First playthrough casually 6-10 hours playtime. Complete all the challenges, play on hard, and collect all the riddles and the game is an easy 20-25 hour game.BattleMonkey said:So how long is this without stretching the truth or pr speak? Hate to buy it if it's too short, but want to play it.
You could've just foughtRaxus said:Before you do any free flow challenges be sure to earn freeflow perfection since you need all those moves to do well in 80% of the challenges.
Just got 1000/1000 today. Had to go through the game ALL over again to get Mano a Mano.
You have the 3x Batclaw?ThirdEngine said:How do you get the Riddler trophy in the Penitentiary Main Cell Block that's blocked off by the ceiling?
I know but I would have to go through 3 rounds with extreme enemies and then have to take on 2 thugs with 7-8 enemies attacking me from all sides, not easy.Revolutionary said:You could've just foughtin the final Extreme Brawler challenge, ya know.a Titan
Wow I feel like a dumbass. Staring right in front of me.Raxus said:You have the 3x Batclaw?
Raxus said:Before you do any free flow challenges be sure to earn freeflow perfection since you need all those moves to do well in 80% of the challenges.
Just got 1000/1000 today. Had to go through the game ALL over again to get Mano a Mano.
Kard8p3 said:So I ended up getting this today and I played it for a few hours. All I can say at this point is wow. I'm up to the point whereand everything has felt absolutely like batman so far. My favorite part so far has beenI'm looking for Dr. Young in the mansionMy only hope at this point is that there's more of this particular villain.the Scarecrow section. I didn't even realize I was hallucinating till I noticed Batman's glowing eyes.
The Combo Batarang upgrade is what you need for it to count as a combo hit.Papercuts said:I think I have everything for freeflow perfection, but I'm having an issue actually doing it. Everytime I throw a quick batarang the combo just breaks, when am I supposed to use that?
Edit: Er, I just realized I still haven't gotten the stun upgrade for it yet. I'm guessing that is probably important. :lol
Crunched said:Any tips on getting a 40x combo or freeflow perfection? I'm not getting hit and not missing, but I never seem to have enough time to chain things together long enough to get a good chain going. All those thugs keep falling down faster than I can hit them :lol
Crunched said:Any tips on getting a 40x combo or freeflow perfection? I'm not getting hit and not missing, but I never seem to have enough time to chain things together long enough to get a good chain going. All those thugs keep falling down faster than I can hit them :lol
Revolutionary said:The Combo Batarang upgrade is what you need for it to count as a combo hit.
Eh, I keep trying that but after two rolls I lose the combo. It seems like you have a 1-2 second window to land a hit, which makes it tough to string together ground takedowns since you need some time to find a clear area. I keep randomly losing it after using the batclaw, too, which is a little frustrating. Right now I'm focusing on freeflow perfection, as it seems like the tougher of the two. The guys you're fighting are so damn frail though, they die (get knocked out I guess?) so quick it makes getting a high combo so difficult.Papercuts said:The easiest way seems to be abuse the evade move so you jump over enemies, it keeps the combo and they never seem to hit you. I just tried doing nothing but that on the last wave of the first combat challenge room and ended with exactly 39. :lol
So it doesn't seem to work there, but if you find a huge group just try doing that and working around the crowd.
You can get outside.Y2Kev said:where do I go after jokerthe door to her room is blocked now and I can't proceed back ivy the titan shot?
oh my god, i'm so embarrassed. it's like literally right thereCrunched said:You can get outside.
Crunched said:Eh, I keep trying that but after two rolls I lose the combo. It seems like you have a 1-2 second window to land a hit, which makes it tough to string together ground takedowns since you need some time to find a clear area. I keep randomly losing it after using the batclaw, too, which is a little frustrating. Right now I'm focusing on freeflow perfection, as it seems like the tougher of the two. The guys you're fighting are so damn frail though, they die (get knocked out I guess?) so quick it makes getting a high combo so difficult.
TheCardPlayer: I took out those guys with explosive gel.
