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Batman: Arkham Knight |OT| Protect Gotham Racing


Yeah. Having more enemies and having unique enemies that require a very specific method to take down is a mix that makes the combat a lot less 'free-flowing'. A lot of the core purity it had in the previous games in the series is lost.
Hmm, dunno if I agree completely. I think it's mostly the militia that makes up most of the enemy variety I have seen, vs. in City where almost every enemy group had equal footing and equipment. Gotham gangs seem to only maybe have guns and impromptu weapons and occasionally a brute or two - see penguin/firefighter missions.

I think they really stretched it beyond belief with the Arkham Knight Militia though. They have medics, a crapload of brutes - not counting the ones that can switch weapons on the fly - stun batons, proper shields (and shields in large numbers) and I think it was a huge stretch for Arkham Knight's men to have sword dudes too. On the predator side DTM jammers, DTM detectors, mine layers, like holy crap, any encounter with a local gang vs. a Militia setup is night and day, I swear.

I feel like the variety overall is nice, but we don't have challenge maps to see what RS would've actually tuned them for. Also, I would imagine even in a challenge map, there would be a lot of unarmed filler dudes for you to bounce around in no matter to faction you're off against unless it's some kind of gimmick wave like a few existed in AC. You just might not see it often enough in story mode/free roam though.

And only I think only two enemy types have hard counters - shields and brutes, and even then an instant takedown goes through them if so inclined. It's just that their hard counter move grants actual iframes if used on them, but not on anyone else.


I am hating this game.

I loved Asylum, liked Arkham City, but this game starts in the worst stop and start way I think I've ever experienced with a game. I think I'm finally at the actual "just let me play the fucking game" part now I have the proper suit, but... why does the Batmobile control like a slippery turd in a shower cubicle?

Hey French gaffers, I am visiting Paris atm (love it btw) and i was in a Fnac store and was thinking of purchasing Batman Arkham Knight for my PS4, to enjoy when i get back to my country.

Thing is after asking the employee whether the game has english voice over option, he told me its just french... But i dont trust his knowledge on things and it really sounds weird to me. Nevertheless i did not risk it, and i wanted to ask french gaffers if i buy the game, will it have the original english voice over?

My PS4 copy came from a French Fnac and I'm playing it in English (with my console's language set to English).

GCPD is one of my favorite touches in the game.
It's one of these places where all the universe building comes together really well. To be fair, that's one of the game's biggest strengths: it builds on all three previous games and yet retains a rich and completely approachable universe.
Plus, the character models are damn great.


So gotten a lot further. 89 percent of the story done. I absolutely hate the required batmobile stuff during the main game. From the enigma puzzles to the sections during missions. Cruising around in the city is fun with it but goddamn I'm sick of it. Right now I agree with the 7/10 reviews. Just due to the way they shove the Batmobile down our throats in the campaign I'd rate the game a 6/10 probably. Sad too cause I'm enjoying the story. Without a doubt though it's going to be my least favorite Batman game.


God damn the final lap of the final Riddler race is fucking bullshit. Why is there no instant restart option? Only takes 2 or 3 mistakes to not have enough time to clear yet I still have to finish the lap when in order to try again? Can't just pause & select restart, that makes me redo the 1st 2 laps in addition to the loading & sitting through Riddler's speech over again.

& how is it he can build all this shit & still can't figure out his audio issues? That shtick got OLD.


I think the batmobile is cool. It's just that they find the most pointless ways to use it. Why the hell do I need to ride it across a rooftop when I could just grapple and run in a shorter amount of time?

I feel like the atmosphere is also lacking. It feels more like NYC and less like Gotham. I want that weird comic feeling that Arkham Asylum and City had.

I really hate how scripted this feels too.
Holy Moses I need to practice more, I was trying to save Fireman Wilson and I kept dying because of those goddamn Brutes, took about five tries.

Need to step up my combo game.
I'm having fun with this game, but I think I'm OD-ing because I've been playing it non stop for 10 hours.

I like how the sidequests aren't boring and how you can just stumble upon them when you travel through the map.

Hell, I even think the batmobile isn't that bad, I'm having fun doing the challenges that require it.

However, some of the VR missions are quite difficult...I have to step my dark knight game up.

Questions : how hard / easy is it to plat this game ? It's one of the few games I really want to.
Are there missable things ?
Also, do you have to beat the game on hard to get a trophy ?



I just want to thank whoever it was that told me last night that you can counter people whilst beating down a brute, and then continue the beat down after the counter. It's made taking down large groups a lot easier. Now if only I was better at evading the electricity people.

I'm around 82% in now. Just finished the churchyard level. I just wanna get the game over and done with now. I'm really sick to death of shooting drones, and don't even get me started on those fucking Cobra tanks. It's a shame cos I'd say the middle 8 or so hours have been amazing, but this final third is ruining it for me.

Also I have to say some of the conclusions to the side missions are lame, specifically the
Penguin, Manbat and Lucius Fox going missing ones
. At least the serial killer one ended in an okay boss fight.
GCPD is one of my favorite touches in the game.
I love how you encounter the first enemy you lock up behind scenes early in the game
he's insulting and threatening you, and by reflex I just pressed square. And Batman hit his head with the bar.
The dev team thinks of everything, they knew he would be that aggravating.
It is also funny when you visit back
and see the same prisonner, if you press the attack button again he mimicks an attack and the poor terrified fellow just falls

Batman is an arse confirmed


Is there a faster way to get the side missions to show up on the map? I've been doing them, but they stop giving me map markers, so I'm just doing story now. 30% done at the moment.
I suggest you play on and ask questions later.

