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Batman vs Superman: World's Finest Three-Year Wait

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The Sinestro teaser didn't even make any sense. Why did he put on that ring?

Fucking Geoff Johns.
Sinestro was done putting up with the Guardians' BS so he built his own army. It's easier to explain than getting his power from the Antimatter Universe.

The ambiguity could've set up a really awesome 2nd movie but I doubt Johns' influence would've been very deep.

I winced when watching him promote GOTHAM.

PS. I still think Reynolds GL was worth a 2nd shot. It just needed a new writing direction.
The Sinestro teaser didn't even make any sense. Why did he put on that ring?

Fucking Geoff Johns.

At one point in the movie Sinestro pleads with the guardians to wield the power of fear to defeat Paralax and they wouldn't let him, that pretty much explains it does it not?




You know what would've made sense? if Sinestro was the villain.

It should've been Training Day in Space

Why couldn't they just copy Green Lantern: First Flight?

This is why I think DC's animated everything is hurting their live action stuff. The best ideas/visions are already cannibalized and directors have too much pride to lift that shit.


Idris Elba plz.


As cool as that picture looks... I'm inclined to say no. Why over complicate the suit? Just make it black and green without the weird magical dust particles/veins covering a black suit. That's one of the reasons that GL Ryan Reynolds CG suit looked so meh was because it was so busy. Then again, if they pull that suit off (the 1st and 2nd one) with solid shapes like the New 52 design, it could be amazing.

Why couldn't they just copy Green Lantern: First Flight?

This is why I think DC's animated everything is hurting their live action stuff.

DC Animated universe is a lesson in what happens when people knowing and respecting the characters they are writing. A lesson completely lost on the most DC live action movies.
Poor guy was born with the name Sinestro. That's why he put on the ring.

If GL shows up, no more CG costume. Michael Wilkinson worked on Tron Legacy. Recycle those design.


Poor guy was born with the name Sinestro. That's why he put on the ring.

Well, Sinestro/a does mean left-handed in Latin, even with the negative connotation. Question, is Sinestro actually left-handed? idk anything about the Green Lantern continuity, I think that'd be cool.
Why couldn't they just copy Green Lantern: First Flight?

This is why I think DC's animated everything is hurting their live action stuff. The best ideas/visions are already cannibalized and directors have too much pride to lift that shit.

Yeah that was an above average origin story with a good climax. I liked it
Mark Strong should get another crack at playing Sinestro if the character ever makes a live action return. I would have him back to play another character if need be, dude's a good actor.
So, this pic has been bouncing around. This girl got a picture with Eisenberg late yesterday afternoon with what might be his "Lex Luthor" look:


My first thought was "wig", but it could just be the angle.
Looks like a wig. His crown seems to be non existent or maybe just not visible in the pic. Like its just sitting on his head and not growing out of the scalp.
Update on the Eisenberg pic, the girl who took the pic with him is saying that it wasn't from BvS. From earlier this morning:

maybe because that wasn't the movie he was filming k cool thx

Seeing it again - and noticing the equipment on the ground - it looks like he might've just been filming something else. I was so caught up in the hair I didn't notice the wires and stuff.


Faora actress is very pretty.

Been watching Brandon Ruth in Chuck and didn't realise he is actually quite well built. Didn't think much of the retread Returns but he was a decent Superman. I don't think Cavill is a good actor from what I've seen so far in comparison, has the look down I suppose. Actors across the board hopefully have better material and better direction for BvsS.


Looks like a wig. His crown seems to be non existent or maybe just not visible in the pic. Like its just sitting on his head and not growing out of the scalp.

I don't get the point of the wig... is that something the comics did as well? Or is he trying to hide the look for BvS?
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