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Batman vs Superman: World's Finest Three-Year Wait

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Another nobody with a scoop

Fwiw, he's already backtracked on twitter, saying it was a combination of educated guessing and wishful thinking.
Please don't turn Kryptonians into a new type of Sayian. Every meta-human or hero on the A-squad with powers doesn't need to have some biological connection to Krypton.


How long do you think the WB can go without officially giving this film a title? Kimmel called it "Batman vs. Superman" to Amy Adams recently... I'm curious what the backlash would be, if any, if the film's content isn't Batman versus Superman... or put another way, what the public's expectation is with the "versus" speculated / assumed / working title.

If they announce a non-versus title shortly, is the public still justified in expecting a versus movie over a year later based on an early speculated title?


He is a WB producer though ⚓️⚓️⚓️

Not involved with the film.

also, the idea that this movie is Justice League and WB is just hiding it is crazy. JL is their endgame, the big movie they want to build towards to get that Avengers money. It's going to be a huge thing and they'll want to milk as much publicity as they can, for as long as they can, out of it. They're not going to spring it on people as the surprise title of a separate project, they're going to announce that shit with full force at Comic Con or something.

How long do you think the WB can go without officially giving this film a title? Kimmel called it "Batman vs. Superman" to Amy Adams recently... I'm curious what the backlash would be, if any, if the film's content isn't Batman versus Superman... or put another way, what the public's expectation is with the "versus" speculated / assumed / working title.

If they announce a non-versus title shortly, is the public still justified in expecting a versus movie over a year later based on an early speculated title?

Shooting starts next month, so the official title will probably coincidence with that announcement.


Not involved with the film.

also, the idea that this movie is Justice League and WB is just hiding it is crazy. JL is their endgame, the big movie they want to build towards to get that Avengers money. It's going to be a huge thing and they'll want to milk as much publicity as they can, for as long as they can, out of it. They're not going to spring it on people as the surprise title of a separate project, they're going to announce that shit with full force at Comic Con or something.

Shooting starts next month, so the official title will probably coincidence with that announcement.

Wasn't it revealed before that they were doing the opposite of Marvel? Justice League first and then individual movies? Or was that just rumor..
Wasn't it revealed before that they were doing the opposite of Marvel? Justice League first and then individual movies? Or was that just rumor..

Justice League is supposed to come out in 2017/18, and assuming a 2 year gap between movies, that would make it the next movie after Man of Steel, unless they change the game plan again in a hurry and add a few movies into 2016 to flesh out the universe, add characters, depth and thicken the plot.

and maybe all these other characters being casted now are for brief cameos in BvS with solo/team projects before JL: the movie.

I'm not sure anybody would know right now as it doesn't appear that WB & DC actually have a solid thought out game plan at the moment.


Where did Nuclear Man and Richard Pryor/Evil Computer even come from?
Why did they not use one of the many countless comic villains?

I don't know it's just strange. I guess the evil computer and Nuclear Man could be like one off villains from 70's , 80's superman comics. I guess it isn't too far from the material.

“@leebyBADASS_: @DAlter007 any news on what the title of Batman vs Superman is gonna be?” Justice League…

— Daniel Alter (@DAlter007) January 9, 2014

I think he said that's what he thinks it should be called, not saying that that's what it will be called.

Though the fact that they still haven't revealed a title by now is a tad suspicious.
Do we know for sure if they are going to make a new series of films with Affleck as batman? He's a big time director now, when he was announced as the new Batman, I figured they were going to treat him like Sam Jackson and have him in small roles in every DC movie.


Do we know for sure if they are going to make a new series of films with Affleck as batman? He's a big time director now, when he was announced as the new Batman, I figured they were going to treat him like Sam Jackson and have him in small roles in every DC movie.
He's rumored to having accepted the role with the condition of him directing (and starring?) the new batman trilogy.


Wasn't it revealed before that they were doing the opposite of Marvel? Justice League first and then individual movies? Or was that just rumor..

Right, but what I'm saying is that if they're going to do a Justice League movie - which they're still building towards, just with one or two movies instead of a half dozen - then they're going to announce that right from the start. They're not going to announce Batman/Superman and then, a year later, go "surprise! it's actually Justice League." That's a waste of buzz-generating time on their part.


