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Banshee - Season 3 - Fridays on Cinemax

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the dude who plays hood has the best facial expressions, when showcasing anger and sadness...

glad chayton lives..the big , final downdown will be epic..

Sooo rebecca is totally going to kill brock's ex wife....
the dude who plays hood has the best facial expressions, when showcasing anger and sadness...

glad chayton lives..the big , final downdown will be epic..

Sooo rebecca is totally going to kill brock's ex wife....
That's the same vibe I got. Only question is do they kill Rebecca after that. Would Proctor have to take out the monster he had a hand in creating, because Rebecca is getting out of hand.


they might as well kill rebecca....my heart was already broken when nola died..then Siobhan died, and my already broken heart, was taped back up and then ripped apart again.

so when rebecca dies, i will be numb to the pain. Until the day Job dies. Then my soul will be gone.
I wish more show does the what would happen...
I like that alternate scene. Sad and good

Well at least they took from pages of destructive daughter after parents does something wrong. She will experience something horrible then revert back to good daughter
I think that's how the formula goes

It's obvious Chayton is not going to die. He's character is too important to die like that, and stopped by cliche female choking to shoot
I wish more show does the what would happen...
I like that alternate scene. Sad and good

Well at least they took from pages of destructive daughter after parents does something wrong. She will experience something horrible then revert back to good daughter
I think that's how the formula goes

It's obvious Chayton is not going to die. He's character is too important to die like that, and stopped by cliche female choking to shoot
They better end the Chayton plot line this season. What more can they really do with him to showcase how much of a deranged fanatic he is? Luckily Proctor's mom is dead because I shudder to think what he would do to her.
I think that's they are going to do. they are building up this revenge plot for a grand fight scene at the end.

Might even get involved during the military heist


I thought it was a beautifully shot episode with the alternate universe interactions between him and the people he encountered in Banshee had he not become the Sheriff.
Still can't believe Chayton with that leg injury outran Hood.

What injury ? That little knife that scratched the largest muscle of the largest man in the state ? Hood could have emptied a clip into Chayton and it would just have made him mad.

Seeing Hood go through the things he could have done differently in his head was great and a powerful way to show his anguish. It clearly showed how he is responsible for all the things leading to Siobhan's death without going into self-pity. I'm curious what will happen with Rebecca and Emily now. Last season there was a similar situation with Juliet, a character that seemed to be just there for a scene with T&A but turned out to play a big part in the plot. She helped Juliet get away but that was before Rebecca got into murdering people for kicks.


That scene should of been Hood going Dead Space on Chayton. Reaction shots from Job. 10/10 episode. The writers need me.


Liked this a lot! Was more of a fallout episode, but that's expected. Season destroys the last season easily.

Also, they've toned down the nudity quite a bit.


I'm just gonna say one thing here: Hood not jumping in the water was complete, out-of-character bullshit.
Yeah, and so was Chayton almost killing a fellow kinaho. That should go against everything he believes in despite him being fucking nuts. I didn't buy that whole sequence on any level, all of it was pretty cheap writing.

Otherwise good episode, and every episode this season keeps reminding me how much better this season is than the last. Not that the second season sucked outright, but it did lose focus and steer off course quite a few times.

so when rebecca dies, i will be numb to the pain. Until the day Job dies. Then my soul will be gone.
They're not priming Rebecca for death, they're priming her to be the future antagonist! My money's on her killing Kai herself.

It's either that or they're setting it up so her power-trip goes so far out of control that Kai has no choice but to kill her, which coupled with his mom's death pushes him over the edge into super-villain territory... But that seems like it'd clash with his newfound romance.



Yeah, and so was Chayton almost killing a fellow kinaho. That should go against everything he believes in despite him being fucking nuts. I didn't buy that whole sequence on any level, all of it was pretty cheap writing.

Otherwise good episode, and every episode this season keeps reminding me how much better this season is than the last. Not that the second season sucked outright, but it did lose focus and steer off course quite a few times.

They're not priming Rebecca for death, they're priming her to be the future antagonist! My money's on her killing Kai herself.

It's either that or they're setting it up so her power-trip goes so far out of control that Kai has no choice but to kill her, which coupled with his mom's death pushes him over the edge into super-villain territory... But that seems like it'd clash with his newfound romance.

she's gonna kill that woman he's with, calling it.


Man they're totally setting up the native cop to be hoods new girl.
Sex is a big part of the show, but it'll be a really shitty thing to do if Hood gets laid this season. Will take a lot away from that relationship/death, even if it's obviously angry I-just-want-to-forget sex.
Maybe Quarry related? What if Greg Yaitanes wants to do both?

Maybe they pull of a heist and go on the run? That's why they're shooting in Pittsburgh?

Nah Thom Tillis killed tax credits for movie production here in NC, They moved to save money. Its really driving a lot of my friends out of state


Hunky Nostradamus
Wtf is Indian girl the flash?


Still can't believe Chayton with that leg injury outran Hood. Deva's going to wind up doing a prison stint just like her old man.

