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Batman vs Superman: World's Finest Three-Year Wait

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Why would you assume the ship (and many of them) couldn't of been built before planet resources started becoming huge problem?
Simple. Jor-El says he designed it and we're told the reason the age of exploration ceased, an era pre-dating Jor-El, because "We exhausted our natural resources." So it's construction was utilitarian.

They need people to tap earth communications correct?
Except that was more or less complete before Zod makes landfall. So you found one task that doesn't even prevent that crew member from being freed up once they've assessed humanity. Congratulations?

What they NEVER even hint at... AT ALL, is there being any, ANY kind of dissent amongst the crew.
Obviously, I disagree. I don't know how you'd show it otherwise. Zod killed a high council member just for questioning him. He's had 33 years to break them. His one and only concern in this respect is that they'd be disloyal once granted god-like powers. He can't share that thought with crew and it's hardly a thought to share with his enemies, so the film plays out exactly as it should.

Demonstrating stations that can be manned doesn't satisfy your burden to prove that all crew must be occupied. Particularly given Lois's playmates.

Actually, the armed security team is probably the best evidence of a risk of disloyalty because: Why does a 100% loyal ship need six plus armed guards (better for the away mission) for one incarcerated human and one powerless Kryptonian strapped to a table? Answer: The ship isn't 100% loyal, except because of the guards. The guards represent enforcement of Zod's will on the ship and why powerless Kryptonians would and do fall in line.
Then it's literally cosmic Roulette, the comet would have to come close enough to earth for him to make the jump

Doomsday is strong, he can survive in space. he would eventually find a way to come back.

weird everyone brings up the John Byrne Zod death and not the Russian Zod death


I liked it better when he was all mysterious and not a Russian Superman. meh.

That doesn't absolve the scene from being contrived though. Like I said, if you want to argue he had to kill Zod in the end to save everyone, whatever, that's a different argument. He didn't have to kill Zod to save that family in that specific moment though.

but, he did save everyone. Zod promised him he would kill everyone, he was starting with that family but Superman saw that he was serious. what is so hard to get? there's nothing contrived about it. it's straightforward.

And what, pray tell, is wrong about that? I've already said you're entitled to like what we got. People can't disagree with your impeccable taste, now? A lot of people didn't like MoS for perfectly reasonable reasons. Get over it.

HAH! I'm going to assume for your sake that you're pretty young.

I'm old enough. you however get backed into a corner by your own weak arguments (if you can even call them that) and then want to take the ball and go home.

if you don't want to talk about the movie then don't, nobody is forcing you. if you want to talk about why Superman should have or should not have killed Zod then go ahead. but if all you want to do is argue that Superman should never kill and that it makes it a bad movie or scene then it's a pretty fruitless conversation don't you think?


if your argument is Superman shouldn't have killed Zod you need to say how. your argument can't boil down to "Superman is a hero and he shouldn't kill" or "the scene is contrived"

tell me what exactly would lead you to believe that Zod is going to pull up stakes and not follow through on his threats? Superman COULD have done many things to stop him without killing him.

but he didn't because he is young and inexperienced in this movie and in that moment his equal (or nearly equal) in power is trying to kill a family.

a different script might have Superman twist Zod's head away from the family but that's kind of hokey. and then we are back to the same problem: fighting Zod and trying to protect people.
what to do then? and if any of you notice, the fight started in an empty area and Zod was going into populated areas as Superman was trying to draw him away (he tossed him into space) but didn't succeed.


Online Ho Champ
if your argument is Superman shouldn't have killed Zod you need to say how. your argument can't boil down to "Superman is a hero and he shouldn't kill" or "the scene is contrived"

tell me what exactly would lead you to believe that Zod is going to pull up stakes and not follow through on his threats? Superman COULD have done many things to stop him without killing him.

but he didn't because he is young and inexperienced in this movie and in that moment his equal (or nearly equal) in power is trying to kill a family.

a different script might have Superman twist Zod's head away from the family but that's kind of hokey. and then we are back to the same problem: fighting Zod and trying to protect people.
what to do then? and if any of you notice, the fight started in an empty area and Zod was going into populated areas as Superman was trying to draw him away (he tossed him into space) but didn't succeed.

couldnt he have just put his hands over his eyes....i mean they re entered our atmosphere and didnt burn up I dont think it would've hurt him, then he could've let the family move out of the way.


couldnt he have just put his hands over his eyes....i mean they re entered our atmosphere and didnt burn up I dont think it would've hurt him, then he could've let the family move out of the way.

