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Batman vs Superman: World's Finest Three-Year Wait

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Another shot of the cowl from NYCC. Looking very Adam West inspired, from the front.

someone photoshop Affleck's face into that.


Yea, he is massive. This is exactly why I wasn't worried about him being Batman.

Oddly, one of the first things I said when he was announced to be the next Batman was how great he'll look in the cape and cowl because of how damn broad his shoulders are.
Watched gone girl this past weekend and the guy seated in front of us in theater kept mumbling under his breath, "c'mon batman fiquire it out,your the detective." Made me and my wife chuckle.
I wonder if Snyder is going to overcompensate WW just to shut the haters of Gal Gadot up?

You KNOW he's going to have her do some badass shit like Faora.


I wonder if Snyder is going to overcompensate WW just to shut the haters of Gal Gadot up?

You KNOW he's going to have her do some badass shit like Faora.

Snyder has always represented women positively on screen. Say what you will about Sucker Punch (and there is plenty to say about that glorious failure) but it has some of the most incredible VFX action scenes I've ever seen and they are all featured around female protagonists.

I expect no less for his Wonder Woman..., even though I'm expecting her to really be a minor character in BvS.


Snyder has always represented women positively on screen. Say what you will about Sucker Punch (and there is plenty to say about that glorious failure) but it has some of the most incredible VFX action scenes I've ever seen and they are all featured around female protagonists.

I expect no less for his Wonder Woman..., even though I'm expecting her to really be a minor character in BvS.

Yep. Same with Watchmen. Silk Spectre 2 was, arguably, given more 'cool' moments than she had in the comic-book. Sucker Punch is just the worst, but I don't know of anyone else who even tried to do a big budget, all female led sci-fi/action film hybrid.

And I've also said Snyder + a good script is a surefire win.


It does, and the movie is actually good.

*sharp intake of breath*

I am a huge Snyder fan and even I can't bring myself to claim that Sucker Punch is anything other than a misfire but it's a wildly ambitious project that just never comes together.

If anything Snyder's reach has always far exceeded his grasp and yet Sucker Punch just feels like Snyder missed the mark and instead of something special we get this bizarre oddity that still has much to recommend about it.


*sharp intake of breath*

I am a huge Snyder fan and even I can't bring myself to claim that Sucker Punch is anything other than a misfire but it's a wildly ambitious project that just never comes together.

If anything Snyder's reach has always far exceeded his grasp and yet Sucker Punch just feels like Snyder missed the mark and instead of something special we get this bizarre oddity that still has much to recommend about it.
At the very least, Sucker Punch is more interesting than most movies because of the things you mentioned before. It's beautiful at times, and Snyder has good taste in music leading to some pretty chill scenes. It was among the first movies I watched on a new TV i'd just bought, and I liked it before I even cared to notice who the director was.

I think it'll be more respected years from now. It already has a bit of a cult following.



Short interview with Charles Roven, producer on BvS. He drops some Interesting info regarding Batman and Wonder Woman.

Apparently they wanted for Batman to tower over Superman.


And Wonder Woman, if his comments are taken at face value, will in fact by a demigod fathered by Zeus and not some have some alien-origin or some such to explain her powers.



Short interview with Charles Roven, producer on BvS. He drops some Interesting info regarding Batman and Wonder Woman.
Great interview.

He really emphasized "rough" to describe this Bruce Wayne. More signs that we're going in that Frank Miller direction. Interesting that they also want Batman to tower over Superman.

Also sounds like they're going New 52 Wonder Woman.
Apparently they wanted for Batman to tower over Superman.


They're usually the same height and build, but I could see why they'd want to do this. Sounds more and more like they really want this Batman to be imposing and intimidating.


He really emphasized "rough" to describe this Bruce Wayne. More signs that we're going in that Frank Miller direction. Interesting that they also want Batman to tower over Superman.

I'm imagining batman beating the hell out of someone and that's why supes thinks he's a bad dude.