Right, but what I'm saying is that if they're going to do a Justice League movie - which they're still building towards, just with one or two movies instead of a half dozen - then they're going to announce that right from the start. They're not going to announce Batman/Superman and then, a year later, go "surprise! it's actually Justice League." That's a waste of buzz-generating time on their part.

Exactly. The only cameo we know for sure is in the movie is Wonder Woman. It's easy to jump to conclusions when there's a hundred rumors a day but outside of the "Trinity" being in it to varying degrees we have no idea what's really going on with this movie.

It's safe to assume this isn't Justice League though because A) they already told us that's happening in 2017 and B) they would have pushed if this movie was JL right from the beginning.


I was thinking today about how Jason Momoa would be a great candidate for Kalibak if they wanted to start linking stuff to Darkseid and friends.


The working title is confirmed as being "Sage and Milo" so heads you who want to spy on the production! Logo for S&M:



well not really...yet
In all honesty id be far more interested in an actual movie called "S&M" by Zack Snyder than this


Rumor: Justice League to be released in 2016. Shot back to back with Batman/Superman a la Hobbit films, Pirates and Matrix sequels.

Latino Review

A trusted source says that the unnamed DC film that Dwayne Johnson will be working on in 2014 will, indeed, be a Justice League movie. That’s not all, though, because this has folks wondering how the JL movie can be underway in 2014, when WB/DC are in full-swing production of BvS. Well, the current thought amongst some insiders is that Batman vs Superman and Justice League are going to be shot back-to-back, ala The Hobbit films, the Pirates of The Caribbean sequels, and the latter two Matrix flicks.


To maximize everyone’s schedules. Ben Affleck is a busy man, Henry Cavill is in-demand, and Johnson is a workaholic. Not to mention Amy Adams, Laurence Fishburne, and the rest of the unannounced cast are no slouches either.

Because Batman vs Superman is going to end with an insane cliffhanger/teaser that leads right into Justice League and, like those other back-to-back productions, they want to be able to deliver the second film within a year to strike while the iron is hot. Could this very aggressive approach be how DC intends to pull the rug right out from under rival Marvel Studios? Sure could be.

This would also explain the abundance of characters we keep hearing linked to BvS, and should also soothe the fears of folks that think it’s going to be too loaded a film. In essence, all this talk of Gal Gadot’s Wonder Woman, Nightwing, Flash, Green Lantern, etc might all just be leading to a single gigantic group cameo before the credits roll, starting a fever pitch of anticipation for Justice League in 2016.

As usual, take this with a grain of salt. It’s an idea that’s been formulated using a combination of insider information and good old fashioned speculation from folks who’ve been in the game a long, long time. Not to mention, the logic seems to pan out.

More rumors in the link.

The idea is good in theory, but from what i've seen, quality is usually lost when they try this.
Im all for it. If it means we don't have to wait til 2017 for Justice League.

Also means Snyder will be at the helm of all this action, which he's the best possible fit for.

Great news for me.
Justice League movie?

I guess I'm down, but how are they going to handle the various DC shows CW are pumping out? Will they cast Arrow and Flash from their respective TV shows or pretend those don't exist ala Superman Returns and Smallville...


Im all for it. If it means we don't have to wait til 2017 for Justice League.

Also means Snyder will be at the helm of all this action, which he's the best possible fit for.

Great news for me.
Just imagine the cliffhanger that kicks this off.
Justice League movie?

I guess I'm down, but how are they going to handle the various DC shows CW are pumping out? Will they cast Arrow and Flash from their respective TV shows or pretend those don't exist ala Superman Returns and Smallville...

I haven't seen much Arrow, so I don't know how difficult it would be to tie in the CW shows. But Arrow definitely appears to have a fanbase. It'd make things easier and be a big win for everyone if they could tie those universes together.
If going by the inspiration of the dark knight returns......

