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Banshee - Season 3 - Fridays on Cinemax

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I figured she wouldn't be there after this season. She was one of the mains on Believe or whatever that show was called with the little girl that had powers.


What the fuck???????????????????????

Now, I'm sad. :(

Slobberknocker of an episode, but damn, those last few minutes....


Registered for GAF on September 11, 2001.
Great episode. Loved every minute of it. Complainers will complain. Oh well.


Hunky Nostradamus
Second female character to die for what feels like no reason this season...Not a fan.

No reason? Nola died in service of a fucking crazy AMAZING action sequence - probably the best on the series to date. Those blood pumping scenes are the main reason I watch the show and I feel like she served her purpose well. (not to mention that due to Odette's busy schedule they couldn't give her tons to do anyway)

As for Siobhan...

Plus, Alison is getting a lot more screen time this year and they also just introduced two new female characters this season to balance things out (Brock's ex and the Kinaho cop).
Hot damn wat an episode.
I was expecting her getting shot anytime through out that episode, Her end was was actually good.

My only beef. They killed a lot of people with rifles and they are still using pistols.
Those rifles aren't depleted once the user dies, guys

Pistols are primary weapons in Banshee. And you can only carry one at a time, and two grenades.


Yeah, that was a great scene. I think this "Tank" guy Bunker talked about will be a future villain.

Now just laser off those tats (I know this won't happen) and get Bunker out of those clothes. To make it extra edgy, he should be gay and hook up with Job.

He wants Hood to suffer, so I'm not surprised Hood was left alive. Plus, the state police had arrived so he didn't have time to track down Billy.

Wait, do we know if Job is into dude?
No reason? Nola died in service of a fucking crazy AMAZING action sequence - probably the best on the series to date. Those blood pumping scenes are the main reason I watch the show and I feel like she served her purpose well. (not to mention that due to Odette's busy schedule they couldn't give her tons to do anyway)

As for Siobhan...

Plus, Alison is getting a lot more screen time this year and they also just introduced two new female characters this season to balance things out (Brock's ex and the Kinaho cop).
I sure hope Kinaho cop is Hoods rebound.
Wait, do we know if Job is into dude?
If not that is one fabulous ass straight man.


This show is going to end with Hood dying I feel. It would only be fitting. Or with him being the only person left in Banshee.


This show is going to end with Hood dying I feel. It would only be fitting. Or with him being the only person left in Banshee.
I'm much more interested if we find out his real name at some point. I can't recall a show that had a John Doe protagonist the whole way through.


I'm much more interested if we find out his real name at some point. I can't recall a show that had a John Doe protagonist the whole way through.

There was a Q&A where they said that they have no plans to reveal the name and don't actually know it themselves.


Not sure what show some of you have been watching so far, but this was perfectly in line with classic Banshee.
It's about the punching, the shooting and the fucking, and most plot points are bent to push forward these elements.

Siobhan's death made sense in this context, as some have said, she wouldn't have spilled the secret anyway, so it wasn't to hide the secret, just to fuel the next river of violence, and give Hood an excuse to stay in town and kick butts.

Episode itself had some great moments here and there, though the action left me a bit disappointed.
If i compare it to stuff like Precinct 13 or Nid de guêpes, the tension here wasn't nearly as intense, probably because they felt all too safe inside the station, with the only capable dude ouside being Chayton, and instead plenty of deadly people inside.
Wait, do we know if Job is into dude?
We don't actually. I shouldn't jump to conclusions.

But Job is the only series regular that hasn't had even a hint of romance/sexual attraction, so it would be nice to see him and Bunker together IMO. Plus it would give Job more of reason to be invested in staying in Banshee. Though that does depend on both characters' sexuality, neither of which has been defined.

Plus, Tom Pelphrey is outrageously beautiful. Just bandage those tats up and go to town please. (Though I'm sure if he does partake in the Banshee nudefest, we'll get a shocking head to toe of his extensive bodyart to really hammer the point home.)


Hunky Nostradamus
Plus, Tom Pelphrey is outrageously beautiful. Just bandage those tats up and go to town please. (Though I'm sure if he does partake in the Banshee nudefest, we'll get a shocking head to toe of his extensive bodyart to really hammer the point home.)

yes pls

Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
Amazing episode. I had a feeling they'd kill her off to preserve his secret, still really sad though. This show just keeps getting better and better, where is their ceiling?


The name thing is kind of stupid at this point.

It has no narrative value (the name doesn't have any real weight on the events, it's not like there's a mystery on who Hood actually is as a character, that a name could subvert in ant fashion) and they're building it up so much, that at this point any reveal will become comical in its pointlessness.

Like someone who wants to tell you a shitty joke, but spends 10 minutes building up on how funny it will be.
What is the reference ?

You mean the name Gary? I think Anthony Starr was either having a bit of fun on set during that scene with Trieste or he was so in character that he actually thought Lucas Hood's real name was Gary. (probably the former)

As for the debate over Lucas Hood's real name, I recall the creators of the show saying that they don't plan on ever revealing his name. I think they were trying to pay homage to the Man with No Name from the Sergio Leone western films. And if you think about it, there are some similarities between the two: both are mysterious strangers who come to a small town and saw an opportunity to play different sides to their advantage. They also wreck a lot of havoc in their wake.
The lazy accusation is lazy. Of course she was going to die. This show is clever pulp on steroids... but it's still pulp.

Never revealing the name is smart too.
You've arrived.



