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Bakery under fire for refusing to make anti-gay cake.

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Can't wait for these kind of fools to join the fossils Satan buried to deceive them.

Edit: I would bake the cake and make it AWFUL so as to keep the money and discourage repeat business.
Just bake the cake. Don't have to like the message. None of their business. Make the cake and sell it and move on.

With that said the dude trying to do this is a scumbag out to prove a point.
Okay.. this discussion has now veered to where I remembered my favorite Patrick Stewart SNL sketch of all time.

He runs a sexy cake bakery that specializes in a certain kind of sexy cake..



I searched for awhile to find that image, but you beat me to it. Those are the only cakes I want to see.

The Love Boat - The Next Generation was also a fun skit.


Just bake the cake. Don't have to like the message. None of their business. Make the cake and sell it and move on.

With that said the dude trying to do this is a scumbag out to prove a point.

It's hate speech though. What would you do if it was you and a neo-nazi asked to to bake a cake saying "All Jews should die and Hitler is bloody lovely"?
Let's say you live in a small town. This town has 4 gas stations. You're dark skinned, kind of middle eastern looking. All 4 of these gas stations refuse service to you because you might be a muslim and they don't like that. Guess you don't get a car. So take a bus. Woops, all the buses don't want any of your kind on them. Guess you walk. Well then some guys mug you because you look foreign. The cops don't care, you're brown and probably muslim. None of these businesses or services have to do anything, because there's no laws protecting you.

This is why these laws exist and are needed because that's a very real situation that our country battled with, except with race instead of religion, not even 100 years ago.

And no, this doesn't work both ways. There's a fundamental difference between disagreeing with someone's opinion and disagreeing with something about them they cannot change. One is just disagreeing, the other is discrimination.

Battled? Hell I bet there are still areas of this country that, in 2015, would love to refuse service to black and brown individuals if they could and not only would they not lose business it might actually make them more popular with certain segments of their communities. This would get especially shitty with businesses like pharmacies or grocery stores in particularly rural areas.

Two Words

In the eyes of the government it does.

Different tax structures for commissioned labor vs salary/wage labor. That also affects civil rights.
Well I'm stating what I believe is a distinction when it comes to civil rights. I think a business that makes things at the request of a customer should have the right to refuse to make something in particular. To me, refusing to complete a design to specification isn't the same as refusing to serve a customer.


Battled? Hell I bet there are still areas of this country that, in 2015, would love to refuse service to black and brown individuals if they could and not only would they not lose business it might actually make them more popular with certain segments of their communities. This would get especially shitty with businesses like pharmacies or grocery stores in particularly rural areas.

Yeah, we'd undo a lot of progress very quickly. We've seen an example of this just recently: The SCOTUS gutting the voting rights act and the speed with which conservative states have moved on voter ID / restricting voting rights, aimed at minorities. They just needed that pesky law out of the way and they jumped.


I mean that's directly hate speech.

Hmm, it's difficult. Hypothetically it's not impossible someone would want these kind of cakes to highlight how stupid homophobic messages are. Like someone might want these cakes for a gay pride party where everyone could use the cakes as an example to mock discrimination. Or an avant garde artist might want such a cake just so they could mix it with faecal matter or something. Weird examples I know but they're still possibilities. This guy was a definite moron trying to trip up the baker though.

The requested message is sensitive though and the base rate probability of the request being rooted in discriminatory hatred is high. It's a controversial opinion but I really think governments should inhibit production of homophobic/racist/anti-semitic propaganda by any entity which interacts with the public - including businesses and private individuals. I would really like to see a world without hateful pamphlets/cakes/books because I do think that propaganda convinces some people, at the very least such propaganda enables and passively supports discrimination. Of course under such a law religious texts would have to be revised to consistently champion equality but I think editing them in favour of equal representation of minorities would be just and moral. You can call that a suggestion for totalitarian control of information if you like, or you can call it the protection of minorities from hate, I prefer the latter. Some governments (like Russia's) already control production of information to favour discrimination against minorities, I would like to see more governments protect those minorities using the same methods.


This seems so childish. This is just a response to the protest of anti-gay bakeries refusing to sell wedding cakes to gay couples. But, this isn't the same. If a business provides a service they must make that service available to everyone. They can't say, "We'll sell wedding cakes to gay couples, but won't to straight couples; everyone must be treated equally. However, a business has a right to not provide a service, in which case they must refuse that service to everyone, not provide it for some, but provide it for others. If a bakery wants to refuse to provide service for writing discriminatory content on a wedding cake, it has that right.


Pretty simple; they weren't refused service because of their creed. They were refused service for requesting a cake that literally contained hate speech.

Whereas in the case of the gay couple, they were denied because of who they were.. and they were a protected class both Federally and by local statute.

If the gay couple had requested a crude cake, they also could have been denied.. and it wouldn't have held up in court as long as they offered to make them a different cake.

