. There was no seperation of fire, water, earth, wind or sand, but only one nation of people. The only problem is Gods and demons also roamed the lands. They were not, by nature, malicious, but the most powerful of them were above humanity and rule them, making them pawns in their games against one another. Some were abusive, but it was rarely resulted in major destruction of any peoples, because the people could not die when chakra pulsed through the very air. But their time was coming to an end, because chakra was leaving the world, and with Chakra, they'd be gone. So they made attempted to find ways to stay in the world. First they tried attaching themselves pieces of land, but that was a complete failure. Almost no one had managed, though those that did created a strange and disturbing habitat that humans today quickly avoid. Then they attempted to bind themselves in contracts with humans in exchange for power. This worked better, but this was not reliable. The few Gods and Demons opted for the clan alliance route found that the worst fears had come true. The clans quickly stopped following the commands of the gods and did what they would with the powers they'd been granted. What would once be a covenant grew into ritualistic traditions, which more often than not faded into symbolic gestures. With that, the powers they had faded. This would not do either. With their rapidly fading power, their last ditch effort was embuing large quantities of chakra into 9 beasts, each one with more than the other. Each grew one tail as they received their power. But no living creatures is meant to bear that much chakral. They very quickly fell into insanity and malice, striking out at the world, but they served their purpose as anchor points wherein the gods would maintain small, but very tangible connection with the world. These beasts were unkillable, and as long as they remained alive, the Gods knew that one day they would find a way to return.

With that set of background adjusted, the major parts of the first half of Naruto can play out as they have with only minor adjustments. This works because all the major player's motivation remain mysterious up to that point with very easily fitable goals. Itachi wants sasuke to bask in hatred to save up for a big fight, Akatsuki want the tailed beasts, and Orochimaru wants power.

Given Orochimaru's associations with Akatsuki and mad scientist tendencies, I feel he's the kind of guy that wants to recreate much of the good he's seen in the world in his own image. He wants to be Sasuke, but if he can't have that, he'll get a clone. Similarly, he doesn't want a Tailed Beast himself, but instead he is making his own. Which can be the basis for what the cursed seals are. Failed prototypes of trying to embue chakra into a single entity. It would explain why they go all demon as they go further into the transformation.

And Akatsuki wants the spiritual age to come back. The leader does anyway, each member has their own motivation because I liked that speech that the leader gives early in on where they all have different reasons for joining the war. The personal details would come as a wrote it, but the overarching goal is that humanity is far, far stronger than they were back then because of technological advances and would be able to kill the gods that once ruled them, while also having the benefits of a world surrounded by chakra as it should be. They would once again know a peace they forgotten, to live forever.

And the Gods themselves? Well, that's where the Kekkai Genkai come in. Very few God's rituals were preserved and followed, and those that weren't had their influence drained. The Inuzuka clan had once been able to morph into werewolves and Yamanaka clan could give any order to any one they choose and they'd have to follow it (Kind of like Kilgrave in Jessica Jones). But the rituals were....well, really fucked up, which would be easy to do if they did it to other people, but they would be doing it to their own family. Those who did it gained a greater degree of power, but also earned the ire of family. Eventually, either the particular people were exiled from the clans or if the faction that participated in them became strong enough, they fought back enough to take the rest of their family down with them. These days, clans don't do anything of the sort or only do a faint shadow of a symbolic tradition that is so far removed that it barely counts. One of the few who maintained some of the old rituals following is the Hyuga clan, whose job was to imprison their siblings in chains and darkness, to be deprived of all senses, so that another could gain them tenfold. This was watered down to the seal that you found in the series proper, which only allowed for the Byakugan. To be clear, this is not an instantaneous thing. These things simply don't fade until it's generations down the line. The Inuzakas have long since stopped treating their clan members like dogs for over 300 years, but they still have that faint connection to the Dog God that granted them their power in the first place. If the Hyuga's banished the branding practice, it'd take several generations before the Byakugan faded out of the bloodline, and several more before it faded entirely. But that's the direction the families in general are headed...

