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Batman vs Superman: World's Finest Three-Year Wait

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Junior Member
I added some dates:




Doubt Supes is going to die. Doomsday is a good "brute," a physical threat that doesn't require a seperate story to introduce. Would probably be unleashed by Luthor or somebody.

As for fighting in Metropolis and Gotham, think big. Think "punched into low Earth orbit in Metropolis, lands in Gotham" big.

Because Mongul looks like this:

And Doomsday looks like this:

3 guesses which plays better on camera :p

Mongul can be badass.


Online Ho Champ
Doubt Supes is going to die. Doomsday is a good "brute," a physical threat that doesn't require a seperate story to introduce. Would probably be unleashed by Luthor or somebody.

As for fighting in Metropolis and Gotham, think big. Think "punched into low Earth orbit in Metropolis, lands in Gotham" big.

Because Mongul looks like this:

And Doomsday looks like this:

3 guesses which plays better on camera :p

Mongul with Keith David doing the voice overs.

Doomsday is one of the worst villains ever conceived. I'm really mad and...im like really mad *kill some green lanterns* now im really mad and that makes me stronger (no im not the hulk) and i spikes and kung fu...geezus. If they wanted to kill superman they had a long list of people that should've done it (Zod, Darkseid, Braniac, Mongul, Black Adam, Etc etc etc) not like he actually died.
Mongul with Keith David doing the voice overs.

Doomsday is one of the worst villains ever conceived. I'm really mad and...im like really mad *kill some green lanterns* now im really mad and that makes me stronger (no im not the hulk) and i spikes and kung fu...geezus. If they wanted to kill superman they had a long list of people that should've done it (Zod, Darkseid, Braniac, Mongul, Black Adam, Etc etc etc) not like he actually died.

I guess what I like about Domsday is the idea of him more than the specifics. Unstoppable because killing him only makes him stronger; in the long run, all you can really do is delay, and in the short term, you generally can't even do that.


I'm just afraid he's going to use his wormy, introvert voice. Hope not.

He was hired to play Mark Zuckerberg again. It's obvious how they're looking to characterize this version of Lex, so it should also be pretty obvious with what they're looking to Eisenberg for.
He was hired to play Mark Zuckerberg again. It's obvious how they're looking to characterize this version of Lex, so it should also be pretty obvious with what they're looking to Eisenberg for.

Wasn't there a thing floating around a while ago that this Lex was going to have a massive back tattoo? I know that was pre-Terrio, but so was the Eisenberg hiring, IRRC.


So take this with a grain of salt but I'm seeing on twitter that this movie has now been split into two parts.

First part titled, Enter the Knight is coming this October 22\3

Second is Dawn of Justice coming on the March they already announced.

News is based on a reddit user who saw the teaser. Theres an image with it.

LIke I said take it with a grain of salt but holy shit if true. Could be true considering there was a 10 month long shoot for the movie which is ridiculous.

The only releases on October 23 are Jem and The Last witch hunter. Not sure the size of those movies.

Edit: I wrote Oct 22 it was the 23, my fault. 23 is a Friday.


On the hand... we get BvS earlier... on the other we get fucking split movies which is stupid as fuck.

Hoping this is fake but megaton if true.
I'm just afraid he's going to use his wormy, introvert voice. Hope not.

My hope:

Lex pre supes = full head of hair, nerdy, stereotypical silicon valley upstart, hints of arrogance
Lex post supes = hair falling out in clumps, obsessed with Superman, hits the gym, closer to TAS Lex


Because Mongul looks like this:
Basically Mongul looks like Thanos and Darkseid.

Mongul makes moves and plans, and is the driver of one of the best Superman stories. Doomsday is a one-dimensional mindless plot device in subjectively Superman's worst publicity stunt issue.


Basically Mongul looks like Thanos and Darkseid.

Mongul makes moves and plans, and is the driver of one of the best Superman stories. Doomsday is a one-dimensional mindless plot device in subjectively Superman's worst publicity stunt issue.

If rumors are to go by, I think Terrio will redeem doomsday by making him
the revived zombie of Zod, reminder of Superman's only killing
The rumor that the movie is being split into two parts made me grimace already, but expecting the first part to come out in October? Fucking insane. I'm such a Batman fan that you'd think I'd be all for it, but not only is it massively improbable, if not impossible, it's just dumb. I'm concerned about quality as it is, and we want to drag this out into two movies? No. Less is more.

But thankfully it's never gonna happen. I will eat this biggest slice of crow pie if it happens. "I have the video on my iPhone but I'm never gonna share it, have a grainy photo instead". Fuck right off a cliff.


Basically Mongul looks like Thanos and Darkseid.

Mongul makes moves and plans, and is the driver of one of the best Superman stories. Doomsday is a one-dimensional mindless plot device in subjectively Superman's worst publicity stunt issue.
Which can be a good thing if you embrace it.

There's a great Superman movie to be made with Doomsday as the threat. His backstory is an interesting bit that can be shown in a 5-10 minute Snyder montage. Other than that, he's a mindless killing machine that doesn't need much dialogue or screen time for himself. This opens opportunity for a more intimate look at Superman and the lives he impacts, what he means to people. All of which intensifies with Doomsday looming, leveling cities, crushing birds, no-selling other superheroes and shit.


