gaf isn't the best place to discuss film but this thread hasn't been hostile for the reasons Atr0cious thinks.
Zack Snyder is really not a director worth dying on a hill for.
Here was Atr0cious's real problem: He wanted an open discussion that he could control, and that's as contradictory as it sounded.
You see, he was the only one that wanted to discuss this film in depth, unlike posters like me who just threw (and I quote) "word salad" at the screen. He was very open to opinions, as long as they weren't wrong. And you knew if they were wrong if he decided they were.
For example, you asserted Civil War had stakes and a change in the status quo. "What stakes" he asked, wanting to hear your opinion. So you gave them, but of course they weren't 'real' consequences, because he said so. Then he explained what real consequences were, using all examples from BvS. Where is a clear difference, can't you see?
My favorite part was when he argued that the directors intentions weren't relevant to truly understanding the true meaning of the film, except where they were, and if you omitted those details then your analysis of the film is incomplete. Naturally, he's the one who tells you which moment is which. The part where he argued that a film is only as good as the viewer who projects his own feelings on the film, unless their marvel movies, which are obviously too simple to do so.
"Wait, guys, why are you opposed to my super deep and intelligent film analysis? You guys just don't want to discuss real film techniques I guess!"