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Why didn't you drop this news earlier?!?? Finally, Korra stuff.
Here have a pic of Bryan


Power rangers ended for me with In Space, but it was a formative era for me. It, and digimon, might have have been the first time I ever thought "Wow, stories can be really powerful and hit you right in the heart"
Power rangers ended for me with In Space, but it was a formative era for me. It, and digimon, might have have been the first time I ever thought "Wow, stories can be really powerful and hit you right in the heart"

Same thing with me... Well it ended with Turbo actually. I've only seen a few episodes of Space before I checked out.


Same thing with me... Well it ended with Turbo actually. I've only seen a few episodes of Space before I checked out.
You missed out. In space was good and turbo...wasn't. I watched I think 2 seasons after that, but when I say I checked out, I mean in space was the last season that mattered. It was the conclusion to the continuity of the first series of Ranger stories and, if linkara's power Ranger retrospective is anything to go by, it's still the best written power Rangers season.


The guy made a wonderful General Zod, despite the writing of MoS. With better writers, he could have been something truly special there.


Civil War can't come soon enough. I mean, I'm not even that huge a marvel fan, but they are consistently competent and I need to get the bad taste out of my mouth by having someone else do it right.


Civil War can't come soon enough. I mean, I'm not even that huge a marvel fan, but they are consistently competent and I need to get the bad taste out of my mouth by having someone else do it right.

This is exactly why I'm looking forward to Civil War myself.
That feeling you get when you realize that BvS is so bad it makes Man of Steel seem like a decent movie

There's just too much stupidity and leaps of logic that don't make sense in that film. At least in MoS it was just dumb destruction.
That feeling you get when you realize that BvS is so bad it makes Man of Steel seem like a decent movie

There's just too much stupidity and leaps of logic that don't make sense in that film. At least in MoS it was just dumb destruction.
They learned to stop destroying the city by destroying more of the city.


What I hate about BvS is how it embodies everything I dislike most about Batman, and comics in general.

The thing is, my most reviled moment of the movie wasn't Batman killing people, or him being an asshole or stuff like that.

It was when Superman took some of the kryptonite gas and he was weak. So Batman was hitting him in the face, but the gas was wearing off, and you have this sequence of 4 or 5 punches where Batman's punch becomes less and less effective.

That's when Batman's body language completely changes, his mouth opens slightly, he backs off and holds his open hand up like a "wait, don't hurt me, man"

That is pure fucking cowardice. He's okay beating Superman when he's helpless, but he's going to try to beg for mercy when he goes up against someone who can actually hit back? That's...

I don't even know why that angers me as much as it does. I expected Snyder's Batman to be a thug, to be stupid, to be violent, and he met those expectations, but I never expected to make him a coward. It's basically that scene where the schoolyard bully realizes he can't beat on the defenseless kid anymore. And they made Batman that kid? No. Just fucking no.
What I hate about BvS is how it embodies everything I dislike most about Batman, and comics in general.

The thing is, my most reviled moment of the movie wasn't Batman killing people, or him being an asshole or stuff like that.

It was when Superman took some of the kryptonite gas and he was weak. So Batman was hitting him in the face, but the gas was wearing off, and you have this sequence of 4 or 5 punches where Batman's punch becomes less and less effective.

That's when Batman's body language completely changes, his mouth opens slightly, he backs off and holds his open hand up like a "wait, don't hurt me, man"

That is pure fucking cowardice. He's okay beating Superman when he's helpless, but he's going to try to beg for mercy when he goes up against someone who can actually hit back? That's...

I don't even know why that angers me as much as it does. It's basically that scene where the schoolyard bully realizes he can't beat on the defenseless kid anymore. And they made Batman that kid? No. Just fucking no.
Because Batman shouldn't be reduced to a fifth grade bully. He's supposed to be above that, but for some odd reason Snyder or Goyer or whomever couldn't grasp that.


Because Batman shouldn't be reduced to a fifth grade bully. He's supposed to be above that, but for some odd reason Snyder or Goyer or whomever couldn't grasp that.

There's a lot that Batman was in BvS that he shouldn't have been.

But idk, I just never expected that of all things. Theoretically, it shouldn't be worse than making Batman a psychopathic murderer, but it is.

And it's just one short moment, one that I've yet to see anyone else talk about, but it just stands out to me. Everyone is concentrating on Batman's murder spree or his belligerence, but for me, it's those 5 seconds that define Batman of BvS.
There's a lot that Batman was in BvS that he shouldn't have been.

But idk, I just never expected that of all things. Theoretically, it shouldn't be worse than making Batman a psychopathic murderer, but it is.

And it's just one short moment, one that I've yet to see anyone else talk about, but it just stands out to me. Everyone is concentrating on Batman's murder spree or his belligerence, but for me, it's those 5 seconds that define Batman of BvS.
Well Batman in that movie was all about needlessly torturing people that he viewed better/stronger than. Dude was running around just branding people that he knew would lead them to die in prison. Didn't stop him from doing it though. So him wanting to essentially drag out Supes death through what was essentially torture makes sense, though this is not an argument for the shit they threw onto the screen and called it a movie.


I know, that makes sense and all, because Snyder's idea of what a badass is is just the biggest guy that can hit the hardest. That's pretty much it, if you go to the gym often enough and are willing to hurt people, you're a badass.

If you're going to make that kind of movie, okay, fine. It's stupid, but it's Snyder, whatever. But when you make that kind of movie, and then mix in the fear of having the kind of violence you revel in being inflicted on you...it's just something in my gut that revolts at that.

And it's definitely a mistake in the filming process. This isn't a consistent character trait. Batman stares superman down in the knightmare while chained up, and he doesn't show any kind of fear in taking down doomsday. So usually, it is the kind of movie that Snyder meant to direct, with two meat heads beating the shitout of each other in a machismo celebratory circle jerk. How even Snyder let that scene slip in there, one that is antithetical to his thesis for BvS and it's worship of violent masculinity, I have no idea.
But Batman stares him down in a dream, which is pretty much where a persons idealized self resides. I guess batman knew the reality of what a superman punch would do and just feared the outcome, though him not having an actual contingency or the martial arts skills to be able to at least use the momentum of that punch to at least judo flip him like in the animated series is a bit stupid.


That's another inconsistency that I mentioned, either here or elsewhere, I forget.

For most of the movie, Batman fights like an untrained thug, someone who knows how to fight, but not because he was formally trained in it. Basic punches, blocks, and throws with minimal technique. If you paid attention to him during the knightmare dream, you'll see Nolan-esque "We have guns, but lets close the distance and hit him with them oh no, he grabbed them, however could we have avoided this" kind of fighting. Which is fine, whatever, especially since Snyder knows how to frame it so we don't pay attention to it too much.

Then, out of fucking no where, we're suddenly watching someone play Arkham Knight. The similarities to the movement borders on plagiarism and it is completely out of place with how Batman has fought up until then.

It's so damn obvious that Snyder just walked in on someone playing the games and thought "Hey, why don't we do that for a scene" without thinking how inconsistent it was with the rest of Batman's action scenes.



Or maybe it's the other way around, since Korra looks much older there than here. And who knows how inter-cartoon continuity works.

Or maybe it's the other way around, since Korra looks much older there than here. And who knows how inter-cartoon continuity works.
God damn it Veelk you fucking beat me to it!!!! Asami dumped her ass so she fell through the cracks and started whorin'. She's now waiting for her true bae to giver a "Rekuviracation."
I don't think it's the other way around, because in the Homies Over Hoes video, Korra obviously has her Book 1 bust before the reduction in Book 2.

But don't hate, her time working with Gangstalicious taught her that she can love whoever she wants no matter the gender.
I don't think it's the other way around, because in the Homies Over Hoes video, Korra obviously has her Book 1 bust before the reduction in Book 2.

But don't hate, her time working with Gangstalicious taught her that she can love whoever she wants no matter the gender.
But if she was a ho first then why is she so sexually inexperienced in Book 1?
But if she was a ho first then why is she so sexually inexperienced in Book 1?

Video hoe =/= regular hoe.

Video hoes are paid to be "promiscuous" in videos. Most of them don't know how to act out in real life . That's why so many cant fuck worth a damn when their eventual sex tape drops.

Enter Korra.
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