The issue is that, yes, he could've saved that family in that exact moment without killing Zod. BUT there's nothing stopping Zod from targeting civilians again immediately after since he has now discovered Supes' Achilles Heel. Sure, Clark could stop him a few times, maybe many times, but they can't go on forever and continue to put people in danger. Supes realized this in that moment. He realized that, just like Zod said, there's only two possible endings to this fight. So he skipped to the conclusion.
couldnt he have just put his hands over his eyes....i mean they re entered our atmosphere and didnt burn up I dont think it would've hurt him, then he could've let the family move out of the way.
There was no kryptonian atmosphere this time. No kryptonite. No phantom zone portal. No weakenesses. That fight was going to go on forever. How many more people would have died if Clark hadn't made that desperate decisive choice? Ok, he covered Zod's eyes then what? They keep pummel each other until Metropolis and every surrounding city was leveled? There was only one way that fight was ever going to end


So we're back to talking about the Zod kill? You'd think Superman is a cold-blooded murderer now.

The movie kinda goes out of it's way to show that Supes killing someone was a big deal that probably won't happen very often or ever again.


So we're back to talking about the Zod kill? You'd think Superman is a cold-blooded murderer now.

The movie kinda goes out of it's way to show that Supes killing someone was a big deal that probably won't happen very often or ever again.

So what, there will magically be a solution for him subdue foes even more powerful than Zod like Darkseid and Doomsday? Stakes get raised, not lowered.
So we're back to talking about the Zod kill? You'd think Superman is a cold-blooded murderer now.

The movie kinda goes out of it's way to show that Supes killing someone was a big deal that probably won't happen very often or ever again.
How does it do that? The problem got solved. Everyone seemed pretty ok with it
So what, there will magically be a solution for him subdue foes even more powerful than Zod like Darkseid and Doomsday? Stakes get raised, not lowered.

The thing about Zod is that he deliberately forced the issue. Doomsday is (probably) just going to be an unthinking monster, and Darkseid frankly couldn't care less about trying to put Supes into a moral conundrum. The power levels rise, but the circumstances don't remain fixed.


So what, there will magically be a solution for him subdue foes even more powerful than Zod like Darkseid and Doomsday? Stakes get raised, not lowered.
I doubt Darkseid will ever be killed. If it happens, it'll be by committee sometime far down the line.

Supes can 'kill' Doomsday. It's Doomsday's trait to just come back stronger anyway. If Death of Superman happens, they'll die together in battle.
How does it do that? The problem got solved. Everyone seemed pretty ok with it

Where most protagonists would end it with some sort of quip or confirmation of justice being done, Superman wept


I never understood the insistence on no kill rule. Superman has killed plenty of times and acting like this makes him any less of a hero is just plain stupid.Do those people think that a cop who kills a criminal holding hostages isn't a hero then?

Let's be honest..the only reason why any comics try to enforce the no kill rule is because they're endlessly running in place and can't afford to permanently off any good villain when he can be used at a later date. There's no other reason.
Everybody got to single out Superman.

No one wants to talk about Tony Stark killing Stane, Vanko, and so on.

Seriously the Chituari Invasion is strait up Genocide, think of the all the Chitauri orphans. They didn't need to blow up the mothership, the portal was closing and the communications link would be severed disabling all of the Chitauri on Earth. Tony could have disabled the nuke with handy dandy hacking gizmo like the one he used on the Helicarrier


Seriously the Chituari Invasion is strait up Genocide, think of the all the Chitauri orphans. They didn't need to blow up the mothership, the portal was closing and the communications link would be severed disabling all of the Chitauri on Earth. Tony could have disabled the nuke with handy dandy hacking gizmo like the one he used on the Helicarrier

It's especially weird because we're meant to see Starlord as a rogue at first, but he does nothing that the superheroes haven't already done.


I was thinking about the Stane and Vanko deaths. I think the real reason people don't critisize Tony is because people put Supes on a higher moral pedestal. Tony was a selfish war profitier so the moment in that gif is a moral improvement for him.

