Finally finished. Loved the open world aspect. Freedom of exploration and control makes for the best Batman 'experience' ever. Gorgeous graphics and presentation. Perfect hybrid of simplicity and skill for the combat system. Story had a lot of good points. Strange was a good pick for the antagonist. I liked the Riddler challenges, as I had to actually do something, whether it be a reflex challenge or use an item in creative ways, to get most of the trophies. Mostly cool side quests with good cameos.
Didn't like the lack of focus over Arkham Asylum, particularly the weaker main mission variety, shorter main quest, and lack of Metroidvania exploration. Felt like a smaller game in that respect. Too many characters and not enough exposition for what is otherwise a good plot hurt the story. I still don't like Batman's voice actor.
I think I liked it more than Arkham Asylum. Maybe. The open world aspects make for the most enjoyable 'open world' I've ever played. Best super hero simulator ever that is basically perfect for simulating what it would be like to be Batman. Main quest had it's good points but I miss the tighter design of Asylum and greater variety.
I hope for Arkham World or whatever the inevitable Batman 3 is they don't try and make it even bigger. Arkham City is the right world size. Keep it as it is, but focus more on a greater variety of main missions with more rooms to clear, more locations to visit, and better set pieces. Making the open world even bigger will just dilute the interior missions further and I don't want that.
Oh, and Catwoman was a painfully wasted opportunity. Excellent combat system that makes her a legitimate alternative to Batman. Loved pouncing, climbing and her fast speed. Awful characterisation and four forgettable, phoned in missions completely ruined her.