Exactly. Doomsday's roots are as a walking plot device, so it makes perfect sense to use him in that manner to service the plot. In fact, that's exactly how he was used in his first appearance in the DCAU... not as the thrust of the story but to facilitate the Justice Lords.


I would giddy like a school girl for a Doomsday movie bit not for BvS unless it's just as a set up. I think he's not good as the sole villain though. Unless it works like a team up of sorts. Doomsday kills regardless of your faction so an effort to stop him from both sides would work.
So is Doomsday the thing everybody had in spoiler tags earlier and were ragging on Faraci for openly spoiling that people are now openly spoiling?


Supposedly the studios behind Jem and Last Witch Hunter had a little freak out yesterday as they believed the rumor. Pretty funny


Honestly, Jem might not be bad counterprogramming, there.

Not that this rumor is even remotely true, of course

Well... based on the other thread

Not only is it true, but WB is stupid and terrible

And somehow copying Marvel with splitting their movies even if announced Justice League 1/2 weeks before
Man, you know nobody actually reads anything in rumor threads unless it's a direct response to their uninformed post that came 3 pages after the debunk.
So is Doomsday the thing everybody had in spoiler tags earlier and were ragging on Faraci for openly spoiling that people are now openly spoiling?

I tagged it but if what he said is true, that B&S fight in the middle half of the movie, I'm sure Doomsday will be featured in the trailers as well. Though anyone who's doing a total blackout of spoilers would do well to avoid this thread.


Man, you know nobody actually reads anything in rumor threads unless it's a direct response to their uninformed post that came 3 pages after the debunk.

Well yeah

Was gonna bump it, but then saw second to last post was still people taking it at face value with a mod-edit and the fake image in the OP so let that trash be buried in midnight GAF


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Please excuse my naivete regarding the comics but I just did some reading about Doomsday and holy crap! This guy sounds nearly indestructible. Will they be nerfing him for the movie? He sounds way too powerful.


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
is probably one of the few powerful villains in the DCU that's threatening enough to 'force' a team up to take him down.


It's more that Devin basically outlined all of the major action beats in the whole film.

I would figure that a majority of the people who read his site would know the structure of this movie. It's kinda obvious how the film is going to play out if you think about it. I think the villain was probably the biggest spoiler in his post


Please excuse my naivete regarding the comics but I just did some reading about Doomsday and holy crap! This guy sounds nearly indestructible. Will they be nerfing him for the movie? He sounds way too powerful.
Sort of... I mean he really didn't kill Superman the first time they fought.


I really expected John Campea to talk about it on AMC Movietalk but he completely ignored it... which should probably tell you how little faith he puts into that blurry picture.


I really expected John Campea to talk about it on AMC Movietalk but he completely ignored it... which should probably tell you how little faith he puts into that blurry picture.

It seems that almost everyone who may be in the know says its bunk

Batman on Film
Latino Review

The only people who WANT to believe it are.. 1)really desperate fans or 2)Marvel folks because it proves WB has no idea what it's doing


And I'm entirely open to eating crow on this whole ordeal, but i just don't see the angle.


I really expected John Campea to talk about it on AMC Movietalk but he completely ignored it... which should probably tell you how little faith he puts into that blurry picture.

He's made it clear in the past that they ignore rumors like this. He always gets annoyed when other sites take rumors and twist them into being confirmations. Movie talk not even mentioning it makes sense. It's a stance I wish other sties would take. Not ever rurmor is worth giving attention to. Especially when it seems to come out of nowhere and can be called into question right away.

I wish this had not gotten attention because it's annoying to see some people toss this up as example of WB not knowing what they're doing. Stupid rumors like this just give those people more to throw on fires they want to build.

I will say though that Campea does get on my last nerves as well when it comes to the Gal Gadot casting. I actually don't like when they talk about DC news because of this because he always finds a way to toss out an insult. This isn't to defend Gadot but it's just annoying when anyone acts like about anyone. I haven't been watching the show much lately but when I do watch I certainly enjoy the episodes when he's not there a LOT more.
Cavill shoots down the rumor.

Ramin Setoodeh @RaminSetoodeh
Henry Cavill says 'Batman v Superman' won't be split into two movies. #BAFTATea
7:21 PM - 10 Jan 2015

Ramin Setoodeh @RaminSetoodeh
Henry Cavill says Affleck is a "great" Batman. #BAFTATea
7:21 PM - 10 Jan 2015

Ramin Setoodeh @RaminSetoodeh
When asked if 'Batman V Superman' would be better than the 'Avengers,' Henry Cavill replied: "You'll see." #BAFTATea
7:36 PM - 10 Jan 2015

Ramin Setoodeh @RaminSetoodeh
Henry Cavill says he wasn't injured fighting Ben Affleck's Batman. "Are you kidding? I'm the Man of Steel." #BAFTATea
7:22 PM - 10 Jan 2015
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