Gonna stop for now and try again in the morning. I hit 8 out of the 9 freeflow perfection moves so many times, but I never reach the full 9. I'll give it a break for now.
EzLink said:Why the fuck do I have to select my character when I go to the downloadable content? :lol :lol :lol
Yeah, I've been trying it in the first couple battle challenges. I guess the guys are too weak to keep a decent string up (keep getting around 10,000-11,000 points). Wish I knew how the top few people got 50,000+.Papercuts said:I wouldn't really go for freeflow perfection at the same time, I meant literally just evading then doing a basic attack, rolling again, another attack. Don't attack the one you roll over, just hold the stick toward someone else. Literally JUST got a 49 combo doing that on hard against 10 guys, haha.
lostxii said:You unlock an armored suit batman after beating the game.
As mentioned before you can do theCrunched said:Any tips on getting a 40x combo or freeflow perfection? I'm not getting hit and not missing, but I never seem to have enough time to chain things together long enough to get a good chain going. All those thugs keep falling down faster than I can hit them :lol
That is where you go to play DLC maps to like Dem Bones.EzLink said:Yeah I know, but I shouldn't have to choose between Batman and armored Batman when I'm checking downloadable content. That's a completely different section on the menu than the challenge map section. I'm not playing as either when I'm seeing what DLC is available![]()
I've replayed the first one about 10 times in a row. I really like Jokers moves. Being able to blast a guy with your gun mid-combo is great.NIGHT- said:How are the Joker challenge maps?
btw Amazon is selling the PS3 version for 52 bucks along with a 10 dollar gift card
I don't know how they'd keep up the level of detail if they made it in Gotham and did free roam. And if they wanted to do it in Gotham, I don't know how they would be able to wall off the city to avoid free roam in a way that wouldn't feel contrived... Rocksteady has a challenge on its hands.Christopher said:god are the scarecrows parts awesome or what? Man if they ever do a sequel where could they theme it next? The streets of Gotham?
Flangus said:I don't know how they'd keep up the level of detail if they made it in Gotham and did free roam. And if they wanted to do it in Gotham, I don't know how they would be able to wall off the city to avoid free roam in a way that wouldn't feel contrived... Rocksteady has a challenge on its hands.
Raxus said:As mentioned before you can do theor you can do some of the combat challenges, when it gets down to it it is all about abuse. Punch, counter, evade and when you can use it do the throw combo. Rinse, wash, repeat until you hit 40. Helps if you play on the normal or hard difficulties since thugs take longer to go down.20 thugs at the VERY end
Papercuts, I can't believe you haven't upgraded your batarangs. As soon as I started upgrading mine I felt so bad for not doing it sooner. I prefer it over the stun move and it works great for disarming the enemies. Needless to say on my second play through I upgraded my combo batarang as my first upgrade.
I was stuck there as well.MMaRsu said:Post chandolier..where the fuck do I go? ( awesome game btw )
Oh Edward. :lolJRW said:w00t got all 240 riddles and for reasons unknown recorded getting the 240th riddle with my digicam (Spoilers obviously)
I want.K2Valor said:Dem Bones is an awesome challenge map. It never ends, unlimited enemies![]()
K2Valor said:Dem Bones is an awesome challenge map. It never ends, unlimited enemies![]()
MiamiWesker said:So glad I have you on my friend list, only guy that is giving me a challenge.
I'm not #1 anymore, some dude beat down my time by 4 seconds.
Baker said:So how do the leaderboards for the stealth challenge maps work? They seem to only be based on time, so that makes me question a couple things...
1) Does it factor in batarang rating at all?
2) Does it factor in going undectected?
It doesn't seem to, so can't you use the super armor and pretty much run through the shit without worrying about anything? I know if three dudes start shooting and you don't run away, you're screwed, but still.
I dunno, it just sounds easy to cheese to me, unless I'm missing something.
I had that same problem this morning my last one wasK2Valor said:239 riddles solved.
My final riddle is kill 20 of joker's teeth.
I have 19/20
shoot me