It is amazing.
Ugh. I'll have to take your word for it.
It is amazing.
It's in my account history but when I visit the season pass page, it wants me to purchase it again.
Ugh. I'll have to take your word for it.
Fucking slow ass update file downloading fuck you arghhhhhhhhhh!!!!
I hate life.
Ya something is horrifically wrong with the way the Xbox dash is working with this game. I am looking at some users with no purchases after just buying it and some with games that refuse to unlock, and others where the store appears empty completely of data concerning the game. Man that sucks I don't know what to say. Put in for a refund.
Is the game taking a long ass time to install on PS4 for anyone else? It lets me go to the main menu then won't let me start a new game because it still needs to install half the game data and estimates 4.5 hours to go.
The whole appeal of downloading now is that you can play it RIGHT at release.I'm not defending psn or anything but why don't u guys just download those stuff some other time?
Yeah I am pretty upset atm, I was really excited to play, oh well. Is there any official way to contact Microsoft for a refund? or do I just email support?
They removed detective vision I'm assuming? I can't activate it
The update is over halfway done, so I went ahead and started the game. It plays great and looks decent, but objects in the distance have quite a bit of aliasing. Far from being the best looking game this gen, that is for sure.
For those keeping track, preordering the PS4 version of Arkham Knight at GameStop totals 3.5gb of exclusive DLC from 4 separate codes.
Any impressions about PS4 performance? I have a pretty beefy PC, but I've always played the Batman games on consoles. I've heard the PS4 version is 1080p and runs quite well.
Really tough choice between the PS4 version and PC. Someone help!
Any impressions about PS4 performance? I have a pretty beefy PC, but I've always played the Batman games on consoles. I've heard the PS4 version is 1080p and runs quite well.
Really tough choice between the PS4 version and PC. Someone help!
Any impressions about PS4 performance? I have a pretty beefy PC, but I've always played the Batman games on consoles. I've heard the PS4 version is 1080p and runs quite well.
Really tough choice between the PS4 version and PC. Someone help!
Dammit I hate jumpscares...This game has some cruel jumpscares, damn.
Probably the JL3000/TV Batman skins.Four codes?
1. Harley Quinn
2. Scarecrow
3. Red Hood
4. ???
This game makes me feel like I am the motherfucking Batman. Really enjoying it thus far, press L1 to even the odds.