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Banshee - Season 3 - Fridays on Cinemax

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So since Person of Interest was on a break for a while I was thinking about which show to continue and I ended up going with Banshee. Had watched the first two episodes a while back and thought they were alright but not great. Then that MMA fight happened and holy crap! It just gets better from there. Awesome show, I'm kinda glad I dropped it when it started now because I could just marathon it up to this point.
I hope Siobhan doesn't die though, that would be a huge bummer.


Hunky Nostradamus
So since Person of Interest was on a break for a while I was thinking about which show to continue and I ended up going with Banshee. Had watched the first two episodes a while back and thought they were alright but not great. Then that MMA fight happened and holy crap! It just gets better from there. Awesome show, I'm kinda glad I dropped it when it started now because I could just marathon it up to this point.
I hope Siobhan doesn't die though, that would be a huge bummer.

Welcome to the team :D
So since Person of Interest was on a break for a while I was thinking about which show to continue and I ended up going with Banshee. Had watched the first two episodes a while back and thought they were alright but not great. Then that MMA fight happened and holy crap! It just gets better from there. Awesome show, I'm kinda glad I dropped it when it started now because I could just marathon it up to this point.
I hope Siobhan doesn't die though, that would be a huge bummer.
That fight sold me on the show. Hood is such a dirty ass fighter. This essentially sums up Hood's fighting style:


Yeah, most of the fights in Banshee remind me of the
Hound vs Brienne
fight in GoT which I thought was the best in the series. It's better than most action movies in that regard. I like the Marvel style of fighting, very clean (most of the time) and choreographed, it's fun to watch. You just never get too invested in them (which is fine, especially against random goons) whereas the style in Banshee makes even the fights tense where you know who'll end up winning. They're also generally using cuts well and avoid shaky cam hell which is what often happens when fights are supposed to be brutal and dirty.
Yeah, most of the fights in Banshee remind me of the
Hound vs Brienne
fight in GoT which I thought was the best in the series. It's better than most action movies in that regard. I like the Marvel style of fighting, very clean (most of the time) and choreographed, it's fun to watch. You just never get too invested in them (which is fine, especially against random goons) whereas the style in Banshee makes even the fights tense where you know who'll end up winning. They're also generally using cuts well and avoid shaky cam hell which is what often happens when fights are supposed to be brutal and dirty.
Thank god the show stays away from the shaky cam trend. It gives the fights a more fluid and better directed feel. The show wouldn't be the same with the fights.


Thank god the show stays away from the shaky cam trend. It gives the fights a more fluid and better directed feel. The show wouldn't be the same with the fights.

Quote to the infinity

I think shaky cam is the worst things ever happened to cinematografy, expecially for fight scenes.


[Fugo];150796778 said:
Quote to the infinity

I think shaky cam is the worst things ever happened to cinematografy, expecially for fight scenes.

let's make clear one thing, the main problem in modern action scenes it's not the shaking of the camera, the main problem are the thigh shots and quick cuts, the raid movies had many handheld but the lack of quick cuts and thigh shots don't make you loose the sense of what is happening. Michael Mann also use a lot handheld camera but he doesn't use quick cuts and thigh shots. So shacking the camera is not a problem per se
I have a feeling female officer is gonna die just to stop him from resigning

I like seeing random Marines just walking at the background it's like these guys have no cars lol

Funky Papa

Officer Nazi McTats is not going to die like a chump, specially after being protrayed as a potential badass right at the start of the season. Calm your tits down.

Siobahn is making me concerned, though...
New episode tonight:

Looking to avenge Tommy's death, Chayton and an army of Redbones invade Banshee; while holed up in the Cadi, Proctor becomes increasingly frustrated by his inability to attend to his ailing mother at home.
Prediction time. Who's dying in episode 5?
Hood, Proctor and i'm pretty sure Nazi guy are safe. Brock, Alma, DA lady are 50/50. If i had to guess either all of them live or one of them dies, most likely Brock or Alma. Because DA lady didn't get Hood treatment yet and they just started to develop her character more, so i think she's safe. Then we have Siobhan and Billy. Siobhan knows Hood's secret so she's the most likely candidate. But i feel like she's not going to die. I think Hood will do something that'll change her mind about him. Billy is most likely dead. Chayton is big bad of the season so he'll live until at least this season finale.

My predictions.

Nazi guy
DA lady


Most likely dead:

Nazi guy is seriously considered safe?

I'm hoping he goes out in a blaze of glory saving Siobhan. She had better not bloody die. I'll be done with this show if she does...

I ain't even joking.
Okay, I'm joking.

But I won't be at all happy if she dies. That would feel like an extremely cheap cop out given the events of the last episode. That has the potential to really shake up the show, it needs to be left to play out.
Nazi guy is seriously considered safe?

I'm hoping he goes out in a blaze of glory saving Siobhan. She had better not bloody die. I'll be done with this show if she does...

I ain't even joking.
Hmmmm i thought he was a regular on the show, but he is not. Still i'm sure he's safe because he has a lot of potential and we saw too little of him, one full episode won't be enough.


Okay, I'm joking.

But I won't be at all happy if she dies. That would feel like an extremely cheap cop out given the events of the last episode. That has the potential to really shake up the show, it needs to be left to play out.

Yeah it's a cheap way to resolve the conflict and wastes a lot of potential imho.
That being said after seeing the gif I'm fairly certain she's dead. Hood better go on a spree after this.
Don't forget, there's those random people that just entered the police station and the other dudes in the holding cell, so there's more potential (and probable) deaths there.
Hmmmm i thought he was a regular on the show, but he is not. Still i'm sure he's safe because he has a lot of potential and we saw too little of him, one full episode won't be enough.

