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Banshee - Season 3 - Fridays on Cinemax

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One funny thing my brother pointed out while we were watching, is how after they activate the back up generator with limited fuel, you can see how basically every single light in the office is on, lol.
You really need all those desk lights to be on, at a time like this?


The siege was awful, I think we can nearly all agree on that. It completely lacked tension, you never felt anyone was in any real danger. Even when Proctor makes a break for it, you know he's going to survive.

They didn't do a very good job of making most characters feel like they were in danger.
Reading through the last couple pages, yeah, it seems like that's the general sentiment here. I had just read the AV club review where the writer was gushing over it and the commenters love it too. Felt like I watched a completely different episode.


Reading through the last couple pages, yeah, it seems like that's the general sentiment here. I had just read the AV club review where the writer was gushing over it and the commenters love it too. Felt like I watched a completely different episode.
I mean Proctor literally wanders off-screen and you hear a few gun shots. How does that translate to any tension? Even if they didn't show him later on, everyone and their mother knew he survived.


Dangit, we knew it was coming after last week's episode, but having it happen was bitterly disappointing for me. Nola dying was a shock, but this one was seen a mile away after Hood got outed. It's not like Siobhan was my favorite character or anything, but the death was so damn predictable it made me angry at the writers. A reason I did like Siobhan's character is it kept Hood from being with Carrie. Rekindling that pairing will just make me all kinds of angry. DON'T DO IT, BANSHEE!
Was Siobhan really popular enough to elicit these reactions from people?? *boggle*

Well, these reactions from people would suggest that the answer is yes. Just looking at twitter I've never seen so many people pissed off about a television character in so many languages. (I'm not on twitter a lot) Plus, the actress' name trended worldwide after the how aired.

What surprised me most was how many people were pissed it was Siobhan that died and not Ana/Carrie.


Hunky Nostradamus
I think these reactions are only because she was popular (and not because of 'lazy writing'). Imagine if she hadn't learned the secret last week and had died off in this episode anyway. People would still be pissed.

That's what I mean - she was really that popular?

Well, these reactions from people would suggest that the answer is yes. Just looking at twitter I've never seen so many people pissed off about a television character in so many languages. (I'm not on twitter a lot) Plus, the actress' name trended worldwide after the how aired.


She was hot, sure, but I mean, she didn't really do anything to warrant such a rabid fanbase imo. She wasn't involved in (m)any of the best action sequences, her dialog wasn't anything special - she was just one of the regular characters. She was cool, but then again, so is everyone on this show.

I could understand such a reaction if it related to Carrie or Rebecca, or even Nola, but Siobhan? Really?

I hope with Siobhan gone, they won't focus too much on Carrie. Not a fan. Allison is much better. Or Rebecca.

Carrie is the female lead, so...
Maybe some saw Siobhan as a way into the show? She was grounded, didn't have a crazy back story and was generally someone who felt relatable?
That's what I mean - she was really that popular?


She was hot, sure, but I mean, she didn't really do anything to warrant such a rabid fanbase imo. She wasn't involved in (m)any of the best action sequences, her dialog wasn't anything special - she was just one of the regular characters. She was cool, but then again, so is everyone on this show.

I could understand such a reaction if it related to Carrie or Rebecca, or even Nola, but Siobhan? Really?

She was my favorite of the female characters as I found her to be more relatable. Siobhan wasn't your cup of tea. That's fine, but I doubt if anyone gave you their reasoning it would change your opinion. So *boggle* away I guess. *Kanye shrug*


The siege was awful, I think we can nearly all agree on that. It completely lacked tension, you never felt anyone was in any real danger. Even when Proctor makes a break for it, you know he's going to survive.

They didn't do a very good job of making most characters feel like they were in danger.

Yeah, terrible episode all round really.
Yeah, terrible episode all round really.

The worst crime of the episode was that they removed a lot of the beastly/unstoppable force aura/presence that's been surrounding Chayton.

He came across as really powerless this episode. Lacked any kind of presence until the very end and even that wasn't shot very well.


Hunky Nostradamus
Maybe some saw Siobhan as a way into the show? She was grounded, didn't have a crazy back story and was generally someone who felt relatable?

Er, I guess? I mean, it just never occurred to me that some people might be watching Banshee on Cinemax because one the characters is relatable. lol

She was my favorite of the female characters as I found her to be more relatable. Siobhan wasn't your cup of tea. That's fine, but I doubt if anyone gave you their reasoning it would change your opinion. So *boggle* away I guess. *Kanye shrug*



They handled killing Siobhan badly. It was surprising and sad when Emmett was killed but Siobhan you saw it coming so it weakened the impact it could've had.

This episode was full of tropes and cliches. Like I said annoying.

I enjoyed Siobhan but I'm glad she's gone. The writers would have had a hard time pulling off their relationship.

As long as Deva and Job stay alive I'm fine.


So can someone explain to me why there wasn't anyone else in the town hearing gunshots and such? I don't get it. They could call the police/marshalls or whatever.


I liked the episode, sad to see Siobhan go. She was my favorite female character. Chayton was a cool dude in the first episode but now that he's killed Siobhan he can go fuck himself. Hood's gonna mess him up.

Nazi dude seems pretty cool though.


Just caught up. Dang is this show great.

I figured the girl was going to die the second she found out Hood was false. Though I kind of help out hope she would live. I thought maybe Proctor would appear and save them both at the end but nope.

