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Batman vs Superman: World's Finest Three-Year Wait

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That's actually not a terrible idea. If Wonder Woman is the daughter of Zeus, Aquaman as the son of Poseidon helps tie things together down to one mythology, and without really limiting any of their potential stories or characters. It might actually open up more possibilities if anything.

It works, its just not conventional.
Well, for the love of God, please let us get any info this week.



Now that would be a bright move.

Make the ties wherever possible to keep things simple, like Marvel are doing with Tony and Ultron. If they tie Aquaman and Wonder Woman together that way then they doing have to be explained as individually super strong, and their origins can be somewhat streamlined.
Opens up interesting angles for a romantic relationship.




Could definitely work

If they go with the King of Atlantis is he with the Strongest Bloodline of Poseidon. Strength of Lineage is determined by magical McGuffin (probably the Trident). Orm is simply too far removed from Poseidon and the Trident won't heed his call, so they search for the only bastard Poseidon has had in a few centuries. I'd also like to go with Arthur not being human what so ever, his mother being a nymph (Like Achilles) of Atlantean heritage, but fell in love with a human. Poseidon took the Mr. Curry's form and banged the nymph, cuz that's just how gods roll.


Conceptually, it's fine, but the delivery of the rumor is completely suspect.

The full quote below and my annotations:

One thing I wanted to share is that recently I have received a speculating intel source [1] from an insider [2] in the onset [3] which is that these scenes [4] in New Mexico of Wonder Woman in her home of Themyscira [5] with Gal Gadot, this perhaps will be the cameo in where we will see Aquaman Jason Momoa in argument with his COUSIN [6] Wonder Woman & her family for what happen on earth [7] with the invasion of Zod. Supposedly they are disputing if Wonder Woman & her family (Amazons) such as Zeus ect ect, [8] is unable to maintain control, peace & authority from threats of other realms trying to invade other worlds then Aquaman & his family (Atlanteans) will be taking lead of the situations.[9] Also in which he [10] is the heir to the Throne of Atlantis meaning that this points out that Poseidon will die or will be already dead for the storyline of Batman V Superman Dawn Of Justice. This is the intel of the onset [11] but then again just take it with a grain of salt for it is not a solid confirmation. [12]

"recently I have received a speculating intel source from an insider in the onset which is that these scenes" this line is an unprofessional mess almost certainly written by a child.

  1. speculating intel source - what does "speculating intel" mean? Just say "source."
  2. from an insider - If you say insider, why preface it with "speculating intel source"?
  3. in the onset - Bad grammar... presumably he's trying to claim the insider was on set.
  4. which is that these scenes - Once again bad grammar.
  5. New Mexico of Wonder Woman in her home of Themyscira - The Themyscira rumors have been muted now that pictures of the set, dressed, have recently released. It's clearly adobe-styled structure with jutting / protruding / exposed vigas pretty much places it square in New Mexico... rather than the Mediterranean.
  6. unprofessional capitalization
  7. unprofessional capitalization - here, Earth is a pronoun; also, it's a little ridiculous that these cultures have taken 720+ days to debate taking up grievances.
  8. "etc" misspelled
  9. Improper pluralization
  10. Awkward
  11. Again?
  12. If this is an on-set insider, why the grain of salt? Just seems like a way to save face when this eventually blows up as plainly false.
Frankly, I'd be embarrassed to run with this. It reads like a third grader's "...and then... and then... and then..." recollection of events.


Well I assume may be cousins in a loose sense as both their races would be related.

Doesn't necessarily mean Aquaman is Poseidon's direct heir, but like related to the Atlanteans
That's fine, so long as she isn't Kryptonian as was often rumored.

Flash and GL better maintain their scientific origins though, and I want the wizard Shazam (Liam Neeson plz) to be a thing as well.


Holy shit, that hadn't even occurred to me, but that'd be fucking brilliant if they did a Watchmen styled opening (or even something closer to a traditional montage) of both heroes becoming who they are (Superman's basically being a re-cap of Man of Steel, Batman's being a quick run-through of all his basic story-beats) before the logo slams together on the screen and away we go.

I love this!


Proudly debt free. If you need a couple bucks, just ask.
Someone tell me how there were no sneak set pics of Batman?? Zack Snyder master of building walls confirmed?
Well we're one step closer to getting more info about the movie so that's a good thing.

It's pretty nuts how we know nothing about the story almost.

That first trailer is gonna be so insane.

I wonder how much, much if at all, this movie will set things up for Suicide Squad.


Justice League Dark is apparently in the universe.
I think that may be reading too much into Collider's interview.

I haven’t followed up with Frankenstein so I really have very little to add to that. Right now the only sort of shared universe project I’m working on is Dark Universe for Warners, you know, for DC, which is Swamp Thing, Demon, Deadman, Zatanna. It’s a very different universe. As to the plans to the other one, I wish I had an inside track right now.
The "shared" aspect may pertain only to the characters he begins to list. It's not confirmation that it's a part of the DCCU, particularly considering the working title is "Dark Universe" tending to imply its own universe.


I find it kind of funny, people wondered how it was possible for Batman to exist for years in Gotham without anyone catching a picture of him or something with all these smart devices

We just went through a nearly 7 month shoot, and no one caught any pictures of Batman on-set... so I guess it is possible in this day and age to be stealthy


Has there even been a legitamite shot of Lex yet?

There's been a bunch of different fakes and old photos and (completely opposing) descriptions.

All the info coming out of DC recently is starting to feel like blueballs.

When that trailer drops in front of Avengers 2...
The fact that they managed to keep everything under wraps is gonna make the threads for that first trailer so out of this world.

Think we'll have to wait til comic-con or Avengers 2 for the first trailer?
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