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Batman vs Superman: World's Finest Three-Year Wait

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It's just really a question of will JL be filmed back to back with BvS or at the same time. I guess we'll find out come Nov/Dec.

When this is normally done, does anyone know if they break between films (if they're being filmed back to back) for a bit or they try to keep going only taking normal breaks that productions do for holidays, weekends, etc.
It's possible they've been shooting a LOT of Justice League concurrently - May to December is a pretty long period of principal photography, really.

It could be a situation not unlike the shooting for Superman & Superman II back in the 70s. They had most of Superman II in the can before they stopped to finish & release Superman: The Movie. They might stop in December to do post on Batman v. Superman, and once that's done, return to finish whatever needs finishing on Justice League.

I mean - I'm pulling that out of my ass, nobody seems to know what's going on with the shooting on this film (which is pretty interesting in and of itself) but I guess it could be a possibility.
TDKR has a similar length of time dedicated to principle photography so it doesn't necessarily mean they're working on both.

Personally, and I'm also talking out of my ass here because like you said we don't know anything, I feel like Terrio might still be working on the script for JL but that it'll start filming next year. I have nothing to support that but it just feels more appropriate to me. I suppose it's possible they have filmed some things though. Who knows, they've done a surprisingly good job keeping shoots for this movie out of the public eye.


Hasn't WB not actually hired Terrio to write Justice League yet, though? I think it was a month or two ago where it was reported that he was their pick to do it, which is totally obvious but would also imply that he hadn't actually done it yet and there was no JL script before deciding to delay BvS shooting.


Hasn't WB not actually hired Terrio to write Justice League yet, though? I think it was a month or two ago where it was reported that he was their pick to do it, which is totally obvious but would also imply that he hadn't actually done it yet and there was no JL script before deciding to delay BvS shooting.

Well also rumors that he turned in his Justice League script.

Maybe some setpieces/interactions that they know will be in the film and were writing in concert with BvS
Hasn't WB not actually hired Terrio to write Justice League yet, though? I think it was a month or two ago where it was reported that he was their pick to do it, which is totally obvious but would also imply that he hadn't actually done it yet and there was no JL script before deciding to delay BvS shooting.

They're being pretty coy about the whole process, honestly. I really hope they get him to write it, though.


A familiar brand in these troubled times



It's fine. Just be happy she's of Greek mythology and not from Krypton or some other bullshit.

I am so glad for that. I think the clay origin has its strengths as well but the Greek mythology/minotaurs/gods, etc part of Wonder Woman is something that really attracted me to her so Zeus as her father is much better than some forgotten kryptonian race or whatever those rumours were.
Warner Brothers just confirmed what movies are coming each year.

2016: Batman v Superman
Suicide Squad
2017: Wonder Woman
Justice League Part 1 (directed by Zach Snyder)
2018: The Flash (starring Ezra Miller)
Aquaman (staring Jason Mamoa)
2019: Shazam (featuring Dwayne Johnson aka The Rock as Black Adam)
Justice League Part 2
2020: Cyborg (staring Ray Fisher)
Green Lantern
Not sure if it's been mentioned, but there is a shooting going on my campus right now. They have a whole section cornered off and everything. There are less people here than I would of imagined.

Michigan State University by the way.

Few posts too late I see.
Not sure if it's been mentioned, but there is a shooting going on my campus right now. They have a whole section cornered off and everything. There are less people here than I would of imagined.

Michigan State University by the way.

Few posts too late I see.

Jesus I read this entirely the wrong way and then realized what thread this was.
Jesus I read this entirely the wrong way and then realized what thread this was.
Yeah, just thought about that after I posted, sorry. Everything is ok!

I do have two pictures of the set in progress I can post. Wasn't sure if people wanted that. Nothing terribly exciting. I can see what it looks like at night but it'll probably be cornered off still.


I get more of an Egypt vibe from the columned structure. Greek (or Roman, or Groman) temples in fiction are generally made out of marble or something.
Yes, but something often forgotten in the traditional lore is that the Amazonians were foreign to the Greeks... they were the fierce female warriors of a different land, not of Greece itself. Nevertheless, since the legend is Greek there is a tendency to project Greek culture onto the Amazonians... who weren't Greek!
Yes, but something often forgotten in the traditional lore is that the Amazonians were foreign to the Greeks... they were the fierce female warriors of a different land, not of Greece itself. Nevertheless, since the legend is Greek there is a tendency to project Greek culture onto the Amazonians... who weren't Greek!

Yeah, but "daughter of Zeus" suggests that they're not really taking the history that seriously :p
Superman Vs Batman is a fight that's never made any sense, ever. The fact that it's even seen as a serious contest is amazing.
That's the thing though. It isn't a test of pure strength. Superman is constantly holding back because he refuses to kill. That's why he's Superman. That's why Batman has a shot and can go all-out knowing that.
How so? The Amazonians were legendary, Zeus is a legend... I don't think his dalliances knew national or cultural boundaries.

Mmmh. Perhaps. Still, I'd argue that by drawing from Greek legends, specifically, they're probably using the pop cultural amazons rather than the historical ones. Plus, having the Amazons be non-Greek requires a lot more explanation than just relying on the audience's existing misconceptions.


The release slate virtually confirms that they're shooting BvS and JL1 back to back. I guess this shit will be ending with a cliffhanger.
Superman Vs Batman is a fight that's never made any sense, ever. The fact that it's even seen as a serious contest is amazing. The characters just don't really relate on that level. If Superman were as strong as someone like Spiderman, okay maybe Batman could take him. If he were only as fast as Wolverine, than okay maybe Batman's bionic suit would make sense. But he's so far beyond those levels. It's like a leaf against a hurricane. The idea of Batman just whipping up technology more powerful than essentially every force of nature on this planet, just because he has to beat Superman in a fight, is ridiculous. If he's capable of that he should have created the suit years ago and been a more effective batman.

Spiderman punching Batman would not only break Batman's face, but spidey's fist would go right through his head if he did not hold back.
The release slate virtually confirms that they're shooting BvS and JL1 back to back. I guess this shit will be ending with a cliffhanger.

Or at least a strong sequel hook, yeah.

Batman, and Lex are both cautious of Superman. Batman and Superman go at it for the first half of the movie, all while Lex is doing his thing. Eventually Batman and Superman realize Lex is up to no good, maybe even working with Brainiac. Everyone teams up at the end cause shit is gonna go down.

Thats my most obvious not interesting premise for the story.
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