I'm expecting full on war next episode.

Such a fantastic show.
So can someone explain to me why there wasn't anyone else in the town hearing gunshots and such? I don't get it. They could call the police/marshalls or whatever.
Well, they couldn't call the local police obviously, but they did call the state police, hence the sirens just as Chayton killed Siobhan. Hood even mentioned early in the episode that they had to wait it out until the state police arrived.
Well, they couldn't call the local police obviously, but they did call the state police, hence the sirens just as Chayton killed Siobhan. Hood even mentioned early in the episode that they had to wait it out until the state police arrived.
Proctor called the state police.


Offering the reasoning that Hood wasn't going to be exposed because Siobhan forgave him thus killing her off wasn't a lazy act of keeping the show where it's at is adding insult to an injury.
Yeah, so this long-time proud cop did a 180 turn in the length of a single episode, forgave Hood and no longer insists for him to step off as Sheriff -- That's much better!

Siobhan goes from demanding Hood to retire and leave the town (because she doesn't want too taint all the good police work the real cops did) to being written as a woman that as long as she was loved 'for real' by Hood is willing to let everything else slide and then take off with him somewhere else! AND then they top it off by killing her, because of course we can't let the person that knows the truth roam around unchecked.

Siobhan's story didn't come to an end. The writers flip-flopped her up the wazoo and brought the end to her.
Siobhan already offered half of the solution. Hood quits the police. Brock is the new Sheriff. Hood stays in Banshee as a law-(un)abiding citizen. If Siobhan still wants him completely out of the state and still threatens to expose him then just have Hood answer fire with fire: If you come forward about me then i come forward about us three murdering that Nazi guy at the start of the season.

But clearly this is a non-issue if under one episode Siobhan can go from not wanting anything to do with Hood to reconciling with him and agreeing to leave Banshee together(!!). She would have been fine if Hood were to stay in town after he retires, even half-knowing he keeps doing his shit.

Yes, we really need more reason to hate Cheyton, the soldier-murdering guy. Because Hood had 'no reason' to get really involved against the guys that almost killed all his group or as them planning 'to take back the land from the white guy' will sooner or later have Carrie or Deva on their sights.

Are they really making Hood's real name a thing? Just spill it.


Hunky Nostradamus
- TVLine: Banshee Renewed for Season 4

8 episodes for some reason.
Will shoot in Pittsburgh.

Banshee is their biggest show - only 8 episodes? I could understand cutting it down to 8 if they had a packed slate (like HBO or Starz) and wanted to make room for other shows, but that isn't the case here. I can't imagine it's a cost cutting measure either...it must have something to do with scheduling conflicts or something.

I'm pretty disappointed.

Returning cast and crew members will be announced at a later date.


Pittsburgh, eh? Is their a big film production scene there?

There are huge tax incentives for shooting there.

How was Hood's real name not in the FBI dossier that included his stint in prison?

The FBI doesn't know his real name. He's a ghost.
8 episodes and no comments on returning characters?

That's not exactly good news....

Time to be concerned or perhaps a huge shake up is incoming? Perhaps a move away from Banshee?
8 episodes and no comments on returning characters?

That's not exactly good news....

Time to be concerned or perhaps a huge shake up is incoming? Perhaps a move away from Banshee?
I think they're just waiting until after the season is over. There's probably some more big deaths coming, and the lack of certain actor's being confirmed might spoil that. (Both Chayton and the army dude's actors are series regulars, and I don't think they'll both make it out alive.)

The 8 episodes thing is disappointing, but if they have the arc already mapped out, maybe it just works out this way.


Hunky Nostradamus
8 episodes and no comments on returning characters?

That's not exactly good news....

Time to be concerned or perhaps a huge shake up is incoming? Perhaps a move away from Banshee?

Strike Back has withheld cast information a couple different times when it was renewed while the season was still going. There were maybe a couple minor deaths but nothing major. I assume that's the case here but you never know. :3

It'll be interesting to see how they try to make Pittsburgh look like North Carolina.
Banshee is their biggest show - only 8 episodes? I could understand cutting it down to 8 if they had a packed slate (like HBO or Starz) and wanted to make room for other shows, but that isn't the case here. I can't imagine it's a cost cutting measure either...it must have something to do with scheduling conflicts or something.
Maybe Quarry related? What if Greg Yaitanes wants to do both?
8 episodes and no comments on returning characters?

That's not exactly good news....

Time to be concerned or perhaps a huge shake up is incoming? Perhaps a move away from Banshee?
Maybe they pull of a heist and go on the run? That's why they're shooting in Pittsburgh?


Hunky Nostradamus
Maybe Quarry related? What if Greg Yaitanes wants to do both?

I think Jonathan Tropper is the new showrunner for Banshee, although it's not unheard of for one person to serve as showrunner on two shows at the same time. It would certainly assuage my fears if that were the case.


Finally started watching this show a month or so ago and have been catching up at a pace that is rare for me when my wife isn't interested. In the middle of season 2 right now.. poor Zeljko, dude is always dying in shows. Too fitting that the house got burned down as that signified the dream of them having a life together again after all this.
Finally started watching this show a month or so ago and have been catching up at a pace that is rare for me when my wife isn't interested. In the middle of season 2 right now.. poor Zeljko, dude is always dying in shows. Too fitting that the house got burned down as that signified the dream of them having a life together again after all this.
Lol I brought up the tragic fate of the Zeljko character a couple of weeks ago.
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