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Banshee - The 4th and final season - Fridays on Cinemax

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That was a great opener. Felt different from previous years, but in a good way. There's an air of finality here, with the time skip and our "heroes" feeling as if they're scraping the bottom of the barrel in their lives.

- Hood is a Mountain Man.
- Carrie is alone, playing vigilante at night.
- Brock's boss is the man he hates the most.
- Proctor's niece is dead.
- Rebecca is dead.

- They killed Dalton off really fast. Was surprised.
- New police station!
- Proctor being the mayor is nutty.
- Hood's new haircut is good. I got tired of the shaved head and the mountain man thing was weird.


The mystery setup is interesting... I feel like it'll be deeper than just a serial killer.

Only the Nazi subplot felt superfluous, but I'm sure that'll tie in well.

Only seven episodes until the end.

1. Job is totally alive, right? Too much insistence he's dead. Lets see if they can surprise me and keep him dead.

There's no way they would kill Job offscreen. That would be a total dick move.

I don't think her killer will be anyone from the regular cast. They'll probably build up towards a new villain (like maybe the neo nazi cop's brother). Unless they go and pick up a bad guy from the past seasons but I'm not sure if any of them survived.


what if job's the killer


kinda disappointed they went for a serial killer angle. seems out of sync with the show thematically. but time will tell.

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
I love the show but I did not care for this episode one bit. I'm pissed they killed Rebecca (especially off-screen) and didn't like the flashbacks in this particular episode (felt cheap). And how many times did they cut to her body laying there? I feel like it had to of been at least a half dozen times but I lost count. As for who killed her, I'm guessing it was Burton.


Juicy first episode. Dug it. Withholding any reservations about Rebecca and the serial killer subplot until later. Missed you Hood.


Funky Papa

Something out of the Bible was, indeed, the best way to describe him.

I kind of chuckled at how it subverted Dexter's season finale.


Damn, that two year time jump... What an interesting way to go. Really took me off guard and for the first half of the episode I was like what the hell. But I think it's a good idea, especially for a final season and what they seem to be going for.

Also, I'd bet money that Hood doesn't kill anyone this entire season.


The time jump was surprise for me, as was Rebecca's death but I think it worked well. Brock as sheriff makes sense, Proctor as mayor is weird but could be cool and we got to see some Burton action. Good episode.
The time jump was surprise for me, as was Rebecca's death but I think it worked well. Brock as sheriff makes sense, Proctor as mayor is weird but could be cool and we got to see some Burton action. Good episode.
I still find it hilarious Proctor is Mayor. Seems like he can do just whatever he wants. Even if you did catch him doing something dirty he'll either, pay you off or just send Burton after you.


I still find it hilarious Proctor is Mayor. Seems like he can do just whatever he wants. Even if you did catch him doing something dirty he'll either, pay you off or just send Burton after you.

All his election opponents probably got a visit from Burton.


Just started watching this, and just ended season 1.
Carrie is a horrible and super unlikeable character, and not in a good way :/


Registered for GAF on September 11, 2001.
I guess I can kinda see it in season one, maybe like early on. I dunno...


Seriously. I cannot fathom such a reaction.

I guess I can kinda see it in season one, maybe like early on. I dunno...

Yeah Carrie has her issues for very logical and thought out reasons. Now I just feel bad for her.

She betrays her family completely for no reason at all. I would think a mother would love her children/blood more than a guy who just fucks things up for her.
She betrays her family completely for no reason at all. I would think a mother would love her children/blood more than a guy who just fucks things up for her.
Um...she doesn't love Hood more than her own kids since she practically gift wrapped the dude for Rabbit to pick up and dissect/torture to protect her family. Even still she owes Hood a ton for eating a 15 year sentence for her. I'm not even spoiler tagging cause this is stuff revealed in the first season.


Um...she doesn't love Hood more than her own kids since she practically gift wrapped the dude for Rabbit to pick up and dissect/torture to protect her family. Even still she owes Hood a ton for eating a 15 year sentence for her. I'm not even spoiler tagging cause this is stuff revealed in the first season.

In the last episode I actually agree with her husband - they have two kids at home probably suffering from sever PTSD by that time... "nah I'd rather go kill people to save the one I cheated on my husband with"
In the last episode I actually agree with her husband - they have two kids at home probably suffering from sever PTSD by that time... "nah I'd rather go kill people to save the one I cheated on my husband with"
But she left to...you need to start watching season 2... She also mainly left to put an end to Rabbit to save her family for the long term. They both have their reason and in that regard they're both right in my opinion. Just later on her husband does not handle stuff in the most grown up fashion in my opinion. I honestly think she cheated on her husband with Hood to finally tell themselves that it's time to move on with their lives. Cause that's definitely what Hood needed to do. He needed to move on emotionally from Carrie.


haha holy cow!!

What was that being sprayed on the naked man? Some type of fuel I assume? Or just high pressured water?


God damn how did this episode gone by so fast... I really enjoyed it, especially Hood's & Rebecca's flashbacks. :)


Jesus...that hand and that dog...fuck :D

Great episode. And it;s funny that now she';s dead Rebecca is more active player in the show than ever before :D
Is it just me or is Hobo Hood more brutal than the clean shaven one? Proctor killed a dude with his own guitar, just savage. I'm getting severe Burton vs Neo Nazi Bunker vibes.


Just caught up on both episodes. Really solid start.

I thought the writers answered my prayers with Rebecca gone, but quickly realised we're going to get even more of her via flashbacks (never liked the character, as even for a pulpy show, her arc was so unbelievable). Also, I'm not completely convinced she's dead - feels like they're hiding something.

Really bummed about Job - even if they rescue him, nearly two years in that hole is fucked up.


Wow, I completely spaced out on this. Been on the road for the past month and forgot this was starting soon. Gotta catch up!


Good episode. The scene with the dog and the sickle was pretty great. Glad Job popped up at the end of the episode. Not that I doubted he was alive, but with so few episodes left, I just want him to be in it plenty I guess.
I've never seen Banshee but I assume this is a very good show by skimming through the thread. I will definitely check it out.
You might want to leave this thread and start watching the show. 1 and 3 are the best prior seasons meanwhile season 2 has it moments and stumbles in the middle.


Registered for GAF on September 11, 2001.
Just watched it. Great episode, Carrie going around dispensing vigilante justice is awesome and bearded Hood don't fuck around. That hand shot was brutal along with the dog. Poor Job. I really hope he gets what he needs this season. Hopefully shoving that hose down whoevers throat that was.
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