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Batman: Arkham Asylum |OT| Steroids 'n Counters


I feel like I've been playing the game for a long time and it's only saying 34% done. I guess that counts all the secrets, challenge rooms, etc. Either that or this is a long ass game.


After thoroughly enjoying last gen's under-appreciated Urban Chaos: Riot Response, I knew Rocksteady was a talented developer with a ton of potential. Since I'm not a big Batman/comic book fan, I was actually disappointed when I read that they were working on a Batman game instead of an Urban Chaos sequel. Wow, was I ever wrong - Batman: Arkham Asylum is an absolutely fantastic game on so many levels, and I hope they are rewarded with the sales and recognition they deserve.

Congrats, Rocksteady!


not characteristic of ants at all
I've been playing for about 4 hours and all I can say is...



Sean said:
I feel like I've been playing the game for a long time and it's only saying 34% done. I guess that counts all the secrets, challenge rooms, etc. Either that or this is a long ass game.

I played it for a few hours and it said 7% :lol

If I find all the collectibles can I get all the Trophies on Normal difficulty? Or is there one for beating the game on Hard? If so, can I get all the Trophies except that, then do a playthrough on Hard ignoring the collectibles?
Zzoram said:
I played it for a few hours and it said 7% :lol

If I find all the collectibles can I get all the Trophies on Normal difficulty? Or is there one for beating the game on Hard? If so, can I get all the Trophies except that, then do a playthrough on Hard ignoring the collectibles?

Theres a xbox achievement for beating the game on hard, so I would assume there's a trophy as well.
i take it the guy is fairly open so that I can go back to places I've beat and already explored but missed some items ya? 1.5 hours in. Game is fantastic. It feels very bit-sized in a way though... like each room is a challenge you have to work out of. The game
just hit the medical facility
just spiked in difficulty pretty quick! Enemies can take down the Bat fast. SWEAR TO ME... Great voice-acting, crisp visuals, lots of cool unlocks/collectibles to find (love the audio interviews). Fighting system is simple but fun and taking enemies down quietly is awesome. Iffy music so far but let's hope the gameplay variety continues!


not characteristic of ants at all
First game in a long, long, long while that I've been able to play for 5 hours straight and the only thing stopping me from playing more is the headache that long play-sessions give me.


holy shit this game came out of nowhere for me... i hadn't even given it a second thought, but here it could be my goty so far... wow


Okay I think I'm done for tonight.

I'm up to the part where you are in Croc's lair trying to find the spores for Ivy's plants, I thought would be much further along, but the game said only 50% done so wow


DrBo42 said:
:lol I know exactly what you're talking about. I felt like such an idiot.

I found the riddle and I was like really. Fucking who would think to look down lol. I spent forever trying to scan those damn shrooms.


not characteristic of ants at all
DrBo42 said:
I think he's referring to
the ratcatcher riddle
I am going to pretend that he is referring to something the Scarecrow did because that is much funnier to me.


Well I beat it in pretty much 2 sittings. I went to bed at an absurd hour last night, and played all day today. I can confirm that this game is amazing because rarely do games do that to me anymore. The free flow combat needs to be copied and put in every game please. I want to feel like I can take on 30 dudes in every game I play.

I never felt cheated, I never felt like any fights were cheap, I just felt like Batman. This game may top Spidey 2 as best at making you feel like you're the hero. The gadgets are slick, the menu system was intuitive enough that I never had to fumble to get the gadget I wanted. A couple of boss fights could have been better IMO, but the game really shines when you're stalking or brawling with grunts. This is my action GOTY right now, and Drake better bring his A+ game if he's taking the crown.


Just wanted to confirm that after you beat the game you're able to choose continue story and finish getting the riddles etc, When I beat the final boss I was at 79% without even touching any challenge levels yet (probably 20+ hours) I also had all of the upgrades.

That was an amazing gaming experience.


Sorry, I know this has been asked ad nauseum, but I'm still stuck with this part trying to find Dr. Young. I've gotten so far off track I'm not even sure where I'm supposed to be. Am I supposed to be in a library somewhere? is that in the mansion? I can't seem to get past the foyer in the mansion where the statue is.


not characteristic of ants at all
Jtrizzy said:
Sorry, I know this has been asked ad nauseum, but I'm still stuck with this part trying to find Dr. Young. I've gotten so far off track I'm not even sure where I'm supposed to be. Am I supposed to be in a library somewhere? is that in the mansion? I can't seem to get past the foyer in the mansion where the statue is.
Can't you just press the back button? ( or select, depending on console ). It should tell you exactly where to go.


Jtrizzy said:
Sorry, I know this has been asked ad nauseum, but I'm still stuck with this part trying to find Dr. Young. I've gotten so far off track I'm not even sure where I'm supposed to be. Am I supposed to be in a library somewhere? is that in the mansion? I can't seem to get past the foyer in the mansion where the statue is.

I think... I don't know where you are, but if you are like me you ended up going to the library first... skipping the part in which you save Aaron Cash and the Dr. from

Go to the north end of the main hall.
There's on door on your left, behind the statue.


