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Batman: Arkham Knight |OT| Protect Gotham Racing

Arkham Knight Spoilers:
expected. If Joker wouldn't have shut up about Jason Todd it would've been unexpected. And now they shove me a shitty boss fight? No...
Should I go to bed? Or keep going to see the end?


Bruce's identity is compromised so he stages his own death after which he goes Batman full time, "It's only way to protect them". Robin and Oracle has gotten married and Gordon is Mayor, I think. Thing we see at the end is him using Scarecrow's feargas on those goons as he attacks them, Bruce is immune to that shit now.

That's one interpretation, the ending is left ambiguous.
Tank battle are super easy. You have a didge. They have a similar rhythm to on foot battles. Surprisingly well done considering impressions. I find them quite fun.

Maybe if the on-foot combat never evolved beyond punching and dodging. Tank battles aren't difficult, they're just far, far too frequent and repetitive. It's always just 'shoot all the tanks, dodge all the red lines'. Rocksteady had the sense to keep the stealth sections with Cobra tanks fairly limited (I think there were only three or four in the whole game), but for some reason they thought it'd be fun to have like twenty tank battles throughout the story missions, and then another twenty as side missions.

Just tried it and quickfire gel is basically nerfed hard into the ground. It's probably worse than the disruptor grenade from Origins (which replaced the REC from AC). The boosted freeflow effect I don't have but from the upgrade video it looks like it just boosts it to the original range of the old disruptor grenade effect in AO.

It's gross, the gel doesn't even knock anyone over anymore, not even the boosted version. It produces roughly the same effect that dropping smoke into a group does and makes the affected thugs disoriented and swing wildly. But it has the weakest explosion radius, you have to get another thug almost on top for it to actually hit anyone else. Disappointing to say the least.

It even spoils its use in Predator scenarios. I used to like to do a Knockout Smash to draw enemies over, plant a quick Explosive Gel on the ground by the body using the Quickfire controls, then get out of there and watch the carnage, but now the Quickfire controls make you shoot the stuff into a random wall, which isn't nearly as useful.
Is the complaints that people have with the batmobile tank sections throughout the game or later on?

I'm 60% through the story and I've actually enjoyed the batmobile/tank sections so far. Hopefully they stay as they have been.


Thanks for going out of your way to let us know, ha ha. I really think you are being too irrational about this game but perhaps because it did not align to what you were expecting.

This is easily superior to every iteration that came before it and the batmobile sections make up a small % of the overall experience. The psychological thriller is immense and has never been accomplished the way it has here in any videogame. I have yet to see you comment on any other aspect of the game that wasnt related to batmobile.

Irrational, lol? No, I just have an opinion and am entitled to voice it. Not everyone is going to love this game and I am sorry if it bothers you that some of us don't.

As for you saying that the batmobile makes up a small percentage of the game, I have to disagree. The tedious tank battles and using it for platforming and other segments is forced in constantly in what I have played and I think is absolute garbage that ruins the pacing of the game. Even Kevin VanOrd and Jim Sterling called it out in their reviews.

Is the batmobile my only problem with the game? No, I actually think that the Arkham Knight angle is weak, as are some of the side activities like the Riddler missions. The game has it's flaws that will obviously affect some more than others. I just so happen to think it's the weakest link in the series because of these issues. Sorry if that does not jive with you, but opinions and all that.
technically predictions not spoilers
I've only played for a couple of hours and I don't know why he'd hate batman or be evil and it doesn't make sense in his character, but a lot of Lucius Fox's MO matches with the Arkham Knight's. Mostly same height and weight, similar voice, knowledge of batman gear and technique, tons of money to build an army and tanks. I don't why he would be the Arkham Knight and he talked to Bat over intercom a few times but thats my dumb prediction for now. Aaron Cash was my second guess as he also has the same height/weight and similar voice but he doesn't have money and he can be found at any time inside of the GCPD building so its not him.


