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Batman vs Superman: World's Finest Three-Year Wait

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Looks like we will be getting a certain flashback



Fuckin love Excalibur! :D
I doubt they will do another long origin with Batman. This will probably be a quick flashback or something. Maybe someone uses powers to get into his head.

Or something quick like this...


Pretty sure it was always Zorro in the comics. I would say that changing it to the opera in Begins is Nolan in a nutshell. lol.

Kind of want to make that second to last panel an avatar.


Saw them filming on Thurs night for a little bit. A few shots of the Waynes walking with a smoke machine blowing smoke out of the alley and then some shots of them struggling (with the offscreen muggers) underneath the el tracks. We saw a bunch of cars with Gotham plates and there were cars from the 50's through the 80's or maybe 90s. It was hard trying to figure out which era it was being filmed in.
Saw them filming on Thurs night for a little bit. A few shots of the Waynes walking with a smoke machine blowing smoke out of the alley and then some shots of them struggling (with the offscreen muggers) underneath the el tracks. We saw a bunch of cars with Gotham plates and there were cars from the 50's through the 80's or maybe 90s. It was hard trying to figure out which era it was being filmed in.

The shooting takes place in 1981

Did you by any chance recognize who was playing Martha and Thomas?

From the blurry pictures it did indeed look like Jeffrey Dean Morgan (whom everyone thought was playing him ever since that one painting was spotted a few months ago)

Also I love the Otisburg reference
Kudos for their acknowledgement of the best Batman supervillian portrayal with Schwartz Bypass.

Does anyone see a Heath Avenue or Ledger River?

That's what I thought.


I've got your fix for you then... via Tyranny Of Style:

Austin Film Society’s event came at the perfect time, as Wilkinson’s star is poised to shoot further and faster than ever before. Already 130 days into a 140 day shoot for the highly anticipated Batman v Superman, this event found Michael just after a two week shoot in Chicago and on his way to costuming 60 extras in New Mexico for one of the many scenes set in various international locations, in a film that includes over 10,000 extras, 250 speaking roles, and represents 18 months of design time. Not one for slowing down- after wrapping, Wilkinson will jump immediately into Joy, collaborating again with director David O. Russel.

A lot of information in that...


I think it's a safe assumption that a bunch of organizations are going to be using scrapped technology from Zod's attack.

I wonder if in the various progressive encounters with more and varied heros/villains (magic/deities/more advanced tech) if society at large is going to be depicted as being that much more advanced in each DC movie.

Or at least every teamup/JL movie.
I think it's a safe assumption that a bunch of organizations are going to be using scrapped technology from Zod's attack.

I wonder if in the various progressive encounters with more and varied heros/villains (magic/deities/more advanced tech) if society at large is going to be depicted as being that much more advanced in each DC movie.

Or at least every teamup/JL movie.

I'm more curious when and how they will introduce meta-humans. I have a feeling that these companies will be responsible for creating them using the Kyrptonian tech they found.


I'm more curious when and how they will introduce meta-humans. I have a feeling that these companies will be responsible for creating them using the Kyrptonian tech they found.

I could see them going that way. It's easy and would explain away future miraculous events.

Though with Suicide Squad following right after, and some of the goings on in Man of Steel, I wonder if it will be explained that the normal DC world had been happening all the time during Clarks life.

Zod was just too big to clean/cover up.


As long as its more Watchmen and less 300 I dont have an issue.


After the Nolan movies I would love to get a properly framed Batman fight.

All I ever see is flak over fight sequences in the Nolan films, but as cool as the framing is in the The Watchmen scene (lots of pretty shots but way too much goofy roundhouse kicking in the choreography c'mon), from a more real world martial arts standpoint, the garage fight scene in TDK is way more tactical and funtional. The shots are framed more like a Michael Mann film, which is also inherently badass.



As reported before, principal photography is estimated to be 140 days, which is on the long side... but not enough to cover two films back-to-back.

For reference:

The Lone Ranger - 140 to 150 days
Django Unchained - under 130 days.
Fury Road - initially planned for 180-day shoot.
Jaws - shot for 116 days
Raiders of the Lost Ark - just 75.
The Lord of the Rings trilogy - 274 days (plus pickups), with all three movies concurrently.
Eyes Wide Shut - Guinness Book of World Record of 400 days


That's actually not a terrible idea. If Wonder Woman is the daughter of Zeus, Aquaman as the son of Poseidon helps tie things together down to one mythology, and without really limiting any of their potential stories or characters. It might actually open up more possibilities if anything.

It works, its just not conventional.
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