Which nicely segways into Itachi. I had 2 plans for Itachi. He'd either have been killed by Raiko (the god of the Uchiha clan) who took over his body or he'd have been seduced by Raiko's influence. Because, finally, a god has found a way to make it back, though one of the best warriors his clan had ever produced, he saw the world through Itachi's eyes. And he was pissed. The Uchiha's contract was that they kill their family members as sacrifices for Raiko's power. For this, he granted them the fire of Amatersu wrapped in black cloak so it only burned what it touched, the light of Tsukiyomi, which let them see the world as it is, and prowess of Susanoo, which made them unbeatable in taijutsu. However, like all kekkai genkai, that had been watered down into merely a fire affinity, a genjutsu shortcut, and a minor ability to predict enemy movement. Raiko was furious. His clan, who had had invested so much of his pride in, has fallen so far? Become this squabbling band of children who refuse to gain power? Through Itachi, he resolved to make the Uchiha clan great again. Any adults would have to die, it was too late to convert them. Which left only children, and he had to determine who would be best suited to carry on the Uchiha name. From here, I wanted to have a handful of Uchiha surviving, but for the sake of brevity, lets say Sasuke was the only viable candidate as he saw it.

I also added a secondary element to Sasuke's journey. As the Uchiha clan grew, so did it's values. One of the core values is to never turn your back on your allies. Others as well, but that was the core one, reinforced all the more by Itachi's betrayal. So when Sasuke leaves for Orochimaru, there is more going on there than just a betrayal of friendship with Naruto. He'd also be betraying himself, in a way, which would make his journey to redemption more powerful, or so I hypothesize. As for Naruto, I struggled a lot with what the thematically appropriate realization of his struggle would be. How do you prove your own merits when your greatest asset was something that you were born with? I would make his journey to power a struggle to control the Kyubi. In my version of the story, the Kyubi would remain a feral beast of malice, and Naruto's struggle would be bringing his massive chakra under control, something he sucks at both in the beginning and as his characteristic personality trait. He would have to find a way to control the hurricane of Chakra that is the tailed beast to complete his journey and overcome his enemies.

I would change a lot of stuff that happens in Part 2, but I'd keep the Pain arc and the Itachi fight with Sasuke winning, as I found it an a potentially interesting point in their journeys. Because I'd choose to take that victory and make Naruto Hokage. Tsunade would be out of commission, Danzo's corruption revealed, he'd be the current savior of Konoha and in light of people's trust for the first time, and seeing an opportunity, Sakura rallies the crowd over naming Naruto Hokage. It would be an interesting point because it's where both Sasuke and Naruto achieve their dreams: Kill Itachi and become Hokage. Not many shonen address the "what now?" aspect of achieving your dream. Like, okay, you got it. What now? Sasuke would have to deal with everything he gave up for vengeance and Naruto has to deal with the responsibilities that come with being the person everyone in the village acknowledges.

Other tidbits: Gaara turning into a normal dude because Naruto punched him in the face was stupid. He still can't sleep and he still has no social skills and I doubt the murderous impulses just gave up and went home. I agree that he should have been inspired by Naruto, but to the point of becoming the Kage of his village, which would be done in the classic Gaara murderous way. I'd have made him a guy that wants to be a good Kage like Naruto and people want him to be, but failing/struggling to do it in a way that isn't horrible because you can't just wish away trauma like that.

Sakura: I'm struggling to remember if I came up with anything for her in particular, but....I got nothing. I had her fall out of love with Sasuke and in love with Naruto, and aiding him throughout the story, but I now realize I failed to give her an independent arc. This was before I became a feminist. I don't know what I'd do with her now, I guess, but I'd figure something out.

Other tailed beast containers: They would appear as major characters, atleast some of them. I would want some of the tailed beasts to be running around. Other containers would be imprisoned in holding cells so that they aren't able to even move, kept alive so as to contain the beast, but otherwise completely imprisoned, because Gaara is what happens 9 times out of 10 when you give them autonomy. I think only 2 or 3 others are active.