It even spoils its use in Predator scenarios. I used to like to do a Knockout Smash to draw enemies over, plant a quick Explosive Gel on the ground by the body using the Quickfire controls, then get out of there and watch the carnage, but now the Quickfire controls make you shoot the stuff into a random wall, which isn't nearly as useful.
Yep, pretty much. I think the thugs in AC/AO didn't notice quickfire gel on the ground as much as placed ones. You can rush a placed gel but yeah, it sucks now. Maybe RS should fix that while they're working on the PC version :lol
Irrational, lol? No, I just have an opinion and am entitled to voice it. Not everyone is going to love this game and I am sorry if it bothers you that some of us don't.

As for you saying that the batmobile makes up a small percentage of the game, I have to disagree. The tedious tank battles and using it for platforming and other segments is forced in constantly in what I have played and I think is absolute garbage that ruins the pacing of the game. Even Kevin VanOrd and Jim Sterling called it out in their reviews.

Is the batmobile my only problem with the game? No, I actually think that the Arkham Knight angle is weak, as are some of the side activities like the Riddler missions. The game has it's flaws that will obviously affect some more than others. I just so happen to think it's the weakest link in the series because of these issues. Sorry if that does not jive with you, but opinions and all that.

That's cool, i just haven't heard you share a single compliment in this thread and there are plenty of things it does righ against the few pointers you mentioned (including optional content). I just completed the Theatre dungeon and can't fathom how this would be frowned upon.
Yes; there's AR challenges that are effectively just Predator and Combat room challenges from the last games that serve that purpose now; there's just less of them and there's not as much variety.

Probably so they can charge us for them as DLC; this is a modern WB game after all.

That really makes me sad. But I'm part of the problem, cuz I'll buy em.


Good News everyone who cared about the challenge maps

the Game Director Sefton Hill

is aware of people's concerns (I guess we have to wait for more news until the pc port gets settled)
That's cool, i just haven't heard you share a single compliment in this thread and there are plenty of things it does righ against the few pointers you mentioned (including optional content). I just completed the Theatre dungeon and can't fathom how this would be frowned upon.

The theatre/movie studio is excellent, start to finish. So is the zeppelin; these parts of the game feel just like the best moments of Asylum and City. My biggest complaint with Arkham Knight is that there just aren't enough sections that reach this level of quality.

I'm not against the idea of switching things up with the Batmobile. I think that thing controls perfectly, looks awesome, and I love the stuff it can do. I loved using it for puzzle solving and doing all that crazy stuff with the power winch, powersliding across rooftops and exploding out the top of it straight into a glide. Unfortunately, so much of your time in the Batmobile is spent strafing around a circular arena blowing up wave after wave of drones, which I found utterly tedious after the first few instances. I mean, races, stealth bits with cobra tanks, power winching down walls, driving on the ceiling in tunnels, that stuff is all awesome and all used sparingly, but drone shootouts happen ALL THE TIME. There are just too fucking many tank battles, and that style of gameplay is not sufficiently varied or enjoyable enough to match the kind of quality I've come to expect from Rocksteady's games.

If the number of tank battles was halved or quartered I would think much more highly of the game, but I still wouldn't put it on the level of Asylum or City. The extremely dull and repetitive side missions are a real shame, as is the lack of any decent bossfights. I felt that relegating Batman's rogue's gallery to side missions rather than giving them major roles in the story was a missed opportunity, especially given all that pre-release talk of all the villains having teamed up in the Joker's absence. Even the design of the few Metroidvania/dungeon areas is a bit lacking compared to the first two games. When you revisited the Steel Mill or the Museum in Arkham City it was to use your new gadgets to find new areas and take different paths; when you revisit the Zeppelin in AK it's to... go back into the same predator area you did last time, then walk straight back out the way you came in.

I think Arkham Knight's a fine game. People should play it; there's a lot of wonderful stuff in there. It's just not going to be one of my favourite games that I replay every few months like Asylum and City were.


Bruce's identity is compromised so he stages his own death after which he goes Batman full time, "It's only way to protect them". Robin and Oracle has gotten married and Gordon is Mayor, I think. Thing we see at the end is him using Scarecrow's feargas on those goons as he attacks them, Bruce is immune to that shit now.

I'm pretty sure that isn't it.

