plans changed ... it will be splitHow shall we spin it so this rumor still has some legs to stand on...
into three movies!
plans changed ... it will be splitHow shall we spin it so this rumor still has some legs to stand on...
Hey, all he's confirmed is that Superman isn't in the first movie.How shall we spin it so this rumor still has some legs to stand on...
Cavill shoots down the rumor.
Ramin Setoodeh @RaminSetoodeh
Henry Cavill says he wasn't injured fighting Ben Affleck's Batman. "Are you kidding? I'm the Man of Steel." #BAFTATea
7:22 PM - 10 Jan 2015
I believe he's not Superman when in civilian clothes. He just looks completely different.
lol at you'll see
"you'll see! You'll all see!!"
Anyways, not a high bar to leap
How shall we spin it so this rumor still has some legs to stand on...
Henry Cavill says he wasn't injured fighting Ben Affleck's Batman. "Are you kidding? I'm the Man of Steel."
Henry Cavill looking good in a suit.
who would have thunk it.
Now the clicks hungry sites need to turn this into "Supes wins confirmed. DC don't know how to handle Batman"
Good. the rumor was all sort of stupid.
Now the clicks hungry sites need to turn this into "Supes wins confirmed. DC don't know how to handle Batman"
Dude need to be the next James Bond.
He was probably too young. He's at the right Bond age.Remember reading he was actually up for the part but lost it to Daniel Craig.
redhead perfection
Any of you seen this?
John Campea loses his shit over movie sites reporting that Batman v Superman was being split into 2 films.
I'm not his biggest fan but I do like when he rants.
While I totally agree with what he said... he got ANGRY lol. Damn! Might have been a bit too awkward...
Any of you seen this?
John Campea loses his shit over movie sites reporting that Batman v Superman was being split into 2 films.
I'm not his biggest fan but I do like when he rants.
KevinSmith said:I have seen the suit. I did this Man Of Steel Yahoo, fan event when the DVD came out. I was hosting Zack Snyder was there, Amy Adams, we had Henry Cavill from satellite over in the UK, and you know it was all about Man of Steel. And at one point Zack talked a little bit about the future and Batman Vs Superman, but when the show was all done, Zack was all like Kev come here, come here, and he takes me over to the corner and whips out his phone, and he shows me a picture of Batman. Live action version of Batman. A very familiar Batman, I might add. It didnt look like any of the cinematic Batmans that have ever gone before. He shows me that picture and behind Batman Superman in the suit looming in the distance. Both on a roof top kind of thing. It was on a set, a little set the put together for this photo shoot. So I was like Oh my god! Is that the suit?! The suit looks amazing! Did you get people to model it? And he goes, Thats your boy. And I look closely and its Ben Affleck wearing the suit.
Yesterday, while bullshitting about Spider-Man, an old Batman vs Superman thread from last year got brought up. It was pretty funny - but I saw this post, and got curious:
Why haven't we seen this fucking picture yet?
Bald Luthor or Bald Superman ? I think it's a race against time.
Its very likely the same shoot as the comic con teaser.
Kev made it sound like he wasn't all armored up, so idk.
So is there no DC Comics thread? I found a general comics thread and a specific Avengers comics thread but found nothing for DC specifically.
Penguin's OT
DC Cinematic Universe |OT| Superfriends with Benefits
Since someone brought up Bond earlier in the thread:
Cavill's got more hair on his head in his 2nd movie as Superman than Connery did for From Russia With Love.
It'll be fine.
Penguin's OT
DC Cinematic Universe |OT| Superfriends with Benefits
Even if it isn't fine, wigs can do a lot of work.
Still not a comic specific thread but you can pretty much talk shop about anything dc. Speaking of which
Future's endDon't understand the flak this weekly is getting, enjoying it way more than countdown. Not 52 levels of awesome, but god damn that Masked Superman reveal. Only weakness is it requires knowledge of Earth 2 to really appreciate it.
So is there no DC Comics thread? I found a general comics thread and a specific Avengers comics thread but found nothing for DC specifically.
I've been out of the comics game a long time. Only recently found the time and funds to start back up. Been working my way through from the beginning of the New 52. I have Superman Vol. 1-3, JL Vol. 1-3, Action Comics Vol. 1-2, Batman Vol. 1, Supergirl Vol. 1-3, Detective Comics Vol. 1, and Wonder Woman Vol. 1-3.
What else should I look into? I want to pick up Aquaman and Batwoman in the near future.
Am I missing anything by starting Green Arrow that far in?
I'm not sure how well Devin from Badass rep is here but I found him pretty reliable since I've started following him. He just posted some info on twitter.
One thing I found interesting was he said there isn't too many characters in the film. He says it works and does not feel overstuffed like many people believe.
They still don't get Superman as he thinks Supes makes some decisions in the film that he doesn't think the character would make.
Superman > Batman in appearance. Seems like it is a MoS sequel.
He says the plot of the movie is interesting but will feel a bit retro compared to Avengers 2.
Obviously don't highlight if you don't want to be spoiled.
At the end of the film the League is fully formed.
No Green Lantern in the film.
No Brainiac in the film.
Batman still isn't the worlds greatest detective.
The plot points are very guessable. I think the structure of the film is obvious based off the title.
I'm not sure how well Devin from Badass rep is here but I found him pretty reliable since I've started following him. He just posted some info on twitter.
One thing I found interesting was he said there isn't too many characters in the film. He says it works and does not feel overstuffed like many people believe.
They still don't get Superman as he thinks Supes makes some decisions in the film that he doesn't think the character would make.
Superman > Batman in appearance. Seems like it is a MoS sequel.
He says the plot of the movie is interesting but will feel a bit retro compared to Avengers 2.
Obviously don't highlight if you don't want to be spoiled.
At the end of the film the League is fully formed.
No Green Lantern in the film.
No Brainiac in the film.
Batman still isn't the worlds greatest detective.
The plot points are very guessable. I think the structure of the film is obvious based off the title.
Switch Green Lantern with Green Arrow.
Switch Green Lantern with Green Arrow.
A lot of people say "Superman wouldn't do that" and then get surprised when they are shown an instance of him doing it in the comics frequently. I guess it depends on the context.
And why do no credible leakers ever mention the fight? Or what the hell Wonder Woman does in the movie? It always knocks down the believability of "leaks" for me when WW is ignored.
Batman Eternal
Batwoman (Vol 1-4)
Aquaman (Vol 1-4)
Wonder Woman (Vol 1-6)
Green Arrow (start with Vol 4 onwards)
Animal Man
Forever Evil
Injustice (not tied to the rest of the canon)