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Banshee - Season 3 - Fridays on Cinemax

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Least we got some background on the nazi dude right, right?

I didn't even think the gunfights were good this episode. I expected another rocket launcher


My rage is finally cooling down. Enough to say that this statement is too far.

Still...that was not wise. Fan outcry from this will be vicious.
Maybe not season 8 Dexter, but c'mon.

"We center our show around the main character and his secret. What do we do if his gf learns his secret? Explore that conflict in any meaningful way? LOL, fuck that, lets just kill her to make an irredeemable villain more irredeemable, I guess. Now our awesome main character can finally bang someone else again."

I'm not asking for Shakespeare here, just for something that isn't the most lazy and predictable swerve possible, to one of the few characters with actual personality.


The writing in this episode was really bad. Actually glad Siobhan died because its obvious the show had no idea what it was doing with her and Hood.

This episode was annoying.
Pretty furious they went through with it. It's not just that she was a great character and had more potential, it's that it was just way too goddamn predictable. Instead of the intense plot lines that would follow both of them making it out alive and what would follow, we'll likely just give more screentime to Deva and her budding petty criminal career. Hood's motivation has reverted again to revenge.

I know I'm just really angry, but fuck man....


We should have known that nothing good was to come out of Hood going steady with her.

I did not expect this though...


I see people complaining that it was predictable. Except it wasn't.

It would been predictable if there was a threat to Hood's secret. Last part of the episode she basically forgives him. So her death was not really about 'killing off the character that knew the secret', as seen so many times. It would have been far more predictable if they both survived and and then tried to live with the secret.

Siobhan's storyline reached its peak. After forgiving Hood, where do they go from there? She joining him and the others on heists? She's cop. Or what, happily ever after and Hood and her leave (as he suggested)? That would certainly have been cliche.

Someone said that now Hood's motive is back to revenge. Revenge was never Hood's motive for coming to Banshee. He said it himself: "I came for Carrie, I stayed for you (his daughter)". His main motive had always been to get the girl back.

Now I feel the show is back on track, although I am certainly sad that the smokeshow Siobhan is gone. But I feel it was necessary. The latter half of last season, and the entirety of this one, had Hood basically being an spectator between Proctor and the Tribe's clashes. Now he has a reason to get in the middle of it.
Hot damn wat an episode.
I was expecting her getting shot anytime through out that episode, Her end was was actually good.

My only beef. They killed a lot of people with rifles and they are still using pistols.
Those rifles aren't depleted once the user dies, guys


Predictable, lazy

Action wasn't even that great tonight.

Revenge is on but hell is it really going to make Hood deposing of Chayton THAT much more rewarding?


Haha. Here come the trope whiners. Great episode. I prefer Hood to be single. The show is better when the characters are unhinged. Look at Carrie last week. So kick ass. The cop life is not to up par with Hood's life as a thief. Need more heists and more sex =)
Ugh, what a lame finish to an otherwise awesome episode. It is a awful trope. Yeah, it gets Hood "motivated", but it's lazy as hell. If they are gonna utilize that trope, they better make the payoff worth it. That said, it was still a great episode. Not as good as Ep. 3, but still a memorable one.

Bunker is amazing. Alison is amazing. Lots of great new characters/old characters coming into their own this season.


Oh fuck you Chayton. Fuck you so much you damn bastard. I can't remember the last time I was this fucking angry at fictional character. I want to see Hood ripping him to pieces now. I just need this in my life.

Anyway, great episode. So many tense moment and yet plenty of character development. At this point S3 easily surpasses the whole S2 and also badly spanks first 5 episodes of S1.


Predictable, lazy
Not to me. One she forgave him I was completely sure she would survive and that would have been the more lazy aproach. Hood cracked today, showing more humanity than he ever did before.

Revenge is on but hell is it really going to make Hood deposing of Chayton THAT much more rewarding?
Yes. So far there was no real stake in this war for viewer. Chayton was seen almost as honorable anti-hero. There was no real reason to want him to loose or come on top in the war with Proctor. And similiarly there was no true reason to Hood to go after him outside of his fake job.


Yes. So far there was no real stake in this war for viewer. Chayton was seen almost as honorable anti-hero.
I saw him as a homicidal, racist maniac.
Not sure how anyone could get an anti-hero vibe from someone that massacres people for a few guns to murder everyone of a certain skin color.


