A young man is hit by a mysterious new weapon called the Tsunde-Ray and transforms into Aisaka Taiga!
Chrisjoepher Robin and Winnie the Nightmare.
It's actually not far from the truth then . . . just replace Sora with Nomura. :'(Can you imagine if KH series ended like this? :O
Would definitely be on another level here.
You're just like me
Try to change pony history
But who's to judge the White from Mong?
When our tails are down, I think we'll both agree
That nightmares breed nightmares
And in the end it has to be this neeeeeeeeeeeeeeigh
Why is Lightning there? Thanks Obama.
I mean, 10 pictures of ponies from a cartoon for little kids as cyborgs wielding electric katanas but Lightning is too much.
Ponies are cool, Lightning is not.
...did you hear that? I think that was the sound of me being put on Shinta's shit list.
It's canon, but his smile freaks me out.
The slime running down his arched hips does not, though?
I was just assuming that was water...
Oh of COURSE Roxas is a seahorse. Of course.
your-reply said:After three months, Shrek had returned to Midorijima.
"Sonic," Shrek breathed, his suit tight across his manly chest. "Im sorry I had to go back to my swamp for three months without telling you. I hope you didnt think our relationship was ogre."
"No, its just youre too slow!" Sonic shouted cheerfully as he threw himself over the counter of Heibon into Shreks arms, and they shared passionate embrace.
That's a crossover I never thought I'd see...
Those puns made me hurt inside. The more I look at it the worse it gets!
I don't get it?