Well that was odd. Just got to the part in
the movie theater. There he was lol Joker killed him? Unless the Joker was simply playing Scarecrows part in that whole thing and then he is for a fact Arkham Knight. Dammit Joker! Why don't you keep your damn mouth shut...wouldnt have been expecting it.
Is there a faster way to get the side missions to show up on the map? I've been doing them, but they stop giving me map markers, so I'm just doing story now. 30% done at the moment.

Not really, but most of them have audio cues or radio chatter, so just explore Gotham and you'll come across more.


Damn, the way the scenes and animations flow together in this game is incredible. It looks like it's actually out of a movie. I just really hate how there is a video call every minute.
On the Lucious Fox missing side quest,
That was so disappointing. I seriously thought that the Thomas Elliot thing from City would amount to something, but this doesnt even need to be in the game.
So Gamestop called me to return my copy of Arkham Knight for PC for another platform of my choice. Ended up getting the PS4 version and just got myself caught back up to where I was when I quit playing on PC.

First of all I'm shocked, outside of the awesome Gameworks stuff the PS4 version looks way better than the PC version. Mindboggling how the PC version even got past QA.

First of all I love the game, it feels a lot like Arkham Asylum mixed with the good attributes from City and Origins, especially the puzzles.

The story so far is really interesting and I love that***Early Game spoilers post Ace Chemicals***
that Batman is hallucinating the Joker everywhere, on billboards, and just about anywhere. Love the dialogue, and especially loved the reenactment from The Killing Joke when Joker shot Barbara. I like that Batman is basically experiencing PTSD hallucinations from Scarecrow's fear toxin. I also love Scarecrow, dat dialogue.

Call me crazy but I really love the batmobile, especially in ground combat and doing assisted takedowns. Actually, combat in general is absolutely amazing and I remember someone in the review thread mentioning how this game took everything from the last game and just really empowers the ultimate Batman fantasy. Gliding is the best it's ever been though, I've been about 70/30 between the both modes of transportation.

I also love that Rocksteady took the investigation bits from Origins and made them even better, as a whole the detective stuff is really interesting this time.

Question about the Bridges and Line of Duty sidequest
I finished lowering the first bridge, when do the others get lowered so I can save the last firefighter on Founder's Isle? He is trapped in an area that requires the Batmobile to take down a wall.

Also is there a good guide for the Riddler stuff yet? I've done some of it and found a few trophies here and there but I haven't done much.

I also encountered **sidequest spoilers**
Manbat, and went to Langstrom's Lab and made a cure, now I just have to hunt him down. I also found Firefly and chased him down once so far.

Also cool tip I noticed that if there is a red stop sign thing over any of the missions that means that you've maxed out your progress for that mission for the moment. Neat.

I also appreciate the way the gadget select works now, really quick and easy.

I wasn't super hyped for this game, basically just needed it to waste time until MGSV:The Phantom Pain comes out but overall I'm really surprised by how much I am enjoying this as I felt kind of burned by Arkham City.

Any idea how far into the game I am? I'm still hunting for
WHAT THE FUCK. THIS GAME. SO MANY TWISTS AND TURNS! I thought OH it has to be X but then Y happens...

Also when you were in the
it actually made me
. Like damn RS. So good.

And then when you had the
choice to go in the cell or not made me think. Like the Joker was actually getting in my head.


ok someone please just tell me straight up if the Arkham Knight is
because if so this is the most obvious plot twist ever lmao


Is anyone able to connect PSN to the online leaderboards? Anytime I try to play any mode on this game it says it's not connected to PSN, which is BS


I'd be in the dick
Everyone trying to give cryptic answers are making it really clear what they mean. I'm not that far yet. Thankfully that answer makes me happy.
Can you unlock costumes in the game? Early spoilers:
I just got Batsuit v8 so I was wondering if there was more.

Baddies could defeat her by not having a wheelchair ramp.

As a handicapped guy I want this. It can be offensive as all hell. Make style tricks a thing just do it
first off since he's been revealed they can directly go against his loved ones or his estate personally. Second, if you just fly around Gotham post-reveal you can hear the reactions from the thugs noting how they are less "scared" of him. One of them basically spells out the whole point that Batman was an unstoppable force of nature before but how now he's kinda lame. Just think of all those horror movies that tease the reveal of the monster, the scary part is always the tease never the ultimate revelation. Batman being just a man change the narrative to Bruce Wayne instead of Batman.

That said, I read a Youtube comment that suggested that the ending is Bruce Wayne fully becoming Batman. The Knightfall Protocol destroyed "Bruce Wayne" thus allowing him to become Batman full-time . He now uses Scarecrow's fear toxin as part of his suit to further instill fear in his enemies and mask his identity. It's an interesting theory but I do hate the ambiguous nature of the ending, mainly Bruce Wayne's conclusion not the identity of the "new" Batman.

It's ambiguous but I'm pretty sure that at the end
that's supposed to be a reformed Arkham Knight. Bruce seemed ready to pass the reins on the end, and if former Robin guy was reformed and wanted to take over Batman duties I could see Bruce letting him. It also makes more sense that he would have access to and feel comfortable using Scarecrow tactics.

As for the thugs saying they're no longer afraid, like I said you can fly right down and beat the shit out of them and their crew, I'm thinking they're going to go right back to being afraid after that. Even if a monster in a movie doesn't look intimidating to the audience it can still murder the characters. Even though everyone knows Batman is Bruce Wayne he is still just as able to fight crime as he ever was.

Anyway, I realize it's just a pulpy comic book story line and it's not intended to be scrutinized too closely, but it just felt one step too ridiculous to me.
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