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Avatar Community |OT| Live. Die. Repeat.

I wil never give up.
Well the soundtrack release is not gonna happen unless there is a massive change in Nick management.

Kinda hoping NYCC 2016 will bring some Avatar news, but doubts are heavy as per usual.
I might get Overwatch real soon. Games are letting me down right now. Deus Ex MD did me dirty.

I'm just gonna get some games that are proven to be good, complete experiences. Doom and Overwatch here I come.


Guys, go see Kubo and the two strings. It's an instant classic. Fantastic children's tale.

DE:MD is bad? I heard good things.
Im just kinda pissed that the story arc presented in MD is apparently incomplete. I read many complaints about how the story ends abruptly at about what feels like should be the 60% point. Worst I heard was someone who equated it to Human Revoltion just ending after the first boss, which might have been hyperbole on his part, but considering that the general complaint is so widespread, there's probably some extent of merit to that statement.

I know it's supposed to be the start of a new DE trilogy, but there's a tasteful way to end the first part of a series, and what they do in MD does not sound tasteful from impressions.

With most games I wouldn't even care much, but I'm very invested in HR's narrative. I beat the game like 6 or 7 times, so I was really excited for MD's story. Now, I'll wait for it to drop in price. Gameplay wise it sounds great though.


Hm....I'll have to see myself I guess, whenever I get a better computer that can run it.

It's funny. I usually have a really sharp memory, but I can barely remember anything about the story beyond a vague outline of plot events, even though I really liked it while playing it.

But yeah, Overwatch is not gonna disappoint, though I hope you know it's not a narrative based game at all, since that is what you seem to be into. It's pure TF2-style gameplay.
That's why I'm so invested in HR's story. I found it really hard to keep up with at first. The story is just lead after lead filled with a bunch of different characters and organizations and corporations and agendas... I only really knew what I was doing at any given moment, but would forget most of the other details that had passed aside from some big things and general ideas.

I only began to understand the story in a more substatial way after multiple playthroughs, and I loved it after putting in a bunch of effort to learn the details of it.

Oh and yeah I know exactly what Overwatch is like. I actually really wanted to get Doom prior to Overwatch because my mind has been set on getting a new singleplayer game for a while, but my friend really wants to get Overwatch first so I just decided to go with his choice.

Also, I'm going to give you a game suggestion. Rocket League. I've been playing that in perpetuity since it released. I'm definitely into more than just narrative heavy games. Though I've definitely been in the mood for something narrative heavy since I've been thinking about DE so much lately. Maybe I'll just replay UC3 soon so I can get to UC4 already.


Man, I am so glad that nothing about NMS impressed me before the launch.

Games that get this kind of backlash are usually large enough that I get swept up into the movement. Not this time, so this is a rare chance for me to look at it from the outside.

We were all pretty disappointed with LoK, but it doesn't look like we were burned as bad as NMS people were.
Man, I am so glad that nothing about NMS impressed me before the launch.

Games that get this kind of backlash are usually large enough that I get swept up into the movement. Not this time, so this is a rare chance for me to look at it from the outside.

We were all pretty disappointed with LoK, but it doesn't look like we were burned as bad as NMS people were.
I briefly cared about that game, then I just stopped caring and continued on with my life as usual.


Yet here you are, in this thread, still occasionally, bitterly ruing how they didn't do Kuvira justice, at this point years after the fact.

We're lucky we avoided the hype crash, but it's gonna happen to us sooner or later. It always does.
Yet here you are, in this thread, still occasionally, bitterly ruing how they didn't do Kuvira justice, at this point years after the fact.

We're lucky we avoided the hype crash, but it's gonna happen to us sooner or later. It always does.
Hey I fight for my waifus till the bitter end. You should see me in the Macross Delta thread fighting for Mirage


Had one of my co-workers, out of the blue, ask me if I'd ever seen Avatar. I answered pretty nonchalantly which later he used as an excuse to declare that I was just a casual fan.


At first, what I had hoped would be a simulating nerd conversation quickly turned into resentment:

I asked if he liked The Legend of Korra, and while he generally liked it, his opinion of Korra herself dwindled to her losing all of the past lives and disliking her because of that.

I was pretty dumbfounded as I always am when I read it even here on GAF.


Told him the same thing I'll tell anyone else, Korra is worth at least FOUR Avatars for the shit she did. He didn't buy it. Aang love for life.

Then the conversation jumped around including geeking out over Book 3 and eventually I (of course) asked about his opinion of Kuvira.

He thought she was a dude. :|

Vaguely remembers her GIANT ROBOT.

Also liked The M. Night Movie.

I was done and defeated.


I never sat well with the idea that it's korra's fault she lost her past lives. It's straight up victim blaming. She was forced into the Avatar state activation via poisoning and then assaulted unto a state that left her crippled for a time. There's a lot of shit that can be laid on korra's feet, but that is not one of them.


I never sat well with the idea that it's korra's fault she lost her past lives. It's straight up victim blaming. She was forced into the Avatar state activation via poisoning and then assaulted unto a state that left her crippled for a time. There's a lot of shit that can be laid on korra's feet, but that is not one of them.

Didn't she lose her past lives because Unalaq was slapping up Raava's spirit after it was extracted from Korra?


Oh, fuck, that's right.

I thought Zaheer was the one to do that for some reason, in season 3. I guess Book 2 is just so bad that I blocked some of it out of my mind.

Well, either way, the point stands. Korra losing her past lives was not something she did, it was done to her. It's not right to hold her accountable for that.


Oh, I remember now. Unalaq and his creepy twins just sort of...disappeared. I don't remember exactly why, but one moment, he was talking about how he'd combine with Vaatu and then he just fades away and Korra is "Well, I guess I'll open the spirit world now" and that's how the season ends.
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