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Batman vs Superman: World's Finest Three-Year Wait

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That seems much more colorful than before. I guess they don't have to be afraid of a little red and blue anymore. :p

Im sure Synder knows what he's doing when it comes to the visuals, but the original suit looked fine.

Why did they have to spray paint muscles in the BvS version up above?

Yeah not sure what's up with that, I'm sure it will look good on camera, but the MoS suit was god-tier.


Im sure Synder knows what he's doing when it comes to the visuals, but the original suit looked fine.

Why did they have to spray paint muscles in the BvS version up above?
Most spandex superhero costumes do this to give definition. Spider-man did this and the Man of Steel costume had this as well (though it wasn't as pronounced).


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Suit looks even better :D


Very likely fake. Here's the stock photo for "Soil Sample:"

There's a lot of questionable things about the presentation of the prop and the quality of the prop itself in terms of authentically representing a newspaper (color photo, typically of a front page, but refusing to show the headline banner, the date of publication, or anything that takes significant graphic design ability). The article itself is a little problematic and doesn't jive with Lane's writing style in MoS. However, let's just take it at face value and ask ourselves whether the scenario itself makes any sense...


After the Black Zero Event (BZE), are you telling me Metropolis happily went about its way rebuilding around the crater in their city without doing an environmental impact study? Heck, we did that after 9/11 without the introduction of an alien terraforming technology doing god knows what to our environment. Even if the BZE was entirely understood, the collapse of that many buildings alone would have demanded studies to determine whether there was airborne asbestos, toxic runoff, or other harmful particulate unleashed by the devastation. There's no way a mere student comes along years later intending to do a study of the city's clay foundations and is suddenly SURPRISED by toxicity... conversely, there's no way a mere student does a study immediately after the BZE and doesn't automatically suspect and expect the cause to be the BZE! Thus the timeline of the news article makes no sense.

However, imagine that little oversight for a moment and assume those facts to be true... she discovers, some time after the BZE and to her surprise (because life has returned to normal insofar as people are the picture of idyllic neighbors and playgrounds for children), the ground is toxic. "This looks like a job for Superman!" Except it isn't. Like, not even a little bit. Nothing in the powerset we've been shown equips Superman to answer this problem in any way, nor the traditional rendering of any of the characters we know to be in the story. Wonder Woman isn't going to be filtering toxic dirt. Maybe Wayne and Luthor can help by throwing money at it, but only with a lot of time which doesn't jive with when this film takes place. Finally, dramatically, how does any of this precipitate into a grudge match between the World's Finest?

I'm not saying this is entirely impossible, but I fail to see natural or logical story hooks into kids dying from playground toxins and DC's Trinity standing around being able to do nothing about it. If they do go this route, talk about a plot that's boring as dirt, they'd be LITERALLY FIGHTING [toxic] DIRT.



New muscle suit looks dumb. Cavil probably slimmed down or something so they gave him muscles
I think people are forgetting we've already seen the suit as they intend to present it, in the stills released prior-to SDCC.

I think the issue with the alleged painted muscles is just a lighting and camera artifact. Here's the original MoS suit which, in the wild, has such as much definition. Rather, the issue is how the camera is making the suit purplish and the contrast and artifacts make the muscles look "painted."


If you consider the texture of the suit up close, it may give you pause to realize that "painted" wouldn't work... more likely, the camera couldn't handle the detail at these ranges, lighting conditions, with a moving target... and you get the lightly colored blobs that you see.


Zack Synder truly is a visionary

Good call, Zack.

So Bruce is into MMA?
Ben Affleck shot a Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice scene inside the Masonic Temple in Detroit last week, and a source told Batman News exactly what went down.

The Masonic Temple is a reception hall for weddings, parties, banquets, etc. and they transformed a large kitchen into an underground MMA fighting arena and bar. Kind of like in the movie Fight Club. People from all types of backgrounds were down there betting on which fighter would win. And in walks our hero…

Bruce Wayne shows up to bet, which makes people wonder “what’s this billionaire doing here?”. Wayne replies to that by saying “I’m kind of a night person” and ends up having a discussion with someone at the bar.

Just playing the part of the playboy? Or is he looking for something, or someone?
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