I saw him as a homicidal, racist maniac.
Not sure how anyone could get an anti-hero vibe from someone that massacres people for a few guns to murder everyone of a certain skin color.
And Proctor was any different? He didn't do anything to anyone we care about or even to anyone really innocent. He was just at war and we've even seen his caring human side couple of times.
He was a bad man and all, but untill this night there was no reason to hate him, not in the world of Banshee at least.


And Proctor was any different? He didn't do anything to anyone we care about or even to anyone really innocent. He was just at war and we've even seen his caring human side couple of times.
He was a bad man and all, but until this night there was no reason to hate him, not in the world of Banshee at least.
Proctor has that Heisenberg thing going for him. I'm not thinking of him as an anti-hero either.

And Chayton said he wants to take the land back from the "white man". It's pretty clear what that implies. Just because we haven't seen him murder women and children on-screen, doesn't mean he's not actively working towards it.


Proctor has that Heisenberg thing going for him. I'm not thinking of him as an anti-hero either.

And Chayton said he wants to take the land back from the "white man". It's pretty clear what that implies. Just because we haven't seen him murder women and children on-screen, doesn't mean he's not actively working towards it.

I wrote "almost anti-hero". And yes, he's a terrible person, but there was no reason to hate him. Almost everybody on Banshee is pretty terrible, just in different degrees.
But till this episode there was no reason to hate him and most of all. untill this episode he wasn't a villain in this story. And show like Banshee needs villains.


I wrote "almost anti-hero". And yes, he's a terrible person, but there was no reason to hate him. Almost everybody on Banshee is pretty terrible, just in different degrees.
But till this episode there was no reason to hate him and most of all. untill this episode he wasn't a villain in this story. And show like Banshee needs villains.
Agreed. I just wish they'd found a less clichéd way to go about it.


Hunky Nostradamus

Reminds me of a scene from Jaws :D


Agreed. I just wish they'd found a less clichéd way to go about it.

You need to embrace the cliches :) I view Banshee like pure pulp series. It revels in it's cliches and tropes. What makes it good is how it realizes them and often delivers surprising consequences to cliched events.

Plus I think as a whole this show puts bigger focus on emotions than plot. And I honestly can't think of anything that would make me loathe Chayton more. When Hoods takes him down I expect to feel the satisfaction similiar to when Hood killd the albino. I just love to hate villains and few shows these days manage to evoke this kind of hate from me. Nowadays we get more and more complex villains. Smart, with extensive backstory and philosophy. Ones we can even on some level understand. And it''s great, but it's also good from to time just feel simple hatred towards a badguy.


What does this even mean?
Let me guess, you saw that on a 4chan anime board and thought it sounded cool.

Nope I don't watch anime homie. Just find it amusing how people are reacting to the "trope" as it's being used in this thread. She had to go to keep him in the town/show called Banshee. It's not that difficult really. If she stayed, then he would have had to come clean about the vault heist. Either she becomes complicit (not in her character) or she goes out to get him. Siobhan vs Hood, cmon. Nah mann. I need more Carrie, Job and Sugar. I need to see that crazy military as well. I don't need the crew on the run in season 3. Not yet.


You need to embrace the cliches :) I view Banshee like pure pulp series. It revels in it's cliches and tropes. What makes it good is how it realizes them and often delivers surprising consequences to cliched events.

Plus I think as a whole this show puts bigger focus on emotions than plot. And I honestly can't think of anything that would make me loathe Chayton more. When Hoods takes him down I expect to feel the satisfaction similiar to when Hood killd the albino. I just love to hate villains and few shows these days manage to evoke this kind of hate from me. Nowadays we get more and more complex villains. Smart, with extensive backstory and philosophy. Ones we can even on some level understand. And it''s great, but it's also good from to time just feel simple hatred towards a badguy.

I learned to watch this ilk of television (ex. Spartacus) as a fun ride. Some are trying to push it like it's Breaking Bad or something. The only area Banshee needs to innovate in is how fights are shot for modern television. It is doing just that.


Hunky Nostradamus
It was super predictable, but I really think it was Siobhan's time to go. There was really nowhere else for her to go - every other character had something lined up but her.

And that she ultimately forgave Hood and was going to be okay with his secrets kind of makes her death poetic.

Oops, probably shouldn't have checked the first second of that before watching tonight's episode.


I'm not asking for Shakespeare here, just for something that isn't the most lazy and predictable swerve possible, to one of the few characters with actual personality.