(Endgame spoilers)
It didn't seem like that's what they were conveying. I think it was just someone new and mysterious taking up the mantle, thus filling the criminals with the dread that Batman had at the beginning of his career and lost over time. A lot of how the scene plays out seems to just be saying "History is repeating itself".

The theatre/movie studio is excellent, start to finish. So is the zeppelin; these parts of the game feel just like the best moments of Asylum and City. My biggest complaint with Arkham Knight is that there just aren't enough sections that reach this level of quality.

I'm not against the idea of switching things up with the Batmobile. I think that thing controls perfectly, looks awesome, and I love the stuff it can do. I loved using it for puzzle solving and doing all that crazy stuff with the power winch, powersliding across rooftops and exploding out the top of it straight into a glide. Unfortunately, so much of your time in the Batmobile is spent strafing around a circular arena blowing up wave after wave of drones, which I found utterly tedious after the first few instances. I mean, races, stealth bits with cobra tanks, power winching down walls, driving on the ceiling in tunnels, that stuff is all awesome and all used sparingly, but drone shootouts happen ALL THE TIME. There are just too fucking many tank battles, and that style of gameplay is not sufficiently varied or enjoyable enough to match the kind of quality I've come to expect from Rocksteady's games.

If the number of tank battles was halved or quartered I would think much more highly of the game, but I still wouldn't put it on the level of Asylum or City. The extremely dull and repetitive side missions are a real shame, as is the lack of any decent bossfights. I felt that relegating Batman's rogue's gallery to side missions rather than giving them major roles in the story was a missed opportunity, especially given all that pre-release talk of all the villains having teamed up in the Joker's absence. Even the design of the few Metroidvania/dungeon areas is a bit lacking compared to the first two games. When you revisited the Steel Mill or the Museum in Arkham City it was to use your new gadgets to find new areas and take different paths; when you revisit the Zeppelin in AK it's to... go back into the same predator area you did last time, then walk straight back out the way you came in.

I think Arkham Knight's a great game, it's just not going to be one of my favourite games that I replay every few months like Asylum and City were.

I've seen this sentiment repeated a few times now, and it's pretty much exactly how I felt.

They abandoned most metroidvania aspects. The abandoned what they had done previously with boss fights rather than tried to top it. There's too much tank Batmobile as you get closer and closer to the end of the game.

There are a few other things, like the freeflow combat just feeling too dense and with too many elements going on by the time you're halfway through the game and beyond, but what you talk about cover most of my complaints with the game. As a package I just didn't enjoy it as much as City or Asylum, and I enjoyed it about as much as I enjoyed Origins.
Ok. Hopefully I'm not alone on this but I can't stand the constant slowdowns to talk to Alfred or fox. Just play talk over comms the slow dialogue and constant stealing control ruins my momentum. Also wouldn't that be bad if people saw batman talking to either of them?
Anybody had or know or anyone that has had issues with the audio through the PS Gold headset?

Even with the sound all the way up it's still relatively quiet, and turning up the volume on the T.V. doesn't change the level at all.


To the guys talking about the 100% ending.

Did you actually play the game or just watch the ending?

It's one of two people Azreal from the training missions, or Jason taking over. It's not Bruce. I think it's Azreal because Bruce tells him to wait after Bruce approves of him during the training and he is the Knightfall replacement in the comics.
Ok. Hopefully I'm not alone on this but I can't stand the constant slowdowns to talk to Alfred or fox. Just play talk over comms the slow dialogue and constant stealing control ruins my momentum. Also wouldn't that be bad if people saw batman talking to either of them?

I believe the screen is somehow holographically projected onto Batman's eyeballs (if you swivel the camera around you can see his eyes all white and digital-looking).

But, yeah, that is a weird presentation method for the story. After every story event you're locked into 'stare at my forearm' mode for a couple of minutes before you're allowed to do anything else, when we know that Batman's perfectly capable of doing other stuff while talking on his radio. I also found it pretty funny that Alfred's role is mainly to do spit-takes after every major event in the story. A major event would happen and Alfred would immediately call in to say, "Blah blah blah, anyway, at least *insert major event here* didn't happen, though", then we watch his shocked face in closeup as Batman relays the bad news :p


The Harley Quinn DLC is a joke. Took me 20 minutes to complete and it has a laughable boss fight.

