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Batman vs Superman: World's Finest Three-Year Wait

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Having just seen Man of Steel, I lost any and all hype for any Superman/Batman movie. That's fucking terrible that it is even possible to have no hype for something like that. This movie is soulless, charmless, and worst of all boring as fuck.



Men that Kneel 2
That's the explanation, actually: They almost never fight for longer than five minutes before they learn that they need to team up/be friends.
Playing Arkham origins and batman MUST have stubble. It's about as important as giving his cowl ears at this point tbh

Ben Affleck would look wack shaven in the suit and also the stubble look is more badass


Playboy (of all places) has a really good but short interview with Affleck about the internet hate and why he took the part. For once, the questions are good and the answers are real answers :)
PLAYBOY: When Warner Bros. named you Batman, the internet exploded with hostility. After climbing back from career adversity to win the best picture Oscar for Argo, was your initial reaction more “Not Again” or “Screw You”?

AFFLECK: It wasn’t either, really. I expected that reaction. Warner Bros. told me, “You should know what you’re getting into.” They showed me the reactions to other folks who had been cast in these roles. They said this is how it tends to play out initially.

PLAYBOY: What convinced you?

AFFLECK: When they asked if I would be Batman, I told them I don’t see myself in the role and I was going to have to beg off. They said I’d fit well into how they were going to approach the character and asked me to look at what the writer-director, Zack Snyder, was doing. The stuff was incredible.


AFFLECK: It was a unique take on Batman that was still consistent with the mythology. It made me excited. All of a sudden I had a reading of the character. When people see it, it will make more sense than it does now or even than it did to me initially.

PLAYBOY: How will your Batman differ from the others, particularly the one played by Christian Bale?

AFFLECK: I don’t want to give away too much, but the idea for the new Batmanis to redefine him in a way that doesn’t compete with the Bale and Chris NolanBatman but still exists within the Batman canon. It will be an older and wiser version, particularly as he relates to Henry Cavill’s Superman character.

PLAYBOY: How much did the hostile fan reaction bother you?

AFFLECK: I understand I’m at a disadvantage with the internet. If I thought the result would be another Daredevil, I’d be out there picketing myself. [laughs] Why would I make the movie if I didn’t think it was going to be good and that I can be good in it?

PLAYBOY: George Clooney kept a photo of himself as Batman on his office wall as a reminder of what can happen when you take a role for money and fame. If you had such a photo in your office, which movie would you go with?

AFFLECK: I’d probably have two or three. [laughs] It’d be tough to choose. The only movie I actually regret is Daredevil. It just kills me. I love that story, that character, and the fact that it got fucked up the way it did stays with me. Maybe that’s part of the motivation to do Batman


Playboy (of all places) has a really good but short interview with Affleck about the internet hate and why he took the part. For once, the questions are good and the answers are real answers :)


So he doesn't regret Surviving Christmas or Gigli, the movies that effectively ended his acting career, but he regrets Daredevil which was actually a decent movie and a modest hit?

Sounds like he's really playing it up for the fanboys here.
Playboy (of all places) has a really good but short interview with Affleck about the internet hate and why he took the part. For once, the questions are good and the answers are real answers :)


This is a great interview! Affleck has always come off like a great guy. It's just that from the sound of this, they're really committing to the older and more confrontational batman, which bothers me. Every fan out there prefers Bats and Supes working together instead of fighting. I really don't get the appeal of starting out the cinematic universe with these characters at odds. As friends with different philosophies, they're fun. When DC plays them as polar opposites with a last man standing mentality, it always ends badly.


Gal Gadot? Yes please!

She has the face...but no body. She's petite, and don't get me wrong she's gorgeous. But I don't know.

I guess this is an indication of where they are heading with her costume...all covered up spandex


She's so damn petite....

Maybe she'll bulk up a bit?


So he doesn't regret Surviving Christmas or Gigli, the movies that effectively ended his acting career, but he regrets Daredevil which was actually a decent movie and a modest hit?

Sounds like he's really playing it up for the fanboys here.

I would regret Daredevil the most if I actually cared about the Character and it seems like actually does unless he's been bullshitting this entire time.

