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Batman vs Superman: World's Finest Three-Year Wait

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Snyder is no doubt gonna bust out his best visuals ever, Fong is also likely gonna do his best work yet.

Visually, we should have absolutely zero to worry about.

The story though... I do like that Goyer got nuked, but how confident are you guys that Terrio can deliver a great story?

Love what I'm hearing though. DAT AFFLECK HYPE.

the fact that they seem to be drawing alot from frank miller's dark knight returns does not give me hope...


Goyer's ideas got us The Dark Knight Trilogy with another great writer rewriting his script, so yes that is exactly what I mean. Goyer knows how to make a good comic book story on the big screen, his writing abilities themselves are at fault though.

I wonder which one of the two gave us greatness like the Joker bankheist or Bane's plane hijack and who thought it would be a great idea to solve a giant city hostage situation with a series of random events instead of some great masterplan by the greatest detective himself.
i've kinda been wanting tahar rahim for nightwing lately. it would be pretty bold to make such a major character arab, and he could pull off kinda long jet black hair look well.


It's too bad they have to keep turning black characters into white ones. Why not just make a new character?

they don't "keep" turning black characters into white ones, it just might happen in this one case. they change other characters as well, like turning perry in MoS into a black chracter, and black adam is not going to be played by an egyptian. they might go with the jon stewart version for green lantern as well (i hope so). we also don't know to what extent they'll use MM's human form, he might be in green form the whole movie.

as for making a new character...there's no other role that could be made for cumberbatch to have the same gravitas. not only would him being Manhunter contribute to a good casting, but it would bring attention to the character itself. the fact that there's rumors of them even using the character of manhunter is awesome imo. and i don't really see cumberbatch being able to do any of the other roles like being flash or something.
Definitely need more dick splash.

Bobby, I read Secret Identity based on your recommendation, and I gotta say, it's very very good, but it's no All-Star Superman :)

As for Terrio, I'm confident in his ability to turn out a good script, but it almost seems like Affleck is implying Terrio got to do the whole shebang now. If that's the case, I gotta wonder if he has what it takes to bust out an awesome story about these two characters.

So damn anxious to know what the story will be here.
As for Terrio, I'm confident in his ability to turn out a good script, but it almost seems like Affleck is implying Terrio got to do the whole shebang now. If that's the case, I gotta wonder if he has what it takes to bust out an awesome story about these two characters.

So damn anxious to know what the story will be here.

You think Terrio has rewritten enough of the script that Goyer no longer gets a writers credit on it?
I still don't get what was so exciting about the comic con teaser. It was 10 seconds of them looking at each other.

and all the hockey pads in the world aren't gonna help batman if supes uses those red eyes lol

joking aside, the appeal isn't the scene itself, its the fact that the two biggest superheroes of all time are in the same live action movie for the first time ever. its kind of a pop culture historical moment.

It´s the build up and how superman appears. But i get it if some people don´t think it´s all that exciting. I think it´s awesome.

yeah that was pretty fucking cool
Well the character of Lois Lane in Man of Steel is not written as being sassy. And that is also one of the reasons why i dont like the movie. Lois is supposed to be sassy.

She's also a bit older than Cavill. I dunno, i felt like Michael in Arrested Development the whole time I was watching the movie. "Her?"


"I want to make on of this movies very, very good!"

Affleck throwing bombs saying comic book movies as of late are pure garbage!

Bring it batfleck but bring it good!

Saw DoFP and damn it was awesome, I now do think singer could have made a fucking incredible Superman sequel, WTF happened to him on Returns we may never know, DoFP had some inspired action.


"I want to make on of this movies very, very good!"

Affleck throwing bombs saying comic book movies as of late are pure garbage!

Bring it batfleck but bring it good!

Saw DoFP and damn it was awesome, I now do think singer could have made a fucking incredible Superman sequel, WTF happened to him on Returns we may never know, DoFP had some inspired action.
No more Singer Superman. Returns was enough to convince me that he's just not up to it.

But yeah, DoFP was legit.


The problem with Returns was the script. I think Singer could do another if he had the right script.
There's also the thing that Routh looks kinda douchey, and the costume was awful. Some nice backdrops aside, I just don't think Singer has the eye for it.

Maybe God really does have a plan though since Singer passed on Cavill back then, which resulted in his older self getting the part and looking spot on to the character. He's nearly perfect now.
Honestly Supe's Costume was the only thing you listed that i can agree with.

God, I wasn't even referring to the costume. Which is terrible. I meant the forced forties/noughties clothing/buildings aesthetics. Visually as a peudo-sequel to Superman II, it's a travesty. You can't have one foot in the camp of making a homage sequel and another where you are drawing from the golden age of comics, what you get is a schizophrenic visual style. I mean what is it? The present? The past? It's irritating to me.

The film is just messy to look at.


Man I still get chills of that Batman turning on the signal and boom Superman is there. It is just amazing, never thought that those two would ever be on screen together and there it is, in full blown big budget glory.
Wish we had some shazam/aquaman news to fill us in between BvS droughts. Still don't know who's playing shazam, and I honestly don't know who could fill the role.


Man I still get chills of that Batman turning on the signal and boom Superman is there. It is just amazing, never thought that those two would ever be on screen together and there it is, in full blown big budget glory.

Yes but those red eyes of Supes ready to melt bats suggest that he is a villian right of the bat.

Im not sure I like that.
The rock seemed like a shoe in for Captain Marvel, with his ability to play a Man-Child

Yeah I was hoping he was going to be CM since I think it's harder to find someone who could play the part rather than someone who looks the part. A lot of fans seem to want Channing Tatum.

On the Aquaman side I'd like to see Orm for the first film. Going to be fun to see who they cast for Mera too.
Yeah I was hoping he was going to be CM since I think it's harder to find someone who could play the part rather than someone who looks the part. A lot of fans seem to want Channing Tatum.

On the Aquaman side I'd like to see Orm for the first film. Going to be fun to see who they cast for Mera too.

I can see Tatum playing the Man-Child. I don't know about an Aquaman Movie though, he's not that popular, and movies that require extensive ocean shoots are expensive.

I'd like them to take another stab at Green Lantern, and not fuck it up.
Don't mix Hal with Kyle.
CG uniform is fine but give it a look that obviously isn't CG. All of the Male Kryptonian Armor was CG in MoS, and I didn't even suspect until someone told me.
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