False equivalency is one of the most common and frustrating arguments because those who make said arguments will very rarely concede and will just blindly state "nuh-uhhhh it's the same!"

typist said:
Hmm, it's difficult. Hypothetically it's not impossible someone would want these kind of cakes to highlight how stupid homophobic messages are.

And this illustrates why it's perfectly legal for them to deny making the cake; for all the owner knew.. they were homosexual atheists requesting the cake.


Correct me if I'm wrong but the first instance was a bakery refusing to serve a couple because they were gay

This instance is a bakery refusing to serve someone because of what they want on the cake.

A bit different, no?


Correct me if I'm wrong but the first instance was a bakery refusing to serve a couple because they were gay

This instance is a bakery refusing to serve someone because of what they want on the cake.

A bit different, no?

Pretty much. If they refused to make the cake because he was going to have in during an anti-gay event, then sure. But I'm sure that they would have accepted the same guy if he finally asked for a vanilla cake in the end.


Pretty much. If they refused to make the cake because he was going to have in during an anti-gay event,

Pretty sure they can deny business legally for that too; being anti-gay isn't a protected class.

Would have been a much better example though for this idiot trying to prove some hypocrisy.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
In a statement to 9NEWS Jack said, "I believe I was discriminated against by the bakery based on my creed."

Ass Creed

I'm not the first one to make this joke am I?


Just bake the cake. Don't have to like the message. None of their business. Make the cake and sell it and move on.

With that said the dude trying to do this is a scumbag out to prove a point.

I'm gonna guess if they had agreed to make the cake he would have moved along to the next bakery on his list.


not me
Just bake the cake. Don't have to like the message. None of their business. Make the cake and sell it and move on.

With that said the dude trying to do this is a scumbag out to prove a point.

It seems like it's exactly their business.

Unless you mean they are in the business of making cupcakes and not hateful pieces of bigoted propoganda, in which case yeah that's not their business which is why they declined.

If the dude wanted a baked good he would have been given one.
In a statement to 9NEWS Jack said, "I believe I was discriminated against by the bakery based on my creed."

His creed. A creed that tells him to hate gay people with such a passion that he needs to ingest cake based delights with messages that also re-enforce that message. He's essentially eating the gay away. He must have thought it was ingenious. A real pat on the back moment.

Cunt of the highest order.


sputum-flecked apoplexy
This is literally 100% trolling. The person doing it wants to be able to turn around and say, 'look, they're bigots too, they wont make my cake!', because there have been (I think) a couple of high-profile cases where bakeries discriminated against LGBT couples and wouldn't make wedding cakes or anniversary cakes, etc.
So what if it is a set up?

They should have just made the cakes and put out a statement saying that they deplore the messages on the cakes but they don't want to discriminate against any customers.


So what if it is a set up?

They should have just made the cakes and put out a statement saying that they deplore the messages on the cakes but they don't want to discriminate against any customers.
What exactly are they discriminating against?
This is the equivalent of refusing to put a swastika on a cake. Just goddamn common sense.
So what if it is a set up?

They should have just made the cakes and put out a statement saying that they deplore the messages on the cakes but they don't want to discriminate against any customers.

Being a bigot is not a protected class. They are not under any legal obligation to make any cake anybody requests from them. If this same guy requested a cake that said "Happy Birthday Dave" I'm sure they'd be happy to take his business. That is not discrimination.


No baker in their right mind would have made that cake. Even if the baker believed in the message, all it would take is someone posting a pic of it on facebook crediting the bakery, and then goodbye business. This thing is stupid from every angle. Can't believe this bakery is supposedly 'under investigation' for this bullshit.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
Just bake the cake. Don't have to like the message. None of their business. Make the cake and sell it and move on.

With that said the dude trying to do this is a scumbag out to prove a point.

No they don't have to bake it. Tell them to fuck off. There is no point to be made here, other than demonstrating what a dipshit this guy is.

Refusal isn't discrimination.


This was a setup,

Totally, and a sloppy one at that. Let's see how quick they're willing to settle once the news vans are beating down their door asking why these people hate gay people and are browbeating companies to fall in line with their way of thinking.


So what if it is a set up?

They should have just made the cakes and put out a statement saying that they deplore the messages on the cakes but they don't want to discriminate against any customers.

Even if they disown it, there's no way in this day and age to keep something like that out of your portfolio.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
"I believe I was discriminated against by the bakery based on my creed."


Homophobe's Creed.

But no, they can refuse you service. The issue on the converse is telling the customer "no, because we don't believe in that." If they didn't say that and simply said "no we aren't going to do it" he doesn't have a pot to piss in in regards to "discrimination."


how would you show insensitive opinions through donuts?

"This old-fashioned donut represents my antipathy for modern liberal values. The cinnamon donut represents my hatred of foreigners. And this one, of course, represents my belief that sprinkled through the highest echelons of society, controlling everything, are lots and lots of colorful Jews."
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