Ending: Again, the main plot is fuzzy, but the ending I remember being pretty clear. My image of the Naruto world, and probably why I stuck so long with the series, is the image given to me by the Mist arc with Zabuza. Children hated and abused for powers they didn't choose to have, or else exploited into doing murder for the slightest facade of affection, which is systematically discouraged and eliminated by the best ninja who advocate brutality and evil in the pursuit of power. The shinobi systems have rendered the world a place of deception, murder, and hatred, because even casual users of chakra are walking WMD's. Every state is a fascist military state and open about it and while Konoha and maybe the land of lightning (whichever Raikage and Killer B are from) are maybe the best and most moral of these, the corruption that is headed by Danzo (but other 'good' ninja are certainly also complicit in it, sometimes unwillingly, sometimes reluctantly) is also thoroughly within Konoha.

Eventually, Sasuke would acknowledge Naruto as his rightful leader. Not because he's stronger than him, but because he realizes how far he had to sink to get the power he wanted, and how fucked up the rest of the world is, and Naruto is the only one who has a shot of changing it. And the combined team 7, with the rest of characters that also come to believe in naruto, they would eventually accomplish the opposite of what the leader wanted, and find a way to kill the beasts. They would release all ties of chakra from the world, and now if people wanted to go to war, they'd have to do it with more conventional and FAR less destructive weaponry. Chakra would still linger around for a couple generations, but it's power would soon fade entirely, and in that time, conventions could be set up to work out peace treaties that might actually hold.

This is Naruto thread, right?
"Korra you just can't take a sharingan..."

"Tenzin, how can I be the Avatar if I don't have access to all of the broken bullshit jutsu's? Mangekyou Sharingan....Tenzin what happened?" *Tenzin just spent 15 days getting mind raped by Korra*
"Tenzin, how can I be the Avatar if I don't have access to all of the broken bullshit jutsu's? Mangekyou Sharingan....Tenzin what happened?" *Tenzin just spent 15 days getting mind raped by Korra*

Then Korra just spams Raikiri because she can't be bothered to perform and other jutsu she copied


Lol'd so hard at this comment

I appreciate the write up Veelk, but I didn't read it yet. It has to be the right moment for me to read a Veelk.

Just respond to i when you do read it. I don't get many responses on the LoK ideas I've given, and while an outline that brings together a bunch of ideas isn't the same as actually writing a story at all, it is also good to have a feedback all the same.
Or he can come into this thread and debate best Ranma waifu.
There are only two right answers. Period. Though I don't think the OP of that thread is too well versed in anime. And you know what, fuck it, it takes a massive set of stones to argue with Psycho Mantis repeatedly across several topics and two threads.


Some motherfucker in that thread just straight up said Yu Yu Hakusho is worse than Naruto or Bleach. What kind of fucking drugs are these people on?


"Never react"


Ha ha.
Massive Veelk Fuckery
So far I think the only way to save Sakura's character, shit all of them is to give them an end goal that makes them even with the guys. Have Sakura strive to be a leader of her clan where she has to gain strength and train in order to be seen as a worthy successor and don't have her be tied to any of the two mains from the beginning. Maybe they find her while she's on a mission and she's the only survivor, not because her team risked their lives to protect her, but she was the only one actually strong to survive what happened to them, which eventually leads her to her connection with Tsunade and so forth.

Hinata can be the bridge between the old ways and the new. She's trying to find ways to keep whatever was good about the old ways of the Hyuga clan while also getting rid of the bad shit and modernizing them. I honestly wouldn't mind if Naruto chased her but she was too busy trying to set her clan right that she barely even noticed the guy. She doesn't even know about him till he helps her do something important to her and her family.
I can just imagine the next Earth bending avatar

Like say they had some life or death decision they had to make and had to converse with their past lives like Aang did.

"That's horrible advice Korra"

"I'm sorry, that's all I can give you."

"Well if I had other past lives I can communicate with that would be cool but NOOOOOOOOO, someone just had to fuck it up!!"
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