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Batman vs Superman: World's Finest Three-Year Wait

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If they do, I'm looking forward to how they manage it. Seems like a nightmare of suspension of disbelief.

They're going to fight, I'd bet on it, you don't tease Batman in full armor and Superman with glowing red eyes aimed at Batman and not follow through with fisticuffs.



Gillian is hyped




Batman vs Superman is a great title in that it tells you who the film is about, sets up the theme, and has a 'fanbase vs fanbase' attitude. Dawn of Justice... it's on the nose, and feels like filler.

Hashtag Team Batman vs Hashtag Team Superman... marketing pretty much done.
I don´t buy the 2part movie rumor. But if it where to be true, i´d be fine with it.

But i can also imagine, that if it were true, the movie would end with a variation of the comic con teaser. Batman turning on the lights, superman appearing, music banging, they look at each other, credits. Ultimate tease and rage ensues. Fighting on the streets, looting, pure chaos.


I don´t buy the 2part movie rumor. But if it where to be true, i´d be fine with it.

But i can also imagine, that if it were true, the movie would end with a variation of the comic con teaser. Batman turning on the lights, superman appearing, music banging, they look at each other, credits. Ultimate tease and rage ensues. Fighting on the streets, looting, pure chaos.
... 2 billions in march
They're going to fight, I'd bet on it, you don't tease Batman in full armor and Superman with glowing red eyes aimed at Batman and not follow through with fisticuffs.

Pretty much. If they don't fight people will feel more disappointed than Cranston & Godzilla.


Super heavy spoilers
how does Doomsday fight at the same time in gotham AND metropolis? And does superman die at the end? If not, why bother with doomsday? Or are they adapting the death of superman as the justice league storyline? Is the third act going to be the typical comic book movie one? is michael shannon reprising as zombie zod/doomsday?
I'm so confused. So many questions.


Pretty much. If they don't fight people will feel more disappointed than Cranston & Godzilla.

There's also a lot of people thinking they will fight to a conclusion. Like there will be a proper winner to come out of it. One will be beaten to a pulp. Which, we all know, won't happen.
There's also a lot of people thinking they will fight to a conclusion. Like there will be a proper winner to come out of it. One will be beaten to a pulp. Which, we all know, won't happen.

Yeah I'll be surprised if there's a clear winner. Super hero fights almost always end in a draw where a bigger threat is revealed, or there's some underlying plan to explain their actions.

Super heavy spoilers
how does Doomsday fight at the same time in gotham AND metropolis? And does superman die at the end? If not, why bother with doomsday? Or are they adapting the death of superman as the justice league storyline? Is the third act going to be the typical comic book movie one? is michael shannon reprising as zombie zod/doomsday?
I'm so confused. So many questions.

Gotham and metropolis are sometimes not that far from each other, some incarnations have them within 30 mins of each other. If the villain is doomsday I can already imagine the complaining about destruction. Batman is going to have to be actively saving people in order to mitigate half the complaints. If the film already features bats ad supes fighting, Doomsday seems to be the perfect throwaway villain if he's unleashed by Lex or Brainiac to lead into Justice League.


They're going to fight, I'd bet on it, you don't tease Batman in full armor and Superman with glowing red eyes aimed at Batman and not follow through with fisticuffs.

I think there will be something and maybe Batman does get thrown about but I could see Wonder Women being the breaker when it looks like Superman is about to go all out, giving Batman the opportunity to beat him down.


Super Member
Batman V Superman is actually Batman suing Superman for destroying Bruce Wayne's satellite. To make it extra fancy they're gonna add TV graphics as if it were airing live on C-SPAN. Bill O'Reilly will debate Snapper Carr and yell over ever point Snapper is trying to make.


William Shatner wore a toupee in every single Star Trek movie, I think.

There's no rush.

There is no way Affleck's current hair is natural either. It's a non issue now in films, easily fixed, don't think Supes will have that hairline in the following film, he is losing it fast. Chris Evans wears extra hair too.
why is Devin such a raging douchebag? does he really have to stick possible spoilers in the middle of an article like that? not to mention sticking that asterisk after the movie's title every. single. time? really? how childish.
Super heavy spoilers
how does Doomsday fight at the same time in gotham AND metropolis? And does superman die at the end? If not, why bother with doomsday? Or are they adapting the death of superman as the justice league storyline? Is the third act going to be the typical comic book movie one? is michael shannon reprising as zombie zod/doomsday?
I'm so confused. So many questions.

Doubt Supes is going to die. Doomsday is a good "brute," a physical threat that doesn't require a seperate story to introduce. Would probably be unleashed by Luthor or somebody.

As for fighting in Metropolis and Gotham, think big. Think "punched into low Earth orbit in Metropolis, lands in Gotham" big.

Fucking Doomsday jesus christ. You have Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman and you don't go with Mongul for some reason

Because Mongul looks like this:

And Doomsday looks like this:

3 guesses which plays better on camera :p
  1. Mongul
  2. Mongul
  3. Not a big gray cgi spike monster thing

I was mostly kidding, but honestly, I haven't had that much experience with Mongul, but I've never been terribly impressed with either the design or the character. Doomsday strikes me as being a lot more threatening, both visually and in terms of comparative power. If they can sell the setup properly, there's a lot more potential there, IMO.
3 guesses which plays better on camera :p


Doomsday is a fine choice, I believe in saving the best for last, I don't expect Joker or Darkseid as villains until the last Batman & JLA.

In my perfect world:

JLA1 = Brainiac

MoS2 = Parasite

Batman = Hush + Clayface

JLA2 = Society of Super Villains with Black Manta introduced in Aquaman's movie, Black Adam introduced in Shazam, Luthor + Bizzaro, Captain Cold introduced in Flash, Circe from WW, Deathstroke introduced in Batman's solo movie. Ideally I'd like Sinestro too but GL's movie is after JL2 IIRC.
Cyborg is lacking in villains but I suppose they could throw in Grid.

Bat2 = Court of Owls + Owlman

MOS3 = Mongul

JLA3 = Darkseid

Bat3 = Joker + Harley

ofc I'm not suggesting we won't see joker for like 10 years, but he could have roles in other movies or work behind the scenes, like how he is in Suicide Squad, with subtle hints throughout the films.

It's really difficult to have these expectations though when half these suggestions are new concepts for a lot of people, particularly Hush and the Owls. If comic book movies have taught me anything, nobody gives a shit if the villains are new, but I suppose in the case of Batman it might be best to do 2 villains, one new and one old because everyone loves his rogue's gallery so much.
I can't imagine they're going to flesh him out that much if they have to do Doomsday as well.

there's nothing to flesh out with Doomsday at all. he's just an engine of destruction. it won't take up screen time. this is assuming of course that there even will be a Doomsday in the movie.
They have to build him up in some manner to be threatening before the big battle.

Pretty straightforward, honestly. Have Lex be "growing" him throughout the course of the movie. We don't see a lot of him, just shadows in a tank and lots of ominous dialogue. Maybe a failed "prototype" fight early on. Then, when we're approaching the climax, Supes, Bats, and WW are closing in, he says "screw it," and lets Doomsday out of his tank despite whatever restraints/loyalty programming/cosmetic touches not being done yet. Cue fight.


I saw that 'Enter the Knight' pic earlier and didn't even think it was worth sharing. Unless something changed very recently, there's no reason we wouldn't know by now that BvS is two parts. We got a film slate not too long ago, which even included Justice League Part Two. No mention of a BvS that actually happens before Dawn of Justice.
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