Ok guys, I wanted to draw a new Pokemon pic so here is another picture I did with Misty here.

In this picture, Misty is very sick and intubated in the Hospital ICU. She is recieving many Treatments for her Illness such as, Crystal solution through the IV in her hand and the Central line in her shoulder, As well as Crystal Air through the ventilator. As well, She has Moniters such as the Pulse Oximeter, Blood pressure Cuff and the EKG leads on her chest which desplay these stats on the Screen for the doctor to see. As well, She has t touch the medium size bright blue diamond type Crystal with large facets for healing aswell. This Crystal treatment has a side effect which is that it causes Misty's small hands to become very long and large with long bony fingers and prominant Joints, Which you can see in the picture here. This is a permanent Side effect and it wont go away even after Misty's illness is cured, Well I hope you enjoy this new Pic from me.