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Batman vs Superman: World's Finest Three-Year Wait

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Didn't Adams pretty much say that there wouldn't be a love-triangle between Lois, Superman and Wonder Woman? I could be misremembering.

She said she didn't think they were going in that direction given that she hadn't filmed any scenes that remotely hinted at it, but that's not confirmation of whether or not they eventually will. I guess we can assume hat we will be safe from any love triangle in Batman V Superman.


I'll say it again and again. This movie will make more money than Justice League.

I expect them to "marvelize" with JL. Love triangle and "funny" Shazam/Flash included.
I'll say it again and again. This movie will make more money than Justice League.

I expect them to "marvelize" with JL. Love triangle and "funny" Shazam/Flash included.

I feel like I hear people who are equally tired with the 'dark gritty' style and the 'endless comic relief' style. Honestly, I'm not sure which style would work best for them. MArvel's style is just raking in money right now though so yes expecting them to 'Marvelize' it is reasonable.


I feel like I hear people who are equally tired with the 'dark gritty' style and the 'endless comic relief' style. Honestly, I'm not sure which style would work best for them. MArvel's style is just raking in money right now though so yes expecting them to 'Marvelize' it is reasonable.
Unless BvS makes serious bank! Here's hoping.


I feel these films can be 'gritty' and still retain a audience pleasing sense of humour. The Nolan films are seen as extremely gritty but still have some pretty funny moments.

Even the Marvel films are not non stop hijinks with the exception of GoTG which had a bit too much of that for my tastes.


I feel these films can be 'gritty' and still retain a audience pleasing sense of humour. The Nolan films are seen as extremely gritty but still have some pretty funny moments.

Even the Marvel films are not non stop hijinks with the exception of GoTG which had a bit too much of that for my tastes.

I actually have a problem with what was done in GoTG and it's why I'm not at all looking forward to or interested in Ant-man. Looking back there is to much of a comedy film in the movie and what was done at the end took me right out of the film. Personally I don't really enjoy comedy films in general. Few click with me (the ones that do have a good balance and know when to put in the jokes. Things like Rush Hour, Lethal Weapon for example are things I enjoy that have a lot of comedy in them.) and I don't actively seek out that type of film. Mainly because certain types of humor just doesn't work for me and GoTG had the type of humor that didn't at times. I actually would love to see a cut of that film that had a lot of that cut out or toned down.


I feel these films can be 'gritty' and still retain a audience pleasing sense of humour. The Nolan films are seen as extremely gritty but still have some pretty funny moments.

Even the Marvel films are not non stop hijinks with the exception of GoTG which had a bit too much of that for my tastes.

The problem is people turned it into a binary choice. Somehow the conversation shifted to "superhero movies need to be happy and cheery cause that's how the comics are" or "superhero movies need to be grounded and serious cause that's the only way they translate to live action."

The problem with both views is that they ignore history. Superhero comics have had every tone under the sun. Just look at the two characters in this movie; Batman and Superman have been serious, light, funny, ironic, dark, gritty, and everything in between. The same can be said of many other DC characters and Marvel characters. People implying there is one "superhero comic" tone often come across like they've never actually read a comic book.

As for the serious argument, the whole idea that there was this big trend of super serious comic book movies is largely a fabrication. Look at the whole history of superhero movies and there have always been lighter movies and more serious ones. The original Superman movies were followed by the darker Swamp Thing and Burton's Batman, which walked a nice line. The rather dark Blade and more serious X-Men came about the same time as Raimi's Spider-Man. The original Fantastic Four came out the same year as Batman Begins; Iron Man the same year as The Dark Knight. There was never some oppressive period where people were removing all the "color" from these films.

For DC in particular, people seem to really want to ignore the lighter films they've done. Green Lantern, Superman Returns, Catwoman, and the Schumacher Batman films were good movies by any stretch, but they do stand as a sign that WB is willing to try lighter stuff when a situation calls for it.
Dunno why people prefer one tone to the others, preferably directors will get a good amount of free rein with comic gurus like Geoff Johns throwing in some input or working on the script. I hope it is less producer driven than Marvel, each film should be able to stand on their own and not serve as some device to push toward (or tease) some future event.
Exactly, though I don't think this means they'll never go lighter again. Flash and Shazam are almost guaranteed to go that route.
Alternatively, flash can be two hours of "who killed mom, better time travel oh no the future sucks now" and shazam can be some sort of Dickensian drama where a poor orphan boy is beaten on a regular basis is given superpowers to fight evil Dwayne Johnson


All the "light" films DC has done recently have been awful, I guess that's why they feel "darker" is safer.

Personally, I'm a fan of the Losers.

and on the animated front, I dig JLA Adventures: Trapped in Time more than War/Flashpoint/Throne of Atlantis
I imagine the Shazam film will be equal parts Billy and Teth, Rock has been talking up the anti hero aspect so I think we'll be getting the back story of Black Adam via flashbacks in Kahndaq or something. Basically borrowing elements of Curse of Shazam. Billy will be a kid doing funny things with super powers and Adam will be like Zod but less "kill all humans" and more "give me the power kid or I'll kill you".

I hope we don't get a Barry origins, they should really just do Wally since Gustin has Barry covered (not that they're in the same universe, just to explore a new character). A movie with Grodd or the Rogues would be great, save Reverse Flash for later.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
I imagine the Shazam film will be equal parts Billy and Teth, Rock has been talking up the anti hero aspect so I think we'll be getting the back story of Black Adam via flashbacks in Kahndaq or something. Basically borrowing elements of Curse of Shazam. Billy will be a kid doing funny things with super powers and Adam will be like Zod but less "kill all humans" and more "give me the power kid or I'll kill you".