Maybe some room for "you need to lighten up bruce" or some kinda witty banter between them.


Eww they went with the daughter of Zeus origin. I'm not surprised, but I wished they would have come up with something more creative than "Hercules with tits."


Eww they went with the daughter of Zeus origin. I'm not surprised, but I wished they would have come up with something more creative than "Hercules with tits."
It's fine. Just be happy she's of Greek mythology and not from Krypton or some other bullshit.


It's fine. Just be happy she's of Greek mythology and not from Krypton or some other bullshit.

I've always hated that origin. I'm happy the Greek myth stays, but I wish Azzarello and DC would have given Diana something more unique to her when they decided to ditch the made of clay origin.


I've always hated that origin. I'm happy the Greek myth stays, but I wish Azzarello and DC would have given Diana something more unique to her when they decided to ditch the made of clay origin.
I completely understand, but the mythos is the most important thing. The birth origin ultimately doesn't matter all that much, especially in a movie series. Once you establish the Greek mythology and the Amazons, you can have a legitimate Wonder Woman arc that everyone can respect.
I'm just here to say they are filming in my town...this week.

Applied to be an extra, but didn't picked, however, my good friend/roommate did, super excited for him. Might go down and try to catch a glimpse of filming if I have time.


I think if they go with New 52... opens it up for more solo movies.. since can deal with her parentage... and really screwy godly siblings... if wanted to go that route... or we can go the baby route


As the video is privately listed and may go down, here are the bullet points (driven by the interviewer's questions)...
  • Christopher Nolan is an executive producer with his wife, but involved in an advisory capacity, including the casting of Ben Affleck.
  • Amused by the reaction to Affleck's casting.
  • Affleck's casting motivated by having a very mature Batman, juxtaposed against a young Superman, who could carry a sense of experience, with physical stature over Superman.
  • Affleck was their first choice.
  • Snyder reached out to Affleck first, but there was a pre-existing familiarity, particularly since The Dark Knight and The Town were acclaimed at the same time (likewise for Rises and Argo). There was a studio relationship when Affleck was attached to an earlier version of American Hustle.
  • Affleck signed after understanding Snyder's vision, which has Wayne as a much more "social animal" and Batman is much more a "rough guy."
  • A deliberate effort to create a shared universe with super powered beings.
  • "Wonder Woman is in it, we know that. She has powers. She's a goddess. A half- a demigod- she's a demigod. She- her father was Zeus."


I actually enjoyed the clay origin. If your looking for unique...
I actually love the clay origin, but I'm open to alternatives. Wonder Woman Earth One is supposed to have a new origin, and I'm really curious to see what it is.

I completely understand, but the mythos is the most important thing. The birth origin ultimately doesn't matter all that much, especially in a movie series. Once you establish the Greek mythology and the Amazons, you can have a legitimate Wonder Woman arc that everyone can respect.
I get that, but my main probLem is that it misses the most crucial part of Diana's origin: that she is a woman born entirely of woman. The birth is important because it's a key part of Marston's original vision of the character. It's like if Bruce Wayne's parents were killed in a car crash instead of by Joe Chill. You still have tragedy and could still have him turn his grief into a desire to save people, but that key part is still missing.

I think if they go with New 52... opens it up for more solo movies.. since can deal with her parentage... and really screwy godly siblings... if wanted to go that route... or we can go the baby route
Eh the gods have aLways with Diana's life. It's what they do. My biggest concern is going nu52 means we get THE BABY like you said. Fuck that shit.


The Zeus origin is simply to streamline the character for a film.

If she was getting a solo film first, they could do the clay origin. In this film that'd mean starting with her origin, showing it etc. Here they can go 'Zeus child' and the audience will roll with it.


Apparently they wanted for Batman to tower over Superman.


Not tower, just wanted him to be a tad bit taller then superman to have supermans eyes look upward when standing next to batman, probably the same for when hes clark and talking to bruce. Towering would be 7 foot basketball player like he said. They wanted a imposing batman.
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