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Batman vs Superman: World's Finest Three-Year Wait

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I don't get how the military finds it so hard to obtain his identity whereas all Lois Lane had to do was ask the guy who worked at IHOP

I bet superman threw him in space after the Zod fight

Well Lois asked a lot of people.

Essentially backtracking all of the local legends/myths around him.

The government probably doesn't think it's cost-efficient to chase down ghosts


I don't get how the military finds it so hard to obtain his identity whereas all Lois Lane had to do was ask the guy who worked at IHOP
Well, when Lois was doing the questioning, they didn't know the context of her inquiry and she had her own "guardian angel" story to share to show her questions were benevolent. After Superman's debut, witnesses know two things: a) Their guardian angel saved the planet... but as an invincible flying being who will kill if necessary; b) Their government was willing to disappear one of the world's most prominent and loudest journalists on the mere suspicion of information (you can bet is going to report loudly about that little civil rights violation).

So when the Men in Black start to ask questions... do you betray your savior to get disappeared by the Government or maybe face the Kryptonian's wrath... or do you feign ignorance and stonewall?

Additionally, I think there's an aspect of willful tolerance on the government's part. If we believe the worst about the US government and the best about their competency, then Edward Snowden would have conveniently disappeared before reaching Russia (or thereafter). Discovering his identity might provide some leverage on Superman, but he's already largely acting in your interests and god help you if he isn't. If tolerating this secret means you aren't losing $12M drones left and right and he cooperates with your interests, then let that be... worst case scenario, you just pick up Lois again and torture the information out of her. :p

But more optimistically, I think Superman is basically trusting Swanwick and saying, "Yeah, you probably could figure it out and here's a clue if you need it, but I'm trusting you to trust me not to use it." I wouldn't be surprised if Swanwick never shares the bit about Kansas with his superiors because Superman extended that bit of trust to him.
All I want in this movie is Batman in the bat cave talking to Alfred or something about how he is going to go to Metropolis and it pans across to reveal Robin and he goes.
"*tt* Don't worry father. I'll keep Gotham safe."
And then Dick can come up and be all like. "Don't worry Bruce I'll keep an eye on him."
Then Bruce goes on his way and you can have a quip from Damien along the lines of "This time, I wear the cowl."

I would be a very happy man indeed.
I would buy at least two tickets.
That's one more than I would normally buy.


Wow....Bruce Wayne was in Metropolis when it went down....and he's getting back into the game


I actually love this potential take on the on screen pairing. Having a disillusioned Batman brought back in action when Superman is perceived to be a threat.

In saying that I'm still 100% expecting there to be a formidable foe (not Luthor) for them to team up and beat.

Did we ever hear any more about Emily Blunt potentially being involved with this or another potential DC property? There has been some ground swell about her recently and if she's doing a superhero film it'll likely be for WB given that she's turned down Marvel before.
Did we ever hear any more about Emily Blunt potentially being involved with this or another potential DC property? There has been some ground swell about her recently and if she's doing a superhero film it'll likely be for WB given that she's turned down Marvel before.

Given that John Krasinski was passed over for the roles of Steve Rogers and Peter Quill one has to wonder if Marvel is not looked upon kindly in the Krasinski-Blunt household.


Given that John Krasinski was passed over for the roles of Steve Rogers and Peter Quill one has to wonder if Marvel is not looked upon kindly in the Krasinski-Blunt household.

That's true. Blunt was Marvel's first choice to play Black Widow before ScarJo but she turned them down because she wasn't comfortable (like so many) signing such a large deal for so little pay.

Blunt said no. They then went with 'Plan B' who was ScarJo who said yes. I believe that Marvel were not happy at being rebuffed so I'd be surprised if they came back in for her.


All I want in this movie is Batman in the bat cave talking to Alfred or something about how he is going to go to Metropolis and it pans across to reveal Robin and he goes.
"*tt* Don't worry father. I'll keep Gotham safe."
And then Dick can come up and be all like. "Don't worry Bruce I'll keep an eye on him."
Then Bruce goes on his way and you can have a quip from Damien along the lines of "This time, I wear the cowl."