Huh? Almost all of the characters on Banshee have personalities...

Bunker is amazing. Alison is amazing. Lots of great new characters/old characters coming into their own this season.

Yeah, Bunker is pretty badass (I'm very excited to see where they take him) and Alison really came into her own this week too. Their scene together was just great.


I find it really unbelievable that Chayton would let Hood and Raven live and just saunter off after finally getting inside.
Yeah, Bunker is pretty badass (I'm very excited to see where they take him) and Alison really came into her own this week too. Their scene together was just great.
Yeah, that was a great scene. I think this "Tank" guy Bunker talked about will be a future villain.

Now just laser off those tats (I know this won't happen) and get Bunker out of those clothes. To make it extra edgy, he should be gay and hook up with Job.

I find it really unbelievable that Chayton would let Hood and Raven live and just saunter off after finally getting inside.
He wants Hood to suffer, so I'm not surprised Hood was left alive. Plus, the state police had arrived so he didn't have time to track down Billy.
"Coroner's office, how may I help you ?"
"This is the State Police, we need you here ASAP."
"Where ?"
"Oh crap, not again."
"Afraid so."
"How many this time ?"
"A dozen, give or take a few"
"(sighs) OK, I'll start calling the guys."


Another one bite the dust, RIP Shioban

That scene with Bunker aka Officer Nazi and Alison as very good

Now shit will get real Hood vs Chayton is coming


odds of bunker banging the hot black DA? That dude is pretty ripped. Interesting to see him and his story.

Hood Vs Chayton, in the underground fight club is the end game...


Welp, that sucked. As soon as she forgave him it was clear that she was gonna die though. Even more clear that is. Not a fan of this development but that's how it goes I guess.


You need to embrace the cliches :) I view Banshee like pure pulp series. It revels in it's cliches and tropes. What makes it good is how it realizes them and often delivers surprising consequences to cliched events.
It's just the first time it really stood out to me in a negative way. Although I will freely admit that my judgement is a bit clouded considering the character we're talking about ;).
Nope I don't watch anime homie. Just find it amusing how people are reacting to the "trope" as it's being used in this thread. She had to go to keep him in the town/show called Banshee. It's not that difficult really. If she stayed, then he would have had to come clean about the vault heist. Either she becomes complicit (not in her character) or she goes out to get him. Siobhan vs Hood, cmon. Nah mann. I need more Carrie, Job and Sugar. I need to see that crazy military as well. I don't need the crew on the run in season 3. Not yet.
It was just painfully obvious that the writers were done with the relationship and then shoehorned her finding out in as a convenient out. The whole tape thing doesn't even make sense in retrospect.
Hmmm, idk. I keep typing thoughts and deleting them because I don't know how I feel about that episode. On one hand it's like, "Where could the Siobhan storyline go? Plus now Hood has motivation, and Chayton has evolved to Uber Scumbag villain status." But on the other hand, "Well, of course they'd kill the character who just discovered something huge and threatens to change the direction of the show except that's not what the writers want to do at all."

So....yeah. I don't know yet. Let's see what they do with this.
It was a good episode, but
We were all thinking that this was probably going to happen, after Siobhan learned about Hood's secret in the last episode. And after episode started and we saw flashbacks with her i knew she was going to die. But until the last second i hoped that she won't die. But nevertheless, Siobhan is dead. She is one of my favourite characters in the show. At least she and Hood made up.
As for episode itself, it was good, interesting, tense. But action wasn't really memorable. Hood's slide and Siobhan with machete, i think that's it.
Bunker is badass,it's cool that he's going to work with them. They developed Allison a bit.
As always, there were awesome lines, like "You're hired" when Bunker came out of armory and "Well that sucks" when lights went off.
Chayton is fucked. Hood is very angry.


The scene where Shioban and Hood are talking and she asks his real name...I thought that would be the moment she got sniped or something just as he was going to tell her,not whisper it to her...

Anyway,good episode,sad to see Shioban die though...and I was expecting a little more from the Siege and some parts where a little far fetched,like that black lady saying she never used a gun before,be careful of recoil,etc etc but she shoots a guy with a shotgun later on without even flinching or anything lol...guess she lied ;)
How did no one thought that the redbones could attack from both sides at the same time? They should have stuck with Hood, Raven and Siobhan at the top and the nazi guy, Brock and Alison in the basement.

Also saw the Siobhan death coming a mile away.

It was a good episode but I was expecting something way better.
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