Which could be fine when dealing with a fully established Superman with years of experience. Man of Steel was purposefully showing him at the very beginning of his career. It's a film where he had the suit for what seem liked a day at the least and less then a week at max at depending how long he took to get home to Smallville. This is something some critics refuse to acknowledge or even allow for the idea that Superman wouldn't (really shouldn't be else he has no room to grow) be perfect in is early days when that's been a story thread that's been used before in other media.
Honestly making it look like he felt bad about it was probably the wrong move. I'm not saying they should have given him a bond one liner or made it look like it felt good but having him doesn't make much sense. Nothing about his character made it seem like he had an explicit problem with killing. He already lasered the kryptonian baby pod things, he initiated a plan that more or less killed the other kryptonians, and he already told Zod he was gonna stop him after the whole skull mountain (dumb) hallucination. Why did he feel bad? What connection did he have to Zod? He knew he was a bad guy like way before Zod came to earth.


Honestly making it look like he felt bad about it was probably the wrong move. I'm not saying they should have given him a bond one liner or made it look like it felt good but having him doesn't make much sense. Nothing about his character made it seem like he had an explicit problem with killing. He already lasered the kryptonian baby pod things, he initiated a plan that more or less killed the other kryptonians, and he already told Zod he was gonna stop him after the whole skull mountain (dumb) hallucination. Why did he feel bad? What connection did he have to Zod? He knew he was a bad guy like way before Zod came to earth.

Your question is literally, why should one man feel bad about killing another man.


Why should he after he just spent the last 10 minutes saying stuff like "You're a monster, I'm gonna stop you," and scraping his face all over the walls

"I'm going to stop you" isn't "I'm going to kill you." And even if it is, I have to assume there's a very significant difference between saying you're going to kill somebody and then actually breaking their neck.
Why should he after he just spent the last 10 minutes saying stuff like "You're a monster, I'm gonna stop you," and scraping his face all over the walls

Because Clark spent his life wanting to help and save people, add in all the lessons his dad taught him about rising above bullies and I think it’s a pretty fair portrayal.

You also have to remember that not everyone agrees with killing in any scenario, just because people like us can sit back and watch a film and think “If I was there, I would just kill that fool”, doesn’t mean most people (or even us) could do it if we were ACTUALLY in that situation with the real fear of death/danger/potential loss of loved ones.


Because Clark spent his life wanting to help and save people, add in all the lessons his dad taught him about rising above bullies and I think it’s a pretty fair portrayal.

You also have to remember that not everyone agrees with killing in any scenario, just because people like us can sit back and watch a film and think “If I was there, I would just kill that fool”, doesn’t mean most people (or even us) could do it if we were ACTUALLY in that situation with the real fear of death/danger/potential loss of loved ones.

considering his dad wanted him to let a bunch of a children die and committed suicide in front of him I don't think his lessons are really that helpful in making a Superman with any real adversion to killing his enemies. Nothing about the MoS Jonathan puts Clark on the path to being the Superman that some of us were hoping for.
Why didn't she break up the fight between Zod and Supes? And where was Aquaman when Superman was fighting the world machine?

I could probably see a scenario where the people of Themyscira send her as a diplomat to offer help after they see what zod did to metropolis or maybe zeus resurects her from clay in the middle of the movie. Man i hope this movie turns out good.


I could probably see a scenario where the people of Themyscira send her as a diplomat to offer help after they see what zod did to metropolis or maybe zeus resurects her from clay in the middle of the movie. Man i hope this movie turns out good.

The rumored timeline goes like this:

- Wonder Woman arrives in WWII
- WW saves people on WWII and becomes a myth
- WW dissapears
- Batman appears in the 90's but is never photographed. Probably not an urban myth as rumored, he's just never seen in person (just as we didn't see a single leaked Batman image in 8 months of filming)
- Zod arrives. MoS happens.
- Bruce Wayne is in Metropolis during the fight, he becames fearsome of Superman.
- Lex Luthor rebuilds Metropolis along with BW.
- Wonder woman reappears and Lex recognizes her from WWII photographs. Starts investigating metahumans.
- Aquaman.. well, there are two versions: Aquaman becomes pissed off at the surface because the world engine damages the ocean OR Aquaman is created during the world engine.

So WW probably returns to Temschyra at the end of her solo movie.
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