Yeah, I'm real bummed they didn't give us challenge rooms to play with her in too. Pretty sure that was the initial selling point for the DLC with her (4 challenge maps).

Even Batman doesn't have much challenge room wise. Just mucking around with Batman and other characters in the challenge maps was some of my fave stuff in these arkham games. Was looking forward to trying out the new Catwoman model in them too, but for whatever reason I can't. :(

Leaderboards (Gotham's Greatest) still down for everyone?

Yeah, it doesn't think I'm connected to the Playstation Network, which I am. I wonder if XBO is having these issues too?
Roughly how long is the main story ( not including side missions)?

Definitely longer than Asylum and City. I finished the story at just over twenty hours, but that was with some time spent on side missions; probably 12-15 hours for just the story, maybe?


I'm up to
just rescued the workers from plant and I have to go in and fight the boss? Now

how far in am I?

You're pretty much nowhere. Opening 25% at the most.
Yeah I thought I wasn't far in. Last question.

Are there more side missions than,
find the fire fighters, solve the murder, etc?
Yeah I thought I wasn't far in. Last question.

Are there more side missions than,
find the fire fighters, solve the murder, etc?

Yeah, the Missions sub-menu (Right on the D-pad) gives you all the information you're looking for. It'll tell you your percentage in the main story and show you all the side missions (they won't show up yet, but basically that whole radial menu gets filled up by the end of the game).


I honestly think some people are overreacting in regards to the Batmobile. Sure its in a bit more than I would like, but it doesn't ruin the game or anything ridiculous like people have claimed. I do agree that the game is no 10, but its still quite good.


Been playing for about 5 hours now and I dig the Batmobile. Will keep playing tomorrow since I'll basically be free the whole day.


I honestly think some people are overreacting in regards to the Batmobile. Sure its in a bit more than I would like, but it doesn't ruin the game or anything ridiculous like people have claimed. I do agree that the game is no 10, but its still quite good.

Sure, that is an opinion.

You've played through the full game?
Batmans skins are just for show, they don't have any special attributes?

I'll just quickly add, I'm having no trouble with the batmobile. Just took me a little time to understand the controls at the beginning, but now I'm fine with it, even though I prefer going around on foot. Missions with the batmobile are pretty good, like how you have to solve things with or without it.
You guys need to finish the game before you go scoffing at the Batmobile complaints. We're not griping about the mere fact that it's there, but that the tedious tank battles extremely over-used over the course of the full game and never evolve or change-up in the way that the other types of gameplay do.
Yeah, I understand where you're coming from and I know it was a major complaint from reviewers. Too bad they didn't evolve with it as they did with batman's abilities.
Haven't played an Arkham game since the first one. Is this worth getting?

It looks amazing, but reviews all say the batmobile is the worst part, and it doesn't look interesting on the gameplay vids. How much of the game is centered around it?


Good News everyone who cared about the challenge maps

the Game Director Sefton Hill

is aware of people's concerns (I guess we have to wait for more news until the pc port gets settled)
Man, those were some of my favorite things to do post main story all of last gen. So I hope there is a real fix coming and one that isn't too much of a rip off. Would love to play as multiple characters and get the classic challenge maps.


Haven't played an Arkham game since the first one. Is this worth getting?

It looks amazing, but reviews all say the batmobile is the worst part, and it doesn't look interesting on the gameplay vids. How much of the game is centered around it?

Quite a bit.

It's still worth playing though, but I'd advise a rental if you can manage it. Having played Asylum you should be OK; the story of the game does follow City, but I've heard a few impressions from people completely new to the series with Knight and they seem to have enjoyed it, so you should be fine.


Haven't played an Arkham game since the first one. Is this worth getting?

It looks amazing, but reviews all say the batmobile is the worst part, and it doesn't look interesting on the gameplay vids. How much of the game is centered around it?

Nah, skip it. It's terrible.
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