Chayton is a BEAST brah

the dude who plays hood has the best facial expressions, when showcasing anger and sadness...

Yeah, he's really good. His eyes are so expressive.

I thought it was a beautifully shot episode with the alternate universe interactions between him and the people he encountered in Banshee had he not become the Sheriff.

At first I was like "Are they really just going to play an entire scene from the pilot? To what, fill time? Lame." but when it diverged and we got to see an alternate version, I was fully on board. The rest of the alternate flashbacks were beautifully done too.

So why was Sugar at the funeral of Proctor's mom?

Sugar and Kai are old friends. If someone close to your old friend dies, you go to the funeral, even if you didn't know the person who died, to offer your support to your friend.

They're not priming Rebecca for death, they're priming her to be the future antagonist! My money's on her killing Kai herself.

That is what I thought too, initially. At the end, I thought she'd try to kill him. He's cheating on her and he also humiliated her in front of those black guys. She's going to take her frustrations out on somebody and it would be amazing if it was Kai - but it's clear that he's one of the long term players - and going after Brock's ex-wife would be too obvious. But then I remembered those boss looking black dudes - you know the one with the yellow bow tie is the Burton of their group - so I'm guessing she'll go after them.

She gets along well with Burton so maybe they'll team up. :D

Everybody is missing the most important part. Terminator Gordon is coming.

Fantastic episode this week.

Gordon finally showing he's worth a damn, where the hell was this guy during the first two seasons?

I loved the alternate scenes where Hood doesn't become Sheriff, I was expecting the worse, but it worked really well. Beautifully shot too and that last shot of Siobhan was just...

Chayton getting wrecked this episode, but the what the hell Hood doing more damage when he had the chance and what the hell at Amy overtaking them both. Goddamn.

Of course Kai gets down with Brock's ex wife. That nicely sets up Brock to side with Hood even more against Kai.

I just knew there was a slap down coming for Rebecca after that smile, but it does nicely set up a potential power battle between her and Kai. Wonder who Burton will side with...


Liked the episode but didn't like the way they handled the Chayton situation. Hood would go after him and not just retreat, didn't make sense.

I did like the flash back moments, they were well done.
I don't know if I agree that Hood would have jumped in after Chayton, he knows he can't really beat him one on one and jumping in after him gives Chay the upper hand.


I don't know if I agree that Hood would have jumped in after Chayton, he knows he can't really beat him one on one and jumping in after him gives Chay the upper hand.

Hmm, the dude was stabbed with a knife and shot in the shoulder. I think Hood would've beaten him.


Hmm, the dude was stabbed with a knife and shot in the shoulder. I think Hood would've beaten him.
Exactly. Strength isn't everything and any greater skill at fighting Chayton may have is diminished by the injuries. See:
Albino from prison flashback.
I binge watched this show over the past week or so, and I'm now caught up. I really love it. So much ass kicking. So much nudity. So much horrible death. It feels like a prime era Frank Miller crime comic come to life. I really like that we still have no idea who Hood really. We get hints of his backstory, but nothing concrete. We only really know the details that have resulted in this river of ass beatings and carnage that has flooded Banshee.

- Hood is such a fucking psycho. He ran out of fucks to give so long ago it's not funny. I love how awful he is at being a fake cop, but yet he's strangely really good at it too.

- Carrie is pretty boring. I'm over her family drama stuff. Hopefully the show is too.

- Job is so fabulous. Easily my favorite character on the show. I love him and Sugar together. Give them a spinoff and I'd watch that shit.

- Nola :(

- I think Rebecca is going to kill Proctor. She's going to view him as growing soft and weak, so she's going to take him out. She'll then rule Banshee alongside her true soul mate Burton.

- Chayton is such a scary dude. I'm really looking forward to his fight against Hood. I can't wait to see how Hood fucks him up.

- Gordon sucks.

edit: I feel so conflicted about Nazi Cop. He's so hot, but those tattoos...
Man, this episode was good. Starr is fucking killing me with those facial expressions :(

Deva's stuff is boring me. Now she's joined a cult. Hurray.

Rebecca's stuff is boring me. She's obviously gonna try to off Emily now that her vajayjay has no power over Proctor.

That confrontation in the woods. Goddamn, that was fucking intense. INTENSE, I SAY.

Shit, next week looks awesome and experimental as fuck
looks like Hood starts hallucinating Siobhan during the heist.

And that Before Banshee bit
so that's how Proctor met Burton!!!!

Glad to see Bunker is now a full-on deputy and like, none of the police department seem to be questioning.

We are one step closer to Banshee Bros.
edit: I feel so conflicted about Nazi Cop. He's so hot, but those tattoos...
I noticed that he's rocking the long sleeve uniform, which makes sense, but maybe a bit of coverup for that cheek tat might be in order.

I also would like to say I noticed a hint of Job x Bunker with their small exchange. DO IT TROPPER.

Deva's stuff is boring me. Now she's joined a cult. Hurray.
That part dragged. Didn't we have this exact same situation in S1? With the exact same tag-along friend???

They need to do something else with her character. It's always the same with her.
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