And at the very least, Surviving Christmas gave him the chance to work with James Gandolfini.


This is a great interview! Affleck has always come off like a great guy. It's just that from the sound of this, they're really committing to the older and more confrontational batman, which bothers me. Every fan out there prefers Bats and Supes working together instead of fighting. I really don't get the appeal of starting out the cinematic universe with these characters at odds. As friends with different philosophies, they're fun. When DC plays them as polar opposites with a last man standing mentality, it always ends badly.

But it would be pretty damn dumb if they became friends for no real reason. I would guess it will be handled like a buddy cop movie, starting as forced to worktogether and then have the friendship be born during the adventure


This is a great interview! Affleck has always come off like a great guy. It's just that from the sound of this, they're really committing to the older and more confrontational batman, which bothers me. Every fan out there prefers Bats and Supes working together instead of fighting. I really don't get the appeal of starting out the cinematic universe with these characters at odds. As friends with different philosophies, they're fun. When DC plays them as polar opposites with a last man standing mentality, it always ends badly.

But they have no reason to be friends right now. If Lex is super critical and suspicious of Superman's "true intentions" or whatever, Batman probably would agree with him to a certain extent. Hell this is the guy that had contingency plans to take down each member of the Justice League. He'd be as untrusting of Superman at the start as anyone. Difference is, Batman will probably grow to see Superman's "true nature" throughout the movie, and thus the friendship is born.


Anyone else bothered about not getting a proper Batman solo movie first? Seems like he's being relegated to second billing. I want another Batman origins movie coz TDKR sucked donkey balls.


Anyone else bothered about not getting a proper Batman solo movie first? Seems like he's being relegated to second billing. I want another Batman origins movie coz TDKR sucked donkey balls.

No. We've seen his origin enough. And this is supposed to be Superman's franchise.


Anyone else bothered about not getting a proper Batman solo movie first? Seems like he's being relegated to second billing. I want another Batman origins movie coz TDKR sucked donkey balls.

Nah. Everybody knows Batman origins. Introducing him as a side character in MoS is much better choice. This way the next solo Bats movie can go straight to action instead of repeating he origin story once more.


Anyone else bothered about not getting a proper Batman solo movie first? Seems like he's being relegated to second billing. I want another Batman origins movie coz TDKR sucked donkey balls.

I'm bothered by the fact Superman can't have a sequel without more shoving batman down our throats.


But MOS proved that this Superman by himself is boring as shit. I'd rather see a clusterfuck of DC throwing everything in than turn out a movie as boring as MOS was.

MOS proved that with horrible writing Superman by himself is boring as shit.


But MOS proved that this Superman by himself is boring as shit. I'd rather see a clusterfuck of DC throwing everything in than turn out a movie as boring as MOS was.

Y'know, I can agree with points like "bad pacing" and "characters not fully fleshed out" but boring? No, I can't even fathom how even someone who hated the movie can find MoS boring.


No. We've seen his origin enough. And this is supposed to be Superman's franchise.

I thought the same thing once then realized I was wrong. We haven't seen his origin that much at all. People just know his origin since it's so well known. But it hasn't been covered that much when you really think about it.

Spidermans' origin on the other hand...


MOS proved that with horrible writing Superman by himself is boring as shit.

That's what I meant. The Superman as written in the MOS universe is boring as fuck.

Y'know, I can agree with points like "bad pacing" and "characters not fully fleshed out" but boring? No, I can't even fathom how even someone who hated the movie can find MoS boring.

Well, terrible dialog and a 45 minute fight scene are not good. Before Clark was Superman, it was extremely boring. After he became Superman, it was still flat, dull, and lifeless. Then they went for such a long finale that it was impossible to pay attention to. I took me 3 times to finish it and I legitimately started to doze off each time. It was so boring.


After watching Man of Steel for the first time last night, I'm not excited for this in the least. It was honestly insulting the level of stupidity that MoS assumes it's audience possesses.


Can't wait! I think Ben Affleck is an inspired selection for Batman and I'm really intrigued how Batman will be integrated in to the new Superman universe.
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