Nazi guy isn't a regular. At least not yet. I wouldn't be against him becoming a regular, but not at the expense of Siobhan.

Yeah it's a cheap way to resolve the conflict and wastes a lot of potential imho.
That being said after seeing the gif I'm fairly certain she's dead. Hood better go on a spree after this.

I'll be praying the entire episode that Siobhan makes it out safe and sound. I need her to live.
Don't forget, there's those random people that just entered the police station and the other dudes in the holding cell, so there's more potential (and probable) deaths there.


Is Billy in the station? I feel he's probably one of the most likeliest to die considering he shot Chayminator's bro.


Hunky Nostradamus
New episode tonight:

So excite :D

Prediction time. Who's dying in episode 5?


Hood, obviously
Chayton, obviously
Proctor, obviously
Alison, because she was upped to regular this year and she still has a lot more work to do with Gordon


Former (he's not a neo-nazi anymore guyz) Neo-Nazi dude - 50: because he looks like someone they want to develop into a badass new recurring character but 50: it's possible that they are developing him into a badass new character, but just for this one episode.

Brock - 50: I've always thought Brock would be one of the last men standing on Banshee due to his suspicion/dislike of Hood early on (and his dream of being chief of police one day) plus it seems like they're setting up more for him to do in the future by connecting his ex-wife to Proctor but 50: that might be a misdirect so we won't suspect him of being killed off.

Alma - 50: :( 50: :(

Billy - 50: Because they killed Emmett last season and replaced him with Billy, I'm not sure if they'd be willing to kill him off this early into the season (though if they did, that would free up a slot for the former neo-nazi dude...). When they introduced him I figured they'd make him into one of the new series stalwarts but 50: then they went and had him kill Chayton's brother so now he's definitely the main person in Chayton's line of fire.

Siobhan - 50: I feel like it would be a cliche if Siobhan were killed off since she just learned of Hood's secret and is angling to push him out of Banshee. Too easy to see it coming. 50: But, like, she can't survive if the writers want to keep Hood on as sheriff. Unless they come up with some convoluted solution, but that's doubtful given her big speech at the end of last week's episode.
So excite :D


Hood, obviously
Chayton, obviously
Proctor, obviously
Alison, because she was upped to regular this year and she still has a lot more work to do with Gordon


Former (he's not a neo-nazi anymore guyz) Neo-Nazi dude - 50: because he looks like someone they want to develop into a badass new recurring character but 50: it's possible that they are developing him into a badass new character, but just for this one episode.

Brock - 50: I've always thought Brock would be one of the last men standing on Banshee due to his suspicion/dislike of Hood early on (and his dream of being chief of police one day) plus it seems like they're setting up more for him to do in the future by connecting his ex-wife to Proctor but 50: that might be a misdirect so we won't suspect him of being killed off.

Alma - 50: :( 50: :(

Billy - 50: Because they killed Emmett last season and replaced him with Billy, I'm not sure if they'd be willing to kill him off this early into the season (though if they did, that would free up a slot for the former neo-nazi dude...). When they introduced him I figured they'd make him into one of the new series stalwarts but 50: then they went and had him kill Chayton's brother so now he's definitely the main person in Chayton's line of fire.

Siobhan - 50: I feel like it would be a cliche if Siobhan were killed off since she just learned of Hood's secret and is angling to push him out of Banshee. Too easy to see it coming. 50: But, like, she can't survive if the writers want to keep Hood on as sheriff. Unless they come up with some convoluted solution, but that's doubtful given her big speech at the end of last week's episode.

Good write up. <3

These are my thoughts...

Chances of Survival
Hood - 10/10 (Endgame.)
Proctor - 10/10 (Endgame.)
Siobhan - 8/10 (Killing her would be "convenient" but also a horrible trope. I don't think they'll go that route. Hood will save her/do something heroic and earn back her trust, or at least start on that path.)
Brock - 6/10 (He did get his hero moment two episodes ago so I wouldn't be too surprised if he died, but there's still all that stuff with his ex and Proctor that's unresolved.)
Billy - 4/10 (Obviously a prime target for Chayton due to his part in Tommy's death. But he just got here and he still has the connection with Aimee that's mostly unexplored.)
Bunker - 8/10 (I'm pretty sure they're using this episode to set him up as a new deputy. He'll prove himself during the siege and that'll make Hood and co. look beyond his Neo-Nazi past.)
Alma - 3/10 (Sadly expendable due to really no strong storyline ties. But I think it would be lame to kill her. I'm not a fan of bringing back characters just to off them.)
Alison - 9/10 (She was just upped to series regular but hasn't done much of anything yet. Plus, she serves as a link between the Banshee Sheriff Dept. and Gordon. I don't think she'll be mayor'd.)
Three Randoms - 1/10 (Fodder. One of the young couple(?) might survive for dramatic purposes.)
Two Dudes in Holding - 0/10 (They're already dead.)
Chayton - 5/10 (This is my controversial opinion. I wouldn't be surprised if this is when Chayton dies. I don't think he's just gonna come in and shoot up the place and leave. There will obviously be some big confrontation between him and Hood or Proctor, possibly both. And if any of the three of them is dying tonight, it's him. Plus, we still have the army guy to deal with, so I think this might be the end of the Redbones plotline, or at least setting up an end.)

Edit: Forgot the laywer dude was there. I would of said he would die even beforehand.


Episode reminded me of

Police barricaded inside their own station while defending and fighting heavy artillery. Great episode!
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