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Batman vs Superman: World's Finest Three-Year Wait

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Even if BvS is a flop in story (which I'm really doubting at this point with Terrio & Affleck), it will be one of the most impressive films to see ever. Snyder's comments about special effects and MoS's visuals really cement that for me.

If only I could be so sure about Aquaman & Shazam. Hoping we get atleast 3 other franchises information released by the end of the month, most likely Shazam, Aquaman and WW.


I don't think anyone is doubting this movie will "look good". It's how it stacks up as a movie is what people are concerned with. That means quality of script, acting, pacing, soundtrack, set pieces, dialogue etc.
Affleck talking to Entertainment Weekly about taking the role. Basic stuff we've heard a little already. I will be bolding the part I thought was the most relevant.

I dunno. I read between the lines there, and I see a guy who has a considerable amount of control behind the camera, even if he's not actually directing the picture.

Chris Terrio wrote a terrific script. Zack's a great visual director.

Note who is not mentioned in the first sentence, note the qualifier placed in the second.

Just saw this and was coming in here to see if it had been posted. Glad to get some official word that Goyer is gone. Snyder puts awesome shit on film. Give him a good script and I'm sure we'll get something worth watching this time.


I knew from the start that he would be a great Bruce/Batman physically. Everyone was freaking out and my response was "He's tall, has a strong jaw, has dark hair, a thick build, will get ripped, why is there this much outcry".

Internet is gonna internet.

He has this basic look down to a T

Yeah, much better Bruce Wayne for sure compared to Christian Bale. Whenever he was on screen previously I just couldn't convince myself he was meant to be Bruce and kept thinking Michael Keaton did it better.
It's like Avengers getting bumped due to Aquaman. lol

There was never any chance in hell of both movies coming out the same day. It would be such a stupid fucking decision that I can't imagine shareholders would be happy. All it would accomplish would be hurting both movies at the box office. There would literally be no winner. The "winner" of the fight would have still made more money opening at a different time, which now they will.


Online Ho Champ
I'd really love for this movie to do well, for DC's sake, but this thing screams of desperation:

Who would have thunk that Captain America pushes a movie about Batman and Superman, with Wonderwoman and Aquaman to boot.


Money, i dont care how good your film is, you don't want ANY competition on your opening.


I'd really love for this movie to do well, for DC's sake, but this thing screams of desperation:

Who would have thunk that Captain America pushes a movie about Batman and Superman, with Wonderwoman and Aquaman to boot.


Warner has more to lose than Disney. If Cap3 bombs it's not going to hurt much since Marvel has like 6 other massive franchises. The entire future of the DC universe is riding on this film, they're not taking any chances.


If BvS is just Bruce and Lex making the same argument that all the MoS Destruction Haters make, will MoS seem like a more reasonable movie to the haters since it really does help set up this movie.

It also looks to be free of Goyer as well.


So I just watched Man of Steel for the first time. I don't really understand the hate, sure it was all over the place and lot of choices and plot were pretty ridiculous. But goddamn the battle scenes were dope!

And all that death and needless destruction, fuck yeah! Human's suck anyways lol Kryptonians don't give a fuck.

What I want to know is just how much stuff is going to be in Batman vs Superman.

Intro to a new Dark Knight
Kryptonite (right?)
Lex Luthor
Wonder Woman
and everything else....

I'm assuming Batman is pissed about all the death and destruction right? So many questions :)

How the hell is all that going to fit into a 2 and a half hour movie?

I also recently watched a lot of the DC animated films like Justice League War. No potential for Darkseid yet?


Batman and Superman are the best superhero's in comics.
One is the pinnacle of super human ability, and the other is the pinnacle of regular human ability.

Fuck Spiderman, fuck flash, fuck the hulk, fuck iron man, fuck Hancock, fuck they all. They don't got shit on the worlds finest.

I am so hyped for Dawn of Justice. Uoeno


Where's this from? I mean the actual photo and not the comic. Photoshop or official release?


And it appears pretty obvious McNairy is
The Flash
Although if that's true I guess I'm a bit disappointed as his hair doesn't look red. I have to wonder why just his legs. Can Flash run without his suit and not mess up his clothes/shoes?

Also just as likely he may be

Edit: Just spotted this from SHH



Metallo just seems like a great villain for this film since he can give superman plenty of trouble without completely outclassing batman (but still providing a challenge).
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