I hope we don't get a Barry origins, they should really just do Wally since Gustin has Barry covered (not that they're in the same universe, just to explore a new character). A movie with Grodd or the Rogues would be great, save Reverse Flash for later.
Hasn't it been confirmed that it's Barry and not Wally or am I making that up?
Hasn't it been confirmed that it's Barry and not Wally or am I making that up?

Haven't seen it confirmed anywhere, I'll be surprised if they anything cooked up as far as scripts yet, I'm pretty sure wonder woman doesn't have anything yet and she's pegged for 2017. If Geoff Johns has control I'm sure it will be Barry, he has a weird thing for Silver Age characters.
Anyone else hear that rumor from a couple days back that Michael Shannon will appear in BvS
as Doomsday

Here's the original rumor:

The article seems to be built basically on these two things:

back in November, there was this shot of Shannon hanging out with Henry Cavill near the set of Batman V Superman in Chicago:

and this

We were unable to find any specific reference to longer-term contracts for General Zod and the other Kryptonians beyond Man of Steel, but it's standard practice for these things to be three-picture deals.

Everything else is pure speculation tied to no real source of information.

So literally, comic book dot com writer russ burlingame came up with about 1000 words based on a single instagram photo and the assumption of a three-picture deal he admits he can find no reference to.
There is actually a real trick using VLC filters with a digital copy of MoS (of copy your Bluray using dvdfab or something else)

here is what you need to change.
And if someone were to say use Handbrake and its filters to make this permanent, what would those settings be?


Crashing this plane... with no survivors!
So literally, comic book dot com writer russ burlingame came up with about 1000 words based on a single instagram photo and the assumption of a three-picture deal he admits he can find no reference to.

Yeah, it sounds very unlikely to me also, but I think there is a good chance Doomsday is in the movie.


If he wasn't around doing Star Wars, think John Boyega would be a great choice

And not just because I love Attack the Block
I have no idea who this Tyrese guy is, but those are some decent photoshops (of Simon Baz sans mask). And you've got to admire his persistence.
No, I think it was longer than that.

Fake edit: Ah, here we go. Looks like it was a one-shot, elseworld kinda deal. Anyone ever read it?

that's an elseworlds though. I do remember being a kid and seeing the book on newsstands. but I didn't have enough money to buy it. :'(
that Batman Lantern made an appearance in Countdown to infinite Crisis. he was from Earth 32.
but what I was talking about was Green Lantern #9 vol 4

Hal gave Batman his ring,to try it out to see if maybe he would like to join the Green Lantern corps and maybe to analyse himself.

He put the ring on and was immediately overwhelmed by the power of the ring, seeing visions of what he was in the past through to the present.
Batman gave Hal back the ring and said“That's too much power for a human being to wield”, then he told that he "gets" Hal now or something like that. then Hal left.

It seems pretty debatable. She definitely wasn't trying to kill him,

she could have ended it there if she had wanted to

she's holding back a little

could have killed him here with her sword or crown

In supe's* favor she did have a little bit of kryptonite she used once in the fight

I think supes could take her easy without her items, but with them she is atleast equal if not able to take him out.

the other panels show her getting taken to the sun and punched back to Earth in under eight seconds when she tried to use the Kryptonite. I don't think it would have had an effect on him since he was so close to the sun and therefore extra charged.

and every time she attacked Superman he would just keep coming back.

she doesn't have the stamina Superman has so if she didn't kill him (Superman) she would be in real trouble because Max Lord was making him see Doomsday kill Lois Lane.
so after that Superman would be out for blood. she has a chance but I would say that the Martian or Marvel would rank ahead of her as far as being able to take out Superman.

Tyrese is becoming a bit scary


Reminds me of the story of the person who went to Warner Bros office in the 90s in full Catwoman costume for Batman Returns...

I really hope that if they make a GL movie that they emphasize that it's two Green Lanterns per sector that way fans of both Hal/Kyle and/or Stewart can have their Guy on screen.

I hate the material change, the last one was perfect, just needed more color, now the muscles and stuff look cartoony :(

the material looks the same to me, maybe it's the colors that's making the muscles stand out?


the material looks the same to me, maybe it's the colors that's making the muscles stand out?
It seems to be less chainmail-y.
The muscles are more defined now (look at the triceps). It also seems to be more "stiff" because it's shinier and sturdier. Look at the abs, the original suit gave the "ilussion" of a fit chainmail, the new one looks like plastic, abs and muscles are not natural anymore, they are stiff and square, ergo, the costume looks less natural.
Hal gave Batman his ring,to try it out to see if maybe he would like to join the Green Lantern corps and maybe to analyse himself.

He put the ring on and was immediately overwhelmed by the power of the ring, seeing visions of what he was in the past through to the present.
Batman gave Hal back the ring and said“That's too much power for a human being to wield”,

This makes me wonder. Has Batman ever done Lsd, mushrooms, or any other psychedelics?

Maybe some Grant Morrison?


I hate the material change, the last one was perfect, just needed more color, now the muscles and stuff look cartoony :(

It's gonna look much better in the movie, not to mention the lighting will be much better.

Yeah, the muscles are likely more pronounced on the suit so that when the various filters are applied to the film in post-production, the definition comes through. They probably felt the suit in MOS came off as a little flat.
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