K2Valor said:
Can't you just press the back button? ( or select, depending on console ). It should tell you exactly where to go.

No it's not telling me where to go like it ususally does. Probably a bug. So do I go into the main entrance to the mansion then behind the statue? uggh
Apologies if this has already answered, but what's the deal with the 'Dem Bones' challenge map?

Are they unlocked via the game or do you have to download from PSN/Live?


Now it seems like I can't get into the mansion other than just that first room that you get to by going through the vent above the main entrance which is locked.


Likes to have "friends" around to "play cards" with
How the bloody fuck did this game get a T rating. Seriously

People getting shot left and right, dead corpses everywhere, Great White Shark's fucking face in a pot, well what's left of it. Killer Croc eats people, and you find skeletons in his cell, shit there are severed heads in pots in the medical facility!

This is a Mature game with a T rating.


Zzoram said:
I got this for my brand new PS3 Slim. Looks great, very crisp textures, and it's really fun. I didn't notice screen tearing or much aliasing.

There is some clipping during combat and even the odd in-game cutscene but that's fine. There is no loading after a rather quick mandatory install.

Is it worth it to replay the game on hard? If I missed stuff my first playthrough, will it let me backtrack to find everything I missed?

you got slim? Can you please tell us how long did the game instalation last, so we can compare that to the phat ps3? Im still not 100% sure that ps3 slim has the same speed of bluray drive as the phat [no one ever mentioned that so far].


Damn, this game rocks. There was like ten goons blocking my path (right after talking to
Poison Ivy about a cure
), and I was like fuck it, let me see if this works. So I
ziplined right into/through them all and knocked em down like bowling pins
. And as I was speeding towards them, one of the goons cried out "What the hell is he doing?!" which made it all the more satisfying.

This game sure knows how to make you feel badass.


Amir0x said:
It's not just better than any other game this year. It's one of the best games released this generation, period. It's so amazingly developed in every way. So much to explore. Pitch perfect voice acting. Fantastic puzzles. Fantastic combat (on hard). Fantastic bosses. Visuals, so good. Amazing goddamn everything. Incredibly compelling story. AND THEY UNDERSTAND THE FUCKING BATMAN.

What has Rocksteady done that implies they can make a game as good as this!? This shit should not be possible. It's better than what some developers have made after ten tries on next-generation systems!

Sounds amazing! hype rising...

I loved the demo but the full game sounds so much better - GOTY material? can't freakin' wait till friday! :D


erotic butter maelstrom
How high are you guys scoring on the challenges? My highest is only about 15,000 on the first. Trying to top my scores is damn addictive.


Snuggler said:
How high are you guys scoring on the challenges? My highest is only about 15,000 on the first. Trying to top my scores is damn addictive.

25,000 on the first. I was ranked like 32nd for awhile.


Likes to have "friends" around to "play cards" with
Fix The Scientist said:
How open-ended is the gameplay? And are there lots of outdoor environments?

Tons of outdoor environments. The main hub, so to speak is the island itself. And openended? Not only do you upgrade Batman as you see fit, but I can say this without hyperbole: There's a least 5 different ways to clean each room, at the very LEAST. The numbers of ways, you can tackle the encounters is staggering. This is the first game, where I literally plan out how I'll fuck up the baddies for minutes before doing it.

Pulling it off, makes me feel like the goddamn Batman!


TheCardPlayer said:
How the bloody fuck did this game get a T rating. Seriously

People getting shot left and right, dead corpses everywhere, Great White Shark's fucking face in a pot, well what's left of it. Killer Croc eats people, and you find skeletons in his cell, shit there are severed heads in pots in the medical facility!

This is a Mature game with a T rating.

No blood thats why it's a real dry spot....
Great game though....
Rocksteady had a bloody good time on urban chaos....
DC must be against blood in games, strange....
(example DC vs MK )
Bat-Man doesn't kill.... He definitely bloody's them up and gets bloody.....
(example DC comic debut Of Bane Who Breaks His Back & Leaves Him In A Pool Of Blood & Piss....


This is a really good game. It even has a couple platforming bits mixed in with all the crime fighting and detective work. Played it for about 4 hours and got to Arkham Mansion.
Just completed the chandelier area thing. Where the hell am I supposed to go now?
As much as I really like this game, it is really bad at telling you where to go next.
Especially the "Find the doctor's notes" part drove me nuts!


Mailenstein said:
As much as I really like this game, it is really bad at telling you where to go next.
Especially the "Find the doctor's notes" part drove me nuts!

I'm at this part. What the fuck do I do.
AniHawk said:
I'm at this part. What the fuck do I do.
You need to go to the hallroom with that big statue having stairways to it's left and right. On the left side there is a huge door. That's where you need to go. As for me, I just didn't see that door. It took me a damn while till I noticed that.


Mailenstein said:
You need to go to the hallroom with that big statue having stairways to it's left and right. On the left side there is a huge door. That's where you need to go. As for me, I just didn't see that door. It took me a damn while till I noticed that.

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