I would be a very happy man indeed.
I would buy at least two tickets.
That's one more than I would normally buy.

You have now ruined the movie for me because this won't happen.


So I watched Man of Steel because this hyped me up. I heard it was bad so that's why I waited.

It was bad. It could have been so good if it was maybe 2 movies. I get it, they didn't want to spend too much time on the familiar origin story. But because they didn't, everything felt rushed and jumped to (OK, you've met Louis three times briefly and now you're in love?).

Luckily I don't think Man of Steel being bad has ruined this potential movie for me. I like the potential that Batman is upset at the destruction he saw in Metropolis.
So I watched Man of Steel because this hyped me up. I heard it was bad so that's why I waited.

It was bad. It could have been so good if it was maybe 2 movies. I get it, they didn't want to spend too much time on the familiar origin story. But because they didn't, everything felt rushed and jumped to (OK, you've met Louis three times briefly and now you're in love?).

Luckily I don't think Man of Steel being bad has ruined this potential movie for me. I like the potential that Batman is upset at the destruction he saw in Metropolis.

Louis was my favourite character too.
So I watched Man of Steel because this hyped me up. I heard it was bad so that's why I waited.

It was bad. It could have been so good if it was maybe 2 movies. I get it, they didn't want to spend too much time on the familiar origin story. But because they didn't, everything felt rushed and jumped to (OK, you've met Louis three times briefly and now you're in love?).

Luckily I don't think Man of Steel being bad has ruined this potential movie for me. I like the potential that Batman is upset at the destruction he saw in Metropolis.

I feel the same way. Man of Steel was really bad but if it sets up the next movie like that it would have served a purpose at least.


All I want in this movie is Batman in the bat cave talking to Alfred or something about how he is going to go to Metropolis and it pans across to reveal Robin and he goes.
"*tt* Don't worry father. I'll keep Gotham safe."
And then Dick can come up and be all like. "Don't worry Bruce I'll keep an eye on him."
Then Bruce goes on his way and you can have a quip from Damien along the lines of "This time, I wear the cowl."

I would be a very happy man indeed.
I would buy at least two tickets.
That's one more than I would normally buy.

The only sign of Robin I can accept is bloodied and torn costume in a glass case, showing what whatever Robin was in this universe, he died.


If this does open with the Zod fight in MoS, this is a very clever way of setting up the dynamic that's always existed between the pair. By the end of MoS Superman has basically sided with the government and the government believes they can control him, but Batman believes that superman is uncontrollable and goes against the government.
Personally, I think it makes more sense reversed.

In a realistic setting, a Superman outside of government control makes sense, but a Batman operating for decades without some degree of government tolerance is doubtful. Post-Crisis DCU and Timm's DCAU both acknowledged this. Batman's identity was known by Amanda Waller and the Bat Family operated at the tacit approval of Checkmate, ARGUS, Project Cadmus, DEO, Stormwatch, etc. Classically, Batman is basically a policeman or special detective at the beck and call of the Commissioner and the Bat Signal (or Bat Phone). In Begins, most of Batman's gear comes from Department of Defense contract R&D. Most variations of Alfred have him as a former government agent versed in spycraft. Towards the end, "Batman, Inc." was basically a multinational corporation with government liaisons, embassies, and interests, including private police robotic police forces.

Between the two, it makes much more sense for Batman to be a government operative.

Using James Bond as a template, all the logistics of Batman fade away and are quickly intuited by audiences without need for lengthy explanation. Where does he get all those wonderful toys? Government R&D. Where did he get his training? Where secret agents get theirs. How does he keep is identity secret? The same way the government keeps the identities of those in deep cover, in witness protection, or their spies secret. Doesn't he act outside the law and rogue sometimes? Bond has a license to kill and acts rogue most times. Why is Batman a ninja? BlackOps and SpecOps are basically ninjas.