And Proctor was any different? He didn't do anything to anyone we care about or even to anyone really innocent. He was just at war and we've even seen his caring human side couple of times.
He was a bad man and all, but untill this night there was no reason to hate him, not in the world of Banshee at least.

he killed jason hood, for sleeping with his neice. that shit was fucked up.
Was Siobhan really popular enough to elicit these reactions from people?? *boggle*
Yep. She wasn't my fav (I still liked her though) but I could tell she was pretty popular.

I think in part due to the will they/won't they attitude of Hood and her relationship. She was the hard to get "badass" girl.
Was Siobhan really popular enough to elicit these reactions from people?? *boggle*

I think these reactions are only because she was popular (and not because of 'lazy writing'). Imagine if she hadn't learned the secret last week and had died off in this episode anyway. People would still be pissed.

Emmet died randomly last season but folks didn't go overboard for him because they just assumed it's how Banshee works.

Anyway, I thought the episode didn't live up to the hype. Especially since Chayton didn't actually go about the task properly. Like someone said, they just had to attack from three directions at once and the people inside wouldn't have been able to do anything.

Best moment of the episode was when Chayton cut the power and Brock was all like "Well... This sucks".
Emmet died randomly last season but folks didn't go overboard for him because they just assumed it's how Banshee works.
Emmett was also a severely underdeveloped character. He got mayor'd. (I did like him though.)

I'm just wondering which background player will get offed in the final scene of S3.
What I found most bizarre is that Bunker... worked for the Dade County Sheriff's Department before coming to Banshee.


With all those tattoos!?!?!?


I think I'm more excited about seeing Bunker's future on the show than I am upset about officer Kelly's death. I've liked that dude since his first scene. Kelly was pretty, a good actress and a good cop, but she was a character we've seen a million times before. We don't get to see reformed nazis get a second chance very often, so that's much more interesting to me.

What I found most bizarre is that Bunker... worked for the Dade County Sheriff's Department before coming to Banshee.


With all those tattoos!?!?!?
I know, right? Racist cops in Florida sounds pretty far-fetched to me too.

I knew it would happen, I kept hoping it wouldn't, but it was pretty obvious it was coming after she hid Billy 'the ass' Raven and gave him her gun.

I mean, I can understand the reasons why, it motivates Hood to take down or at least cripple Chayton's ambitions, but I'm not at all happy she had to die to achieve it. And really, we all know it's Hood's fault. He, rather stupidly, taunted Chayton about not being able to better protect his brother. Come on, son. You don't poke the goddamn bear, you just know that it'll come back to bite you in the ass.

Anyway, decent episode aside from the above. I felt the siege lacked any kind of real tension though. The cornfield scene from season 2 had more tension, which is pretty damn sad. I did like Bunker though and I can't wait to see what dynamic he brings to the team, but Billy needed to die. I don't like the character one bit...should have killed him and had the reservation cop take his place. Now she's a much more interesting character.


I'm not one of those contrarian for the sake of contrarian types of people, but I honestly found the entire episode underwhelming, and I *love* under siege settings. Maybe it was hyped too much, but the siege didn't feel convincing and all the action scenes were too disjointed and without much imagination.

Yeah it sucks that the best (IMO) female character died, but there wasn't much they could do with her while keeping the show in Banshee, however I'm more disappointed with how she died. So much of her (sparse) character development was based on being victimised by her ex husband and then dealing with the problem herself, it's a shame to see her go out by literally the hands of another dude while begging for her life. Thankfully, the machete fight did make it slightly less of a bitter pill.

Banshee isn't about breaking the mould, it's about embracing it and making the mould as pulpy and entertaining as possible. But it needs to keep the viewer guessing and never be boring. If this season ends up being a prolonged Hood vs Chayton and a Carrie/Hood will they/won't they romance, I'll be so bummed.



Shut your mouth, white boy!

Was Siobhan really popular enough to elicit these reactions from people?? *boggle*
She was the hottest woman in the cast, so there's that... her character had become a bit stale and predictable though.
She didn't even bat an eye to the execution like Brock did.
That to me felt like they didn't want to expand on her further.

Emmet died randomly last season but folks didn't go overboard for him because they just assumed it's how Banshee works.

That, on the other hand, felt like huge bullshit to me.
Not because i can't accept a character dying in Banshee, it's part of what makes it fun, but because his death felt unearned, and his character underdeveloped.
And infact, it didn't fuel much at all in terms of narrative, since the nazis were already not really a major enemy anymore, i guess it justified the execution, but had little repercussion as i said above, you didn't need it that much to fuel Brock's character.
I'm not one of those contrarian for the sake of contrarian types of people, but I honestly found the entire episode underwhelming, and I *love* under siege settings. Maybe it was hyped too much, but the siege didn't feel convincing and all the action scenes were too disjointed and without much imagination.

Yeah it sucks that the best (IMO) female character died, but there wasn't much they could do with her while keeping the show in Banshee, however I'm more disappointed with how she died. So much of her (sparse) character development was based on being victimised by her ex husband and then dealing with the problem herself, it's a shame to see her go out by literally the hands of another dude while begging for her life. Thankfully, the machete fight did make it slightly less of a bitter pill.

Banshee isn't about breaking the mould, it's about embracing it and making the mould as pulpy and entertaining as possible. But it needs to keep the viewer guessing and never be boring. If this season ends up being a prolonged Hood vs Chayton and a Carrie/Hood will they/won't they romance, I'll be so bummed.

The siege was awful, I think we can nearly all agree on that. It completely lacked tension, you never felt anyone was in any real danger. Even when Proctor makes a break for it, you know he's going to survive.

They didn't do a very good job of making most characters feel like they were in danger.
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