Axios: Adviser says it's finally dawned on Trump: "People really fucking hate me."

the most frightening thing about trump is that none of his motivations come from any love of the country. Even Bush, Jr. - not a particularly smart man - can be argued that he loved the country and was motivated by decisions that (he thought) would improve the country. He was misguided and I disagreed with nearly everything he did while in office.

Trump, on the other hand, feels as if the only thing he loves more than power is himself.

IF this story is true, the fact that this man is running the United States of American is nightmare fuel.



Won't that work better with a slowbro?

Also shenanigans.
Wait and see how he reacts to DACA and tax reform. If he goes ape shit on the GOP for not getting him a deal with democrats and ends up with lefter leaning bills as a result then maybe I'll considered giving this article some creedance. Chances of this happening are slim because it will break the GOPs back. They will have nothing to campaign on as it's their president that is signing these bills so their only other option is to block their own president at every pass wich will cause the Trump base to turn on them. It's loose loose for the GOP going forward. Check mate Trump.



Trump's a manchild, so if the press starts praising him for working with the Dems, he might actually make it a habit.



Trump's a manchild, so if the press starts praising him for working with the Dems, he might actually make it a habit.
The press should stroke the fuck out of his ego anytime he does something good, if they know what's good for the country

Assuming he didn't couple it with something horrible
I actually buy this to an extent, and think he may try to change his behaviors on some things (although he won't think of it as changing his behavior).

Sadly, his brain is so melted, and he's so stupid, and so impulsive, and his priors are so hateful, that Trump trying to strike deals and compromise probably looks identical to all the other forms of Trump.
I mean, he's still a tool but that just means you need the right pair of big strong guiding hands to use him.

Think about it America, you could have an army of mindless drones at your disposal! Parroting anything the tool says!
We do hate you, Mr. President. Keep working with Schumer and Pelosi on legislation that's actually good for people and we will hate you slightly less (still a fuckload).

Short of impeachment, Trump turning against the gop (for whatever shallow reason) is the least bad outcome of the next 3.5 years


The most popular thing he could do is resign.

Would you rather have Trump that is impulsive and will equally as likely launch nukes at North Korea as he is to be manipulated into working with Dems on things like the debt ceiling, or Pence who won't kill us in the short term but won't budge on the trash GOP agenda?

Truly the Sophie's Choice of how to destroy this country.
This asshole banned trans soldiers and stirred up a movement of racism that will last for decades.

I don't care how much he changes. On his deathbed in the liberal utopia he creates just for affirmation, I will still be saying he can go fuck himself.
We do hate you, Mr. President. Keep working with Schumer and Pelosi on legislation that's actually good for people and we will hate you slightly less (still a fuckload).

Nah, man. If he reversed course on the environment, civil rights, and healthcare while actually getting some work done on infrastructure and keeps employment humming, I’ll verbally fellate him to no end.

Oh, and if he doesn’t get us all blown up.


I fucking hate the man, but if all it takes for him to stop supporting idiotic Republican policies is to praise him whenever he works with Democrats, I'm willing to call him the greatest man to ever live.


Junior Member
This asshole banned trans soldiers and stirred up a movement of racism that will last for decades.

I don't care how much he changes. On his deathbed in the liberal utopia he creates just for affirmation, I will still be saying he can go fuck himself.

Donald has already done horribly bigoted damage that will take a LONG time to heal/address. Even if he passes universal health care, he, personally, can go fuck himself.


I imagine it was more of a pouty "People really fucking hate me" instead of a lamenting "People really fucking hate me."
It does follow the Trump pattern. Guy needs to be praised, and will abandon anything if he thinks it is making him look bad.

Combine that with his ability to hold a grudge and Trump feeling that the GOP screwed him, I could see him trying to get more deals done with Democrats.

Caja 117

What a load of BS. How about he fires Miller, Sessions, Devos, Pruit, etc to at least give a good illusion that he wants to do good, and even after that I know exactly what he is.
What if he ends up becoming the best president ever

Ya never know

I don't think it's possible. He's still poorly equipped for the job, his level of focus is terrible, and he has no long-game. And even if he does have a sincere "liberal awakening", he'll still be so politically toxic for Democrats that they'll be forced to keep him at a very far arm's length at most.
No way he'll turn, his supporters and his cabinet would disown him, hel likely just become a smarter bigot, if thats even a thing.


Trump is fucking garbage and I cannot forgive him for his actions........


I do believe that people are capable of redemption.... at least one.... shit I know Ive used mine...

If Trump makes a heel turn in the vainest of reason, I will still accept the good. How can you not if it moves the country in a better way. (Minimum wage, better tax, immigration)

Im not naive, I considering the possibilities of the unpredictable.

Damn this is true to me on so many levels.. I still could care less about the racist bastard but coming from a place where you've done things or seen things then see people try to redeem themselves regardless of what I feel I have respect for those people. I've been doing my best to be redeemed of some of my past so who am I to say he cant at least try ... but DAMN I really hate him lol. I also think its just the flavor of the day with this guy cause he hasn't shown any remorse that I would consider truly real, for his actions and words.

Great Post Lil'DigiOp :) Nice to see (read) someone who you can relate to.


Damage is done.

He wants to try to make it right get rid of people like Devos etc and hire actual professionals for those jobs.

He can maybe fix all the other stuff like healthcare, immigration, and his wall.

As is, this is just a smoke screen to try to smooth over 7 months of evil.
I don't think it's possible. He's still poorly equipped for the job, his level of focus is terrible, and he has no long-game. And even if he does have a sincere "liberal awakening", he'll still be so politically toxic for Democrats that they'll be forced to keep him at a very far arm's length at most.
If it is possible it's definitely a fraction of a percent

In no way do I think it's likely to happen, but weird shit goes down sometimes. Your assessment is correct though, and I'm still content with hating him.
So basically, if he plans to do something bad, really scream loudly, make sure people complain on tv all day and he will realize "maybe don't do this."

Too bad he already did a ton of damage, and I don't really believe he won't anymore in the future also. Dude changes his mind every other day.


He can pivot all he wants until he wears it out, but he's still a waste of life, a book from chapter 1 to the end full of lying, cheating, stealing, racism, misogyny, sexism and selfishness.
The Presidency is not a fucking joke and he made it a joke when he ran, and his little band of US-hating voters ran with it thinking it was funny. All for the sake of fucking over the US's first black President because he got his stupid little speech at an airport cut off when President Obama gave another speech at the same time with his (needlessly) proof of his birth certificate.
He sits on his fat ass all day and calls in conservative radios and TV shows saying anything so he can get verification people are giving him attention.
I have yet to refer to him by his title because it's not proper nor accurate.

Trump is and always will be a world class criminal.

But it doesn't fucking matter to his brain dead voters, because he does it for love of his country (despite contrary to the otherwise).
I'll bet you anything you could show them a video of Trump punching kindergartners in the face repeatedly until their noses broke and bled, and their response would be "it just shows how much he loves children"
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