Also, look at it from a match-up perspective... Superman plus the Government versus Batman? Grossly one-sided against Batman. The only way Batman even manages to land a punch in TDKR is because Gotham descends into anarchy removing the government from the equation... Batman essentially institutes martial law and is the governor of Gotham. However, Superman versus the Government plus their ultimate super-agent? That's a title card!

Of course, the government doesn't need to be monolithic. I can see Superman being the ally to all those aspects of the government you learn in civics class which reside in the light and based on ideals from the era of Enlightenment... conversely, Batman can be the embodiment and product of the dark underbelly of the government where pragmatism, paranoia, and preparedness trump lofty ideals. Being two sides of governance sets up a situation where their ideals can conflict but where reasonable minds can differ.


So who is in this Movie?

Wonder Women

are there more?

Dwayne Johnson is playing a character, probably Shazam. There's most likely going to be some major villain at the end so Batman and Superman will stop fighting and team up. I'm guessing Doomsday.
Lex Luther

I think that's all that's confirmed so far.

I made a post a while back with everyone confirmed and rumored in the DCMU & the DCTVU.
I'll have to dig it up.

Why isn't this just called Justice League? This movie can't have that many characters. Unless their just thrown in there for a few seconds at the end or something.

I'm kind of hoping they don't try to do much origin, let that happen in their own movies.


Super Member
Why isn't this just called Justice League? This movie can't have that many characters. Unless their just thrown in there for a few seconds at the end or something.

I'm kind of hoping they don't try to do much origin, let that happen in their own movies.
It's called "Dawn of Justice" so yeah they're basically in there. :p


Why isn't this just called Justice League? This movie can't have that many characters. Unless their just thrown in there for a few seconds at the end or something.

I'm kind of hoping they don't try to do much origin, let that happen in their own movies.

Because it's predominantly a Batman/Superman story.
Why isn't this just called Justice League? This movie can't have that many characters. Unless their just thrown in there for a few seconds at the end or something.

I'm kind of hoping they don't try to do much origin, let that happen in their own movies.

Because Justice League is after this one. Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman are the only ones with large roles. Any other heroes present are cameos.
Why isn't this just called Justice League? This movie can't have that many characters. Unless their just thrown in there for a few seconds at the end or something.

I'm kind of hoping they don't try to do much origin, let that happen in their own movies.

Aquaman and Cyborg are almost certainly just cameos. I'm still not sure how the former fits into the film's narrative, but it's mainly just the title characters plus WW in a key supporting role.


Why isn't this just called Justice League? This movie can't have that many characters. Unless their just thrown in there for a few seconds at the end or something.

I'm kind of hoping they don't try to do much origin, let that happen in their own movies.

Because DC isn't confident they can sell a movie without having Batman in the title.
Lol James Stewart as batman

"Now I say, superman. Look here you wrecked a lot of buildings. And I won't stand for it not one bit, its just plain wrong"


Why isn't this just called Justice League?

Because there's likely not going to be one in this movie. It seems to be centered around justt two characters with WW as side character. You can't name a movie JLA if if it's not ensemble piece. Most likely other characters will just have cameos and the actual JLA movie will be the one where they actually work like a team, the way Expendables or Avengers work.


Really good choice I think.

So, so far we have Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman and Cyborg.

Probably Shazam and Flash would be next.
I imagine that they will take their time with Green Lantern.


The worst kept secret in Hollywood is now official:


Jason Momoa cast as Aquaman. As has been repeatedly reported and denied for months now.
Embarrassing, but they're citing a Variety article from June 16, 2014... which in turn cites HitFix, which explicitly says:

"While Warner Bros. hasn't made that announcement officially yet, HitFix can confirm..."


So no "official" yet.


I really hope that's not true.
It suggests the conflict between Batman and Superman is not resolved by the end of the movie.


I really hope that's not true.
It suggests the conflict between Batman and Superman is not resolved by the end of the movie.

I'd lean more towards conflict is resolved, Batman steals it, Alfred asks why and says something like "you can never be too careful"
but the source is an extra from the set so meh


I still think the last act of the film will be Batman and Superman teaming up. Seems stupid not to do that. Rumors suggest they're going to fight
"Doomsday" which is created by Luthor
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