- Dark Knight vs Man of Steel

Metropolis is in a time of relative peace. Lex Luther, the charismatic and enigmatic businessman has taken up the responsibility of rebuilding the destruction caused by Zod vs Superman. Millions are unhappy that Man of Steel was the cause that Zod showed up and thousands of lives were lost. Lex Luther befriends reporter Clark Kent who is curious about the global and local business ventures of Lex. Lex also starts influences Superman into working with the US government and military in which Lex has a vested interest. Superman sees this as an opportunity of creating good will and the tide of hate against Superman starts of turn as he 'takes care' of American interests abroad and at home. Bruce Wayne who is in retirement as Batman sees what is going on and realises the abuse of power by Lex, the US government through Superman. He tries to convince lex, superman and the us government as Bruce Wayne with no avail and dons the suit after years as Batman to stop Superman and make him realise he is using his power abusevily and causing more harm than good. Superman destroys Batman and Batman is left bloody and bruised as the power of good will through the manipulated ways have left Superman blind. Batman goes back to his lair and recoups and studies Superman realising that Superman has a slight weakness when exposed to low doses of Kryptonite and builds a strategy based on stealth, kryptonite and gagdets to confront superman again. What ensues is a battle where Superman for the first time realises how much damage kryptonite can do to him physically. Batman pins down Superman making him realise that he is not immortal. He shows him there are greater things than absolute power and what he is really helping Lex and the US government with. Batman introduces Superman to 'Wonder Woman' and says there are many more in this world who have the power but use it wisely to help earth when people when they really need it. As his opinion is changed, and Superman realises the error of his ways, we see Lex Building himself a suit based on Zod's suit. In the end we see Lex take on Superman in the suit and Superman forces the flight into vacant land where Batman and Wonderwoman breifly take him on until they get beaten to a pulp by Lex's suit and Superman takes on Lex into space where the fight essentially goes nuclear with mayhem, flying at speeds further than anything Superman has flown before. Superman finally defeats lex and as the suit is breaking apart, Superman takes the breaking suit and lex quickly into earths atmosphere. throwing the suit back into space and saving lex here on earth. In the end we see a ship passing the solar system near earth witnessing the fight between Lex and Suit vs Superman. The creature in the ship is intriguid by what he sees and sets a course directly to earth. The creature in the ship is Darkseid.
Rumor: Justice League to be released in 2016. Shot back to back with Batman/Superman a la Hobbit films, Pirates and Matrix sequels.

makes sense too when you think about the physique these actors have to maintain for these films. Cavill probably had to start another 6 month training session for this sequel.


The Death of Superman should be Man of Steel 3.
Yeah... To do it now would be too early. Superman needs more growth, more friends for it to have the proper impact. The ideal time for it to happen would be the ending of MoS3, which would take place after the Justice League is already a thing.

Then it'll be even better when Batman gives no fucks.
Yeah... To do it now would be too early. Superman needs more growth, more friends for it to have the proper impact. The ideal time for it to happen would be the ending of MoS3, which would take place after the Justice League is already a thing.

Then it'll be even better when Batman gives no fucks.

poor Bats missed him the most.


2 months away? Didn't shooting already start?

Anyway that idea sounds fantastic. BvS would have leave off on a great teaser for JL. I can see it now.


Yeah... To do it now would be too early. Superman needs more growth, more friends for it to have the proper impact. The ideal time for it to happen would be the ending of MoS3, which would take place after the Justice League is already a thing.

Then it'll be even better when Batman gives no fucks.

Haha, as many times as I've read that, I never noticed Batman staring off at a distance. That's amazing.


Rumor: Justice League to be released in 2016. Shot back to back with Batman/Superman a la Hobbit films, Pirates and Matrix sequels.

More rumors in the link.

The idea is good in theory, but from what i've seen, quality is usually lost when they try this.

I don't know if the Nightwing cameo would come at the end, though. Wouldn't it make more sense to have him show up early with Batman leaving Gotham to go check out Metropolis, telling Dick to "look after Gotham while he's gone", also to show that this Batman has already gone through atleast one Robin thus far? Just my speculation.

Anyways, don't know if this has been posted but via Comicbookmovie.com

LOST Star Josh Holloway Up For BATMAN VS. SUPERMAN Role


My source, General Napier, has informed me that Josh Holloway ("Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol "), who played the role of James "Sawyer" Ford in ABC's hit-television series Lost, is being "strongly" considered for a role in Zack Snyder's Batman Vs. Superman. Information about who he might be playing in the Man of Steel sequel was not provided. The 44-year-old actor is currently starring in Intelligence, which is a new prime-television series on CBS. It made its debut this past Tuesday. CBS's new drama pulled in 16.6 million viewers, making it the most-watched series premiere this season.

My guess is Metallo to compliment Lex Luthor
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