I'm sad that the OT title wasn't No Half-Measures, Batman.
Imo Origin's was the only Arkham game that could sometimes look different. All other games, including this one have a very similar look heavyily use blue and green colours a lot.
He's asking if there's any environmental variety. The second and third islands look very different. But I do agree that the game itself does look very samey in terms of it's colour palette.
how do you know you have the DLC downloaded? on PS4
How do I track sidequests? There are no icons on my map other than the main story mission and AR training. Cycling the filter on the map shows nothing.
Charge the rockets by firing with canons and then tap square button to unleashing homing rockets, it can destroy more than 3 vehicles at a time.
Holy shit, the dude talking smack in the cell after I broke his can reach through the bars and fuck him up.
How do I track sidequests? There are no icons on my map other than the main story mission and AR training. Cycling the filter on the map shows nothing.
Holy fuck, the Batmobile is hard to get used to controlling.
Keep popping Tank mode when I want to break due to being used to L2 being the damn breaking trigger.
Ity made the first Riddler Race damn fucking hard, lol
You have to use visual/audio cues in the environment to continue certain side-quests, which is an approach I really like. Press right in the d-pad, choose a side-quest, and it will tell you what you need to look out for.
Holy shit, that was awesome!!
Holy shit, the dude talking smack in the cell after I broke his can reach through the bars and fuck him up.
looks like the ps4 content is for pre orders onlyMight be a code from an email? Harley, skins and the Scarecrow races are all codes in the physical game.
I miss being able to do this.Holy shit, that was awesome!!
Holy shit, the dude talking smack in the cell after I broke his can reach through the bars and fuck him up.
Holy fuck, the Batmobile is hard to get used to controlling.
Keep popping Tank mode when I want to break due to being used to L2 being the damn breaking trigger.
Ity made the first Riddler Race damn fucking hard, lol
I tried that, the rockets didn't charge when I was shooting the canon, both at nothing and at vehicles.
It does? Because I don't get this either. I did that first "save the firefighters" thing, and now I have no idea where the next one is. There's no marker, and when I select it Batman just says something like "I need to save them". So, uh?
For the DLC if you check your notifications there's a download menu and it will tell you which ones are installed. Or if you select the game in the main menu, arrow down into like related items or something and "My Add-Ons" will be there if you click that it will give you a list of what you have and whether they are downloaded or not.
Jesus christ lol. That's to the point where it seems almost unhealthy to me.Holy shit, that was awesome!!
There's a tutorial part that you've got to complete for rockets then, as I remember doing it
there's this onetrophy i'm missing on the first segment of the map. There's this weirdRiddlerthat i can't grapple onto, shoot or something.Riddler Hook
I believe i'll have to wait until i got somefor my batmobile, yes?"grappling hook"
Yes, 3.6~GB.Is there a patch on PS4? If yes, how big is it?
You can change the battle mode to toggle in the Game Options menu, then L2 goes to being brake/reverse.
Change the control scheme from options menu. It manes R1 the default button for Tank mode and it's a toggle, and it makes L2 the reverse option.
It's bafflingg that they thought holding L2 for Tank mode is a good idea (especially when there are only two options available) when you spend so much of the time in that mode.
Another thing I do not understand is why have Brake and Reverse tied to one button in one control scheme (Square) but have L2 tied to Reverse and square to Brake in another.
Huh, I played the Harley segment before the main story. Is it me or did that seem a lot more rough graphic wise (jaggies etc.)? (Xbox One)
Jesus christ lol. That's to the point where it seems almost unhealthy to me.
Ok theRiddler challenge is fucking evil. I give up.'Flight School'
Anyone know how or when you can change the batmobile controls from hold to toggle?
It should be right in the options menu with game settings.
Yes, it has a lot of aliasing going on and sort of a soft image overall. But it is still a great looking game and I am not knocking it at all. A few shots I took: