Definitely Metal Gear Solid.
Interesting. I know it's top-down style, but that's all I know about it.
Definitely Metal Gear Solid.
Interesting. I know it's top-down style, but that's all I know about it.
You should check out some gameplay on YouTube. It has some pretty cool cutscenes. If you like stealth/metal gear games I think you'd really enjoy it.
Also I just picked up a Neo Geo Pocket Color! It came with PacMan and Samurai Shodown. What games should I get next? (This podcast is bad for my wallet. Lol )
You should check out some gameplay on YouTube. It has some pretty cool cutscenes. If you like stealth/metal gear games I think you'd really enjoy it.
Also I just picked up a Neo Geo Pocket Color! It came with PacMan and Samurai Shodown. What games should I get next? (This podcast is bad for my wallet. Lol )
You should check out some gameplay on YouTube. It has some pretty cool cutscenes. If you like stealth/metal gear games I think you'd really enjoy it.
Also I just picked up a Neo Geo Pocket Color! It came with PacMan and Samurai Shodown. What games should I get next? (This podcast is bad for my wallet. Lol )
What if the review was one from awhile back?
Who here likes jumping flash?
Still counts, just point me towards your username.
Should be under TeknomanEX.
EDIT: Only experience with Jumping Flash is the demo from back in the day...does it still hold up?
Any reason the Vita chat was taken off of google plus?
Any last questions for Mike Mika?
hey Coach Kevin! I gotta question! why do ppl say like carbs are bad for you?
I was real lazy last week, so I bought a thing of ravioli from Costco, and ate that everyday for dinner with a grilled cheese sandwich for 4 out of 5 days last week.
I mentioned it to a friend, who plays basketball regularly, and he's like "owww... so much carbs!"
but I dont really understand nutrition like that... so what does my body gain and lose with a diet like that?
also back on topic, I like sega saturn!!
No more questions for Mike Mika?
No more questions for Mike Mika?
Not sure if it's in his wheelhouse, but is there any chance you guys will discuss arcade ports on the Sega Saturn? Stuff like X-Men vs. Street Fighter and Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter have yet to see better home ports than the Saturn versions.
Thanks Kevin, absolutely love the podcast!
I highly enjoyed Mike Mika on the Sonic 3 & Knuckles issue and how he was confused about whether it was on the Ultimate Genesis Collection or not.
The Sonic 3 & Knuckles game was NOT on the Genesis collection. The reasoning for this from Ethan was:
"To shore up the development time necessary to get "Lock-On" to work in Sonic's Ultimate Genesis Collection, we would have had to drop all of the bonus games from the disc. Faced with an either/or scenario, we chose to retain our title lineup in its entirety."
This was ridiculed a whole bunch at the time, because as Mike Mika mentions, the way this works is super duper easy and incredibly well documented. In fact I believe Sonic 3 & Knuckles is instantanious when dumping the two games "Locked On" while Sonic 2 & Knuckles takes a little work (but is very well documented), so at the time it was either incompetence or cheapness.
Ultimately later in the year they released a singular version of Sonic & Knuckles on the Xbox Live Arcade, which then went the extra mile and would unlock Sonic 3&K or 2&K in the S&K game if you purchased those games on XBLA. So it was a pretty dumb thing overall
I am being DEAD F*CKING SERIOUS when I say the episode I just did with Mike Mika is the best episode yet. Look for it in 60 minutes.
A little more time to get questions in for Blake Harris, author of, "Console Wars." Doing the interview this weekend.
what software d you use to stream on twitch? and more specifically how do you get the game audio to dip when you talk?