Ugh. No shit. I just got past the Cloudburst Tank fight, and it wasn't so much that it was hard, it was lame and tedious. Just so poorly designed. Mostly because I was forced to do it ONE way, THEIR way, with absolutely no room to get creative and come at it in multiple ways, you know, like GOOD open-world games have you do.
This whole stupid game is like that - they give you the illusion of choice, what with all the objectives and it's open world, but really, it's very fucking restrictive. It makes for a very boring, tedious game.
I'm not singling you out, but it seems like everyone keeps assuming that those of us who don't like the tank stuff is because we find it too hard - that's not the case at all. As I said above, it's mostly some really fucking tedious shit - just not fun and not what I want in a Batman game. They're poorly designed mechanically and gameplay wise. The game would improve ten fold if they dumped all the tank bullshit.